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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Company Name Followers Employees on Linkedin Link Industry Date Added Date Updated Description Website Specialities Logo HQ.Street HQ.City HQ.State HQ.Country HQ.Postal Headcount change in past 24 months Company Name Sector Industry
private:aspaadministrativeandsupervisorypersonnelassociation-2 1496729 May 22nd, 2019 12:00AM ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association) 36 2.00 Open Education Management May 22nd, 2019 10:24AM May 22nd, 2019 10:24AM The certification of CUPE local 1975 dates from the time the University of Saskatchewan Employee's Union was organized as a federal local of the Canadian Congress of Labor in 1945. The certification gave it the right to represent all of the University of Saskatchewan's non-teaching and administrative staff. In 1976, the local moved to amend and amalgamate the certification to include all employees except professors, those involved in teaching and more senior managers. The Labor Board complied and gave CUPE the right to represent previously excluded unorganized administrative and technical officers. Some 169 of the new members (in CUPE) objected to being under the local CUPE certification without a vote. The University applied to quash the board order. The court of Appeal denied the University's but, citing a dissenting opinion, the Supreme Court of Canada allowed the appeal. Subsequently, those employees, organized as the Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association (ASPA), sought and were granted certification in 1978. The certification order states" ... all administrative and professional person and all technical officers employed by the University of Saskatchewan including but not so as to restrict the generality of the foregoing..." Open Open ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association)
private:aspaadministrativeandsupervisorypersonnelassociation-2 1496729 Mar 23rd, 2018 12:00AM ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association) 38 2.00 Open Education Management Mar 23rd, 2017 10:51AM Mar 23rd, 2017 10:51AM The certification of CUPE local 1975 dates from the time the University of Saskatchewan Employee's Union was organized as a federal local of the Canadian Congress of Labor in 1945. The certification gave it the right to represent all of the University of Saskatchewan's non-teaching and administrative staff. In 1976, the local moved to amend and amalgamate the certification to include all employees except professors, those involved in teaching and more senior managers. The Labor Board complied and gave CUPE the right to represent previously excluded unorganized administrative and technical officers. Some 169 of the new members (in CUPE) objected to being under the local CUPE certification without a vote. The University applied to quash the board order. The court of Appeal denied the University's but, citing a dissenting opinion, the Supreme Court of Canada allowed the appeal. Subsequently, those employees, organized as the Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association (ASPA), sought and were granted certification in 1978. The certification order states" ... all administrative and professional person and all technical officers employed by the University of Saskatchewan including but not so as to restrict the generality of the foregoing..." ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association)
private:aspaadministrativeandsupervisorypersonnelassociation-2 1496729 Feb 17th, 2018 12:00AM ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association) 38 2.00 Open Education Management Feb 17th, 2018 02:25PM Feb 17th, 2018 02:25PM The certification of CUPE local 1975 dates from the time the University of Saskatchewan Employee's Union was organized as a federal local of the Canadian Congress of Labor in 1945. The certification gave it the right to represent all of the University of Saskatchewan's non-teaching and administrative staff. In 1976, the local moved to amend and amalgamate the certification to include all employees except professors, those involved in teaching and more senior managers. The Labor Board complied and gave CUPE the right to represent previously excluded unorganized administrative and technical officers. Some 169 of the new members (in CUPE) objected to being under the local CUPE certification without a vote. The University applied to quash the board order. The court of Appeal denied the University's but, citing a dissenting opinion, the Supreme Court of Canada allowed the appeal. Subsequently, those employees, organized as the Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association (ASPA), sought and were granted certification in 1978. The certification order states" ... all administrative and professional person and all technical officers employed by the University of Saskatchewan including but not so as to restrict the generality of the foregoing..." ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association)
private:aspaadministrativeandsupervisorypersonnelassociation-2 1496729 Feb 16th, 2018 12:00AM ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association) 38 2.00 Open Education Management Feb 16th, 2017 08:15AM Feb 16th, 2017 08:15AM The certification of CUPE local 1975 dates from the time the University of Saskatchewan Employee's Union was organized as a federal local of the Canadian Congress of Labor in 1945. The certification gave it the right to represent all of the University of Saskatchewan's non-teaching and administrative staff. In 1976, the local moved to amend and amalgamate the certification to include all employees except professors, those involved in teaching and more senior managers. The Labor Board complied and gave CUPE the right to represent previously excluded unorganized administrative and technical officers. Some 169 of the new members (in CUPE) objected to being under the local CUPE certification without a vote. The University applied to quash the board order. The court of Appeal denied the University's but, citing a dissenting opinion, the Supreme Court of Canada allowed the appeal. Subsequently, those employees, organized as the Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association (ASPA), sought and were granted certification in 1978. The certification order states" ... all administrative and professional person and all technical officers employed by the University of Saskatchewan including but not so as to restrict the generality of the foregoing..." ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association)
private:aspaadministrativeandsupervisorypersonnelassociation-2 1496729 Feb 15th, 2018 12:00AM ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association) 38 2.00 Open Education Management Feb 15th, 2017 10:07AM Feb 15th, 2017 10:07AM The certification of CUPE local 1975 dates from the time the University of Saskatchewan Employee's Union was organized as a federal local of the Canadian Congress of Labor in 1945. The certification gave it the right to represent all of the University of Saskatchewan's non-teaching and administrative staff. In 1976, the local moved to amend and amalgamate the certification to include all employees except professors, those involved in teaching and more senior managers. The Labor Board complied and gave CUPE the right to represent previously excluded unorganized administrative and technical officers. Some 169 of the new members (in CUPE) objected to being under the local CUPE certification without a vote. The University applied to quash the board order. The court of Appeal denied the University's but, citing a dissenting opinion, the Supreme Court of Canada allowed the appeal. Subsequently, those employees, organized as the Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association (ASPA), sought and were granted certification in 1978. The certification order states" ... all administrative and professional person and all technical officers employed by the University of Saskatchewan including but not so as to restrict the generality of the foregoing..." ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association)
private:aspaadministrativeandsupervisorypersonnelassociation-2 1496729 Feb 14th, 2018 12:00AM ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association) 38 2.00 Open Education Management Feb 14th, 2017 01:50PM Feb 14th, 2017 01:50PM The certification of CUPE local 1975 dates from the time the University of Saskatchewan Employee's Union was organized as a federal local of the Canadian Congress of Labor in 1945. The certification gave it the right to represent all of the University of Saskatchewan's non-teaching and administrative staff. In 1976, the local moved to amend and amalgamate the certification to include all employees except professors, those involved in teaching and more senior managers. The Labor Board complied and gave CUPE the right to represent previously excluded unorganized administrative and technical officers. Some 169 of the new members (in CUPE) objected to being under the local CUPE certification without a vote. The University applied to quash the board order. The court of Appeal denied the University's but, citing a dissenting opinion, the Supreme Court of Canada allowed the appeal. Subsequently, those employees, organized as the Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association (ASPA), sought and were granted certification in 1978. The certification order states" ... all administrative and professional person and all technical officers employed by the University of Saskatchewan including but not so as to restrict the generality of the foregoing..." ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association)
private:aspaadministrativeandsupervisorypersonnelassociation-2 1496729 Feb 13th, 2018 12:00AM ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association) 38 2.00 Open Education Management Feb 13th, 2017 04:11PM Feb 13th, 2017 04:11PM The certification of CUPE local 1975 dates from the time the University of Saskatchewan Employee's Union was organized as a federal local of the Canadian Congress of Labor in 1945. The certification gave it the right to represent all of the University of Saskatchewan's non-teaching and administrative staff. In 1976, the local moved to amend and amalgamate the certification to include all employees except professors, those involved in teaching and more senior managers. The Labor Board complied and gave CUPE the right to represent previously excluded unorganized administrative and technical officers. Some 169 of the new members (in CUPE) objected to being under the local CUPE certification without a vote. The University applied to quash the board order. The court of Appeal denied the University's but, citing a dissenting opinion, the Supreme Court of Canada allowed the appeal. Subsequently, those employees, organized as the Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association (ASPA), sought and were granted certification in 1978. The certification order states" ... all administrative and professional person and all technical officers employed by the University of Saskatchewan including but not so as to restrict the generality of the foregoing..." ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association)
private:aspaadministrativeandsupervisorypersonnelassociation-2 1496729 Feb 12th, 2018 12:00AM ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association) 38 2.00 Open Education Management Feb 12th, 2017 04:15AM Feb 12th, 2017 04:15AM The certification of CUPE local 1975 dates from the time the University of Saskatchewan Employee's Union was organized as a federal local of the Canadian Congress of Labor in 1945. The certification gave it the right to represent all of the University of Saskatchewan's non-teaching and administrative staff. In 1976, the local moved to amend and amalgamate the certification to include all employees except professors, those involved in teaching and more senior managers. The Labor Board complied and gave CUPE the right to represent previously excluded unorganized administrative and technical officers. Some 169 of the new members (in CUPE) objected to being under the local CUPE certification without a vote. The University applied to quash the board order. The court of Appeal denied the University's but, citing a dissenting opinion, the Supreme Court of Canada allowed the appeal. Subsequently, those employees, organized as the Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association (ASPA), sought and were granted certification in 1978. The certification order states" ... all administrative and professional person and all technical officers employed by the University of Saskatchewan including but not so as to restrict the generality of the foregoing..." ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association)
private:aspaadministrativeandsupervisorypersonnelassociation-2 1496729 Feb 11th, 2018 12:00AM ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association) 38 2.00 Open Education Management Feb 11th, 2017 05:35AM Feb 11th, 2017 05:35AM The certification of CUPE local 1975 dates from the time the University of Saskatchewan Employee's Union was organized as a federal local of the Canadian Congress of Labor in 1945. The certification gave it the right to represent all of the University of Saskatchewan's non-teaching and administrative staff. In 1976, the local moved to amend and amalgamate the certification to include all employees except professors, those involved in teaching and more senior managers. The Labor Board complied and gave CUPE the right to represent previously excluded unorganized administrative and technical officers. Some 169 of the new members (in CUPE) objected to being under the local CUPE certification without a vote. The University applied to quash the board order. The court of Appeal denied the University's but, citing a dissenting opinion, the Supreme Court of Canada allowed the appeal. Subsequently, those employees, organized as the Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association (ASPA), sought and were granted certification in 1978. The certification order states" ... all administrative and professional person and all technical officers employed by the University of Saskatchewan including but not so as to restrict the generality of the foregoing..." ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association)
private:aspaadministrativeandsupervisorypersonnelassociation-2 1496729 Feb 10th, 2018 12:00AM ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association) 38 2.00 Open Education Management Feb 10th, 2017 06:43AM Feb 10th, 2017 06:43AM The certification of CUPE local 1975 dates from the time the University of Saskatchewan Employee's Union was organized as a federal local of the Canadian Congress of Labor in 1945. The certification gave it the right to represent all of the University of Saskatchewan's non-teaching and administrative staff. In 1976, the local moved to amend and amalgamate the certification to include all employees except professors, those involved in teaching and more senior managers. The Labor Board complied and gave CUPE the right to represent previously excluded unorganized administrative and technical officers. Some 169 of the new members (in CUPE) objected to being under the local CUPE certification without a vote. The University applied to quash the board order. The court of Appeal denied the University's but, citing a dissenting opinion, the Supreme Court of Canada allowed the appeal. Subsequently, those employees, organized as the Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association (ASPA), sought and were granted certification in 1978. The certification order states" ... all administrative and professional person and all technical officers employed by the University of Saskatchewan including but not so as to restrict the generality of the foregoing..." ASPA (Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association)

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