Simon Property Group

Last Updated 2024-05-08

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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Profile Url Name Website Industry Description Revenue Headquarters location CEO Rating: CEO (%) Rating: CEO Responses Count Rating: Overall Happiness: Compensation score Happiness: Support score Happiness: Purpose score Happiness: Flexibility score Happiness: Energy score Happiness: Work Happiness score Happiness: Trust score Happiness: Learning score Happiness: Belonging score Happiness: Inclusion score Happiness: Overall score Happiness: Appreciation score Happiness: Achievement score Happiness: Responses Count Review Count Ratings Responses Count Rating: Culture & Values Rating: Compensation & Benefits Rating: Job Security & Advancement Rating: Senior Management Rating: Worklife Balance Interview: Duration Responses count Interview Duration Interview: Difficulty Responses count Interview Difficulty Interview: Experience Responses count Interview Experience Work Culture: Stressful (0) to Relaxed (1) Ratio Work Culture: Slow Paced (0) to Fast Paced (1) Ratio Work Culture: Competitive (0) to Collaborative (1) Ratio Date Added Date Updated Company Name Sector Industry
nyse:spg Aug 29th, 2022 12:00AM Open Simon Property Group Real Estate Simon is a global leader in retail real estate ownership, management and development and an S&P 100 company (Simon Property Group, NYSE: SPG). Our industry-leading retail properties and investments across North America, Europe and Asia provide shopping experiences for millions of consumers every day and generate billions in annual retail sales. Our portfolio includes assets of national and international renown - proven assets that are the preferred location for retailers. With a view to the collective success of Simon, our retail partners, and our neighbors, we continue to redefine and reimagine how people around the world shop. Optimizing results across our global portfolio of preeminent Simon Malls, Simon Premium Outlets, and The Mills is our priority both short and long term. We are also investing in our future, creating the new live, work, play, stay, shop destinations. Over the next several years, Simon is committing billions of dollars to both new developments and redevelopment projects that will further diversify and expand the quality and reach of the Simon portfolio. In addition to our high quality properties, Simon is also known for our strong balance sheet, a long-tenured and well-respected senior management team, and our innovative spirit, as reflected in a 50 + year history of successful retail real estate development, management, and leasing. Simon was named Fortune’s Most Admired Real Estate Company eight times. We have experienced an explosion of growth and innovation unprecedented in the industry and we look forward to Simon's future. RRv1_5B_10B 225 W. Washington St. Indianapolis IN, United States 46204 David Simon 3.40 59.0 61.0 62.0 60.0 61.0 57.0 56.0 65.0 54.0 56.0 57.0 63.0 69.0 189.0 313.00 313.00 3.10 3.20 2.90 3.10 3.20 87.00 About two weeks 95.00 MEDIUM 91.00 FAVORABLE Aug 29th, 2022 02:13PM Aug 29th, 2022 02:13PM Simon Property Group Financials General Financial
nyse:spg Aug 28th, 2022 12:00AM Open Simon Property Group Real Estate Simon is a global leader in retail real estate ownership, management and development and an S&P 100 company (Simon Property Group, NYSE: SPG). Our industry-leading retail properties and investments across North America, Europe and Asia provide shopping experiences for millions of consumers every day and generate billions in annual retail sales. Our portfolio includes assets of national and international renown - proven assets that are the preferred location for retailers. With a view to the collective success of Simon, our retail partners, and our neighbors, we continue to redefine and reimagine how people around the world shop. Optimizing results across our global portfolio of preeminent Simon Malls, Simon Premium Outlets, and The Mills is our priority both short and long term. We are also investing in our future, creating the new live, work, play, stay, shop destinations. Over the next several years, Simon is committing billions of dollars to both new developments and redevelopment projects that will further diversify and expand the quality and reach of the Simon portfolio. In addition to our high quality properties, Simon is also known for our strong balance sheet, a long-tenured and well-respected senior management team, and our innovative spirit, as reflected in a 50 + year history of successful retail real estate development, management, and leasing. Simon was named Fortune’s Most Admired Real Estate Company eight times. We have experienced an explosion of growth and innovation unprecedented in the industry and we look forward to Simon's future. RRv1_5B_10B 225 W. Washington St. Indianapolis IN, United States 46204 David Simon 3.40 59.0 61.0 62.0 60.0 61.0 57.0 56.0 65.0 54.0 56.0 57.0 63.0 69.0 189.0 313.00 313.00 3.10 3.20 2.90 3.10 3.20 87.00 About two weeks 95.00 MEDIUM 91.00 FAVORABLE Aug 28th, 2022 07:50AM Aug 28th, 2022 07:50AM Simon Property Group Financials General Financial
nyse:spg Aug 27th, 2022 12:00AM Open Simon Property Group Real Estate Simon is a global leader in retail real estate ownership, management and development and an S&P 100 company (Simon Property Group, NYSE: SPG). Our industry-leading retail properties and investments across North America, Europe and Asia provide shopping experiences for millions of consumers every day and generate billions in annual retail sales. Our portfolio includes assets of national and international renown - proven assets that are the preferred location for retailers. With a view to the collective success of Simon, our retail partners, and our neighbors, we continue to redefine and reimagine how people around the world shop. Optimizing results across our global portfolio of preeminent Simon Malls, Simon Premium Outlets, and The Mills is our priority both short and long term. We are also investing in our future, creating the new live, work, play, stay, shop destinations. Over the next several years, Simon is committing billions of dollars to both new developments and redevelopment projects that will further diversify and expand the quality and reach of the Simon portfolio. In addition to our high quality properties, Simon is also known for our strong balance sheet, a long-tenured and well-respected senior management team, and our innovative spirit, as reflected in a 50 + year history of successful retail real estate development, management, and leasing. Simon was named Fortune’s Most Admired Real Estate Company eight times. We have experienced an explosion of growth and innovation unprecedented in the industry and we look forward to Simon's future. RRv1_5B_10B 225 W. Washington St. Indianapolis IN, United States 46204 David Simon 3.40 59.0 61.0 62.0 60.0 61.0 57.0 56.0 65.0 54.0 56.0 57.0 63.0 69.0 189.0 313.00 313.00 3.10 3.20 2.90 3.10 3.20 87.00 About two weeks 95.00 MEDIUM 91.00 FAVORABLE Aug 27th, 2022 06:49AM Aug 27th, 2022 06:49AM Simon Property Group Financials General Financial
nyse:spg Aug 25th, 2022 12:00AM Open Simon Property Group Real Estate Simon is a global leader in retail real estate ownership, management and development and an S&P 100 company (Simon Property Group, NYSE: SPG). Our industry-leading retail properties and investments across North America, Europe and Asia provide shopping experiences for millions of consumers every day and generate billions in annual retail sales. Our portfolio includes assets of national and international renown - proven assets that are the preferred location for retailers. With a view to the collective success of Simon, our retail partners, and our neighbors, we continue to redefine and reimagine how people around the world shop. Optimizing results across our global portfolio of preeminent Simon Malls, Simon Premium Outlets, and The Mills is our priority both short and long term. We are also investing in our future, creating the new live, work, play, stay, shop destinations. Over the next several years, Simon is committing billions of dollars to both new developments and redevelopment projects that will further diversify and expand the quality and reach of the Simon portfolio. In addition to our high quality properties, Simon is also known for our strong balance sheet, a long-tenured and well-respected senior management team, and our innovative spirit, as reflected in a 50 + year history of successful retail real estate development, management, and leasing. Simon was named Fortune’s Most Admired Real Estate Company eight times. We have experienced an explosion of growth and innovation unprecedented in the industry and we look forward to Simon's future. RRv1_5B_10B 225 W. Washington St. Indianapolis IN, United States 46204 David Simon 3.40 59.0 61.0 62.0 60.0 61.0 57.0 56.0 65.0 54.0 56.0 57.0 63.0 69.0 189.0 313.00 313.00 3.10 3.20 2.90 3.10 3.20 87.00 About two weeks 95.00 MEDIUM 91.00 FAVORABLE Aug 25th, 2022 11:11AM Aug 25th, 2022 11:11AM Simon Property Group Financials General Financial
nyse:spg Aug 23rd, 2022 12:00AM Open Simon Property Group Real Estate Simon is a global leader in retail real estate ownership, management and development and an S&P 100 company (Simon Property Group, NYSE: SPG). Our industry-leading retail properties and investments across North America, Europe and Asia provide shopping experiences for millions of consumers every day and generate billions in annual retail sales. Our portfolio includes assets of national and international renown - proven assets that are the preferred location for retailers. With a view to the collective success of Simon, our retail partners, and our neighbors, we continue to redefine and reimagine how people around the world shop. Optimizing results across our global portfolio of preeminent Simon Malls, Simon Premium Outlets, and The Mills is our priority both short and long term. We are also investing in our future, creating the new live, work, play, stay, shop destinations. Over the next several years, Simon is committing billions of dollars to both new developments and redevelopment projects that will further diversify and expand the quality and reach of the Simon portfolio. In addition to our high quality properties, Simon is also known for our strong balance sheet, a long-tenured and well-respected senior management team, and our innovative spirit, as reflected in a 50 + year history of successful retail real estate development, management, and leasing. Simon was named Fortune’s Most Admired Real Estate Company eight times. We have experienced an explosion of growth and innovation unprecedented in the industry and we look forward to Simon's future. RRv1_5B_10B 225 W. Washington St. Indianapolis IN, United States 46204 David Simon 3.40 59.0 61.0 62.0 60.0 61.0 57.0 56.0 65.0 54.0 56.0 57.0 63.0 69.0 189.0 313.00 313.00 3.10 3.20 2.90 3.10 3.20 87.00 About two weeks 95.00 MEDIUM 91.00 FAVORABLE Aug 23rd, 2022 01:03PM Aug 23rd, 2022 01:03PM Simon Property Group Financials General Financial
nyse:spg Aug 21st, 2022 12:00AM Open Simon Property Group Real Estate Simon is a global leader in retail real estate ownership, management and development and an S&P 100 company (Simon Property Group, NYSE: SPG). Our industry-leading retail properties and investments across North America, Europe and Asia provide shopping experiences for millions of consumers every day and generate billions in annual retail sales. Our portfolio includes assets of national and international renown - proven assets that are the preferred location for retailers. With a view to the collective success of Simon, our retail partners, and our neighbors, we continue to redefine and reimagine how people around the world shop. Optimizing results across our global portfolio of preeminent Simon Malls, Simon Premium Outlets, and The Mills is our priority both short and long term. We are also investing in our future, creating the new live, work, play, stay, shop destinations. Over the next several years, Simon is committing billions of dollars to both new developments and redevelopment projects that will further diversify and expand the quality and reach of the Simon portfolio. In addition to our high quality properties, Simon is also known for our strong balance sheet, a long-tenured and well-respected senior management team, and our innovative spirit, as reflected in a 50 + year history of successful retail real estate development, management, and leasing. Simon was named Fortune’s Most Admired Real Estate Company eight times. We have experienced an explosion of growth and innovation unprecedented in the industry and we look forward to Simon's future. RRv1_5B_10B 225 W. Washington St. Indianapolis IN, United States 46204 David Simon 3.40 59.0 61.0 62.0 60.0 61.0 57.0 56.0 65.0 54.0 56.0 57.0 63.0 69.0 189.0 313.00 313.00 3.10 3.20 2.90 3.10 3.20 87.00 About two weeks 95.00 MEDIUM 91.00 FAVORABLE Aug 21st, 2022 02:50PM Aug 21st, 2022 02:50PM Simon Property Group Financials General Financial
nyse:spg Aug 20th, 2022 12:00AM Open Simon Property Group Real Estate Simon is a global leader in retail real estate ownership, management and development and an S&P 100 company (Simon Property Group, NYSE: SPG). Our industry-leading retail properties and investments across North America, Europe and Asia provide shopping experiences for millions of consumers every day and generate billions in annual retail sales. Our portfolio includes assets of national and international renown - proven assets that are the preferred location for retailers. With a view to the collective success of Simon, our retail partners, and our neighbors, we continue to redefine and reimagine how people around the world shop. Optimizing results across our global portfolio of preeminent Simon Malls, Simon Premium Outlets, and The Mills is our priority both short and long term. We are also investing in our future, creating the new live, work, play, stay, shop destinations. Over the next several years, Simon is committing billions of dollars to both new developments and redevelopment projects that will further diversify and expand the quality and reach of the Simon portfolio. In addition to our high quality properties, Simon is also known for our strong balance sheet, a long-tenured and well-respected senior management team, and our innovative spirit, as reflected in a 50 + year history of successful retail real estate development, management, and leasing. Simon was named Fortune’s Most Admired Real Estate Company eight times. We have experienced an explosion of growth and innovation unprecedented in the industry and we look forward to Simon's future. RRv1_5B_10B 225 W. Washington St. Indianapolis IN, United States 46204 David Simon 3.40 59.0 61.0 62.0 60.0 61.0 57.0 56.0 65.0 54.0 56.0 57.0 63.0 69.0 189.0 313.00 313.00 3.10 3.20 2.90 3.10 3.20 87.00 About two weeks 95.00 MEDIUM 91.00 FAVORABLE Aug 20th, 2022 04:30PM Aug 20th, 2022 04:30PM Simon Property Group Financials General Financial
nyse:spg Aug 19th, 2022 12:00AM Open Simon Property Group Real Estate Simon is a global leader in retail real estate ownership, management and development and an S&P 100 company (Simon Property Group, NYSE: SPG). Our industry-leading retail properties and investments across North America, Europe and Asia provide shopping experiences for millions of consumers every day and generate billions in annual retail sales. Our portfolio includes assets of national and international renown - proven assets that are the preferred location for retailers. With a view to the collective success of Simon, our retail partners, and our neighbors, we continue to redefine and reimagine how people around the world shop. Optimizing results across our global portfolio of preeminent Simon Malls, Simon Premium Outlets, and The Mills is our priority both short and long term. We are also investing in our future, creating the new live, work, play, stay, shop destinations. Over the next several years, Simon is committing billions of dollars to both new developments and redevelopment projects that will further diversify and expand the quality and reach of the Simon portfolio. In addition to our high quality properties, Simon is also known for our strong balance sheet, a long-tenured and well-respected senior management team, and our innovative spirit, as reflected in a 50 + year history of successful retail real estate development, management, and leasing. Simon was named Fortune’s Most Admired Real Estate Company eight times. We have experienced an explosion of growth and innovation unprecedented in the industry and we look forward to Simon's future. RRv1_5B_10B 225 W. Washington St. Indianapolis IN, United States 46204 David Simon 3.40 59.0 61.0 62.0 60.0 61.0 57.0 56.0 65.0 54.0 56.0 57.0 63.0 69.0 189.0 313.00 313.00 3.10 3.20 2.90 3.10 3.20 87.00 About two weeks 95.00 MEDIUM 91.00 FAVORABLE Aug 19th, 2022 02:48PM Aug 19th, 2022 02:48PM Simon Property Group Financials General Financial
nyse:spg Aug 18th, 2022 12:00AM Open Simon Property Group Real Estate Simon is a global leader in retail real estate ownership, management and development and an S&P 100 company (Simon Property Group, NYSE: SPG). Our industry-leading retail properties and investments across North America, Europe and Asia provide shopping experiences for millions of consumers every day and generate billions in annual retail sales. Our portfolio includes assets of national and international renown - proven assets that are the preferred location for retailers. With a view to the collective success of Simon, our retail partners, and our neighbors, we continue to redefine and reimagine how people around the world shop. Optimizing results across our global portfolio of preeminent Simon Malls, Simon Premium Outlets, and The Mills is our priority both short and long term. We are also investing in our future, creating the new live, work, play, stay, shop destinations. Over the next several years, Simon is committing billions of dollars to both new developments and redevelopment projects that will further diversify and expand the quality and reach of the Simon portfolio. In addition to our high quality properties, Simon is also known for our strong balance sheet, a long-tenured and well-respected senior management team, and our innovative spirit, as reflected in a 50 + year history of successful retail real estate development, management, and leasing. Simon was named Fortune’s Most Admired Real Estate Company eight times. We have experienced an explosion of growth and innovation unprecedented in the industry and we look forward to Simon's future. RRv1_5B_10B 225 W. Washington St. Indianapolis IN, United States 46204 David Simon 3.40 59.0 61.0 62.0 60.0 61.0 57.0 56.0 65.0 54.0 56.0 57.0 63.0 69.0 189.0 313.00 313.00 3.10 3.20 2.90 3.10 3.20 87.00 About two weeks 95.00 MEDIUM 91.00 FAVORABLE Aug 18th, 2022 07:33AM Aug 18th, 2022 07:33AM Simon Property Group Financials General Financial
nyse:spg Aug 17th, 2022 12:00AM Open Simon Property Group Real Estate Simon is a global leader in retail real estate ownership, management and development and an S&P 100 company (Simon Property Group, NYSE: SPG). Our industry-leading retail properties and investments across North America, Europe and Asia provide shopping experiences for millions of consumers every day and generate billions in annual retail sales. Our portfolio includes assets of national and international renown - proven assets that are the preferred location for retailers. With a view to the collective success of Simon, our retail partners, and our neighbors, we continue to redefine and reimagine how people around the world shop. Optimizing results across our global portfolio of preeminent Simon Malls, Simon Premium Outlets, and The Mills is our priority both short and long term. We are also investing in our future, creating the new live, work, play, stay, shop destinations. Over the next several years, Simon is committing billions of dollars to both new developments and redevelopment projects that will further diversify and expand the quality and reach of the Simon portfolio. In addition to our high quality properties, Simon is also known for our strong balance sheet, a long-tenured and well-respected senior management team, and our innovative spirit, as reflected in a 50 + year history of successful retail real estate development, management, and leasing. Simon was named Fortune’s Most Admired Real Estate Company eight times. We have experienced an explosion of growth and innovation unprecedented in the industry and we look forward to Simon's future. RRv1_5B_10B 225 W. Washington St. Indianapolis IN, United States 46204 David Simon 3.40 59.0 61.0 62.0 60.0 61.0 57.0 56.0 65.0 54.0 56.0 57.0 63.0 69.0 189.0 313.00 313.00 3.10 3.20 2.90 3.10 3.20 87.00 About two weeks 95.00 MEDIUM 91.00 FAVORABLE Aug 17th, 2022 12:11PM Aug 17th, 2022 12:11PM Simon Property Group Financials General Financial

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