
Last Updated 2024-04-30

Glassdoor Profile Reviews Data

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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Review Url Logo Company Author Title Author Location Author Country Summary Description PROs CONs Recommends Value Recommends Description Outlook Value Outlook Description CEO Review Value CEO Review Description Helpful Count Rating: Overall Rating: Work/Life Balance Rating: Culture & Values Rating: Career Opportunities Rating: Comp & Benefits Rating: Senior Management Rating: Diversity & Inclusion Company Id Company URL Advice to Management Not Helpful Count Employer Responses Employer Status Is featured? Is current job? Job Ending Year Length of Employment Company Website Company Industry Id Company Sector Id Date Added Date Updated Company Name Sector Industry
nasdaq:lmns https://www.glassdoor.com?employer_id=5679 Mar 13th, 2024 12:00AM Open Open Lumenis V&V Engineer Yoqne`am `Illit Good company Great Work-life balance. Great experience. No bonuses. And thats all. 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 APPROVE 0.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5679 Open Bonuses 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 4.0 Open Mar 16th, 2024 07:50PM Mar 16th, 2024 07:50PM Lumenis Oil & Gas Health Care Equipment & Services
nasdaq:lmns https://www.glassdoor.com?employer_id=5679 Mar 11th, 2024 12:00AM Open Open Lumenis Do not go near this company, bad company in every aspect Non , if you have another option don’t get near this company ‏Terrible company do not to get near her, Only with an interest they will keep you there ,as soon as the interest is over they will throw you away like a garbage bag, ‏An unstable company that constantly has layoffs and downsizing Their business setup is very limited, not a company where you can really develop, The management is one of the worst things in the company, they are so disconnected from the rest of the employees and the only thing that interests them is the work, and the employee is just another number and he exists only to satisfy the needs of the company. They tried to fire me when I was pregnant and when they realized it was illegal they made my life miserable and made it hell to discourage me. They used false arguments and descended into my private life. For them there are no red lines, the main thing is to get what they want. Stay away from this place as long as you can and don't join this company. A terrible and toxic company and even more terrible people -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 DISAPPROVE 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5679 Open You should do a comprehensive inspection of the company as soon as possible 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 0.0 Open Mar 12th, 2024 03:32PM Mar 12th, 2024 03:32PM Lumenis Oil & Gas Health Care Equipment & Services
nasdaq:lmns https://www.glassdoor.com?employer_id=5679 Mar 11th, 2024 12:00AM Open Open Lumenis Senior HW Engineer Vimodrone Azienda a misura d'uomo Discreta libertà nella progettazione, ambiente tranquillo, possibilità di Smart Working Azienda cresciuta molto negli ultimi anni, ma che ancora deve maturare il giusto grado di organizzazione 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 POSITIVE 0.0 NO_OPINION 0.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 5679 Open 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 2.0 Open Mar 14th, 2024 12:53PM Mar 14th, 2024 12:53PM Lumenis Oil & Gas Health Care Equipment & Services
nasdaq:lmns https://www.glassdoor.com?employer_id=5679 Feb 26th, 2024 12:00AM Open Open Lumenis Lead PLM Analyst Israel, TX Lumenis Working from home 2 days a week. Lumenis is Not a stable company 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5679 Open 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 0.0 Open Feb 28th, 2024 06:50PM Feb 28th, 2024 06:50PM Lumenis Oil & Gas Health Care Equipment & Services
nasdaq:lmns https://www.glassdoor.com?employer_id=5679 Feb 10th, 2024 12:00AM Open Open Lumenis IT Engineer Tel Aviv-Yafo Good place Good environment and people around No extra payment and bonus 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5679 Open 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 0.0 Open Feb 12th, 2024 10:10AM Feb 12th, 2024 10:10AM Lumenis Oil & Gas Health Care Equipment & Services
nasdaq:lmns https://www.glassdoor.com?employer_id=5679 Jan 31st, 2024 12:00AM Open Open Lumenis Sales Manger Dallas, TX Sales Manager Good company culture and great products comp a little low for the industry 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 APPROVE 0.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5679 Open none. management is great and very helpful 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 1.0 Open Feb 2nd, 2024 03:11PM Feb 2nd, 2024 03:11PM Lumenis Oil & Gas Health Care Equipment & Services
nasdaq:lmns https://www.glassdoor.com?employer_id=5679 Dec 28th, 2023 12:00AM Open Open Lumenis ASM (Area Sales Manager) California City, CA Glo2Facial by Geneo terrible company to work for The device is good and there is good customer support. I regret to share my disappointing experience at Glo2facial by Geneo. The company culture is overwhelmingly toxic, with an emphasis on fear as a management tool. The pervasive atmosphere of disrespect towards employees has created an uncomfortable and demoralizing workplace. From my time at Glo2facial, it became evident that fear tactics were commonly employed to control and motivate employees. This approach not only hindered creativity and collaboration but also instilled a sense of constant unease among the staff. Moreover, the level of disrespect towards employees was astonishing. Decisions were often made without consulting or considering the input of those directly affected, leading to a lack of trust and engagement. The disregard for the well-being of the workforce was palpable, impacting morale and overall job satisfaction. 8 employees resigned in a period of 7 months in the Southeast region under Stefani Silverman. Communication within the company was strained, with a noticeable absence of transparency. The leadership's failure to address and rectify the toxic culture only perpetuated the negative environment. It's disheartening to witness such a lack of empathy and concern for the mental and emotional well-being of the employees. In conclusion, my time at Glo2facial by Geneo was marked by a toxic culture that fostered fear and displayed an incredible amount of disrespect towards its employees. I would caution anyone considering employment here to thoroughly evaluate whether they are willing to endure such a detrimental work environment. -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 DISAPPROVE 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 5679 Open Turning a blind eye to their behavior risks losing valuable employees and harming the overall company culture. 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 1.0 Open Jan 3rd, 2024 05:11PM Jan 3rd, 2024 05:11PM Lumenis Oil & Gas Health Care Equipment & Services
nasdaq:lmns https://www.glassdoor.com?employer_id=5679 Dec 18th, 2023 12:00AM Open Open Lumenis Marketing Frankfurt am Main Greast colleagues, messy company Salary and traveling. you collaborate with colleagues from several regions They have no great expertise when it comes to delivery marketing strategies 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5679 Open 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 2.0 Open Dec 19th, 2023 07:03PM Dec 19th, 2023 07:03PM Lumenis Oil & Gas Health Care Equipment & Services
nasdaq:lmns https://www.glassdoor.com?employer_id=5679 Dec 8th, 2023 12:00AM Open Open Lumenis ASM (Area Sales Manager) Los Angeles, CA Good but Bad Great tech, oldest company in the space Conservative marketing strategy not a lot of new clients -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 DISAPPROVE 0.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 5679 Open 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 0.0 Open Dec 13th, 2023 11:27AM Dec 13th, 2023 11:27AM Lumenis Oil & Gas Health Care Equipment & Services
nasdaq:lmns https://www.glassdoor.com?employer_id=5679 Dec 4th, 2023 12:00AM Open Open Lumenis Sales Manager Bad Management/Sup-Par Company Had friendly teammates on the team. - Your job is never safe so stay on your toes. They are a churn-and-burn company. - Saw people get let go after 3-6 weeks of being there. Not due to performance but just because of "restructuring". - Salary is $50k and don't believe them when they tell you that you will get $3k a month your first 3 months. They sell it to you as a sign-on bonus. Don't expect to see any of it. - Commissions are awful for sales managers. They sell it to you that you will get 6-10%. You will see half that % at most. Also, you do 95% of the work. -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE 0.0 NO_OPINION 0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 5679 Open 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 1.0 Open Dec 6th, 2023 12:20PM Dec 6th, 2023 12:20PM Lumenis Oil & Gas Health Care Equipment & Services

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