
Last Updated 2024-04-30

Indeed Snapshot

Track Mondelez reviews on Indeed to uncover insights on employee sentiment
Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Profile Url Name Website Industry Description Revenue Headquarters location CEO Rating: CEO (%) Rating: CEO Responses Count Rating: Overall Happiness: Compensation score Happiness: Support score Happiness: Purpose score Happiness: Flexibility score Happiness: Energy score Happiness: Work Happiness score Happiness: Trust score Happiness: Learning score Happiness: Belonging score Happiness: Inclusion score Happiness: Overall score Happiness: Appreciation score Happiness: Achievement score Happiness: Responses Count Review Count Ratings Responses Count Rating: Culture & Values Rating: Compensation & Benefits Rating: Job Security & Advancement Rating: Senior Management Rating: Worklife Balance Interview: Duration Responses count Interview Duration Interview: Difficulty Responses count Interview Difficulty Interview: Experience Responses count Interview Experience Work Culture: Stressful (0) to Relaxed (1) Ratio Work Culture: Slow Paced (0) to Fast Paced (1) Ratio Work Culture: Competitive (0) to Collaborative (1) Ratio Date Added Date Updated Company Name Sector Industry
nasdaq:mdlz Aug 29th, 2022 12:00AM Open Mondelēz International Manufacturing Mondelez International manufactures and markets food and beverage products in around 165 countries across the globe. The company holds the number one biscuits, chocolate and candy market share globally and the number two global position in gum. The company's portfolio features seven billion-dollar brands, including Cadbury, Nabisco, Oreo, and Trident, and another 44 brands that each generate revenues of over $100 million. Mondelez focuses on maintaining the speed, creativity, and agility of a small company while capitalizing on the scale and resources of a global powerhouse. The health insurance is a highlight for employees at Mondelez, as is the paid vacation -- three weeks to start. The company also offers matching on 401(k) plans, and there is reportedly a gas reimbursement and a company vehicle for certain positions. Employee experiences vary widely across positions, but many like the "attractive training system, challenging environment," and "ambitious projects." Others highlight that Mondelez "invests in creative ideas and supports talented employees." However, there is some uncertainty around the "constant company restructuring," and others find that "management isn't always on the same page." RRv1_OVER_10B Deerfield, Illinois Dirk Van de Put 4.00 64.0 61.0 65.0 63.0 61.0 59.0 56.0 60.0 54.0 60.0 62.0 68.0 942.0 5092 5100 3.70 3.90 3.40 3.50 3.70 579.00 About a day or two 623.00 MEDIUM 606.00 FAVORABLE Aug 29th, 2022 12:15PM Aug 29th, 2022 12:15PM Mondelez Consumer Goods Food Producers
nasdaq:mdlz Aug 28th, 2022 12:00AM Open Mondelēz International Manufacturing Mondelez International manufactures and markets food and beverage products in around 165 countries across the globe. The company holds the number one biscuits, chocolate and candy market share globally and the number two global position in gum. The company's portfolio features seven billion-dollar brands, including Cadbury, Nabisco, Oreo, and Trident, and another 44 brands that each generate revenues of over $100 million. Mondelez focuses on maintaining the speed, creativity, and agility of a small company while capitalizing on the scale and resources of a global powerhouse. The health insurance is a highlight for employees at Mondelez, as is the paid vacation -- three weeks to start. The company also offers matching on 401(k) plans, and there is reportedly a gas reimbursement and a company vehicle for certain positions. Employee experiences vary widely across positions, but many like the "attractive training system, challenging environment," and "ambitious projects." Others highlight that Mondelez "invests in creative ideas and supports talented employees." However, there is some uncertainty around the "constant company restructuring," and others find that "management isn't always on the same page." RRv1_OVER_10B Deerfield, Illinois Dirk Van de Put 4.00 64.0 61.0 65.0 63.0 61.0 59.0 56.0 60.0 54.0 60.0 62.0 68.0 942.0 5091 5100 3.70 3.90 3.40 3.50 3.70 578.00 About a day or two 622.00 MEDIUM 606.00 FAVORABLE Aug 28th, 2022 05:14AM Aug 28th, 2022 05:14AM Mondelez Consumer Goods Food Producers
nasdaq:mdlz Aug 27th, 2022 12:00AM Open Mondelēz International Manufacturing Mondelez International manufactures and markets food and beverage products in around 165 countries across the globe. The company holds the number one biscuits, chocolate and candy market share globally and the number two global position in gum. The company's portfolio features seven billion-dollar brands, including Cadbury, Nabisco, Oreo, and Trident, and another 44 brands that each generate revenues of over $100 million. Mondelez focuses on maintaining the speed, creativity, and agility of a small company while capitalizing on the scale and resources of a global powerhouse. The health insurance is a highlight for employees at Mondelez, as is the paid vacation -- three weeks to start. The company also offers matching on 401(k) plans, and there is reportedly a gas reimbursement and a company vehicle for certain positions. Employee experiences vary widely across positions, but many like the "attractive training system, challenging environment," and "ambitious projects." Others highlight that Mondelez "invests in creative ideas and supports talented employees." However, there is some uncertainty around the "constant company restructuring," and others find that "management isn't always on the same page." RRv1_OVER_10B Deerfield, Illinois Dirk Van de Put 4.00 64.0 61.0 65.0 63.0 61.0 59.0 56.0 60.0 54.0 60.0 59.0 62.0 68.0 942.0 5090 5100 3.70 3.90 3.40 3.50 3.70 577.00 About a day or two 621.00 MEDIUM 606.00 FAVORABLE Aug 27th, 2022 04:34AM Aug 27th, 2022 04:34AM Mondelez Consumer Goods Food Producers
nasdaq:mdlz Aug 25th, 2022 12:00AM Open Mondelēz International Manufacturing Mondelez International manufactures and markets food and beverage products in around 165 countries across the globe. The company holds the number one biscuits, chocolate and candy market share globally and the number two global position in gum. The company's portfolio features seven billion-dollar brands, including Cadbury, Nabisco, Oreo, and Trident, and another 44 brands that each generate revenues of over $100 million. Mondelez focuses on maintaining the speed, creativity, and agility of a small company while capitalizing on the scale and resources of a global powerhouse. The health insurance is a highlight for employees at Mondelez, as is the paid vacation -- three weeks to start. The company also offers matching on 401(k) plans, and there is reportedly a gas reimbursement and a company vehicle for certain positions. Employee experiences vary widely across positions, but many like the "attractive training system, challenging environment," and "ambitious projects." Others highlight that Mondelez "invests in creative ideas and supports talented employees." However, there is some uncertainty around the "constant company restructuring," and others find that "management isn't always on the same page." RRv1_OVER_10B Deerfield, Illinois Dirk Van de Put 4.00 64.0 61.0 65.0 63.0 61.0 59.0 56.0 60.0 54.0 60.0 59.0 62.0 68.0 940.0 5079 5100 3.70 3.90 3.40 3.50 3.70 574.00 About a day or two 618.00 MEDIUM 604.00 FAVORABLE Aug 25th, 2022 09:13AM Aug 25th, 2022 09:13AM Mondelez Consumer Goods Food Producers
nasdaq:mdlz Aug 23rd, 2022 12:00AM Open Mondelēz International Manufacturing Mondelez International manufactures and markets food and beverage products in around 165 countries across the globe. The company holds the number one biscuits, chocolate and candy market share globally and the number two global position in gum. The company's portfolio features seven billion-dollar brands, including Cadbury, Nabisco, Oreo, and Trident, and another 44 brands that each generate revenues of over $100 million. Mondelez focuses on maintaining the speed, creativity, and agility of a small company while capitalizing on the scale and resources of a global powerhouse. The health insurance is a highlight for employees at Mondelez, as is the paid vacation -- three weeks to start. The company also offers matching on 401(k) plans, and there is reportedly a gas reimbursement and a company vehicle for certain positions. Employee experiences vary widely across positions, but many like the "attractive training system, challenging environment," and "ambitious projects." Others highlight that Mondelez "invests in creative ideas and supports talented employees." However, there is some uncertainty around the "constant company restructuring," and others find that "management isn't always on the same page." RRv1_OVER_10B Deerfield, Illinois Dirk Van de Put 4.00 64.0 61.0 65.0 63.0 61.0 59.0 56.0 60.0 54.0 60.0 59.0 62.0 68.0 940.0 5079 5100 3.70 3.90 3.40 3.50 3.70 573.00 About a day or two 615.00 MEDIUM 604.00 FAVORABLE Aug 23rd, 2022 11:06AM Aug 23rd, 2022 11:06AM Mondelez Consumer Goods Food Producers
nasdaq:mdlz Aug 21st, 2022 12:00AM Open Mondelēz International Manufacturing Mondelez International manufactures and markets food and beverage products in around 165 countries across the globe. The company holds the number one biscuits, chocolate and candy market share globally and the number two global position in gum. The company's portfolio features seven billion-dollar brands, including Cadbury, Nabisco, Oreo, and Trident, and another 44 brands that each generate revenues of over $100 million. Mondelez focuses on maintaining the speed, creativity, and agility of a small company while capitalizing on the scale and resources of a global powerhouse. The health insurance is a highlight for employees at Mondelez, as is the paid vacation -- three weeks to start. The company also offers matching on 401(k) plans, and there is reportedly a gas reimbursement and a company vehicle for certain positions. Employee experiences vary widely across positions, but many like the "attractive training system, challenging environment," and "ambitious projects." Others highlight that Mondelez "invests in creative ideas and supports talented employees." However, there is some uncertainty around the "constant company restructuring," and others find that "management isn't always on the same page." RRv1_OVER_10B Deerfield, Illinois Dirk Van de Put 4.00 64.0 61.0 65.0 63.0 61.0 59.0 56.0 60.0 55.0 60.0 62.0 68.0 938.0 5079 5100 3.70 3.90 3.40 3.50 3.70 572.00 About a day or two 614.00 MEDIUM 604.00 FAVORABLE Aug 21st, 2022 12:50PM Aug 21st, 2022 12:50PM Mondelez Consumer Goods Food Producers
nasdaq:mdlz Aug 20th, 2022 12:00AM Open Mondelēz International Manufacturing Mondelez International manufactures and markets food and beverage products in around 165 countries across the globe. The company holds the number one biscuits, chocolate and candy market share globally and the number two global position in gum. The company's portfolio features seven billion-dollar brands, including Cadbury, Nabisco, Oreo, and Trident, and another 44 brands that each generate revenues of over $100 million. Mondelez focuses on maintaining the speed, creativity, and agility of a small company while capitalizing on the scale and resources of a global powerhouse. The health insurance is a highlight for employees at Mondelez, as is the paid vacation -- three weeks to start. The company also offers matching on 401(k) plans, and there is reportedly a gas reimbursement and a company vehicle for certain positions. Employee experiences vary widely across positions, but many like the "attractive training system, challenging environment," and "ambitious projects." Others highlight that Mondelez "invests in creative ideas and supports talented employees." However, there is some uncertainty around the "constant company restructuring," and others find that "management isn't always on the same page." RRv1_OVER_10B Deerfield, Illinois Dirk Van de Put 4.00 64.0 61.0 65.0 63.0 61.0 59.0 56.0 60.0 54.0 60.0 59.0 62.0 68.0 937.0 5079 5100 3.70 3.90 3.40 3.50 3.70 571.00 About a day or two 613.00 MEDIUM 604.00 FAVORABLE Aug 20th, 2022 02:28PM Aug 20th, 2022 02:28PM Mondelez Consumer Goods Food Producers
nasdaq:mdlz Aug 19th, 2022 12:00AM Open Mondelēz International Manufacturing Mondelez International manufactures and markets food and beverage products in around 165 countries across the globe. The company holds the number one biscuits, chocolate and candy market share globally and the number two global position in gum. The company's portfolio features seven billion-dollar brands, including Cadbury, Nabisco, Oreo, and Trident, and another 44 brands that each generate revenues of over $100 million. Mondelez focuses on maintaining the speed, creativity, and agility of a small company while capitalizing on the scale and resources of a global powerhouse. The health insurance is a highlight for employees at Mondelez, as is the paid vacation -- three weeks to start. The company also offers matching on 401(k) plans, and there is reportedly a gas reimbursement and a company vehicle for certain positions. Employee experiences vary widely across positions, but many like the "attractive training system, challenging environment," and "ambitious projects." Others highlight that Mondelez "invests in creative ideas and supports talented employees." However, there is some uncertainty around the "constant company restructuring," and others find that "management isn't always on the same page." RRv1_OVER_10B Deerfield, Illinois Dirk Van de Put 4.00 64.0 61.0 65.0 63.0 61.0 59.0 56.0 60.0 54.0 60.0 59.0 62.0 68.0 937.0 5079 5100 3.70 3.90 3.40 3.50 3.70 571.00 About a day or two 613.00 MEDIUM 604.00 FAVORABLE Aug 19th, 2022 12:50PM Aug 19th, 2022 12:50PM Mondelez Consumer Goods Food Producers
nasdaq:mdlz Aug 18th, 2022 12:00AM Open Mondelēz International Manufacturing Mondelez International manufactures and markets food and beverage products in around 165 countries across the globe. The company holds the number one biscuits, chocolate and candy market share globally and the number two global position in gum. The company's portfolio features seven billion-dollar brands, including Cadbury, Nabisco, Oreo, and Trident, and another 44 brands that each generate revenues of over $100 million. Mondelez focuses on maintaining the speed, creativity, and agility of a small company while capitalizing on the scale and resources of a global powerhouse. The health insurance is a highlight for employees at Mondelez, as is the paid vacation -- three weeks to start. The company also offers matching on 401(k) plans, and there is reportedly a gas reimbursement and a company vehicle for certain positions. Employee experiences vary widely across positions, but many like the "attractive training system, challenging environment," and "ambitious projects." Others highlight that Mondelez "invests in creative ideas and supports talented employees." However, there is some uncertainty around the "constant company restructuring," and others find that "management isn't always on the same page." RRv1_OVER_10B Deerfield, Illinois Dirk Van de Put 4.00 64.0 61.0 65.0 63.0 61.0 59.0 56.0 60.0 54.0 60.0 59.0 62.0 68.0 935.0 5079 5100 3.70 3.90 3.40 3.50 3.70 569.00 About a day or two 611.00 MEDIUM 603.00 FAVORABLE Aug 18th, 2022 04:34AM Aug 18th, 2022 04:34AM Mondelez Consumer Goods Food Producers
nasdaq:mdlz Aug 17th, 2022 12:00AM Open Mondelēz International Manufacturing Mondelez International manufactures and markets food and beverage products in around 165 countries across the globe. The company holds the number one biscuits, chocolate and candy market share globally and the number two global position in gum. The company's portfolio features seven billion-dollar brands, including Cadbury, Nabisco, Oreo, and Trident, and another 44 brands that each generate revenues of over $100 million. Mondelez focuses on maintaining the speed, creativity, and agility of a small company while capitalizing on the scale and resources of a global powerhouse. The health insurance is a highlight for employees at Mondelez, as is the paid vacation -- three weeks to start. The company also offers matching on 401(k) plans, and there is reportedly a gas reimbursement and a company vehicle for certain positions. Employee experiences vary widely across positions, but many like the "attractive training system, challenging environment," and "ambitious projects." Others highlight that Mondelez "invests in creative ideas and supports talented employees." However, there is some uncertainty around the "constant company restructuring," and others find that "management isn't always on the same page." RRv1_OVER_10B Deerfield, Illinois Dirk Van de Put 4.00 64.0 61.0 65.0 63.0 61.0 59.0 56.0 60.0 54.0 60.0 59.0 62.0 68.0 935.0 5077 5100 3.70 3.90 3.40 3.50 3.70 568.00 About a day or two 610.00 MEDIUM 602.00 FAVORABLE Aug 17th, 2022 10:13AM Aug 17th, 2022 10:13AM Mondelez Consumer Goods Food Producers

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