LinkedIn Profile

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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Company Name Followers Employees on Linkedin Link Industry Date Added Date Updated Description Website Specialities Logo HQ.Street HQ.City HQ.State HQ.Country HQ.Postal Headcount change in past 24 months Company Name Sector Industry
private:briosoftwareltd 261959 May 22nd, 2019 12:00AM Brio Software 229 6.00 Open Computer Software May 22nd, 2019 07:33PM May 22nd, 2019 07:33PM Brio is a tech agency that specializes in developing unique and total solutions. We have a special, highly skilled development team which can tackle any technological challenge. We assign a personal tech agent to each and every one of our clients in order to advise, get your input and oversee the development process of your product. Mobile Brio's Mobile solutions are designed to support multi users and accommodate complex scenarios in controlling and managing large scale CMS and CRM systems as well as in order to use tablets/smart phones as terminals for field agents. Android based set top boxes From IPTV to face recognition based Employee attendance solutions, an android based set top box is the most advanced platform which enables both product designers and entrepreneurs to realize almost any technical vision, as radical as it might be. Brio's solutions Management systems Brio builds flexible systems with the ability to interface with any existing system your business might be addition, our management systems feature a wide variety of smart tools such as HTML scraping (crawler), SAP/ERPs integration and smart APIs. Ecommerce Brio creates complex systems to accommodate any organizational/ business scenarios such as interfacing with any ERPs such as SAP or CRMs such as MS Dynamics as well as billing systems like "Hashavshevet". Hardware integration Brio's hardware agents can interface with any hardware component or device in order to perform any given task. Open Mobile Smartphones, Software Programming, Software Development, Andorid, Internet development, iOS, Ecommerce, ASP.NET, Management systems, ERP / CMS / CRM, JAVA J2ME Open Aba Even 15 Herzelia IL Brio Software LTD
private:briosoftwareltd 261959 Feb 17th, 2018 12:00AM Brio Software 225 6.00 Open Computer Software Feb 17th, 2018 02:25PM Feb 17th, 2018 02:25PM Brio is a tech agency that specializes in developing unique and total solutions. We have a special, highly skilled development team which can tackle any technological challenge. We assign a personal tech agent to each and every one of our clients in order to advise, get your input and oversee the development process of your product. Mobile Brio's Mobile solutions are designed to support multi users and accommodate complex scenarios in controlling and managing large scale CMS and CRM systems as well as in order to use tablets/smart phones as terminals for field agents. Android based set top boxes From IPTV to face recognition based Employee attendance solutions, an android based set top box is the most advanced platform which enables both product designers and entrepreneurs to realize almost any technical vision, as radical as it might be. Brio's solutions Management systems Brio builds flexible systems with the ability to interface with any existing system your business might be addition, our management systems feature a wide variety of smart tools such as HTML scraping (crawler), SAP/ERPs integration and smart APIs. Ecommerce Brio creates complex systems to accommodate any organizational/ business scenarios such as interfacing with any ERPs such as SAP or CRMs such as MS Dynamics as well as billing systems like "Hashavshevet". Hardware integration Brio's hardware agents can interface with any hardware component or device in order to perform any given task. Brio Software LTD
private:briosoftwareltd 261959 Feb 16th, 2018 12:00AM Brio Software 225 6.00 Open Computer Software Feb 16th, 2017 08:15AM Feb 16th, 2017 08:15AM Brio is a tech agency that specializes in developing unique and total solutions. We have a special, highly skilled development team which can tackle any technological challenge. We assign a personal tech agent to each and every one of our clients in order to advise, get your input and oversee the development process of your product. Mobile Brio's Mobile solutions are designed to support multi users and accommodate complex scenarios in controlling and managing large scale CMS and CRM systems as well as in order to use tablets/smart phones as terminals for field agents. Android based set top boxes From IPTV to face recognition based Employee attendance solutions, an android based set top box is the most advanced platform which enables both product designers and entrepreneurs to realize almost any technical vision, as radical as it might be. Brio's solutions Management systems Brio builds flexible systems with the ability to interface with any existing system your business might be addition, our management systems feature a wide variety of smart tools such as HTML scraping (crawler), SAP/ERPs integration and smart APIs. Ecommerce Brio creates complex systems to accommodate any organizational/ business scenarios such as interfacing with any ERPs such as SAP or CRMs such as MS Dynamics as well as billing systems like "Hashavshevet". Hardware integration Brio's hardware agents can interface with any hardware component or device in order to perform any given task. Brio Software LTD
private:briosoftwareltd 261959 Feb 15th, 2018 12:00AM Brio Software 225 6.00 Open Computer Software Feb 15th, 2017 10:07AM Feb 15th, 2017 10:07AM Brio is a tech agency that specializes in developing unique and total solutions. We have a special, highly skilled development team which can tackle any technological challenge. We assign a personal tech agent to each and every one of our clients in order to advise, get your input and oversee the development process of your product. Mobile Brio's Mobile solutions are designed to support multi users and accommodate complex scenarios in controlling and managing large scale CMS and CRM systems as well as in order to use tablets/smart phones as terminals for field agents. Android based set top boxes From IPTV to face recognition based Employee attendance solutions, an android based set top box is the most advanced platform which enables both product designers and entrepreneurs to realize almost any technical vision, as radical as it might be. Brio's solutions Management systems Brio builds flexible systems with the ability to interface with any existing system your business might be addition, our management systems feature a wide variety of smart tools such as HTML scraping (crawler), SAP/ERPs integration and smart APIs. Ecommerce Brio creates complex systems to accommodate any organizational/ business scenarios such as interfacing with any ERPs such as SAP or CRMs such as MS Dynamics as well as billing systems like "Hashavshevet". Hardware integration Brio's hardware agents can interface with any hardware component or device in order to perform any given task. Brio Software LTD
private:briosoftwareltd 261959 Feb 14th, 2018 12:00AM Brio Software 225 6.00 Open Computer Software Feb 14th, 2017 01:50PM Feb 14th, 2017 01:50PM Brio is a tech agency that specializes in developing unique and total solutions. We have a special, highly skilled development team which can tackle any technological challenge. We assign a personal tech agent to each and every one of our clients in order to advise, get your input and oversee the development process of your product. Mobile Brio's Mobile solutions are designed to support multi users and accommodate complex scenarios in controlling and managing large scale CMS and CRM systems as well as in order to use tablets/smart phones as terminals for field agents. Android based set top boxes From IPTV to face recognition based Employee attendance solutions, an android based set top box is the most advanced platform which enables both product designers and entrepreneurs to realize almost any technical vision, as radical as it might be. Brio's solutions Management systems Brio builds flexible systems with the ability to interface with any existing system your business might be addition, our management systems feature a wide variety of smart tools such as HTML scraping (crawler), SAP/ERPs integration and smart APIs. Ecommerce Brio creates complex systems to accommodate any organizational/ business scenarios such as interfacing with any ERPs such as SAP or CRMs such as MS Dynamics as well as billing systems like "Hashavshevet". Hardware integration Brio's hardware agents can interface with any hardware component or device in order to perform any given task. Brio Software LTD
private:briosoftwareltd 261959 Feb 13th, 2018 12:00AM Brio Software 225 6.00 Open Computer Software Feb 13th, 2017 04:11PM Feb 13th, 2017 04:11PM Brio is a tech agency that specializes in developing unique and total solutions. We have a special, highly skilled development team which can tackle any technological challenge. We assign a personal tech agent to each and every one of our clients in order to advise, get your input and oversee the development process of your product. Mobile Brio's Mobile solutions are designed to support multi users and accommodate complex scenarios in controlling and managing large scale CMS and CRM systems as well as in order to use tablets/smart phones as terminals for field agents. Android based set top boxes From IPTV to face recognition based Employee attendance solutions, an android based set top box is the most advanced platform which enables both product designers and entrepreneurs to realize almost any technical vision, as radical as it might be. Brio's solutions Management systems Brio builds flexible systems with the ability to interface with any existing system your business might be addition, our management systems feature a wide variety of smart tools such as HTML scraping (crawler), SAP/ERPs integration and smart APIs. Ecommerce Brio creates complex systems to accommodate any organizational/ business scenarios such as interfacing with any ERPs such as SAP or CRMs such as MS Dynamics as well as billing systems like "Hashavshevet". Hardware integration Brio's hardware agents can interface with any hardware component or device in order to perform any given task. Brio Software LTD
private:briosoftwareltd 261959 Feb 12th, 2018 12:00AM Brio Software 225 6.00 Open Computer Software Feb 12th, 2017 04:15AM Feb 12th, 2017 04:15AM Brio is a tech agency that specializes in developing unique and total solutions. We have a special, highly skilled development team which can tackle any technological challenge. We assign a personal tech agent to each and every one of our clients in order to advise, get your input and oversee the development process of your product. Mobile Brio's Mobile solutions are designed to support multi users and accommodate complex scenarios in controlling and managing large scale CMS and CRM systems as well as in order to use tablets/smart phones as terminals for field agents. Android based set top boxes From IPTV to face recognition based Employee attendance solutions, an android based set top box is the most advanced platform which enables both product designers and entrepreneurs to realize almost any technical vision, as radical as it might be. Brio's solutions Management systems Brio builds flexible systems with the ability to interface with any existing system your business might be addition, our management systems feature a wide variety of smart tools such as HTML scraping (crawler), SAP/ERPs integration and smart APIs. Ecommerce Brio creates complex systems to accommodate any organizational/ business scenarios such as interfacing with any ERPs such as SAP or CRMs such as MS Dynamics as well as billing systems like "Hashavshevet". Hardware integration Brio's hardware agents can interface with any hardware component or device in order to perform any given task. Brio Software LTD
private:briosoftwareltd 261959 Feb 11th, 2018 12:00AM Brio Software 225 6.00 Open Computer Software Feb 11th, 2017 05:35AM Feb 11th, 2017 05:35AM Brio is a tech agency that specializes in developing unique and total solutions. We have a special, highly skilled development team which can tackle any technological challenge. We assign a personal tech agent to each and every one of our clients in order to advise, get your input and oversee the development process of your product. Mobile Brio's Mobile solutions are designed to support multi users and accommodate complex scenarios in controlling and managing large scale CMS and CRM systems as well as in order to use tablets/smart phones as terminals for field agents. Android based set top boxes From IPTV to face recognition based Employee attendance solutions, an android based set top box is the most advanced platform which enables both product designers and entrepreneurs to realize almost any technical vision, as radical as it might be. Brio's solutions Management systems Brio builds flexible systems with the ability to interface with any existing system your business might be addition, our management systems feature a wide variety of smart tools such as HTML scraping (crawler), SAP/ERPs integration and smart APIs. Ecommerce Brio creates complex systems to accommodate any organizational/ business scenarios such as interfacing with any ERPs such as SAP or CRMs such as MS Dynamics as well as billing systems like "Hashavshevet". Hardware integration Brio's hardware agents can interface with any hardware component or device in order to perform any given task. Brio Software LTD
private:briosoftwareltd 261959 Feb 10th, 2018 12:00AM Brio Software 225 6.00 Open Computer Software Feb 10th, 2017 06:43AM Feb 10th, 2017 06:43AM Brio is a tech agency that specializes in developing unique and total solutions. We have a special, highly skilled development team which can tackle any technological challenge. We assign a personal tech agent to each and every one of our clients in order to advise, get your input and oversee the development process of your product. Mobile Brio's Mobile solutions are designed to support multi users and accommodate complex scenarios in controlling and managing large scale CMS and CRM systems as well as in order to use tablets/smart phones as terminals for field agents. Android based set top boxes From IPTV to face recognition based Employee attendance solutions, an android based set top box is the most advanced platform which enables both product designers and entrepreneurs to realize almost any technical vision, as radical as it might be. Brio's solutions Management systems Brio builds flexible systems with the ability to interface with any existing system your business might be addition, our management systems feature a wide variety of smart tools such as HTML scraping (crawler), SAP/ERPs integration and smart APIs. Ecommerce Brio creates complex systems to accommodate any organizational/ business scenarios such as interfacing with any ERPs such as SAP or CRMs such as MS Dynamics as well as billing systems like "Hashavshevet". Hardware integration Brio's hardware agents can interface with any hardware component or device in order to perform any given task. Brio Software LTD
private:briosoftwareltd 261959 Feb 9th, 2018 12:00AM Brio Software 225 6.00 Open Computer Software Feb 9th, 2017 08:57AM Feb 9th, 2017 08:57AM Brio is a tech agency that specializes in developing unique and total solutions. We have a special, highly skilled development team which can tackle any technological challenge. We assign a personal tech agent to each and every one of our clients in order to advise, get your input and oversee the development process of your product. Mobile Brio's Mobile solutions are designed to support multi users and accommodate complex scenarios in controlling and managing large scale CMS and CRM systems as well as in order to use tablets/smart phones as terminals for field agents. Android based set top boxes From IPTV to face recognition based Employee attendance solutions, an android based set top box is the most advanced platform which enables both product designers and entrepreneurs to realize almost any technical vision, as radical as it might be. Brio's solutions Management systems Brio builds flexible systems with the ability to interface with any existing system your business might be addition, our management systems feature a wide variety of smart tools such as HTML scraping (crawler), SAP/ERPs integration and smart APIs. Ecommerce Brio creates complex systems to accommodate any organizational/ business scenarios such as interfacing with any ERPs such as SAP or CRMs such as MS Dynamics as well as billing systems like "Hashavshevet". Hardware integration Brio's hardware agents can interface with any hardware component or device in order to perform any given task. Brio Software LTD

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