
Last Updated 2024-05-02

Indeed Snapshot

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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Profile Url Name Website Industry Description Revenue Headquarters location CEO Rating: CEO (%) Rating: CEO Responses Count Rating: Overall Happiness: Compensation score Happiness: Support score Happiness: Purpose score Happiness: Flexibility score Happiness: Energy score Happiness: Work Happiness score Happiness: Trust score Happiness: Learning score Happiness: Belonging score Happiness: Inclusion score Happiness: Overall score Happiness: Appreciation score Happiness: Achievement score Happiness: Responses Count Review Count Ratings Responses Count Rating: Culture & Values Rating: Compensation & Benefits Rating: Job Security & Advancement Rating: Senior Management Rating: Worklife Balance Interview: Duration Responses count Interview Duration Interview: Difficulty Responses count Interview Difficulty Interview: Experience Responses count Interview Experience Work Culture: Stressful (0) to Relaxed (1) Ratio Work Culture: Slow Paced (0) to Fast Paced (1) Ratio Work Culture: Competitive (0) to Collaborative (1) Ratio Date Added Date Updated Company Name Sector Industry
nasdaq:expd https://www.indeed.com/cmp/expeditors Aug 29th, 2022 12:00AM Open Expeditors Transportation & Logistics Expeditors is a global logistics company headquartered in Seattle, Washington. As a Fortune 500 company, we employ over 14,000 trained professionals in a worldwide network of over 250 locations across six continents. Expeditors satisfies the increasingly sophisticated needs of international trade through customized solutions and seamless, integrated information systems. Our services include air and ocean freight consolidation and forwarding, vendor consolidation, customs clearance, cargo insurance, distribution and other value added logistics services. At Expeditors, we pride ourselves on being a solutions-based organization and take time to understand each customer's individual business needs. As a non-asset based organization, we have considerable flexibility when managing customers' supply chains. Due to our relationships with local suppliers and global air and ocean partners, we can provide customers with the best routing and pricing options. Our comprehensive, flexible spectrum of services is supported by leading-edge information technology that provides a high level of visibility from end to end. To maintain consistent quality and customer service across the globe, Expeditors has regional headquarters located in London, Sao Paulo, Beirut and Shanghai. At Expeditors, our industry professionals, award winning processes and globally unified systems ensure that we always live up to our promise, "You'd be surprised how far we'll go for you." RRv1_5B_10B 1015 3rd Avenue 12th Floor Seattle, WA 98104 Jeffrey S. Musser 3.50 56.0 64.0 65.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 60.0 67.0 57.0 60.0 59.0 66.0 66.0 351.0 1002 1000.00 3.40 3.30 3.40 3.10 3.20 157.00 About a day or two 168.00 MEDIUM 174.00 FAVORABLE Aug 29th, 2022 11:56AM Aug 29th, 2022 11:56AM Expeditors Industrials Industrial Transportation
nasdaq:expd https://www.indeed.com/cmp/expeditors Aug 28th, 2022 12:00AM Open Expeditors Transportation & Logistics Expeditors is a global logistics company headquartered in Seattle, Washington. As a Fortune 500 company, we employ over 14,000 trained professionals in a worldwide network of over 250 locations across six continents. Expeditors satisfies the increasingly sophisticated needs of international trade through customized solutions and seamless, integrated information systems. Our services include air and ocean freight consolidation and forwarding, vendor consolidation, customs clearance, cargo insurance, distribution and other value added logistics services. At Expeditors, we pride ourselves on being a solutions-based organization and take time to understand each customer's individual business needs. As a non-asset based organization, we have considerable flexibility when managing customers' supply chains. Due to our relationships with local suppliers and global air and ocean partners, we can provide customers with the best routing and pricing options. Our comprehensive, flexible spectrum of services is supported by leading-edge information technology that provides a high level of visibility from end to end. To maintain consistent quality and customer service across the globe, Expeditors has regional headquarters located in London, Sao Paulo, Beirut and Shanghai. At Expeditors, our industry professionals, award winning processes and globally unified systems ensure that we always live up to our promise, "You'd be surprised how far we'll go for you." RRv1_5B_10B 1015 3rd Avenue 12th Floor Seattle, WA 98104 Jeffrey S. Musser 3.50 56.0 64.0 65.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 60.0 67.0 57.0 60.0 59.0 66.0 66.0 351.0 1002 1000.00 3.40 3.30 3.40 3.10 3.20 157.00 About a day or two 168.00 MEDIUM 174.00 FAVORABLE Aug 28th, 2022 04:55AM Aug 28th, 2022 04:55AM Expeditors Industrials Industrial Transportation
nasdaq:expd https://www.indeed.com/cmp/expeditors Aug 27th, 2022 12:00AM Open Expeditors Transportation & Logistics Expeditors is a global logistics company headquartered in Seattle, Washington. As a Fortune 500 company, we employ over 14,000 trained professionals in a worldwide network of over 250 locations across six continents. Expeditors satisfies the increasingly sophisticated needs of international trade through customized solutions and seamless, integrated information systems. Our services include air and ocean freight consolidation and forwarding, vendor consolidation, customs clearance, cargo insurance, distribution and other value added logistics services. At Expeditors, we pride ourselves on being a solutions-based organization and take time to understand each customer's individual business needs. As a non-asset based organization, we have considerable flexibility when managing customers' supply chains. Due to our relationships with local suppliers and global air and ocean partners, we can provide customers with the best routing and pricing options. Our comprehensive, flexible spectrum of services is supported by leading-edge information technology that provides a high level of visibility from end to end. To maintain consistent quality and customer service across the globe, Expeditors has regional headquarters located in London, Sao Paulo, Beirut and Shanghai. At Expeditors, our industry professionals, award winning processes and globally unified systems ensure that we always live up to our promise, "You'd be surprised how far we'll go for you." RRv1_5B_10B 1015 3rd Avenue 12th Floor Seattle, WA 98104 Jeffrey S. Musser 3.50 56.0 64.0 65.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 60.0 67.0 57.0 60.0 59.0 66.0 66.0 350.0 1002 1000.00 3.40 3.30 3.40 3.10 3.20 157.00 About a day or two 168.00 MEDIUM 174.00 FAVORABLE Aug 27th, 2022 04:14AM Aug 27th, 2022 04:14AM Expeditors Industrials Industrial Transportation
nasdaq:expd https://www.indeed.com/cmp/expeditors Aug 25th, 2022 12:00AM Open Expeditors Transportation & Logistics Expeditors is a global logistics company headquartered in Seattle, Washington. As a Fortune 500 company, we employ over 14,000 trained professionals in a worldwide network of over 250 locations across six continents. Expeditors satisfies the increasingly sophisticated needs of international trade through customized solutions and seamless, integrated information systems. Our services include air and ocean freight consolidation and forwarding, vendor consolidation, customs clearance, cargo insurance, distribution and other value added logistics services. At Expeditors, we pride ourselves on being a solutions-based organization and take time to understand each customer's individual business needs. As a non-asset based organization, we have considerable flexibility when managing customers' supply chains. Due to our relationships with local suppliers and global air and ocean partners, we can provide customers with the best routing and pricing options. Our comprehensive, flexible spectrum of services is supported by leading-edge information technology that provides a high level of visibility from end to end. To maintain consistent quality and customer service across the globe, Expeditors has regional headquarters located in London, Sao Paulo, Beirut and Shanghai. At Expeditors, our industry professionals, award winning processes and globally unified systems ensure that we always live up to our promise, "You'd be surprised how far we'll go for you." RRv1_5B_10B 1015 3rd Avenue 12th Floor Seattle, WA 98104 Jeffrey S. Musser 3.50 56.0 64.0 65.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 60.0 67.0 57.0 60.0 59.0 66.0 66.0 350.0 1002 1000.00 3.40 3.30 3.40 3.10 3.20 157.00 About a day or two 168.00 MEDIUM 174.00 FAVORABLE Aug 25th, 2022 08:54AM Aug 25th, 2022 08:54AM Expeditors Industrials Industrial Transportation
nasdaq:expd https://www.indeed.com/cmp/expeditors Aug 23rd, 2022 12:00AM Open Expeditors Transportation & Logistics Expeditors is a global logistics company headquartered in Seattle, Washington. As a Fortune 500 company, we employ over 14,000 trained professionals in a worldwide network of over 250 locations across six continents. Expeditors satisfies the increasingly sophisticated needs of international trade through customized solutions and seamless, integrated information systems. Our services include air and ocean freight consolidation and forwarding, vendor consolidation, customs clearance, cargo insurance, distribution and other value added logistics services. At Expeditors, we pride ourselves on being a solutions-based organization and take time to understand each customer's individual business needs. As a non-asset based organization, we have considerable flexibility when managing customers' supply chains. Due to our relationships with local suppliers and global air and ocean partners, we can provide customers with the best routing and pricing options. Our comprehensive, flexible spectrum of services is supported by leading-edge information technology that provides a high level of visibility from end to end. To maintain consistent quality and customer service across the globe, Expeditors has regional headquarters located in London, Sao Paulo, Beirut and Shanghai. At Expeditors, our industry professionals, award winning processes and globally unified systems ensure that we always live up to our promise, "You'd be surprised how far we'll go for you." RRv1_5B_10B 1015 3rd Avenue 12th Floor Seattle, WA 98104 Jeffrey S. Musser 3.50 56.0 64.0 65.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 60.0 67.0 57.0 60.0 59.0 66.0 66.0 350.0 1002 1000.00 3.40 3.30 3.40 3.10 3.20 157.00 About a day or two 167.00 MEDIUM 174.00 FAVORABLE Aug 23rd, 2022 10:47AM Aug 23rd, 2022 10:47AM Expeditors Industrials Industrial Transportation
nasdaq:expd https://www.indeed.com/cmp/expeditors Aug 21st, 2022 12:00AM Open Expeditors Transportation & Logistics Expeditors is a global logistics company headquartered in Seattle, Washington. As a Fortune 500 company, we employ over 14,000 trained professionals in a worldwide network of over 250 locations across six continents. Expeditors satisfies the increasingly sophisticated needs of international trade through customized solutions and seamless, integrated information systems. Our services include air and ocean freight consolidation and forwarding, vendor consolidation, customs clearance, cargo insurance, distribution and other value added logistics services. At Expeditors, we pride ourselves on being a solutions-based organization and take time to understand each customer's individual business needs. As a non-asset based organization, we have considerable flexibility when managing customers' supply chains. Due to our relationships with local suppliers and global air and ocean partners, we can provide customers with the best routing and pricing options. Our comprehensive, flexible spectrum of services is supported by leading-edge information technology that provides a high level of visibility from end to end. To maintain consistent quality and customer service across the globe, Expeditors has regional headquarters located in London, Sao Paulo, Beirut and Shanghai. At Expeditors, our industry professionals, award winning processes and globally unified systems ensure that we always live up to our promise, "You'd be surprised how far we'll go for you." RRv1_5B_10B 1015 3rd Avenue 12th Floor Seattle, WA 98104 Jeffrey S. Musser 3.50 56.0 64.0 65.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 60.0 67.0 57.0 60.0 59.0 66.0 66.0 350.0 1002 1000.00 3.40 3.30 3.40 3.10 3.20 157.00 About a day or two 167.00 MEDIUM 174.00 FAVORABLE Aug 21st, 2022 12:31PM Aug 21st, 2022 12:31PM Expeditors Industrials Industrial Transportation
nasdaq:expd https://www.indeed.com/cmp/expeditors Aug 20th, 2022 12:00AM Open Expeditors Transportation & Logistics Expeditors is a global logistics company headquartered in Seattle, Washington. As a Fortune 500 company, we employ over 14,000 trained professionals in a worldwide network of over 250 locations across six continents. Expeditors satisfies the increasingly sophisticated needs of international trade through customized solutions and seamless, integrated information systems. Our services include air and ocean freight consolidation and forwarding, vendor consolidation, customs clearance, cargo insurance, distribution and other value added logistics services. At Expeditors, we pride ourselves on being a solutions-based organization and take time to understand each customer's individual business needs. As a non-asset based organization, we have considerable flexibility when managing customers' supply chains. Due to our relationships with local suppliers and global air and ocean partners, we can provide customers with the best routing and pricing options. Our comprehensive, flexible spectrum of services is supported by leading-edge information technology that provides a high level of visibility from end to end. To maintain consistent quality and customer service across the globe, Expeditors has regional headquarters located in London, Sao Paulo, Beirut and Shanghai. At Expeditors, our industry professionals, award winning processes and globally unified systems ensure that we always live up to our promise, "You'd be surprised how far we'll go for you." RRv1_5B_10B 1015 3rd Avenue 12th Floor Seattle, WA 98104 Jeffrey S. Musser 3.50 56.0 64.0 65.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 60.0 67.0 57.0 60.0 59.0 66.0 66.0 350.0 1002 1000.00 3.40 3.30 3.40 3.10 3.20 157.00 About a day or two 167.00 MEDIUM 174.00 FAVORABLE Aug 20th, 2022 02:08PM Aug 20th, 2022 02:08PM Expeditors Industrials Industrial Transportation
nasdaq:expd https://www.indeed.com/cmp/expeditors Aug 19th, 2022 12:00AM Open Expeditors Transportation & Logistics Expeditors is a global logistics company headquartered in Seattle, Washington. As a Fortune 500 company, we employ over 14,000 trained professionals in a worldwide network of over 250 locations across six continents. Expeditors satisfies the increasingly sophisticated needs of international trade through customized solutions and seamless, integrated information systems. Our services include air and ocean freight consolidation and forwarding, vendor consolidation, customs clearance, cargo insurance, distribution and other value added logistics services. At Expeditors, we pride ourselves on being a solutions-based organization and take time to understand each customer's individual business needs. As a non-asset based organization, we have considerable flexibility when managing customers' supply chains. Due to our relationships with local suppliers and global air and ocean partners, we can provide customers with the best routing and pricing options. Our comprehensive, flexible spectrum of services is supported by leading-edge information technology that provides a high level of visibility from end to end. To maintain consistent quality and customer service across the globe, Expeditors has regional headquarters located in London, Sao Paulo, Beirut and Shanghai. At Expeditors, our industry professionals, award winning processes and globally unified systems ensure that we always live up to our promise, "You'd be surprised how far we'll go for you." RRv1_5B_10B 1015 3rd Avenue 12th Floor Seattle, WA 98104 Jeffrey S. Musser 3.50 56.0 64.0 65.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 60.0 67.0 57.0 60.0 59.0 66.0 66.0 350.0 1002 1000.00 3.40 3.30 3.40 3.10 3.20 157.00 About a day or two 167.00 MEDIUM 174.00 FAVORABLE Aug 19th, 2022 12:31PM Aug 19th, 2022 12:31PM Expeditors Industrials Industrial Transportation
nasdaq:expd https://www.indeed.com/cmp/expeditors Aug 18th, 2022 12:00AM Open Expeditors Transportation & Logistics Expeditors is a global logistics company headquartered in Seattle, Washington. As a Fortune 500 company, we employ over 14,000 trained professionals in a worldwide network of over 250 locations across six continents. Expeditors satisfies the increasingly sophisticated needs of international trade through customized solutions and seamless, integrated information systems. Our services include air and ocean freight consolidation and forwarding, vendor consolidation, customs clearance, cargo insurance, distribution and other value added logistics services. At Expeditors, we pride ourselves on being a solutions-based organization and take time to understand each customer's individual business needs. As a non-asset based organization, we have considerable flexibility when managing customers' supply chains. Due to our relationships with local suppliers and global air and ocean partners, we can provide customers with the best routing and pricing options. Our comprehensive, flexible spectrum of services is supported by leading-edge information technology that provides a high level of visibility from end to end. To maintain consistent quality and customer service across the globe, Expeditors has regional headquarters located in London, Sao Paulo, Beirut and Shanghai. At Expeditors, our industry professionals, award winning processes and globally unified systems ensure that we always live up to our promise, "You'd be surprised how far we'll go for you." RRv1_5B_10B 1015 3rd Avenue 12th Floor Seattle, WA 98104 Jeffrey S. Musser 3.50 57.0 64.0 65.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 60.0 67.0 57.0 60.0 59.0 66.0 66.0 350.0 1002 1000.00 3.40 3.30 3.40 3.10 3.20 156.00 About a day or two 166.00 MEDIUM 174.00 FAVORABLE Aug 18th, 2022 04:15AM Aug 18th, 2022 04:15AM Expeditors Industrials Industrial Transportation
nasdaq:expd https://www.indeed.com/cmp/expeditors Aug 17th, 2022 12:00AM Open Expeditors Transportation & Logistics Expeditors is a global logistics company headquartered in Seattle, Washington. As a Fortune 500 company, we employ over 14,000 trained professionals in a worldwide network of over 250 locations across six continents. Expeditors satisfies the increasingly sophisticated needs of international trade through customized solutions and seamless, integrated information systems. Our services include air and ocean freight consolidation and forwarding, vendor consolidation, customs clearance, cargo insurance, distribution and other value added logistics services. At Expeditors, we pride ourselves on being a solutions-based organization and take time to understand each customer's individual business needs. As a non-asset based organization, we have considerable flexibility when managing customers' supply chains. Due to our relationships with local suppliers and global air and ocean partners, we can provide customers with the best routing and pricing options. Our comprehensive, flexible spectrum of services is supported by leading-edge information technology that provides a high level of visibility from end to end. To maintain consistent quality and customer service across the globe, Expeditors has regional headquarters located in London, Sao Paulo, Beirut and Shanghai. At Expeditors, our industry professionals, award winning processes and globally unified systems ensure that we always live up to our promise, "You'd be surprised how far we'll go for you." RRv1_5B_10B 1015 3rd Avenue 12th Floor Seattle, WA 98104 Jeffrey S. Musser 3.50 56.0 64.0 65.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 60.0 67.0 57.0 60.0 66.0 66.0 349.0 1002 1000.00 3.40 3.30 3.40 3.10 3.20 154.00 About a day or two 165.00 MEDIUM 174.00 FAVORABLE Aug 17th, 2022 09:54AM Aug 17th, 2022 09:54AM Expeditors Industrials Industrial Transportation

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