
Last Updated 2024-05-02

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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Profile Url Name Website Industry Description Revenue Headquarters location CEO Rating: CEO (%) Rating: CEO Responses Count Rating: Overall Happiness: Compensation score Happiness: Support score Happiness: Purpose score Happiness: Flexibility score Happiness: Energy score Happiness: Work Happiness score Happiness: Trust score Happiness: Learning score Happiness: Belonging score Happiness: Inclusion score Happiness: Overall score Happiness: Appreciation score Happiness: Achievement score Happiness: Responses Count Review Count Ratings Responses Count Rating: Culture & Values Rating: Compensation & Benefits Rating: Job Security & Advancement Rating: Senior Management Rating: Worklife Balance Interview: Duration Responses count Interview Duration Interview: Difficulty Responses count Interview Difficulty Interview: Experience Responses count Interview Experience Work Culture: Stressful (0) to Relaxed (1) Ratio Work Culture: Slow Paced (0) to Fast Paced (1) Ratio Work Culture: Competitive (0) to Collaborative (1) Ratio Date Added Date Updated Company Name Sector Industry
nyse:aee Aug 29th, 2022 12:00AM Open Ameren Energy, Mining & Utilities Ameren provides the power that makes much of the American Midwest run. The holding company distributes electricity to 2.4 million customers and natural gas to 900,000 customers in Missouri and Illinois through utility subsidiaries. Ameren has a generating capacity of 16,000 MW (primarily coal-fired), most of which is controlled by utility Union Electric (which does business as Ameren Missouri) and nonregulated subsidiary AmerenEnergy Resources Generating Company. Ameren, which also supplies merchant generation power to third parties, operates a nuclear power facility, three hydroelectric plants, and several coal-fired plants and turbine combustion facilities. It also purchases power, including windpower. Operations In addition to operating power plants, Ameren procures natural gas for its affiliated companies, builds new power plants, and provides long-term energy supply contracts. It also markets and trades electricity to wholesale and retail customers and provides risk management and other energy-related services. Financial Analysis Ameren's overall revenues dipped in 2011. While increased rates helped to lift Ameren Missouri's revenues in 2011, Ameren Illinois' regulated segment and the merchant generation segment both reported a drop in revenues. In particular, low gas prices and a warm winter hurt gas revenues. However, lower purchased power and resale gas, coupled with a drop in goodwill, impairment, and other charges, helped to lift Ameren's net income for the year. Favorable weather conditions (which increased energy demand) and rate increases help to lift the company's revenues in 2010. However, impairment of goodwill, intangible assets, and long-lived assets in the merchant generation segment (due to the sustained decline in market prices for electricity) dragged down Ameren's operating income. Strategy In 2010 the company combined AmerenIP, AmerenCIPS, and AmerenCILCO into one entity, Ameren Illinois, in order to streamline operations and reduce confusion among customers. The three Illinois utilities have operated as a single business since 2004 and deliver energy to more than 1,100 communities. Ameren Illinois also operates some 21,400 miles of natural gas distribution and transmission lines. To comply with federal requirements to separate ownership of power generation and transmission businesses, the operations of Ameren subsidiaries' transmission assets are under the control ofMidwest Independent Transmission System Operator, a regional transmission organization that coordinates power across 15 Midwestern states and one Canadian Province.  RRv1_5B_10B 1901 Chouteau Ave. St. Louis MO, United States 63103 Warner L. Baxter 3.60 70.0 66.0 68.0 64.0 60.0 61.0 59.0 70.0 59.0 59.0 61.0 65.0 69.0 130.0 250.00 250.00 3.40 4.00 3.30 3.20 3.50 56.00 About a month 64.00 MEDIUM 60.00 FAVORABLE Aug 29th, 2022 12:53PM Aug 29th, 2022 12:53PM Ameren Utilities Gas, Water & Multi-utilities
nyse:aee Aug 28th, 2022 12:00AM Open Ameren Energy, Mining & Utilities Ameren provides the power that makes much of the American Midwest run. The holding company distributes electricity to 2.4 million customers and natural gas to 900,000 customers in Missouri and Illinois through utility subsidiaries. Ameren has a generating capacity of 16,000 MW (primarily coal-fired), most of which is controlled by utility Union Electric (which does business as Ameren Missouri) and nonregulated subsidiary AmerenEnergy Resources Generating Company. Ameren, which also supplies merchant generation power to third parties, operates a nuclear power facility, three hydroelectric plants, and several coal-fired plants and turbine combustion facilities. It also purchases power, including windpower. Operations In addition to operating power plants, Ameren procures natural gas for its affiliated companies, builds new power plants, and provides long-term energy supply contracts. It also markets and trades electricity to wholesale and retail customers and provides risk management and other energy-related services. Financial Analysis Ameren's overall revenues dipped in 2011. While increased rates helped to lift Ameren Missouri's revenues in 2011, Ameren Illinois' regulated segment and the merchant generation segment both reported a drop in revenues. In particular, low gas prices and a warm winter hurt gas revenues. However, lower purchased power and resale gas, coupled with a drop in goodwill, impairment, and other charges, helped to lift Ameren's net income for the year. Favorable weather conditions (which increased energy demand) and rate increases help to lift the company's revenues in 2010. However, impairment of goodwill, intangible assets, and long-lived assets in the merchant generation segment (due to the sustained decline in market prices for electricity) dragged down Ameren's operating income. Strategy In 2010 the company combined AmerenIP, AmerenCIPS, and AmerenCILCO into one entity, Ameren Illinois, in order to streamline operations and reduce confusion among customers. The three Illinois utilities have operated as a single business since 2004 and deliver energy to more than 1,100 communities. Ameren Illinois also operates some 21,400 miles of natural gas distribution and transmission lines. To comply with federal requirements to separate ownership of power generation and transmission businesses, the operations of Ameren subsidiaries' transmission assets are under the control ofMidwest Independent Transmission System Operator, a regional transmission organization that coordinates power across 15 Midwestern states and one Canadian Province.  RRv1_5B_10B 1901 Chouteau Ave. St. Louis MO, United States 63103 Warner L. Baxter 3.60 70.0 66.0 68.0 64.0 60.0 61.0 59.0 70.0 59.0 59.0 61.0 65.0 69.0 130.0 250.00 250.00 3.40 4.00 3.30 3.20 3.50 56.00 About a month 64.00 MEDIUM 60.00 FAVORABLE Aug 28th, 2022 05:53AM Aug 28th, 2022 05:53AM Ameren Utilities Gas, Water & Multi-utilities
nyse:aee Aug 27th, 2022 12:00AM Open Ameren Energy, Mining & Utilities Ameren provides the power that makes much of the American Midwest run. The holding company distributes electricity to 2.4 million customers and natural gas to 900,000 customers in Missouri and Illinois through utility subsidiaries. Ameren has a generating capacity of 16,000 MW (primarily coal-fired), most of which is controlled by utility Union Electric (which does business as Ameren Missouri) and nonregulated subsidiary AmerenEnergy Resources Generating Company. Ameren, which also supplies merchant generation power to third parties, operates a nuclear power facility, three hydroelectric plants, and several coal-fired plants and turbine combustion facilities. It also purchases power, including windpower. Operations In addition to operating power plants, Ameren procures natural gas for its affiliated companies, builds new power plants, and provides long-term energy supply contracts. It also markets and trades electricity to wholesale and retail customers and provides risk management and other energy-related services. Financial Analysis Ameren's overall revenues dipped in 2011. While increased rates helped to lift Ameren Missouri's revenues in 2011, Ameren Illinois' regulated segment and the merchant generation segment both reported a drop in revenues. In particular, low gas prices and a warm winter hurt gas revenues. However, lower purchased power and resale gas, coupled with a drop in goodwill, impairment, and other charges, helped to lift Ameren's net income for the year. Favorable weather conditions (which increased energy demand) and rate increases help to lift the company's revenues in 2010. However, impairment of goodwill, intangible assets, and long-lived assets in the merchant generation segment (due to the sustained decline in market prices for electricity) dragged down Ameren's operating income. Strategy In 2010 the company combined AmerenIP, AmerenCIPS, and AmerenCILCO into one entity, Ameren Illinois, in order to streamline operations and reduce confusion among customers. The three Illinois utilities have operated as a single business since 2004 and deliver energy to more than 1,100 communities. Ameren Illinois also operates some 21,400 miles of natural gas distribution and transmission lines. To comply with federal requirements to separate ownership of power generation and transmission businesses, the operations of Ameren subsidiaries' transmission assets are under the control ofMidwest Independent Transmission System Operator, a regional transmission organization that coordinates power across 15 Midwestern states and one Canadian Province.  RRv1_5B_10B 1901 Chouteau Ave. St. Louis MO, United States 63103 Warner L. Baxter 3.60 70.0 66.0 68.0 64.0 60.0 61.0 59.0 70.0 59.0 59.0 65.0 69.0 130.0 250.00 250.00 3.40 4.00 3.30 3.20 3.50 55.00 About a month 64.00 MEDIUM 60.00 FAVORABLE Aug 27th, 2022 05:14AM Aug 27th, 2022 05:14AM Ameren Utilities Gas, Water & Multi-utilities
nyse:aee Aug 25th, 2022 12:00AM Open Ameren Energy, Mining & Utilities Ameren provides the power that makes much of the American Midwest run. The holding company distributes electricity to 2.4 million customers and natural gas to 900,000 customers in Missouri and Illinois through utility subsidiaries. Ameren has a generating capacity of 16,000 MW (primarily coal-fired), most of which is controlled by utility Union Electric (which does business as Ameren Missouri) and nonregulated subsidiary AmerenEnergy Resources Generating Company. Ameren, which also supplies merchant generation power to third parties, operates a nuclear power facility, three hydroelectric plants, and several coal-fired plants and turbine combustion facilities. It also purchases power, including windpower. Operations In addition to operating power plants, Ameren procures natural gas for its affiliated companies, builds new power plants, and provides long-term energy supply contracts. It also markets and trades electricity to wholesale and retail customers and provides risk management and other energy-related services. Financial Analysis Ameren's overall revenues dipped in 2011. While increased rates helped to lift Ameren Missouri's revenues in 2011, Ameren Illinois' regulated segment and the merchant generation segment both reported a drop in revenues. In particular, low gas prices and a warm winter hurt gas revenues. However, lower purchased power and resale gas, coupled with a drop in goodwill, impairment, and other charges, helped to lift Ameren's net income for the year. Favorable weather conditions (which increased energy demand) and rate increases help to lift the company's revenues in 2010. However, impairment of goodwill, intangible assets, and long-lived assets in the merchant generation segment (due to the sustained decline in market prices for electricity) dragged down Ameren's operating income. Strategy In 2010 the company combined AmerenIP, AmerenCIPS, and AmerenCILCO into one entity, Ameren Illinois, in order to streamline operations and reduce confusion among customers. The three Illinois utilities have operated as a single business since 2004 and deliver energy to more than 1,100 communities. Ameren Illinois also operates some 21,400 miles of natural gas distribution and transmission lines. To comply with federal requirements to separate ownership of power generation and transmission businesses, the operations of Ameren subsidiaries' transmission assets are under the control ofMidwest Independent Transmission System Operator, a regional transmission organization that coordinates power across 15 Midwestern states and one Canadian Province.  RRv1_5B_10B 1901 Chouteau Ave. St. Louis MO, United States 63103 Warner L. Baxter 3.60 70.0 66.0 68.0 64.0 60.0 61.0 59.0 70.0 59.0 59.0 65.0 69.0 130.0 249.00 249.00 3.40 4.00 3.30 3.20 3.50 55.00 About a month 64.00 MEDIUM 60.00 FAVORABLE Aug 25th, 2022 09:51AM Aug 25th, 2022 09:51AM Ameren Utilities Gas, Water & Multi-utilities
nyse:aee Aug 23rd, 2022 12:00AM Open Ameren Energy, Mining & Utilities Ameren provides the power that makes much of the American Midwest run. The holding company distributes electricity to 2.4 million customers and natural gas to 900,000 customers in Missouri and Illinois through utility subsidiaries. Ameren has a generating capacity of 16,000 MW (primarily coal-fired), most of which is controlled by utility Union Electric (which does business as Ameren Missouri) and nonregulated subsidiary AmerenEnergy Resources Generating Company. Ameren, which also supplies merchant generation power to third parties, operates a nuclear power facility, three hydroelectric plants, and several coal-fired plants and turbine combustion facilities. It also purchases power, including windpower. Operations In addition to operating power plants, Ameren procures natural gas for its affiliated companies, builds new power plants, and provides long-term energy supply contracts. It also markets and trades electricity to wholesale and retail customers and provides risk management and other energy-related services. Financial Analysis Ameren's overall revenues dipped in 2011. While increased rates helped to lift Ameren Missouri's revenues in 2011, Ameren Illinois' regulated segment and the merchant generation segment both reported a drop in revenues. In particular, low gas prices and a warm winter hurt gas revenues. However, lower purchased power and resale gas, coupled with a drop in goodwill, impairment, and other charges, helped to lift Ameren's net income for the year. Favorable weather conditions (which increased energy demand) and rate increases help to lift the company's revenues in 2010. However, impairment of goodwill, intangible assets, and long-lived assets in the merchant generation segment (due to the sustained decline in market prices for electricity) dragged down Ameren's operating income. Strategy In 2010 the company combined AmerenIP, AmerenCIPS, and AmerenCILCO into one entity, Ameren Illinois, in order to streamline operations and reduce confusion among customers. The three Illinois utilities have operated as a single business since 2004 and deliver energy to more than 1,100 communities. Ameren Illinois also operates some 21,400 miles of natural gas distribution and transmission lines. To comply with federal requirements to separate ownership of power generation and transmission businesses, the operations of Ameren subsidiaries' transmission assets are under the control ofMidwest Independent Transmission System Operator, a regional transmission organization that coordinates power across 15 Midwestern states and one Canadian Province.  RRv1_5B_10B 1901 Chouteau Ave. St. Louis MO, United States 63103 Warner L. Baxter 3.60 70.0 66.0 68.0 64.0 60.0 61.0 59.0 70.0 59.0 59.0 61.0 65.0 69.0 130.0 249.00 249.00 3.40 4.00 3.30 3.20 3.50 54.00 About a month 63.00 MEDIUM 60.00 FAVORABLE Aug 23rd, 2022 11:44AM Aug 23rd, 2022 11:44AM Ameren Utilities Gas, Water & Multi-utilities
nyse:aee Aug 21st, 2022 12:00AM Open Ameren Energy, Mining & Utilities Ameren provides the power that makes much of the American Midwest run. The holding company distributes electricity to 2.4 million customers and natural gas to 900,000 customers in Missouri and Illinois through utility subsidiaries. Ameren has a generating capacity of 16,000 MW (primarily coal-fired), most of which is controlled by utility Union Electric (which does business as Ameren Missouri) and nonregulated subsidiary AmerenEnergy Resources Generating Company. Ameren, which also supplies merchant generation power to third parties, operates a nuclear power facility, three hydroelectric plants, and several coal-fired plants and turbine combustion facilities. It also purchases power, including windpower. Operations In addition to operating power plants, Ameren procures natural gas for its affiliated companies, builds new power plants, and provides long-term energy supply contracts. It also markets and trades electricity to wholesale and retail customers and provides risk management and other energy-related services. Financial Analysis Ameren's overall revenues dipped in 2011. While increased rates helped to lift Ameren Missouri's revenues in 2011, Ameren Illinois' regulated segment and the merchant generation segment both reported a drop in revenues. In particular, low gas prices and a warm winter hurt gas revenues. However, lower purchased power and resale gas, coupled with a drop in goodwill, impairment, and other charges, helped to lift Ameren's net income for the year. Favorable weather conditions (which increased energy demand) and rate increases help to lift the company's revenues in 2010. However, impairment of goodwill, intangible assets, and long-lived assets in the merchant generation segment (due to the sustained decline in market prices for electricity) dragged down Ameren's operating income. Strategy In 2010 the company combined AmerenIP, AmerenCIPS, and AmerenCILCO into one entity, Ameren Illinois, in order to streamline operations and reduce confusion among customers. The three Illinois utilities have operated as a single business since 2004 and deliver energy to more than 1,100 communities. Ameren Illinois also operates some 21,400 miles of natural gas distribution and transmission lines. To comply with federal requirements to separate ownership of power generation and transmission businesses, the operations of Ameren subsidiaries' transmission assets are under the control ofMidwest Independent Transmission System Operator, a regional transmission organization that coordinates power across 15 Midwestern states and one Canadian Province.  RRv1_5B_10B 1901 Chouteau Ave. St. Louis MO, United States 63103 Warner L. Baxter 3.60 70.0 66.0 68.0 64.0 60.0 61.0 59.0 70.0 59.0 59.0 61.0 65.0 69.0 130.0 249.00 249.00 3.40 4.00 3.30 3.20 3.50 54.00 About a month 63.00 MEDIUM 60.00 FAVORABLE Aug 21st, 2022 01:29PM Aug 21st, 2022 01:29PM Ameren Utilities Gas, Water & Multi-utilities
nyse:aee Aug 20th, 2022 12:00AM Open Ameren Energy, Mining & Utilities Ameren provides the power that makes much of the American Midwest run. The holding company distributes electricity to 2.4 million customers and natural gas to 900,000 customers in Missouri and Illinois through utility subsidiaries. Ameren has a generating capacity of 16,000 MW (primarily coal-fired), most of which is controlled by utility Union Electric (which does business as Ameren Missouri) and nonregulated subsidiary AmerenEnergy Resources Generating Company. Ameren, which also supplies merchant generation power to third parties, operates a nuclear power facility, three hydroelectric plants, and several coal-fired plants and turbine combustion facilities. It also purchases power, including windpower. Operations In addition to operating power plants, Ameren procures natural gas for its affiliated companies, builds new power plants, and provides long-term energy supply contracts. It also markets and trades electricity to wholesale and retail customers and provides risk management and other energy-related services. Financial Analysis Ameren's overall revenues dipped in 2011. While increased rates helped to lift Ameren Missouri's revenues in 2011, Ameren Illinois' regulated segment and the merchant generation segment both reported a drop in revenues. In particular, low gas prices and a warm winter hurt gas revenues. However, lower purchased power and resale gas, coupled with a drop in goodwill, impairment, and other charges, helped to lift Ameren's net income for the year. Favorable weather conditions (which increased energy demand) and rate increases help to lift the company's revenues in 2010. However, impairment of goodwill, intangible assets, and long-lived assets in the merchant generation segment (due to the sustained decline in market prices for electricity) dragged down Ameren's operating income. Strategy In 2010 the company combined AmerenIP, AmerenCIPS, and AmerenCILCO into one entity, Ameren Illinois, in order to streamline operations and reduce confusion among customers. The three Illinois utilities have operated as a single business since 2004 and deliver energy to more than 1,100 communities. Ameren Illinois also operates some 21,400 miles of natural gas distribution and transmission lines. To comply with federal requirements to separate ownership of power generation and transmission businesses, the operations of Ameren subsidiaries' transmission assets are under the control ofMidwest Independent Transmission System Operator, a regional transmission organization that coordinates power across 15 Midwestern states and one Canadian Province.  RRv1_5B_10B 1901 Chouteau Ave. St. Louis MO, United States 63103 Warner L. Baxter 3.60 70.0 66.0 68.0 64.0 60.0 61.0 59.0 70.0 59.0 59.0 61.0 65.0 69.0 130.0 249.00 249.00 3.40 4.00 3.30 3.20 3.50 54.00 About a month 62.00 MEDIUM 60.00 FAVORABLE Aug 20th, 2022 03:07PM Aug 20th, 2022 03:07PM Ameren Utilities Gas, Water & Multi-utilities
nyse:aee Aug 19th, 2022 12:00AM Open Ameren Energy, Mining & Utilities Ameren provides the power that makes much of the American Midwest run. The holding company distributes electricity to 2.4 million customers and natural gas to 900,000 customers in Missouri and Illinois through utility subsidiaries. Ameren has a generating capacity of 16,000 MW (primarily coal-fired), most of which is controlled by utility Union Electric (which does business as Ameren Missouri) and nonregulated subsidiary AmerenEnergy Resources Generating Company. Ameren, which also supplies merchant generation power to third parties, operates a nuclear power facility, three hydroelectric plants, and several coal-fired plants and turbine combustion facilities. It also purchases power, including windpower. Operations In addition to operating power plants, Ameren procures natural gas for its affiliated companies, builds new power plants, and provides long-term energy supply contracts. It also markets and trades electricity to wholesale and retail customers and provides risk management and other energy-related services. Financial Analysis Ameren's overall revenues dipped in 2011. While increased rates helped to lift Ameren Missouri's revenues in 2011, Ameren Illinois' regulated segment and the merchant generation segment both reported a drop in revenues. In particular, low gas prices and a warm winter hurt gas revenues. However, lower purchased power and resale gas, coupled with a drop in goodwill, impairment, and other charges, helped to lift Ameren's net income for the year. Favorable weather conditions (which increased energy demand) and rate increases help to lift the company's revenues in 2010. However, impairment of goodwill, intangible assets, and long-lived assets in the merchant generation segment (due to the sustained decline in market prices for electricity) dragged down Ameren's operating income. Strategy In 2010 the company combined AmerenIP, AmerenCIPS, and AmerenCILCO into one entity, Ameren Illinois, in order to streamline operations and reduce confusion among customers. The three Illinois utilities have operated as a single business since 2004 and deliver energy to more than 1,100 communities. Ameren Illinois also operates some 21,400 miles of natural gas distribution and transmission lines. To comply with federal requirements to separate ownership of power generation and transmission businesses, the operations of Ameren subsidiaries' transmission assets are under the control ofMidwest Independent Transmission System Operator, a regional transmission organization that coordinates power across 15 Midwestern states and one Canadian Province.  RRv1_5B_10B 1901 Chouteau Ave. St. Louis MO, United States 63103 Warner L. Baxter 3.60 70.0 66.0 68.0 64.0 60.0 61.0 59.0 70.0 59.0 59.0 61.0 65.0 69.0 130.0 249.00 249.00 3.40 4.00 3.30 3.20 3.50 54.00 About a month 62.00 MEDIUM 60.00 FAVORABLE Aug 19th, 2022 01:28PM Aug 19th, 2022 01:28PM Ameren Utilities Gas, Water & Multi-utilities
nyse:aee Aug 18th, 2022 12:00AM Open Ameren Energy, Mining & Utilities Ameren provides the power that makes much of the American Midwest run. The holding company distributes electricity to 2.4 million customers and natural gas to 900,000 customers in Missouri and Illinois through utility subsidiaries. Ameren has a generating capacity of 16,000 MW (primarily coal-fired), most of which is controlled by utility Union Electric (which does business as Ameren Missouri) and nonregulated subsidiary AmerenEnergy Resources Generating Company. Ameren, which also supplies merchant generation power to third parties, operates a nuclear power facility, three hydroelectric plants, and several coal-fired plants and turbine combustion facilities. It also purchases power, including windpower. Operations In addition to operating power plants, Ameren procures natural gas for its affiliated companies, builds new power plants, and provides long-term energy supply contracts. It also markets and trades electricity to wholesale and retail customers and provides risk management and other energy-related services. Financial Analysis Ameren's overall revenues dipped in 2011. While increased rates helped to lift Ameren Missouri's revenues in 2011, Ameren Illinois' regulated segment and the merchant generation segment both reported a drop in revenues. In particular, low gas prices and a warm winter hurt gas revenues. However, lower purchased power and resale gas, coupled with a drop in goodwill, impairment, and other charges, helped to lift Ameren's net income for the year. Favorable weather conditions (which increased energy demand) and rate increases help to lift the company's revenues in 2010. However, impairment of goodwill, intangible assets, and long-lived assets in the merchant generation segment (due to the sustained decline in market prices for electricity) dragged down Ameren's operating income. Strategy In 2010 the company combined AmerenIP, AmerenCIPS, and AmerenCILCO into one entity, Ameren Illinois, in order to streamline operations and reduce confusion among customers. The three Illinois utilities have operated as a single business since 2004 and deliver energy to more than 1,100 communities. Ameren Illinois also operates some 21,400 miles of natural gas distribution and transmission lines. To comply with federal requirements to separate ownership of power generation and transmission businesses, the operations of Ameren subsidiaries' transmission assets are under the control ofMidwest Independent Transmission System Operator, a regional transmission organization that coordinates power across 15 Midwestern states and one Canadian Province.  RRv1_5B_10B 1901 Chouteau Ave. St. Louis MO, United States 63103 Warner L. Baxter 3.60 70.0 66.0 68.0 64.0 60.0 61.0 59.0 70.0 59.0 59.0 61.0 65.0 69.0 130.0 249.00 249.00 3.40 4.00 3.30 3.20 3.50 54.00 About a month 62.00 MEDIUM 60.00 FAVORABLE Aug 18th, 2022 05:36AM Aug 18th, 2022 05:36AM Ameren Utilities Gas, Water & Multi-utilities
nyse:aee Aug 17th, 2022 12:00AM Open Ameren Energy, Mining & Utilities Ameren provides the power that makes much of the American Midwest run. The holding company distributes electricity to 2.4 million customers and natural gas to 900,000 customers in Missouri and Illinois through utility subsidiaries. Ameren has a generating capacity of 16,000 MW (primarily coal-fired), most of which is controlled by utility Union Electric (which does business as Ameren Missouri) and nonregulated subsidiary AmerenEnergy Resources Generating Company. Ameren, which also supplies merchant generation power to third parties, operates a nuclear power facility, three hydroelectric plants, and several coal-fired plants and turbine combustion facilities. It also purchases power, including windpower. Operations In addition to operating power plants, Ameren procures natural gas for its affiliated companies, builds new power plants, and provides long-term energy supply contracts. It also markets and trades electricity to wholesale and retail customers and provides risk management and other energy-related services. Financial Analysis Ameren's overall revenues dipped in 2011. While increased rates helped to lift Ameren Missouri's revenues in 2011, Ameren Illinois' regulated segment and the merchant generation segment both reported a drop in revenues. In particular, low gas prices and a warm winter hurt gas revenues. However, lower purchased power and resale gas, coupled with a drop in goodwill, impairment, and other charges, helped to lift Ameren's net income for the year. Favorable weather conditions (which increased energy demand) and rate increases help to lift the company's revenues in 2010. However, impairment of goodwill, intangible assets, and long-lived assets in the merchant generation segment (due to the sustained decline in market prices for electricity) dragged down Ameren's operating income. Strategy In 2010 the company combined AmerenIP, AmerenCIPS, and AmerenCILCO into one entity, Ameren Illinois, in order to streamline operations and reduce confusion among customers. The three Illinois utilities have operated as a single business since 2004 and deliver energy to more than 1,100 communities. Ameren Illinois also operates some 21,400 miles of natural gas distribution and transmission lines. To comply with federal requirements to separate ownership of power generation and transmission businesses, the operations of Ameren subsidiaries' transmission assets are under the control ofMidwest Independent Transmission System Operator, a regional transmission organization that coordinates power across 15 Midwestern states and one Canadian Province.  RRv1_5B_10B 1901 Chouteau Ave. St. Louis MO, United States 63103 Warner L. Baxter 3.70 70.0 66.0 68.0 64.0 60.0 61.0 59.0 70.0 59.0 59.0 61.0 65.0 69.0 130.0 248.00 248.00 3.40 4.00 3.30 3.20 3.60 54.00 About a month 62.00 MEDIUM 60.00 FAVORABLE Aug 17th, 2022 10:51AM Aug 17th, 2022 10:51AM Ameren Utilities Gas, Water & Multi-utilities

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