Sally Beauty

Last Updated 2024-05-02

LinkedIn Profile

Access Sally Beauty historical Linkedin company profile data on number of followers, employee headcount and more
Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Company Name Followers Employees on Linkedin Link Industry Date Added Date Updated Description Website Specialities Logo HQ.Street HQ.City HQ.State HQ.Country HQ.Postal Headcount change in past 24 months Company Name Sector Industry
nyse:sbh 23337 Apr 28th, 2024 12:00AM Sally Beauty 65K 9961 Open Apr 28th, 2024 03:14AM Apr 28th, 2024 03:14AM Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (“Sally”) through its affiliates is the world’s largest distributor of professional beauty supplies. Sally provides the channels that allow manufacturers of beauty supplies to reach customers, both professional and non-professional. Sally Beauty Company, Inc. began as a one-store operation in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1964. The Company expanded slowly until the 1980s, when it began to grow rapidly through acquisition and new store openings. In 1982, Sally moved its corporate headquarters to Denton, Texas following the acquisition of a Denton-based chain. In 1985, Sally acquired a major full-service (professional only) beauty supply distributor servicing the Midwestern United States. The growth of the full-service business led to the formation of the company now known as Beauty Systems Group LLC, focusing on distribution solely to the professional trade. New store openings and acquisitions continue to guide Sally’s expansion. In 1987, Sally became an international company with the acquisition of an affiliate in the United Kingdom. Today, Sally and its affiliates operate over 4500 stores throughout the United States and the world. Our international operations now extend to the United Kingdom, continental Europe, Puerto Rico, Canada, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico. Both Sally Beauty Supply and Beauty Systems Group have successful and growing online (e-commerce) businesses. In 2006, Sally became a publicly held company with its shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Sally and its affiliates have long been industry leaders. Expertise in professional product merchandising, distribution and education provides the basis for a commanding presence in the global market. This, combined with strong domestic growth and international development, positions the companies for anticipated continuing success in future years. All subsidiaries and affiliates share Sally’s customer-driven operating philosophy and vision. Open Beauty Supply and Salon Supply Open 3001 Colorado Blvd. Denton Texas US 76210 Sally Beauty Consumer Services General Retailers
nyse:sbh 23337 Apr 27th, 2024 12:00AM Sally Beauty 65K 9957 Open Apr 27th, 2024 01:03AM Apr 27th, 2024 01:03AM Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (“Sally”) through its affiliates is the world’s largest distributor of professional beauty supplies. Sally provides the channels that allow manufacturers of beauty supplies to reach customers, both professional and non-professional. Sally Beauty Company, Inc. began as a one-store operation in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1964. The Company expanded slowly until the 1980s, when it began to grow rapidly through acquisition and new store openings. In 1982, Sally moved its corporate headquarters to Denton, Texas following the acquisition of a Denton-based chain. In 1985, Sally acquired a major full-service (professional only) beauty supply distributor servicing the Midwestern United States. The growth of the full-service business led to the formation of the company now known as Beauty Systems Group LLC, focusing on distribution solely to the professional trade. New store openings and acquisitions continue to guide Sally’s expansion. In 1987, Sally became an international company with the acquisition of an affiliate in the United Kingdom. Today, Sally and its affiliates operate over 4500 stores throughout the United States and the world. Our international operations now extend to the United Kingdom, continental Europe, Puerto Rico, Canada, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico. Both Sally Beauty Supply and Beauty Systems Group have successful and growing online (e-commerce) businesses. In 2006, Sally became a publicly held company with its shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Sally and its affiliates have long been industry leaders. Expertise in professional product merchandising, distribution and education provides the basis for a commanding presence in the global market. This, combined with strong domestic growth and international development, positions the companies for anticipated continuing success in future years. All subsidiaries and affiliates share Sally’s customer-driven operating philosophy and vision. Open Beauty Supply and Salon Supply Open 3001 Colorado Blvd. Denton Texas US 76210 Sally Beauty Consumer Services General Retailers
nyse:sbh 23337 Apr 26th, 2024 12:00AM Sally Beauty 65K 9947 Open Apr 26th, 2024 01:14AM Apr 26th, 2024 10:22AM Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (“Sally”) through its affiliates is the world’s largest distributor of professional beauty supplies. Sally provides the channels that allow manufacturers of beauty supplies to reach customers, both professional and non-professional. Sally Beauty Company, Inc. began as a one-store operation in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1964. The Company expanded slowly until the 1980s, when it began to grow rapidly through acquisition and new store openings. In 1982, Sally moved its corporate headquarters to Denton, Texas following the acquisition of a Denton-based chain. In 1985, Sally acquired a major full-service (professional only) beauty supply distributor servicing the Midwestern United States. The growth of the full-service business led to the formation of the company now known as Beauty Systems Group LLC, focusing on distribution solely to the professional trade. New store openings and acquisitions continue to guide Sally’s expansion. In 1987, Sally became an international company with the acquisition of an affiliate in the United Kingdom. Today, Sally and its affiliates operate over 4500 stores throughout the United States and the world. Our international operations now extend to the United Kingdom, continental Europe, Puerto Rico, Canada, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico. Both Sally Beauty Supply and Beauty Systems Group have successful and growing online (e-commerce) businesses. In 2006, Sally became a publicly held company with its shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Sally and its affiliates have long been industry leaders. Expertise in professional product merchandising, distribution and education provides the basis for a commanding presence in the global market. This, combined with strong domestic growth and international development, positions the companies for anticipated continuing success in future years. All subsidiaries and affiliates share Sally’s customer-driven operating philosophy and vision. Open Beauty Supply and Salon Supply Open 3001 Colorado Blvd. Denton Texas US 76210 Sally Beauty Consumer Services General Retailers
nyse:sbh 23337 Apr 25th, 2024 12:00AM Sally Beauty 65K 9947 Open Apr 25th, 2024 08:34PM Apr 25th, 2024 08:34PM Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (“Sally”) through its affiliates is the world’s largest distributor of professional beauty supplies. Sally provides the channels that allow manufacturers of beauty supplies to reach customers, both professional and non-professional. Sally Beauty Company, Inc. began as a one-store operation in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1964. The Company expanded slowly until the 1980s, when it began to grow rapidly through acquisition and new store openings. In 1982, Sally moved its corporate headquarters to Denton, Texas following the acquisition of a Denton-based chain. In 1985, Sally acquired a major full-service (professional only) beauty supply distributor servicing the Midwestern United States. The growth of the full-service business led to the formation of the company now known as Beauty Systems Group LLC, focusing on distribution solely to the professional trade. New store openings and acquisitions continue to guide Sally’s expansion. In 1987, Sally became an international company with the acquisition of an affiliate in the United Kingdom. Today, Sally and its affiliates operate over 4500 stores throughout the United States and the world. Our international operations now extend to the United Kingdom, continental Europe, Puerto Rico, Canada, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico. Both Sally Beauty Supply and Beauty Systems Group have successful and growing online (e-commerce) businesses. In 2006, Sally became a publicly held company with its shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Sally and its affiliates have long been industry leaders. Expertise in professional product merchandising, distribution and education provides the basis for a commanding presence in the global market. This, combined with strong domestic growth and international development, positions the companies for anticipated continuing success in future years. All subsidiaries and affiliates share Sally’s customer-driven operating philosophy and vision. Open Beauty Supply and Salon Supply Open 3001 Colorado Blvd. Denton Texas US 76210 Sally Beauty Consumer Services General Retailers
nyse:sbh 23337 Apr 24th, 2024 12:00AM Sally Beauty 65K 9944 Open Apr 24th, 2024 01:13AM Apr 24th, 2024 01:13AM Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (“Sally”) through its affiliates is the world’s largest distributor of professional beauty supplies. Sally provides the channels that allow manufacturers of beauty supplies to reach customers, both professional and non-professional. Sally Beauty Company, Inc. began as a one-store operation in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1964. The Company expanded slowly until the 1980s, when it began to grow rapidly through acquisition and new store openings. In 1982, Sally moved its corporate headquarters to Denton, Texas following the acquisition of a Denton-based chain. In 1985, Sally acquired a major full-service (professional only) beauty supply distributor servicing the Midwestern United States. The growth of the full-service business led to the formation of the company now known as Beauty Systems Group LLC, focusing on distribution solely to the professional trade. New store openings and acquisitions continue to guide Sally’s expansion. In 1987, Sally became an international company with the acquisition of an affiliate in the United Kingdom. Today, Sally and its affiliates operate over 4500 stores throughout the United States and the world. Our international operations now extend to the United Kingdom, continental Europe, Puerto Rico, Canada, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico. Both Sally Beauty Supply and Beauty Systems Group have successful and growing online (e-commerce) businesses. In 2006, Sally became a publicly held company with its shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Sally and its affiliates have long been industry leaders. Expertise in professional product merchandising, distribution and education provides the basis for a commanding presence in the global market. This, combined with strong domestic growth and international development, positions the companies for anticipated continuing success in future years. All subsidiaries and affiliates share Sally’s customer-driven operating philosophy and vision. Open Beauty Supply and Salon Supply Open 3001 Colorado Blvd. Denton Texas US 76210 Sally Beauty Consumer Services General Retailers
nyse:sbh 23337 Apr 23rd, 2024 12:00AM Sally Beauty 65K 9940 Open Apr 23rd, 2024 12:51AM Apr 23rd, 2024 12:51AM Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (“Sally”) through its affiliates is the world’s largest distributor of professional beauty supplies. Sally provides the channels that allow manufacturers of beauty supplies to reach customers, both professional and non-professional. Sally Beauty Company, Inc. began as a one-store operation in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1964. The Company expanded slowly until the 1980s, when it began to grow rapidly through acquisition and new store openings. In 1982, Sally moved its corporate headquarters to Denton, Texas following the acquisition of a Denton-based chain. In 1985, Sally acquired a major full-service (professional only) beauty supply distributor servicing the Midwestern United States. The growth of the full-service business led to the formation of the company now known as Beauty Systems Group LLC, focusing on distribution solely to the professional trade. New store openings and acquisitions continue to guide Sally’s expansion. In 1987, Sally became an international company with the acquisition of an affiliate in the United Kingdom. Today, Sally and its affiliates operate over 4500 stores throughout the United States and the world. Our international operations now extend to the United Kingdom, continental Europe, Puerto Rico, Canada, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico. Both Sally Beauty Supply and Beauty Systems Group have successful and growing online (e-commerce) businesses. In 2006, Sally became a publicly held company with its shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Sally and its affiliates have long been industry leaders. Expertise in professional product merchandising, distribution and education provides the basis for a commanding presence in the global market. This, combined with strong domestic growth and international development, positions the companies for anticipated continuing success in future years. All subsidiaries and affiliates share Sally’s customer-driven operating philosophy and vision. Open Beauty Supply and Salon Supply Open 3001 Colorado Blvd. Denton Texas US 76210 Sally Beauty Consumer Services General Retailers
nyse:sbh 23337 Apr 22nd, 2024 12:00AM Sally Beauty 65K 9941 Open Apr 22nd, 2024 03:30AM Apr 22nd, 2024 03:30AM Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (“Sally”) through its affiliates is the world’s largest distributor of professional beauty supplies. Sally provides the channels that allow manufacturers of beauty supplies to reach customers, both professional and non-professional. Sally Beauty Company, Inc. began as a one-store operation in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1964. The Company expanded slowly until the 1980s, when it began to grow rapidly through acquisition and new store openings. In 1982, Sally moved its corporate headquarters to Denton, Texas following the acquisition of a Denton-based chain. In 1985, Sally acquired a major full-service (professional only) beauty supply distributor servicing the Midwestern United States. The growth of the full-service business led to the formation of the company now known as Beauty Systems Group LLC, focusing on distribution solely to the professional trade. New store openings and acquisitions continue to guide Sally’s expansion. In 1987, Sally became an international company with the acquisition of an affiliate in the United Kingdom. Today, Sally and its affiliates operate over 4500 stores throughout the United States and the world. Our international operations now extend to the United Kingdom, continental Europe, Puerto Rico, Canada, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico. Both Sally Beauty Supply and Beauty Systems Group have successful and growing online (e-commerce) businesses. In 2006, Sally became a publicly held company with its shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Sally and its affiliates have long been industry leaders. Expertise in professional product merchandising, distribution and education provides the basis for a commanding presence in the global market. This, combined with strong domestic growth and international development, positions the companies for anticipated continuing success in future years. All subsidiaries and affiliates share Sally’s customer-driven operating philosophy and vision. Open Beauty Supply and Salon Supply Open 3001 Colorado Blvd. Denton Texas US 76210 Sally Beauty Consumer Services General Retailers
nyse:sbh 23337 Apr 21st, 2024 12:00AM Sally Beauty 65K 9942 Open Apr 21st, 2024 04:32AM Apr 21st, 2024 04:32AM Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (“Sally”) through its affiliates is the world’s largest distributor of professional beauty supplies. Sally provides the channels that allow manufacturers of beauty supplies to reach customers, both professional and non-professional. Sally Beauty Company, Inc. began as a one-store operation in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1964. The Company expanded slowly until the 1980s, when it began to grow rapidly through acquisition and new store openings. In 1982, Sally moved its corporate headquarters to Denton, Texas following the acquisition of a Denton-based chain. In 1985, Sally acquired a major full-service (professional only) beauty supply distributor servicing the Midwestern United States. The growth of the full-service business led to the formation of the company now known as Beauty Systems Group LLC, focusing on distribution solely to the professional trade. New store openings and acquisitions continue to guide Sally’s expansion. In 1987, Sally became an international company with the acquisition of an affiliate in the United Kingdom. Today, Sally and its affiliates operate over 4500 stores throughout the United States and the world. Our international operations now extend to the United Kingdom, continental Europe, Puerto Rico, Canada, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico. Both Sally Beauty Supply and Beauty Systems Group have successful and growing online (e-commerce) businesses. In 2006, Sally became a publicly held company with its shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Sally and its affiliates have long been industry leaders. Expertise in professional product merchandising, distribution and education provides the basis for a commanding presence in the global market. This, combined with strong domestic growth and international development, positions the companies for anticipated continuing success in future years. All subsidiaries and affiliates share Sally’s customer-driven operating philosophy and vision. Open Beauty Supply and Salon Supply Open 3001 Colorado Blvd. Denton Texas US 76210 Sally Beauty Consumer Services General Retailers
nyse:sbh 23337 Apr 20th, 2024 12:00AM Sally Beauty 65K 9942 Open Apr 20th, 2024 03:34AM Apr 20th, 2024 06:53PM Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (“Sally”) through its affiliates is the world’s largest distributor of professional beauty supplies. Sally provides the channels that allow manufacturers of beauty supplies to reach customers, both professional and non-professional. Sally Beauty Company, Inc. began as a one-store operation in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1964. The Company expanded slowly until the 1980s, when it began to grow rapidly through acquisition and new store openings. In 1982, Sally moved its corporate headquarters to Denton, Texas following the acquisition of a Denton-based chain. In 1985, Sally acquired a major full-service (professional only) beauty supply distributor servicing the Midwestern United States. The growth of the full-service business led to the formation of the company now known as Beauty Systems Group LLC, focusing on distribution solely to the professional trade. New store openings and acquisitions continue to guide Sally’s expansion. In 1987, Sally became an international company with the acquisition of an affiliate in the United Kingdom. Today, Sally and its affiliates operate over 4500 stores throughout the United States and the world. Our international operations now extend to the United Kingdom, continental Europe, Puerto Rico, Canada, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico. Both Sally Beauty Supply and Beauty Systems Group have successful and growing online (e-commerce) businesses. In 2006, Sally became a publicly held company with its shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Sally and its affiliates have long been industry leaders. Expertise in professional product merchandising, distribution and education provides the basis for a commanding presence in the global market. This, combined with strong domestic growth and international development, positions the companies for anticipated continuing success in future years. All subsidiaries and affiliates share Sally’s customer-driven operating philosophy and vision. Open Beauty Supply and Salon Supply Open 3001 Colorado Blvd. Denton Texas US 76210 Sally Beauty Consumer Services General Retailers
nyse:sbh 23337 Apr 19th, 2024 12:00AM Sally Beauty 65K 9935 Open Apr 19th, 2024 05:56AM Apr 19th, 2024 05:56AM Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (“Sally”) through its affiliates is the world’s largest distributor of professional beauty supplies. Sally provides the channels that allow manufacturers of beauty supplies to reach customers, both professional and non-professional. Sally Beauty Company, Inc. began as a one-store operation in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1964. The Company expanded slowly until the 1980s, when it began to grow rapidly through acquisition and new store openings. In 1982, Sally moved its corporate headquarters to Denton, Texas following the acquisition of a Denton-based chain. In 1985, Sally acquired a major full-service (professional only) beauty supply distributor servicing the Midwestern United States. The growth of the full-service business led to the formation of the company now known as Beauty Systems Group LLC, focusing on distribution solely to the professional trade. New store openings and acquisitions continue to guide Sally’s expansion. In 1987, Sally became an international company with the acquisition of an affiliate in the United Kingdom. Today, Sally and its affiliates operate over 4500 stores throughout the United States and the world. Our international operations now extend to the United Kingdom, continental Europe, Puerto Rico, Canada, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico. Both Sally Beauty Supply and Beauty Systems Group have successful and growing online (e-commerce) businesses. In 2006, Sally became a publicly held company with its shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Sally and its affiliates have long been industry leaders. Expertise in professional product merchandising, distribution and education provides the basis for a commanding presence in the global market. This, combined with strong domestic growth and international development, positions the companies for anticipated continuing success in future years. All subsidiaries and affiliates share Sally’s customer-driven operating philosophy and vision. Open Beauty Supply and Salon Supply Open 3001 Colorado Blvd. Denton Texas US 76210 Sally Beauty Consumer Services General Retailers

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