Spire Healthcare

Last Updated 2024-05-02

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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Profile Url Name Website Industry Description Revenue Headquarters location CEO Rating: CEO (%) Rating: CEO Responses Count Rating: Overall Happiness: Compensation score Happiness: Support score Happiness: Purpose score Happiness: Flexibility score Happiness: Energy score Happiness: Work Happiness score Happiness: Trust score Happiness: Learning score Happiness: Belonging score Happiness: Inclusion score Happiness: Overall score Happiness: Appreciation score Happiness: Achievement score Happiness: Responses Count Review Count Ratings Responses Count Rating: Culture & Values Rating: Compensation & Benefits Rating: Job Security & Advancement Rating: Senior Management Rating: Worklife Balance Interview: Duration Responses count Interview Duration Interview: Difficulty Responses count Interview Difficulty Interview: Experience Responses count Interview Experience Work Culture: Stressful (0) to Relaxed (1) Ratio Work Culture: Slow Paced (0) to Fast Paced (1) Ratio Work Culture: Competitive (0) to Collaborative (1) Ratio Date Added Date Updated Company Name Sector Industry
lon:spi https://www.indeed.com/cmp/spire-healthcare Aug 29th, 2022 12:00AM Open Spire Healthcare Healthcare Here at Spire Healthcare, caring is our passion. We have been putting patients at the heart of everything we do for over 30 years. Our people share our vision to be recognised as a world class healthcare business, and they show this by being dedicated to delivering the highest quality patient care. We know our people have a wealth of knowledge and experience, so we encourage them to work together in driving excellence and improving patient outcomes, making it an exciting and innovative place to work. Our hospitals are staffed by highly motivated teams delivering outstanding patient care. Our teams can work together with confidence in a relaxed and happy environment, knowing they can trust their colleagues to be there is they need support. We recognise that only by engaging and inspiring our employees can we deliver a high standard of quality healthcare. The dedication of our staff is reflected in the levels of satisfaction in our services expressed by both patients and consultants. Our teams focus on clinical excellence in everything they do, whilst ensuring patients have a personal, caring, positive experience. Whether you are a Nurse, Theatre Practitioner, Radiographer, Physiotherapist or Healthcare Assistant, we invest heavily in your training, and provide support on a continual basis to help you diversify your skills under expert clinical supervision and mentoring. In return for this, you will be expected to be hungry to learn and keen to share knowledge with your colleagues. Because of the wide range of clinical procedures and specialisms provided in our hospitals, no one day is likely to be the same. This means that you never stop learning, and it makes Spire an exciting, dynamic and creative place to work. Our hospitals are delivering increasingly complex and acute care, and this requires highly skilled and consistent teams. To put it simply, our people set us apart. If you want to join a team where patients come first, where you can trust your colleagues and be proud of an excellent service, come and join us! RRv1_500M_1B London, UK Justin Ash 3.10 455.00 455.00 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.70 3.10 Aug 29th, 2022 05:04PM Aug 29th, 2022 05:04PM Spire Healthcare Health Care Health Care Equipment & Services
lon:spi https://www.indeed.com/cmp/spire-healthcare Aug 28th, 2022 12:00AM Open Spire Healthcare Healthcare Here at Spire Healthcare, caring is our passion. We have been putting patients at the heart of everything we do for over 30 years. Our people share our vision to be recognised as a world class healthcare business, and they show this by being dedicated to delivering the highest quality patient care. We know our people have a wealth of knowledge and experience, so we encourage them to work together in driving excellence and improving patient outcomes, making it an exciting and innovative place to work. Our hospitals are staffed by highly motivated teams delivering outstanding patient care. Our teams can work together with confidence in a relaxed and happy environment, knowing they can trust their colleagues to be there is they need support. We recognise that only by engaging and inspiring our employees can we deliver a high standard of quality healthcare. The dedication of our staff is reflected in the levels of satisfaction in our services expressed by both patients and consultants. Our teams focus on clinical excellence in everything they do, whilst ensuring patients have a personal, caring, positive experience. Whether you are a Nurse, Theatre Practitioner, Radiographer, Physiotherapist or Healthcare Assistant, we invest heavily in your training, and provide support on a continual basis to help you diversify your skills under expert clinical supervision and mentoring. In return for this, you will be expected to be hungry to learn and keen to share knowledge with your colleagues. Because of the wide range of clinical procedures and specialisms provided in our hospitals, no one day is likely to be the same. This means that you never stop learning, and it makes Spire an exciting, dynamic and creative place to work. Our hospitals are delivering increasingly complex and acute care, and this requires highly skilled and consistent teams. To put it simply, our people set us apart. If you want to join a team where patients come first, where you can trust your colleagues and be proud of an excellent service, come and join us! RRv1_500M_1B London, UK Justin Ash 3.10 455.00 455.00 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.70 3.10 Aug 28th, 2022 12:04PM Aug 28th, 2022 12:04PM Spire Healthcare Health Care Health Care Equipment & Services
lon:spi https://www.indeed.com/cmp/spire-healthcare Aug 27th, 2022 12:00AM Open Spire Healthcare Healthcare Here at Spire Healthcare, caring is our passion. We have been putting patients at the heart of everything we do for over 30 years. Our people share our vision to be recognised as a world class healthcare business, and they show this by being dedicated to delivering the highest quality patient care. We know our people have a wealth of knowledge and experience, so we encourage them to work together in driving excellence and improving patient outcomes, making it an exciting and innovative place to work. Our hospitals are staffed by highly motivated teams delivering outstanding patient care. Our teams can work together with confidence in a relaxed and happy environment, knowing they can trust their colleagues to be there is they need support. We recognise that only by engaging and inspiring our employees can we deliver a high standard of quality healthcare. The dedication of our staff is reflected in the levels of satisfaction in our services expressed by both patients and consultants. Our teams focus on clinical excellence in everything they do, whilst ensuring patients have a personal, caring, positive experience. Whether you are a Nurse, Theatre Practitioner, Radiographer, Physiotherapist or Healthcare Assistant, we invest heavily in your training, and provide support on a continual basis to help you diversify your skills under expert clinical supervision and mentoring. In return for this, you will be expected to be hungry to learn and keen to share knowledge with your colleagues. Because of the wide range of clinical procedures and specialisms provided in our hospitals, no one day is likely to be the same. This means that you never stop learning, and it makes Spire an exciting, dynamic and creative place to work. Our hospitals are delivering increasingly complex and acute care, and this requires highly skilled and consistent teams. To put it simply, our people set us apart. If you want to join a team where patients come first, where you can trust your colleagues and be proud of an excellent service, come and join us! RRv1_500M_1B London, UK Justin Ash 3.10 455.00 455.00 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.70 3.10 Aug 27th, 2022 09:41AM Aug 27th, 2022 09:41AM Spire Healthcare Health Care Health Care Equipment & Services
lon:spi https://www.indeed.com/cmp/spire-healthcare Aug 25th, 2022 12:00AM Open Spire Healthcare Healthcare Here at Spire Healthcare, caring is our passion. We have been putting patients at the heart of everything we do for over 30 years. Our people share our vision to be recognised as a world class healthcare business, and they show this by being dedicated to delivering the highest quality patient care. We know our people have a wealth of knowledge and experience, so we encourage them to work together in driving excellence and improving patient outcomes, making it an exciting and innovative place to work. Our hospitals are staffed by highly motivated teams delivering outstanding patient care. Our teams can work together with confidence in a relaxed and happy environment, knowing they can trust their colleagues to be there is they need support. We recognise that only by engaging and inspiring our employees can we deliver a high standard of quality healthcare. The dedication of our staff is reflected in the levels of satisfaction in our services expressed by both patients and consultants. Our teams focus on clinical excellence in everything they do, whilst ensuring patients have a personal, caring, positive experience. Whether you are a Nurse, Theatre Practitioner, Radiographer, Physiotherapist or Healthcare Assistant, we invest heavily in your training, and provide support on a continual basis to help you diversify your skills under expert clinical supervision and mentoring. In return for this, you will be expected to be hungry to learn and keen to share knowledge with your colleagues. Because of the wide range of clinical procedures and specialisms provided in our hospitals, no one day is likely to be the same. This means that you never stop learning, and it makes Spire an exciting, dynamic and creative place to work. Our hospitals are delivering increasingly complex and acute care, and this requires highly skilled and consistent teams. To put it simply, our people set us apart. If you want to join a team where patients come first, where you can trust your colleagues and be proud of an excellent service, come and join us! RRv1_500M_1B London, UK Justin Ash 3.10 455.00 455.00 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.70 3.10 Aug 25th, 2022 02:04PM Aug 25th, 2022 02:04PM Spire Healthcare Health Care Health Care Equipment & Services
lon:spi https://www.indeed.com/cmp/spire-healthcare Aug 23rd, 2022 12:00AM Open Spire Healthcare Healthcare Here at Spire Healthcare, caring is our passion. We have been putting patients at the heart of everything we do for over 30 years. Our people share our vision to be recognised as a world class healthcare business, and they show this by being dedicated to delivering the highest quality patient care. We know our people have a wealth of knowledge and experience, so we encourage them to work together in driving excellence and improving patient outcomes, making it an exciting and innovative place to work. Our hospitals are staffed by highly motivated teams delivering outstanding patient care. Our teams can work together with confidence in a relaxed and happy environment, knowing they can trust their colleagues to be there is they need support. We recognise that only by engaging and inspiring our employees can we deliver a high standard of quality healthcare. The dedication of our staff is reflected in the levels of satisfaction in our services expressed by both patients and consultants. Our teams focus on clinical excellence in everything they do, whilst ensuring patients have a personal, caring, positive experience. Whether you are a Nurse, Theatre Practitioner, Radiographer, Physiotherapist or Healthcare Assistant, we invest heavily in your training, and provide support on a continual basis to help you diversify your skills under expert clinical supervision and mentoring. In return for this, you will be expected to be hungry to learn and keen to share knowledge with your colleagues. Because of the wide range of clinical procedures and specialisms provided in our hospitals, no one day is likely to be the same. This means that you never stop learning, and it makes Spire an exciting, dynamic and creative place to work. Our hospitals are delivering increasingly complex and acute care, and this requires highly skilled and consistent teams. To put it simply, our people set us apart. If you want to join a team where patients come first, where you can trust your colleagues and be proud of an excellent service, come and join us! RRv1_500M_1B London, UK Justin Ash 3.10 454.00 454.00 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.70 3.10 Aug 23rd, 2022 03:52PM Aug 23rd, 2022 03:52PM Spire Healthcare Health Care Health Care Equipment & Services
lon:spi https://www.indeed.com/cmp/spire-healthcare Aug 21st, 2022 12:00AM Open Spire Healthcare Healthcare Here at Spire Healthcare, caring is our passion. We have been putting patients at the heart of everything we do for over 30 years. Our people share our vision to be recognised as a world class healthcare business, and they show this by being dedicated to delivering the highest quality patient care. We know our people have a wealth of knowledge and experience, so we encourage them to work together in driving excellence and improving patient outcomes, making it an exciting and innovative place to work. Our hospitals are staffed by highly motivated teams delivering outstanding patient care. Our teams can work together with confidence in a relaxed and happy environment, knowing they can trust their colleagues to be there is they need support. We recognise that only by engaging and inspiring our employees can we deliver a high standard of quality healthcare. The dedication of our staff is reflected in the levels of satisfaction in our services expressed by both patients and consultants. Our teams focus on clinical excellence in everything they do, whilst ensuring patients have a personal, caring, positive experience. Whether you are a Nurse, Theatre Practitioner, Radiographer, Physiotherapist or Healthcare Assistant, we invest heavily in your training, and provide support on a continual basis to help you diversify your skills under expert clinical supervision and mentoring. In return for this, you will be expected to be hungry to learn and keen to share knowledge with your colleagues. Because of the wide range of clinical procedures and specialisms provided in our hospitals, no one day is likely to be the same. This means that you never stop learning, and it makes Spire an exciting, dynamic and creative place to work. Our hospitals are delivering increasingly complex and acute care, and this requires highly skilled and consistent teams. To put it simply, our people set us apart. If you want to join a team where patients come first, where you can trust your colleagues and be proud of an excellent service, come and join us! RRv1_500M_1B London, UK Justin Ash 3.10 454.00 454.00 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.70 3.10 Aug 21st, 2022 05:42PM Aug 21st, 2022 05:42PM Spire Healthcare Health Care Health Care Equipment & Services
lon:spi https://www.indeed.com/cmp/spire-healthcare Aug 20th, 2022 12:00AM Open Spire Healthcare Healthcare Here at Spire Healthcare, caring is our passion. We have been putting patients at the heart of everything we do for over 30 years. Our people share our vision to be recognised as a world class healthcare business, and they show this by being dedicated to delivering the highest quality patient care. We know our people have a wealth of knowledge and experience, so we encourage them to work together in driving excellence and improving patient outcomes, making it an exciting and innovative place to work. Our hospitals are staffed by highly motivated teams delivering outstanding patient care. Our teams can work together with confidence in a relaxed and happy environment, knowing they can trust their colleagues to be there is they need support. We recognise that only by engaging and inspiring our employees can we deliver a high standard of quality healthcare. The dedication of our staff is reflected in the levels of satisfaction in our services expressed by both patients and consultants. Our teams focus on clinical excellence in everything they do, whilst ensuring patients have a personal, caring, positive experience. Whether you are a Nurse, Theatre Practitioner, Radiographer, Physiotherapist or Healthcare Assistant, we invest heavily in your training, and provide support on a continual basis to help you diversify your skills under expert clinical supervision and mentoring. In return for this, you will be expected to be hungry to learn and keen to share knowledge with your colleagues. Because of the wide range of clinical procedures and specialisms provided in our hospitals, no one day is likely to be the same. This means that you never stop learning, and it makes Spire an exciting, dynamic and creative place to work. Our hospitals are delivering increasingly complex and acute care, and this requires highly skilled and consistent teams. To put it simply, our people set us apart. If you want to join a team where patients come first, where you can trust your colleagues and be proud of an excellent service, come and join us! RRv1_500M_1B London, UK Justin Ash 3.10 454.00 454.00 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.70 3.10 Aug 20th, 2022 07:23PM Aug 20th, 2022 07:23PM Spire Healthcare Health Care Health Care Equipment & Services
lon:spi https://www.indeed.com/cmp/spire-healthcare Aug 19th, 2022 12:00AM Open Spire Healthcare Healthcare Here at Spire Healthcare, caring is our passion. We have been putting patients at the heart of everything we do for over 30 years. Our people share our vision to be recognised as a world class healthcare business, and they show this by being dedicated to delivering the highest quality patient care. We know our people have a wealth of knowledge and experience, so we encourage them to work together in driving excellence and improving patient outcomes, making it an exciting and innovative place to work. Our hospitals are staffed by highly motivated teams delivering outstanding patient care. Our teams can work together with confidence in a relaxed and happy environment, knowing they can trust their colleagues to be there is they need support. We recognise that only by engaging and inspiring our employees can we deliver a high standard of quality healthcare. The dedication of our staff is reflected in the levels of satisfaction in our services expressed by both patients and consultants. Our teams focus on clinical excellence in everything they do, whilst ensuring patients have a personal, caring, positive experience. Whether you are a Nurse, Theatre Practitioner, Radiographer, Physiotherapist or Healthcare Assistant, we invest heavily in your training, and provide support on a continual basis to help you diversify your skills under expert clinical supervision and mentoring. In return for this, you will be expected to be hungry to learn and keen to share knowledge with your colleagues. Because of the wide range of clinical procedures and specialisms provided in our hospitals, no one day is likely to be the same. This means that you never stop learning, and it makes Spire an exciting, dynamic and creative place to work. Our hospitals are delivering increasingly complex and acute care, and this requires highly skilled and consistent teams. To put it simply, our people set us apart. If you want to join a team where patients come first, where you can trust your colleagues and be proud of an excellent service, come and join us! RRv1_500M_1B London, UK Justin Ash 3.10 454.00 454.00 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.70 3.10 Aug 19th, 2022 05:37PM Aug 19th, 2022 05:37PM Spire Healthcare Health Care Health Care Equipment & Services
lon:spi https://www.indeed.com/cmp/spire-healthcare Aug 18th, 2022 12:00AM Open Spire Healthcare Healthcare Here at Spire Healthcare, caring is our passion. We have been putting patients at the heart of everything we do for over 30 years. Our people share our vision to be recognised as a world class healthcare business, and they show this by being dedicated to delivering the highest quality patient care. We know our people have a wealth of knowledge and experience, so we encourage them to work together in driving excellence and improving patient outcomes, making it an exciting and innovative place to work. Our hospitals are staffed by highly motivated teams delivering outstanding patient care. Our teams can work together with confidence in a relaxed and happy environment, knowing they can trust their colleagues to be there is they need support. We recognise that only by engaging and inspiring our employees can we deliver a high standard of quality healthcare. The dedication of our staff is reflected in the levels of satisfaction in our services expressed by both patients and consultants. Our teams focus on clinical excellence in everything they do, whilst ensuring patients have a personal, caring, positive experience. Whether you are a Nurse, Theatre Practitioner, Radiographer, Physiotherapist or Healthcare Assistant, we invest heavily in your training, and provide support on a continual basis to help you diversify your skills under expert clinical supervision and mentoring. In return for this, you will be expected to be hungry to learn and keen to share knowledge with your colleagues. Because of the wide range of clinical procedures and specialisms provided in our hospitals, no one day is likely to be the same. This means that you never stop learning, and it makes Spire an exciting, dynamic and creative place to work. Our hospitals are delivering increasingly complex and acute care, and this requires highly skilled and consistent teams. To put it simply, our people set us apart. If you want to join a team where patients come first, where you can trust your colleagues and be proud of an excellent service, come and join us! RRv1_500M_1B London, UK Justin Ash 3.10 454.00 454.00 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.70 3.10 Aug 18th, 2022 10:24AM Aug 18th, 2022 10:24AM Spire Healthcare Health Care Health Care Equipment & Services
lon:spi https://www.indeed.com/cmp/spire-healthcare Aug 17th, 2022 12:00AM Open Spire Healthcare Healthcare Here at Spire Healthcare, caring is our passion. We have been putting patients at the heart of everything we do for over 30 years. Our people share our vision to be recognised as a world class healthcare business, and they show this by being dedicated to delivering the highest quality patient care. We know our people have a wealth of knowledge and experience, so we encourage them to work together in driving excellence and improving patient outcomes, making it an exciting and innovative place to work. Our hospitals are staffed by highly motivated teams delivering outstanding patient care. Our teams can work together with confidence in a relaxed and happy environment, knowing they can trust their colleagues to be there is they need support. We recognise that only by engaging and inspiring our employees can we deliver a high standard of quality healthcare. The dedication of our staff is reflected in the levels of satisfaction in our services expressed by both patients and consultants. Our teams focus on clinical excellence in everything they do, whilst ensuring patients have a personal, caring, positive experience. Whether you are a Nurse, Theatre Practitioner, Radiographer, Physiotherapist or Healthcare Assistant, we invest heavily in your training, and provide support on a continual basis to help you diversify your skills under expert clinical supervision and mentoring. In return for this, you will be expected to be hungry to learn and keen to share knowledge with your colleagues. Because of the wide range of clinical procedures and specialisms provided in our hospitals, no one day is likely to be the same. This means that you never stop learning, and it makes Spire an exciting, dynamic and creative place to work. Our hospitals are delivering increasingly complex and acute care, and this requires highly skilled and consistent teams. To put it simply, our people set us apart. If you want to join a team where patients come first, where you can trust your colleagues and be proud of an excellent service, come and join us! RRv1_500M_1B London, UK Justin Ash 3.10 454.00 454.00 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.70 3.10 Aug 17th, 2022 02:58PM Aug 17th, 2022 02:58PM Spire Healthcare Health Care Health Care Equipment & Services

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