LinkedIn Profile

Access Chapel Hill Bees, LLC historical Linkedin company profile data on number of followers, employee headcount and more
Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Company Name Followers Employees on Linkedin Link Industry Date Added Date Updated Description Website Specialities Logo HQ.Street HQ.City HQ.State HQ.Country HQ.Postal Headcount change in past 24 months Company Name Sector Industry
private:chapelhillbeesllc-2 1442505 Dec 3rd, 2020 12:00AM Chapel Hill Bees, LLC 35 0.00 Open Farming Dec 3rd, 2020 09:28AM Dec 3rd, 2020 09:28AM *****This business is permanently closed.****** Are you interested in keeping bees? Not sure where to begin? Worried that you don't have the time, money, or expertise to get started? Chapel Hill Bees offers the equipment and knowledge you need to enjoy a thriving colony of bees. Your bees will pollinate your garden, make honey, and entertain you with their fascinating behavior. And in the process, your colony will contribute to the gene pool of the local bee population. Chapel Hill Bees leases quality handmade hive boxes containing young bee colonies and will install the hive on your property. We maintain the hive using natural and sustainable methods, and ensure that your bees remain healthy and vigorous. We also offer beekeeping training and educational programs for you and your guests. Our company is dedicated to providing you with an exciting and fulfilling experience with natural beekeeping in your own backyard. Carrboro US Chapel Hill Bees, LLC
private:chapelhillbeesllc-2 1442505 Dec 2nd, 2020 12:00AM Chapel Hill Bees, LLC 35 0.00 Open Farming Dec 2nd, 2020 11:49AM Dec 2nd, 2020 11:49AM *****This business is permanently closed.****** Are you interested in keeping bees? Not sure where to begin? Worried that you don't have the time, money, or expertise to get started? Chapel Hill Bees offers the equipment and knowledge you need to enjoy a thriving colony of bees. Your bees will pollinate your garden, make honey, and entertain you with their fascinating behavior. And in the process, your colony will contribute to the gene pool of the local bee population. Chapel Hill Bees leases quality handmade hive boxes containing young bee colonies and will install the hive on your property. We maintain the hive using natural and sustainable methods, and ensure that your bees remain healthy and vigorous. We also offer beekeeping training and educational programs for you and your guests. Our company is dedicated to providing you with an exciting and fulfilling experience with natural beekeeping in your own backyard. Carrboro US Chapel Hill Bees, LLC
private:chapelhillbeesllc-2 1442505 Dec 1st, 2020 12:00AM Chapel Hill Bees, LLC 35 0.00 Open Farming Dec 1st, 2020 10:24AM Dec 1st, 2020 10:24AM *****This business is permanently closed.****** Are you interested in keeping bees? Not sure where to begin? Worried that you don't have the time, money, or expertise to get started? Chapel Hill Bees offers the equipment and knowledge you need to enjoy a thriving colony of bees. Your bees will pollinate your garden, make honey, and entertain you with their fascinating behavior. And in the process, your colony will contribute to the gene pool of the local bee population. Chapel Hill Bees leases quality handmade hive boxes containing young bee colonies and will install the hive on your property. We maintain the hive using natural and sustainable methods, and ensure that your bees remain healthy and vigorous. We also offer beekeeping training and educational programs for you and your guests. Our company is dedicated to providing you with an exciting and fulfilling experience with natural beekeeping in your own backyard. Carrboro US Chapel Hill Bees, LLC
private:chapelhillbeesllc-2 1442505 Nov 30th, 2020 12:00AM Chapel Hill Bees, LLC 35 0.00 Open Farming Nov 30th, 2020 10:42AM Nov 30th, 2020 10:42AM *****This business is permanently closed.****** Are you interested in keeping bees? Not sure where to begin? Worried that you don't have the time, money, or expertise to get started? Chapel Hill Bees offers the equipment and knowledge you need to enjoy a thriving colony of bees. Your bees will pollinate your garden, make honey, and entertain you with their fascinating behavior. And in the process, your colony will contribute to the gene pool of the local bee population. Chapel Hill Bees leases quality handmade hive boxes containing young bee colonies and will install the hive on your property. We maintain the hive using natural and sustainable methods, and ensure that your bees remain healthy and vigorous. We also offer beekeeping training and educational programs for you and your guests. Our company is dedicated to providing you with an exciting and fulfilling experience with natural beekeeping in your own backyard. Carrboro US Chapel Hill Bees, LLC
private:chapelhillbeesllc-2 1442505 Nov 29th, 2020 12:00AM Chapel Hill Bees, LLC 35 0.00 Open Farming Nov 29th, 2020 05:28PM Nov 29th, 2020 05:28PM *****This business is permanently closed.****** Are you interested in keeping bees? Not sure where to begin? Worried that you don't have the time, money, or expertise to get started? Chapel Hill Bees offers the equipment and knowledge you need to enjoy a thriving colony of bees. Your bees will pollinate your garden, make honey, and entertain you with their fascinating behavior. And in the process, your colony will contribute to the gene pool of the local bee population. Chapel Hill Bees leases quality handmade hive boxes containing young bee colonies and will install the hive on your property. We maintain the hive using natural and sustainable methods, and ensure that your bees remain healthy and vigorous. We also offer beekeeping training and educational programs for you and your guests. Our company is dedicated to providing you with an exciting and fulfilling experience with natural beekeeping in your own backyard. Carrboro US Chapel Hill Bees, LLC
private:chapelhillbeesllc-2 1442505 Nov 28th, 2020 12:00AM Chapel Hill Bees, LLC 35 0.00 Open Farming Nov 28th, 2020 01:20PM Nov 28th, 2020 01:20PM *****This business is permanently closed.****** Are you interested in keeping bees? Not sure where to begin? Worried that you don't have the time, money, or expertise to get started? Chapel Hill Bees offers the equipment and knowledge you need to enjoy a thriving colony of bees. Your bees will pollinate your garden, make honey, and entertain you with their fascinating behavior. And in the process, your colony will contribute to the gene pool of the local bee population. Chapel Hill Bees leases quality handmade hive boxes containing young bee colonies and will install the hive on your property. We maintain the hive using natural and sustainable methods, and ensure that your bees remain healthy and vigorous. We also offer beekeeping training and educational programs for you and your guests. Our company is dedicated to providing you with an exciting and fulfilling experience with natural beekeeping in your own backyard. Carrboro US Chapel Hill Bees, LLC
private:chapelhillbeesllc-2 1442505 Nov 27th, 2020 12:00AM Chapel Hill Bees, LLC 35 0.00 Open Farming Nov 27th, 2020 09:41AM Nov 27th, 2020 09:41AM *****This business is permanently closed.****** Are you interested in keeping bees? Not sure where to begin? Worried that you don't have the time, money, or expertise to get started? Chapel Hill Bees offers the equipment and knowledge you need to enjoy a thriving colony of bees. Your bees will pollinate your garden, make honey, and entertain you with their fascinating behavior. And in the process, your colony will contribute to the gene pool of the local bee population. Chapel Hill Bees leases quality handmade hive boxes containing young bee colonies and will install the hive on your property. We maintain the hive using natural and sustainable methods, and ensure that your bees remain healthy and vigorous. We also offer beekeeping training and educational programs for you and your guests. Our company is dedicated to providing you with an exciting and fulfilling experience with natural beekeeping in your own backyard. Carrboro US Chapel Hill Bees, LLC
private:chapelhillbeesllc-2 1442505 Nov 26th, 2020 12:00AM Chapel Hill Bees, LLC 35 0.00 Open Farming Nov 26th, 2020 10:41AM Nov 26th, 2020 10:41AM *****This business is permanently closed.****** Are you interested in keeping bees? Not sure where to begin? Worried that you don't have the time, money, or expertise to get started? Chapel Hill Bees offers the equipment and knowledge you need to enjoy a thriving colony of bees. Your bees will pollinate your garden, make honey, and entertain you with their fascinating behavior. And in the process, your colony will contribute to the gene pool of the local bee population. Chapel Hill Bees leases quality handmade hive boxes containing young bee colonies and will install the hive on your property. We maintain the hive using natural and sustainable methods, and ensure that your bees remain healthy and vigorous. We also offer beekeeping training and educational programs for you and your guests. Our company is dedicated to providing you with an exciting and fulfilling experience with natural beekeeping in your own backyard. Carrboro US Chapel Hill Bees, LLC
private:chapelhillbeesllc-2 1442505 Nov 25th, 2020 12:00AM Chapel Hill Bees, LLC 35 0.00 Open Farming Nov 25th, 2020 01:33PM Nov 25th, 2020 01:33PM *****This business is permanently closed.****** Are you interested in keeping bees? Not sure where to begin? Worried that you don't have the time, money, or expertise to get started? Chapel Hill Bees offers the equipment and knowledge you need to enjoy a thriving colony of bees. Your bees will pollinate your garden, make honey, and entertain you with their fascinating behavior. And in the process, your colony will contribute to the gene pool of the local bee population. Chapel Hill Bees leases quality handmade hive boxes containing young bee colonies and will install the hive on your property. We maintain the hive using natural and sustainable methods, and ensure that your bees remain healthy and vigorous. We also offer beekeeping training and educational programs for you and your guests. Our company is dedicated to providing you with an exciting and fulfilling experience with natural beekeeping in your own backyard. Carrboro US Chapel Hill Bees, LLC
private:chapelhillbeesllc-2 1442505 Nov 24th, 2020 12:00AM Chapel Hill Bees, LLC 35 0.00 Open Farming Nov 24th, 2020 09:44AM Nov 24th, 2020 09:44AM *****This business is permanently closed.****** Are you interested in keeping bees? Not sure where to begin? Worried that you don't have the time, money, or expertise to get started? Chapel Hill Bees offers the equipment and knowledge you need to enjoy a thriving colony of bees. Your bees will pollinate your garden, make honey, and entertain you with their fascinating behavior. And in the process, your colony will contribute to the gene pool of the local bee population. Chapel Hill Bees leases quality handmade hive boxes containing young bee colonies and will install the hive on your property. We maintain the hive using natural and sustainable methods, and ensure that your bees remain healthy and vigorous. We also offer beekeeping training and educational programs for you and your guests. Our company is dedicated to providing you with an exciting and fulfilling experience with natural beekeeping in your own backyard. Carrboro US Chapel Hill Bees, LLC

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