Shoppers turn to discount stores for holiday shoppings. Discount stores are seeing an increase in revenues compared to last year. Dollar General, which had been successful building a discount brand in the United States, and it hits a store expansion of 12.85% within 2 years, and it's rolling out a brand Popshelf - expected to have 1,000 brick-and-mortar stores, located in high-end areas where the annual household income is as high as $125,000.
FB checkins tells the foot traffic to the stores over a period of time. By tracking the metric, we can compare for competitors such as wholesale clubs: of the past 5 years, the foot traffic to BJ's shrunk by 2.7% while for Costco it was only 0.8%. Notes: A Facebook Check In is a special type of status update that uses existing information on Facebook to locate businesses, places, and locations using your smartphone location features.
As shoppers are swiping their way to record holiday spending, they turn to a wide variety of cashback apps for rewards on "spending more". App rating count is a metric that provides a measurement of user adoption of these apps and app ratings could be used to leverage customer sentiment. From the time-series data we could easily tell how fast Ibotta has grown into the top 1 reward app among all 3 biggest.
Over the past year, DTC sportswear brands have been ahead of the pack. While within the segment, there have been winners and losers in terms of online foot traffic, (we proxy the data using web traffic per week). As revealed by the data, for example, consumer interest in the products dropped 17.8% for Allbirds, while that increased by 158.2% for LULU year over year.
BBY: was "generous" in giving more discounts to boost sales during the beginning of this COVID-19 pandemic, but it soon fell back to its average discount level. However, over the past year, the average percentage discount slowly increased by 3.3% as the company struggled to move inventory.
The map calculates the number of PopShelf Stores within 2 miles of each Five Blow store. (the bigger the bubbles the stronger the competition is) As Popshelf keeps expanding, identify the exact Five Below stores that will lose foot traffic.