NN Group

Last Updated 2024-05-17

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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Profile Url Name Website Industry Description Revenue Headquarters location CEO Rating: CEO (%) Rating: CEO Responses Count Rating: Overall Happiness: Compensation score Happiness: Support score Happiness: Purpose score Happiness: Flexibility score Happiness: Energy score Happiness: Work Happiness score Happiness: Trust score Happiness: Learning score Happiness: Belonging score Happiness: Inclusion score Happiness: Overall score Happiness: Appreciation score Happiness: Achievement score Happiness: Responses Count Review Count Ratings Responses Count Rating: Culture & Values Rating: Compensation & Benefits Rating: Job Security & Advancement Rating: Senior Management Rating: Worklife Balance Interview: Duration Responses count Interview Duration Interview: Difficulty Responses count Interview Difficulty Interview: Experience Responses count Interview Experience Work Culture: Stressful (0) to Relaxed (1) Ratio Work Culture: Slow Paced (0) to Fast Paced (1) Ratio Work Culture: Competitive (0) to Collaborative (1) Ratio Date Added Date Updated Company Name Sector Industry
ams:nn https://www.indeed.com/cmp/nn-group Aug 29th, 2022 12:00AM Open NN GROUP Financial Services At NN our purpose is to help people care for what matters most to them. The world in which we live may change, but what really matters to people remains the same. Family, friends, love, health, home and of course work. Work is an important part of your life. But you are more than just a colleague and that is something we understand very well at NN. Developing skills and competencies is not just the preserve of the world of work. You take something from all your roles in life. That is what makes everyone different. We believe that differences are what make us better and that by bringing a set of unique talents and perspectives to the table, you contribute to what really matters. We share a desire to get things done, while enjoying ourselves along the way. Together we create a culture that supports an open mindset, and independent quest for knowledge, and shared learning agility directed towards making a difference. We are all different. This diversity makes us stronger. We learn from each other and continue developing. That is what we stand for, what connects and motivates us, and what everyone can expect from us. It is no coincidence that ‘You matter’ is our promise to you. You matter, in all the roles you play because what is important to you is also important to us. RRv1_5B_10B Head office NN Group NV: Schenkkade 65 2595 AS THE HAGUE 3.80 391.00 Aug 29th, 2022 05:28PM Aug 29th, 2022 05:28PM NN Group
ams:nn https://www.indeed.com/cmp/nn-group Aug 28th, 2022 12:00AM Open NN GROUP Financial Services At NN our purpose is to help people care for what matters most to them. The world in which we live may change, but what really matters to people remains the same. Family, friends, love, health, home and of course work. Work is an important part of your life. But you are more than just a colleague and that is something we understand very well at NN. Developing skills and competencies is not just the preserve of the world of work. You take something from all your roles in life. That is what makes everyone different. We believe that differences are what make us better and that by bringing a set of unique talents and perspectives to the table, you contribute to what really matters. We share a desire to get things done, while enjoying ourselves along the way. Together we create a culture that supports an open mindset, and independent quest for knowledge, and shared learning agility directed towards making a difference. We are all different. This diversity makes us stronger. We learn from each other and continue developing. That is what we stand for, what connects and motivates us, and what everyone can expect from us. It is no coincidence that ‘You matter’ is our promise to you. You matter, in all the roles you play because what is important to you is also important to us. RRv1_5B_10B Head office NN Group NV: Schenkkade 65 2595 AS THE HAGUE 3.80 391.00 Aug 28th, 2022 12:28PM Aug 28th, 2022 12:28PM NN Group
ams:nn https://www.indeed.com/cmp/nn-group Aug 27th, 2022 12:00AM Open NN GROUP Financial Services At NN our purpose is to help people care for what matters most to them. The world in which we live may change, but what really matters to people remains the same. Family, friends, love, health, home and of course work. Work is an important part of your life. But you are more than just a colleague and that is something we understand very well at NN. Developing skills and competencies is not just the preserve of the world of work. You take something from all your roles in life. That is what makes everyone different. We believe that differences are what make us better and that by bringing a set of unique talents and perspectives to the table, you contribute to what really matters. We share a desire to get things done, while enjoying ourselves along the way. Together we create a culture that supports an open mindset, and independent quest for knowledge, and shared learning agility directed towards making a difference. We are all different. This diversity makes us stronger. We learn from each other and continue developing. That is what we stand for, what connects and motivates us, and what everyone can expect from us. It is no coincidence that ‘You matter’ is our promise to you. You matter, in all the roles you play because what is important to you is also important to us. RRv1_5B_10B Head office NN Group NV: Schenkkade 65 2595 AS THE HAGUE 3.80 391.00 Aug 27th, 2022 10:05AM Aug 27th, 2022 10:05AM NN Group
ams:nn https://www.indeed.com/cmp/nn-group Aug 25th, 2022 12:00AM Open NN GROUP Financial Services At NN our purpose is to help people care for what matters most to them. The world in which we live may change, but what really matters to people remains the same. Family, friends, love, health, home and of course work. Work is an important part of your life. But you are more than just a colleague and that is something we understand very well at NN. Developing skills and competencies is not just the preserve of the world of work. You take something from all your roles in life. That is what makes everyone different. We believe that differences are what make us better and that by bringing a set of unique talents and perspectives to the table, you contribute to what really matters. We share a desire to get things done, while enjoying ourselves along the way. Together we create a culture that supports an open mindset, and independent quest for knowledge, and shared learning agility directed towards making a difference. We are all different. This diversity makes us stronger. We learn from each other and continue developing. That is what we stand for, what connects and motivates us, and what everyone can expect from us. It is no coincidence that ‘You matter’ is our promise to you. You matter, in all the roles you play because what is important to you is also important to us. RRv1_5B_10B Head office NN Group NV: Schenkkade 65 2595 AS THE HAGUE 3.80 391.00 Aug 25th, 2022 02:28PM Aug 25th, 2022 02:28PM NN Group
ams:nn https://www.indeed.com/cmp/nn-group Aug 23rd, 2022 12:00AM Open NN GROUP Financial Services At NN our purpose is to help people care for what matters most to them. The world in which we live may change, but what really matters to people remains the same. Family, friends, love, health, home and of course work. Work is an important part of your life. But you are more than just a colleague and that is something we understand very well at NN. Developing skills and competencies is not just the preserve of the world of work. You take something from all your roles in life. That is what makes everyone different. We believe that differences are what make us better and that by bringing a set of unique talents and perspectives to the table, you contribute to what really matters. We share a desire to get things done, while enjoying ourselves along the way. Together we create a culture that supports an open mindset, and independent quest for knowledge, and shared learning agility directed towards making a difference. We are all different. This diversity makes us stronger. We learn from each other and continue developing. That is what we stand for, what connects and motivates us, and what everyone can expect from us. It is no coincidence that ‘You matter’ is our promise to you. You matter, in all the roles you play because what is important to you is also important to us. RRv1_5B_10B Head office NN Group NV: Schenkkade 65 2595 AS THE HAGUE 3.80 391.00 Aug 23rd, 2022 04:16PM Aug 23rd, 2022 04:16PM NN Group
ams:nn https://www.indeed.com/cmp/nn-group Aug 21st, 2022 12:00AM Open NN GROUP Financial Services At NN our purpose is to help people care for what matters most to them. The world in which we live may change, but what really matters to people remains the same. Family, friends, love, health, home and of course work. Work is an important part of your life. But you are more than just a colleague and that is something we understand very well at NN. Developing skills and competencies is not just the preserve of the world of work. You take something from all your roles in life. That is what makes everyone different. We believe that differences are what make us better and that by bringing a set of unique talents and perspectives to the table, you contribute to what really matters. We share a desire to get things done, while enjoying ourselves along the way. Together we create a culture that supports an open mindset, and independent quest for knowledge, and shared learning agility directed towards making a difference. We are all different. This diversity makes us stronger. We learn from each other and continue developing. That is what we stand for, what connects and motivates us, and what everyone can expect from us. It is no coincidence that ‘You matter’ is our promise to you. You matter, in all the roles you play because what is important to you is also important to us. RRv1_5B_10B Head office NN Group NV: Schenkkade 65 2595 AS THE HAGUE 3.80 391.00 Aug 21st, 2022 06:07PM Aug 21st, 2022 06:07PM NN Group
ams:nn https://www.indeed.com/cmp/nn-group Aug 20th, 2022 12:00AM Open NN GROUP Financial Services At NN our purpose is to help people care for what matters most to them. The world in which we live may change, but what really matters to people remains the same. Family, friends, love, health, home and of course work. Work is an important part of your life. But you are more than just a colleague and that is something we understand very well at NN. Developing skills and competencies is not just the preserve of the world of work. You take something from all your roles in life. That is what makes everyone different. We believe that differences are what make us better and that by bringing a set of unique talents and perspectives to the table, you contribute to what really matters. We share a desire to get things done, while enjoying ourselves along the way. Together we create a culture that supports an open mindset, and independent quest for knowledge, and shared learning agility directed towards making a difference. We are all different. This diversity makes us stronger. We learn from each other and continue developing. That is what we stand for, what connects and motivates us, and what everyone can expect from us. It is no coincidence that ‘You matter’ is our promise to you. You matter, in all the roles you play because what is important to you is also important to us. RRv1_5B_10B Head office NN Group NV: Schenkkade 65 2595 AS THE HAGUE 3.80 391.00 Aug 20th, 2022 07:47PM Aug 20th, 2022 07:47PM NN Group
ams:nn https://www.indeed.com/cmp/nn-group Aug 19th, 2022 12:00AM Open NN GROUP Financial Services At NN our purpose is to help people care for what matters most to them. The world in which we live may change, but what really matters to people remains the same. Family, friends, love, health, home and of course work. Work is an important part of your life. But you are more than just a colleague and that is something we understand very well at NN. Developing skills and competencies is not just the preserve of the world of work. You take something from all your roles in life. That is what makes everyone different. We believe that differences are what make us better and that by bringing a set of unique talents and perspectives to the table, you contribute to what really matters. We share a desire to get things done, while enjoying ourselves along the way. Together we create a culture that supports an open mindset, and independent quest for knowledge, and shared learning agility directed towards making a difference. We are all different. This diversity makes us stronger. We learn from each other and continue developing. That is what we stand for, what connects and motivates us, and what everyone can expect from us. It is no coincidence that ‘You matter’ is our promise to you. You matter, in all the roles you play because what is important to you is also important to us. RRv1_5B_10B Head office NN Group NV: Schenkkade 65 2595 AS THE HAGUE 3.80 391.00 Aug 19th, 2022 06:01PM Aug 19th, 2022 06:01PM NN Group
ams:nn https://www.indeed.com/cmp/nn-group Aug 18th, 2022 12:00AM Open NN GROUP Financial Services At NN our purpose is to help people care for what matters most to them. The world in which we live may change, but what really matters to people remains the same. Family, friends, love, health, home and of course work. Work is an important part of your life. But you are more than just a colleague and that is something we understand very well at NN. Developing skills and competencies is not just the preserve of the world of work. You take something from all your roles in life. That is what makes everyone different. We believe that differences are what make us better and that by bringing a set of unique talents and perspectives to the table, you contribute to what really matters. We share a desire to get things done, while enjoying ourselves along the way. Together we create a culture that supports an open mindset, and independent quest for knowledge, and shared learning agility directed towards making a difference. We are all different. This diversity makes us stronger. We learn from each other and continue developing. That is what we stand for, what connects and motivates us, and what everyone can expect from us. It is no coincidence that ‘You matter’ is our promise to you. You matter, in all the roles you play because what is important to you is also important to us. RRv1_5B_10B Head office NN Group NV: Schenkkade 65 2595 AS THE HAGUE 3.80 391.00 Aug 18th, 2022 10:48AM Aug 18th, 2022 10:48AM NN Group
ams:nn https://www.indeed.com/cmp/nn-group Aug 17th, 2022 12:00AM Open NN GROUP Financial Services At NN our purpose is to help people care for what matters most to them. The world in which we live may change, but what really matters to people remains the same. Family, friends, love, health, home and of course work. Work is an important part of your life. But you are more than just a colleague and that is something we understand very well at NN. Developing skills and competencies is not just the preserve of the world of work. You take something from all your roles in life. That is what makes everyone different. We believe that differences are what make us better and that by bringing a set of unique talents and perspectives to the table, you contribute to what really matters. We share a desire to get things done, while enjoying ourselves along the way. Together we create a culture that supports an open mindset, and independent quest for knowledge, and shared learning agility directed towards making a difference. We are all different. This diversity makes us stronger. We learn from each other and continue developing. That is what we stand for, what connects and motivates us, and what everyone can expect from us. It is no coincidence that ‘You matter’ is our promise to you. You matter, in all the roles you play because what is important to you is also important to us. RRv1_5B_10B Head office NN Group NV: Schenkkade 65 2595 AS THE HAGUE 3.80 391.00 Aug 17th, 2022 03:22PM Aug 17th, 2022 03:22PM NN Group

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