
Last Updated 2024-05-03

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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Profile Url Name Website Industry Description Revenue Headquarters location CEO Rating: CEO (%) Rating: CEO Responses Count Rating: Overall Happiness: Compensation score Happiness: Support score Happiness: Purpose score Happiness: Flexibility score Happiness: Energy score Happiness: Work Happiness score Happiness: Trust score Happiness: Learning score Happiness: Belonging score Happiness: Inclusion score Happiness: Overall score Happiness: Appreciation score Happiness: Achievement score Happiness: Responses Count Review Count Ratings Responses Count Rating: Culture & Values Rating: Compensation & Benefits Rating: Job Security & Advancement Rating: Senior Management Rating: Worklife Balance Interview: Duration Responses count Interview Duration Interview: Difficulty Responses count Interview Difficulty Interview: Experience Responses count Interview Experience Work Culture: Stressful (0) to Relaxed (1) Ratio Work Culture: Slow Paced (0) to Fast Paced (1) Ratio Work Culture: Competitive (0) to Collaborative (1) Ratio Date Added Date Updated Company Name Sector Industry
nasdaq:heps https://www.indeed.com/cmp/hepsiburada Aug 29th, 2022 12:00AM Open Hepsiburada Retail & Wholesale Hepsiburada operates as a subsidiary of Dogan Online Holding Group, Turkey’s leading internet and digital media company. The company was founded in 1998 by five people working from a studio flat in Istanbul focusing on online orders for IT hardware, driving them out to customers. Company later continued to expand its category and selection base as Hepsiburada from 2000 on. Today Hepsiburada is the largest e-commerce platform in the EEMEA region and the fastest-growing e-commerce platform in Europe, with more than 17 million different products available across more than 35 categories, ranging from clothing and beauty products, to auto supplies and electronics. Hepsiburada.com currently averages 102 million total monthly visits and 32 million unique monthly visitors from across Turkey, Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Its customers are supported by Hepsiburada's cutting-edge technological and logistical infrastructure, which brings the latest developments in last-mile delivery to its customers while empowering its vendors to take part in Turkey's burgeoning digital economy. Hepsiburada also has the largest and most advanced e-commerce operations infrastructure in Turkey, with 100,000 m2 of operational surface area at its operations center, which accommodates 250.000+ products, and shipments of over 2 million products monthly. Hepsiburada is an ardent supporter of entrepreneurs from underrepresented regions and populations. It proudly partners with woman-led companies and female vendors across Turkey to promote female entrepreneurship through opportunity, leveraging the immense reach of e-commerce to connect enterprises with markets they wouldn't otherwise have access to. Kuştepe Mah. Mecidiyeköy Yolu Cad. Trump Towers Kule 2 Kat:2 No:12 34387 Şişli/İstanbul/Turkey Murat Emirdağ 3.00 8.00 Aug 29th, 2022 12:03PM Aug 29th, 2022 12:03PM Hepsiburada
nasdaq:heps https://www.indeed.com/cmp/hepsiburada Aug 28th, 2022 12:00AM Open Hepsiburada Retail & Wholesale Hepsiburada operates as a subsidiary of Dogan Online Holding Group, Turkey’s leading internet and digital media company. The company was founded in 1998 by five people working from a studio flat in Istanbul focusing on online orders for IT hardware, driving them out to customers. Company later continued to expand its category and selection base as Hepsiburada from 2000 on. Today Hepsiburada is the largest e-commerce platform in the EEMEA region and the fastest-growing e-commerce platform in Europe, with more than 17 million different products available across more than 35 categories, ranging from clothing and beauty products, to auto supplies and electronics. Hepsiburada.com currently averages 102 million total monthly visits and 32 million unique monthly visitors from across Turkey, Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Its customers are supported by Hepsiburada's cutting-edge technological and logistical infrastructure, which brings the latest developments in last-mile delivery to its customers while empowering its vendors to take part in Turkey's burgeoning digital economy. Hepsiburada also has the largest and most advanced e-commerce operations infrastructure in Turkey, with 100,000 m2 of operational surface area at its operations center, which accommodates 250.000+ products, and shipments of over 2 million products monthly. Hepsiburada is an ardent supporter of entrepreneurs from underrepresented regions and populations. It proudly partners with woman-led companies and female vendors across Turkey to promote female entrepreneurship through opportunity, leveraging the immense reach of e-commerce to connect enterprises with markets they wouldn't otherwise have access to. Kuştepe Mah. Mecidiyeköy Yolu Cad. Trump Towers Kule 2 Kat:2 No:12 34387 Şişli/İstanbul/Turkey Murat Emirdağ 3.00 8.00 Aug 28th, 2022 05:02AM Aug 28th, 2022 05:02AM Hepsiburada
nasdaq:heps https://www.indeed.com/cmp/hepsiburada Aug 27th, 2022 12:00AM Open Hepsiburada Retail & Wholesale Hepsiburada operates as a subsidiary of Dogan Online Holding Group, Turkey’s leading internet and digital media company. The company was founded in 1998 by five people working from a studio flat in Istanbul focusing on online orders for IT hardware, driving them out to customers. Company later continued to expand its category and selection base as Hepsiburada from 2000 on. Today Hepsiburada is the largest e-commerce platform in the EEMEA region and the fastest-growing e-commerce platform in Europe, with more than 17 million different products available across more than 35 categories, ranging from clothing and beauty products, to auto supplies and electronics. Hepsiburada.com currently averages 102 million total monthly visits and 32 million unique monthly visitors from across Turkey, Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Its customers are supported by Hepsiburada's cutting-edge technological and logistical infrastructure, which brings the latest developments in last-mile delivery to its customers while empowering its vendors to take part in Turkey's burgeoning digital economy. Hepsiburada also has the largest and most advanced e-commerce operations infrastructure in Turkey, with 100,000 m2 of operational surface area at its operations center, which accommodates 250.000+ products, and shipments of over 2 million products monthly. Hepsiburada is an ardent supporter of entrepreneurs from underrepresented regions and populations. It proudly partners with woman-led companies and female vendors across Turkey to promote female entrepreneurship through opportunity, leveraging the immense reach of e-commerce to connect enterprises with markets they wouldn't otherwise have access to. Kuştepe Mah. Mecidiyeköy Yolu Cad. Trump Towers Kule 2 Kat:2 No:12 34387 Şişli/İstanbul/Turkey Murat Emirdağ 3.00 8.00 Aug 27th, 2022 04:22AM Aug 27th, 2022 04:22AM Hepsiburada
nasdaq:heps https://www.indeed.com/cmp/hepsiburada Aug 25th, 2022 12:00AM Open Hepsiburada Retail & Wholesale Hepsiburada operates as a subsidiary of Dogan Online Holding Group, Turkey’s leading internet and digital media company. The company was founded in 1998 by five people working from a studio flat in Istanbul focusing on online orders for IT hardware, driving them out to customers. Company later continued to expand its category and selection base as Hepsiburada from 2000 on. Today Hepsiburada is the largest e-commerce platform in the EEMEA region and the fastest-growing e-commerce platform in Europe, with more than 17 million different products available across more than 35 categories, ranging from clothing and beauty products, to auto supplies and electronics. Hepsiburada.com currently averages 102 million total monthly visits and 32 million unique monthly visitors from across Turkey, Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Its customers are supported by Hepsiburada's cutting-edge technological and logistical infrastructure, which brings the latest developments in last-mile delivery to its customers while empowering its vendors to take part in Turkey's burgeoning digital economy. Hepsiburada also has the largest and most advanced e-commerce operations infrastructure in Turkey, with 100,000 m2 of operational surface area at its operations center, which accommodates 250.000+ products, and shipments of over 2 million products monthly. Hepsiburada is an ardent supporter of entrepreneurs from underrepresented regions and populations. It proudly partners with woman-led companies and female vendors across Turkey to promote female entrepreneurship through opportunity, leveraging the immense reach of e-commerce to connect enterprises with markets they wouldn't otherwise have access to. Kuştepe Mah. Mecidiyeköy Yolu Cad. Trump Towers Kule 2 Kat:2 No:12 34387 Şişli/İstanbul/Turkey Murat Emirdağ 3.00 8.00 Aug 25th, 2022 09:01AM Aug 25th, 2022 09:01AM Hepsiburada
nasdaq:heps https://www.indeed.com/cmp/hepsiburada Aug 23rd, 2022 12:00AM Open Hepsiburada Retail & Wholesale Hepsiburada operates as a subsidiary of Dogan Online Holding Group, Turkey’s leading internet and digital media company. The company was founded in 1998 by five people working from a studio flat in Istanbul focusing on online orders for IT hardware, driving them out to customers. Company later continued to expand its category and selection base as Hepsiburada from 2000 on. Today Hepsiburada is the largest e-commerce platform in the EEMEA region and the fastest-growing e-commerce platform in Europe, with more than 17 million different products available across more than 35 categories, ranging from clothing and beauty products, to auto supplies and electronics. Hepsiburada.com currently averages 102 million total monthly visits and 32 million unique monthly visitors from across Turkey, Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Its customers are supported by Hepsiburada's cutting-edge technological and logistical infrastructure, which brings the latest developments in last-mile delivery to its customers while empowering its vendors to take part in Turkey's burgeoning digital economy. Hepsiburada also has the largest and most advanced e-commerce operations infrastructure in Turkey, with 100,000 m2 of operational surface area at its operations center, which accommodates 250.000+ products, and shipments of over 2 million products monthly. Hepsiburada is an ardent supporter of entrepreneurs from underrepresented regions and populations. It proudly partners with woman-led companies and female vendors across Turkey to promote female entrepreneurship through opportunity, leveraging the immense reach of e-commerce to connect enterprises with markets they wouldn't otherwise have access to. Kuştepe Mah. Mecidiyeköy Yolu Cad. Trump Towers Kule 2 Kat:2 No:12 34387 Şişli/İstanbul/Turkey Murat Emirdağ 3.00 8.00 Aug 23rd, 2022 10:55AM Aug 23rd, 2022 10:55AM Hepsiburada
nasdaq:heps https://www.indeed.com/cmp/hepsiburada Aug 21st, 2022 12:00AM Open Hepsiburada Retail & Wholesale Hepsiburada operates as a subsidiary of Dogan Online Holding Group, Turkey’s leading internet and digital media company. The company was founded in 1998 by five people working from a studio flat in Istanbul focusing on online orders for IT hardware, driving them out to customers. Company later continued to expand its category and selection base as Hepsiburada from 2000 on. Today Hepsiburada is the largest e-commerce platform in the EEMEA region and the fastest-growing e-commerce platform in Europe, with more than 17 million different products available across more than 35 categories, ranging from clothing and beauty products, to auto supplies and electronics. Hepsiburada.com currently averages 102 million total monthly visits and 32 million unique monthly visitors from across Turkey, Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Its customers are supported by Hepsiburada's cutting-edge technological and logistical infrastructure, which brings the latest developments in last-mile delivery to its customers while empowering its vendors to take part in Turkey's burgeoning digital economy. Hepsiburada also has the largest and most advanced e-commerce operations infrastructure in Turkey, with 100,000 m2 of operational surface area at its operations center, which accommodates 250.000+ products, and shipments of over 2 million products monthly. Hepsiburada is an ardent supporter of entrepreneurs from underrepresented regions and populations. It proudly partners with woman-led companies and female vendors across Turkey to promote female entrepreneurship through opportunity, leveraging the immense reach of e-commerce to connect enterprises with markets they wouldn't otherwise have access to. Kuştepe Mah. Mecidiyeköy Yolu Cad. Trump Towers Kule 2 Kat:2 No:12 34387 Şişli/İstanbul/Turkey Murat Emirdağ 3.00 8.00 Aug 21st, 2022 12:38PM Aug 21st, 2022 12:38PM Hepsiburada
nasdaq:heps https://www.indeed.com/cmp/hepsiburada Aug 20th, 2022 12:00AM Open Hepsiburada Retail & Wholesale Hepsiburada operates as a subsidiary of Dogan Online Holding Group, Turkey’s leading internet and digital media company. The company was founded in 1998 by five people working from a studio flat in Istanbul focusing on online orders for IT hardware, driving them out to customers. Company later continued to expand its category and selection base as Hepsiburada from 2000 on. Today Hepsiburada is the largest e-commerce platform in the EEMEA region and the fastest-growing e-commerce platform in Europe, with more than 17 million different products available across more than 35 categories, ranging from clothing and beauty products, to auto supplies and electronics. Hepsiburada.com currently averages 102 million total monthly visits and 32 million unique monthly visitors from across Turkey, Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Its customers are supported by Hepsiburada's cutting-edge technological and logistical infrastructure, which brings the latest developments in last-mile delivery to its customers while empowering its vendors to take part in Turkey's burgeoning digital economy. Hepsiburada also has the largest and most advanced e-commerce operations infrastructure in Turkey, with 100,000 m2 of operational surface area at its operations center, which accommodates 250.000+ products, and shipments of over 2 million products monthly. Hepsiburada is an ardent supporter of entrepreneurs from underrepresented regions and populations. It proudly partners with woman-led companies and female vendors across Turkey to promote female entrepreneurship through opportunity, leveraging the immense reach of e-commerce to connect enterprises with markets they wouldn't otherwise have access to. Kuştepe Mah. Mecidiyeköy Yolu Cad. Trump Towers Kule 2 Kat:2 No:12 34387 Şişli/İstanbul/Turkey Murat Emirdağ 3.00 8.00 Aug 20th, 2022 02:15PM Aug 20th, 2022 02:15PM Hepsiburada
nasdaq:heps https://www.indeed.com/cmp/hepsiburada Aug 19th, 2022 12:00AM Open Hepsiburada Retail & Wholesale Hepsiburada operates as a subsidiary of Dogan Online Holding Group, Turkey’s leading internet and digital media company. The company was founded in 1998 by five people working from a studio flat in Istanbul focusing on online orders for IT hardware, driving them out to customers. Company later continued to expand its category and selection base as Hepsiburada from 2000 on. Today Hepsiburada is the largest e-commerce platform in the EEMEA region and the fastest-growing e-commerce platform in Europe, with more than 17 million different products available across more than 35 categories, ranging from clothing and beauty products, to auto supplies and electronics. Hepsiburada.com currently averages 102 million total monthly visits and 32 million unique monthly visitors from across Turkey, Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Its customers are supported by Hepsiburada's cutting-edge technological and logistical infrastructure, which brings the latest developments in last-mile delivery to its customers while empowering its vendors to take part in Turkey's burgeoning digital economy. Hepsiburada also has the largest and most advanced e-commerce operations infrastructure in Turkey, with 100,000 m2 of operational surface area at its operations center, which accommodates 250.000+ products, and shipments of over 2 million products monthly. Hepsiburada is an ardent supporter of entrepreneurs from underrepresented regions and populations. It proudly partners with woman-led companies and female vendors across Turkey to promote female entrepreneurship through opportunity, leveraging the immense reach of e-commerce to connect enterprises with markets they wouldn't otherwise have access to. Kuştepe Mah. Mecidiyeköy Yolu Cad. Trump Towers Kule 2 Kat:2 No:12 34387 Şişli/İstanbul/Turkey Murat Emirdağ 3.00 8.00 Aug 19th, 2022 12:38PM Aug 19th, 2022 12:38PM Hepsiburada
nasdaq:heps https://www.indeed.com/cmp/hepsiburada Aug 18th, 2022 12:00AM Open Hepsiburada Retail & Wholesale Hepsiburada operates as a subsidiary of Dogan Online Holding Group, Turkey’s leading internet and digital media company. The company was founded in 1998 by five people working from a studio flat in Istanbul focusing on online orders for IT hardware, driving them out to customers. Company later continued to expand its category and selection base as Hepsiburada from 2000 on. Today Hepsiburada is the largest e-commerce platform in the EEMEA region and the fastest-growing e-commerce platform in Europe, with more than 17 million different products available across more than 35 categories, ranging from clothing and beauty products, to auto supplies and electronics. Hepsiburada.com currently averages 102 million total monthly visits and 32 million unique monthly visitors from across Turkey, Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Its customers are supported by Hepsiburada's cutting-edge technological and logistical infrastructure, which brings the latest developments in last-mile delivery to its customers while empowering its vendors to take part in Turkey's burgeoning digital economy. Hepsiburada also has the largest and most advanced e-commerce operations infrastructure in Turkey, with 100,000 m2 of operational surface area at its operations center, which accommodates 250.000+ products, and shipments of over 2 million products monthly. Hepsiburada is an ardent supporter of entrepreneurs from underrepresented regions and populations. It proudly partners with woman-led companies and female vendors across Turkey to promote female entrepreneurship through opportunity, leveraging the immense reach of e-commerce to connect enterprises with markets they wouldn't otherwise have access to. Kuştepe Mah. Mecidiyeköy Yolu Cad. Trump Towers Kule 2 Kat:2 No:12 34387 Şişli/İstanbul/Turkey Murat Emirdağ 3.00 8.00 Aug 18th, 2022 04:22AM Aug 18th, 2022 04:22AM Hepsiburada
nasdaq:heps https://www.indeed.com/cmp/hepsiburada Aug 17th, 2022 12:00AM Open Hepsiburada Retail & Wholesale Hepsiburada operates as a subsidiary of Dogan Online Holding Group, Turkey’s leading internet and digital media company. The company was founded in 1998 by five people working from a studio flat in Istanbul focusing on online orders for IT hardware, driving them out to customers. Company later continued to expand its category and selection base as Hepsiburada from 2000 on. Today Hepsiburada is the largest e-commerce platform in the EEMEA region and the fastest-growing e-commerce platform in Europe, with more than 17 million different products available across more than 35 categories, ranging from clothing and beauty products, to auto supplies and electronics. Hepsiburada.com currently averages 102 million total monthly visits and 32 million unique monthly visitors from across Turkey, Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Its customers are supported by Hepsiburada's cutting-edge technological and logistical infrastructure, which brings the latest developments in last-mile delivery to its customers while empowering its vendors to take part in Turkey's burgeoning digital economy. Hepsiburada also has the largest and most advanced e-commerce operations infrastructure in Turkey, with 100,000 m2 of operational surface area at its operations center, which accommodates 250.000+ products, and shipments of over 2 million products monthly. Hepsiburada is an ardent supporter of entrepreneurs from underrepresented regions and populations. It proudly partners with woman-led companies and female vendors across Turkey to promote female entrepreneurship through opportunity, leveraging the immense reach of e-commerce to connect enterprises with markets they wouldn't otherwise have access to. Kuştepe Mah. Mecidiyeköy Yolu Cad. Trump Towers Kule 2 Kat:2 No:12 34387 Şişli/İstanbul/Turkey Murat Emirdağ 3.00 8.00 Aug 17th, 2022 10:01AM Aug 17th, 2022 10:01AM Hepsiburada

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