LinkedIn Profile

Access EOMAP historical Linkedin company profile data on number of followers, employee headcount and more
Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Company Name Followers Employees on Linkedin Link Industry Date Added Date Updated Description Website Specialities Logo HQ.Street HQ.City HQ.State HQ.Country HQ.Postal Headcount change in past 24 months Company Name Sector Industry
private:eomap 10089300 Jun 12th, 2022 12:00AM EOMAP 2.1K 25.00 Open Environmental Services Jun 12th, 2022 12:44AM Jun 12th, 2022 12:44AM EOMAP is the world leading company for optical remote sensing of marine and freshwater aquatic environments. EOMAP has supported both industry and governments to successfully complete hundreds of projects requiring the practical management of coastal zones and wetland ecosystems. EOMAP is an expert in Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB), Seafloor Classification and Water Quality Monitoring. EOMAP understands that their clients value certainty. Today’s projects are commonly characterised by layers of inter-relating risk. The early identification, understanding and management of risk are priorities for a project manager. Experience shows that when key ecological issues are not adequately considered early in the project cycle, schedules are likely to be derailed and money wasted. No matter how large or small the project, or whether the risk is ‘real’ or perceived, neglecting appropriately scoped ecological investigation exposes the project to avoidable risk. EOMAP’s team provides expert advice across the spectrum of aquatic issues to help project managers identify and manage risk, instilling credibility and confidence, and smoothing the path through negotiations and approvals. With over ten years of experience in research and consultancy, EOMAP is widely respected for its ability to formulate practical and cost-effective strategies based on sound ecological and regulatory understanding. Founded in 2006 as a spin-off from the German Aerospace Center (DLR), EOMAP is a privately owned company, headquartered in Seefeld, near Munich, Germany. Before committing to your next project, talk to our experts at EOMAP! Open Coastal and benthic habitat mapping, Water Quality Monitoring, Geomatics, Environmental analysis, Satellite Derived Bathymetry, Mapping and Monitoring, Earth Observation, Digital Elevation Models, Environmental consultancy Open Schloss Seefeld, Schlosshof 4 Seefeld DE 82229 EOMAP
private:eomap 10089300 May 26th, 2022 12:00AM EOMAP 2.0K 25.00 Open Environmental Services May 25th, 2022 11:15PM May 26th, 2022 09:58AM EOMAP is the world leading company for optical remote sensing of marine and freshwater aquatic environments. EOMAP has supported both industry and governments to successfully complete hundreds of projects requiring the practical management of coastal zones and wetland ecosystems. EOMAP is an expert in Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB), Seafloor Classification and Water Quality Monitoring. EOMAP understands that their clients value certainty. Today’s projects are commonly characterised by layers of inter-relating risk. The early identification, understanding and management of risk are priorities for a project manager. Experience shows that when key ecological issues are not adequately considered early in the project cycle, schedules are likely to be derailed and money wasted. No matter how large or small the project, or whether the risk is ‘real’ or perceived, neglecting appropriately scoped ecological investigation exposes the project to avoidable risk. EOMAP’s team provides expert advice across the spectrum of aquatic issues to help project managers identify and manage risk, instilling credibility and confidence, and smoothing the path through negotiations and approvals. With over ten years of experience in research and consultancy, EOMAP is widely respected for its ability to formulate practical and cost-effective strategies based on sound ecological and regulatory understanding. Founded in 2006 as a spin-off from the German Aerospace Center (DLR), EOMAP is a privately owned company, headquartered in Seefeld, near Munich, Germany. Before committing to your next project, talk to our experts at EOMAP! Open Coastal and benthic habitat mapping, Water Quality Monitoring, Geomatics, Environmental analysis, Satellite Derived Bathymetry, Mapping and Monitoring, Earth Observation, Digital Elevation Models, Environmental consultancy Open Schloss Seefeld, Schlosshof 4 Seefeld DE 82229 EOMAP
private:eomap 10089300 Mar 28th, 2022 12:00AM EOMAP 1.8K 26.00 Open Environmental Services Mar 28th, 2022 07:39PM Mar 28th, 2022 07:39PM EOMAP is the world leading company for optical remote sensing of marine and freshwater aquatic environments. EOMAP has supported both industry and governments to successfully complete hundreds of projects requiring the practical management of coastal zones and wetland ecosystems. EOMAP is an expert in Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB), Seafloor Classification and Water Quality Monitoring. EOMAP understands that their clients value certainty. Today’s projects are commonly characterised by layers of inter-relating risk. The early identification, understanding and management of risk are priorities for a project manager. Experience shows that when key ecological issues are not adequately considered early in the project cycle, schedules are likely to be derailed and money wasted. No matter how large or small the project, or whether the risk is ‘real’ or perceived, neglecting appropriately scoped ecological investigation exposes the project to avoidable risk. EOMAP’s team provides expert advice across the spectrum of aquatic issues to help project managers identify and manage risk, instilling credibility and confidence, and smoothing the path through negotiations and approvals. With over ten years of experience in research and consultancy, EOMAP is widely respected for its ability to formulate practical and cost-effective strategies based on sound ecological and regulatory understanding. Founded in 2006 as a spin-off from the German Aerospace Center (DLR), EOMAP is a privately owned company, headquartered in Seefeld, near Munich, Germany. Before committing to your next project, talk to our experts at EOMAP! Open Coastal and benthic habitat mapping, Water Quality Monitoring, Geomatics, Environmental analysis, Satellite Derived Bathymetry, Mapping and Monitoring, Earth Observation, Digital Elevation Models, Environmental consultancy Open Schloss Seefeld, Schlosshof 4 Seefeld DE 82229 EOMAP
private:eomap 10089300 Mar 10th, 2022 12:00AM EOMAP 1.7K 26.00 Open Environmental Services Mar 10th, 2022 06:47PM Mar 10th, 2022 06:47PM EOMAP is the world leading company for optical remote sensing of marine and freshwater aquatic environments. EOMAP has supported both industry and governments to successfully complete hundreds of projects requiring the practical management of coastal zones and wetland ecosystems. EOMAP is an expert in Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB), Seafloor Classification and Water Quality Monitoring. EOMAP understands that their clients value certainty. Today’s projects are commonly characterised by layers of inter-relating risk. The early identification, understanding and management of risk are priorities for a project manager. Experience shows that when key ecological issues are not adequately considered early in the project cycle, schedules are likely to be derailed and money wasted. No matter how large or small the project, or whether the risk is ‘real’ or perceived, neglecting appropriately scoped ecological investigation exposes the project to avoidable risk. EOMAP’s team provides expert advice across the spectrum of aquatic issues to help project managers identify and manage risk, instilling credibility and confidence, and smoothing the path through negotiations and approvals. With over ten years of experience in research and consultancy, EOMAP is widely respected for its ability to formulate practical and cost-effective strategies based on sound ecological and regulatory understanding. Founded in 2006 as a spin-off from the German Aerospace Center (DLR), EOMAP is a privately owned company, headquartered in Seefeld, near Munich, Germany. Before committing to your next project, talk to our experts at EOMAP! Open Coastal and benthic habitat mapping, Water Quality Monitoring, Geomatics, Environmental analysis, Satellite Derived Bathymetry, Mapping and Monitoring, Earth Observation, Digital Elevation Models, Environmental consultancy Open Schloss Seefeld, Schlosshof 4 Seefeld DE 82229 EOMAP
private:eomap 10089300 Feb 14th, 2022 12:00AM EOMAP 1.7K 25.00 Open Environmental Services Feb 14th, 2022 11:55AM Feb 14th, 2022 11:55AM EOMAP is the world leading company for optical remote sensing of marine and freshwater aquatic environments. EOMAP has supported both industry and governments to successfully complete hundreds of projects requiring the practical management of coastal zones and wetland ecosystems. EOMAP is an expert in Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB), Seafloor Classification and Water Quality Monitoring. EOMAP understands that their clients value certainty. Today’s projects are commonly characterised by layers of inter-relating risk. The early identification, understanding and management of risk are priorities for a project manager. Experience shows that when key ecological issues are not adequately considered early in the project cycle, schedules are likely to be derailed and money wasted. No matter how large or small the project, or whether the risk is ‘real’ or perceived, neglecting appropriately scoped ecological investigation exposes the project to avoidable risk. EOMAP’s team provides expert advice across the spectrum of aquatic issues to help project managers identify and manage risk, instilling credibility and confidence, and smoothing the path through negotiations and approvals. With over ten years of experience in research and consultancy, EOMAP is widely respected for its ability to formulate practical and cost-effective strategies based on sound ecological and regulatory understanding. Founded in 2006 as a spin-off from the German Aerospace Center (DLR), EOMAP is a privately owned company, headquartered in Seefeld, near Munich, Germany. Before committing to your next project, talk to our experts at EOMAP! Open Coastal and benthic habitat mapping, Water Quality Monitoring, Geomatics, Environmental analysis, Satellite Derived Bathymetry, Mapping and Monitoring, Earth Observation, Digital Elevation Models, Environmental consultancy Open Schloss Seefeld, Schlosshof 4 Seefeld DE 82229 EOMAP
private:eomap 10089300 Oct 17th, 2021 12:00AM EOMAP 1.5K 21.00 Open Environmental Services Oct 16th, 2021 09:25PM Oct 16th, 2021 09:25PM EOMAP is the world leading company for optical remote sensing of marine and freshwater aquatic environments. EOMAP has supported both industry and governments to successfully complete hundreds of projects requiring the practical management of coastal zones and wetland ecosystems. EOMAP is an expert in Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB), Seafloor Classification and Water Quality Monitoring. EOMAP understands that their clients value certainty. Today’s projects are commonly characterised by layers of inter-relating risk. The early identification, understanding and management of risk are priorities for a project manager. Experience shows that when key ecological issues are not adequately considered early in the project cycle, schedules are likely to be derailed and money wasted. No matter how large or small the project, or whether the risk is ‘real’ or perceived, neglecting appropriately scoped ecological investigation exposes the project to avoidable risk. EOMAP’s team provides expert advice across the spectrum of aquatic issues to help project managers identify and manage risk, instilling credibility and confidence, and smoothing the path through negotiations and approvals. With over ten years of experience in research and consultancy, EOMAP is widely respected for its ability to formulate practical and cost-effective strategies based on sound ecological and regulatory understanding. Founded in 2006 as a spin-off from the German Aerospace Center (DLR), EOMAP is a privately owned company, headquartered in Seefeld, near Munich, Germany. Before committing to your next project, talk to our experts at EOMAP! Open Coastal and benthic habitat mapping, Water Quality Monitoring, Geomatics, Environmental analysis, Satellite Derived Bathymetry, Mapping and Monitoring, Earth Observation, Digital Elevation Models, Environmental consultancy Open Schloss Seefeld, Schlosshof 4 Seefeld DE 82229 EOMAP
private:eomap 10089300 Sep 10th, 2021 12:00AM EOMAP 1.5K 20.00 Open Environmental Services Sep 9th, 2021 09:54PM Sep 9th, 2021 09:54PM EOMAP is the world leading company for optical remote sensing of marine and freshwater aquatic environments. EOMAP has supported both industry and governments to successfully complete hundreds of projects requiring the practical management of coastal zones and wetland ecosystems. EOMAP is an expert in Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB), Seafloor Classification and Water Quality Monitoring. EOMAP understands that their clients value certainty. Today’s projects are commonly characterised by layers of inter-relating risk. The early identification, understanding and management of risk are priorities for a project manager. Experience shows that when key ecological issues are not adequately considered early in the project cycle, schedules are likely to be derailed and money wasted. No matter how large or small the project, or whether the risk is ‘real’ or perceived, neglecting appropriately scoped ecological investigation exposes the project to avoidable risk. EOMAP’s team provides expert advice across the spectrum of aquatic issues to help project managers identify and manage risk, instilling credibility and confidence, and smoothing the path through negotiations and approvals. With over ten years of experience in research and consultancy, EOMAP is widely respected for its ability to formulate practical and cost-effective strategies based on sound ecological and regulatory understanding. Founded in 2006 as a spin-off from the German Aerospace Center (DLR), EOMAP is a privately owned company, headquartered in Seefeld, near Munich, Germany. Before committing to your next project, talk to our experts at EOMAP! Open Coastal and benthic habitat mapping, Water Quality Monitoring, Geomatics, Environmental analysis, Satellite Derived Bathymetry, Mapping and Monitoring, Earth Observation, Digital Elevation Models, Environmental consultancy Open Schloss Seefeld, Schlosshof 4 Seefeld DE 82229 EOMAP
private:eomap 10089300 Aug 26th, 2021 12:00AM EOMAP 1.4K 20.00 Open Environmental Services Aug 26th, 2021 05:23PM Aug 26th, 2021 05:23PM EOMAP is the world leading company for optical remote sensing of marine and freshwater aquatic environments. EOMAP has supported both industry and governments to successfully complete hundreds of projects requiring the practical management of coastal zones and wetland ecosystems. EOMAP is an expert in Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB), Seafloor Classification and Water Quality Monitoring. EOMAP understands that their clients value certainty. Today’s projects are commonly characterised by layers of inter-relating risk. The early identification, understanding and management of risk are priorities for a project manager. Experience shows that when key ecological issues are not adequately considered early in the project cycle, schedules are likely to be derailed and money wasted. No matter how large or small the project, or whether the risk is ‘real’ or perceived, neglecting appropriately scoped ecological investigation exposes the project to avoidable risk. EOMAP’s team provides expert advice across the spectrum of aquatic issues to help project managers identify and manage risk, instilling credibility and confidence, and smoothing the path through negotiations and approvals. With over ten years of experience in research and consultancy, EOMAP is widely respected for its ability to formulate practical and cost-effective strategies based on sound ecological and regulatory understanding. Founded in 2006 as a spin-off from the German Aerospace Center (DLR), EOMAP is a privately owned company, headquartered in Seefeld, near Munich, Germany. Before committing to your next project, talk to our experts at EOMAP! Open Coastal and benthic habitat mapping, Water Quality Monitoring, Geomatics, Environmental analysis, Satellite Derived Bathymetry, Mapping and Monitoring, Earth Observation, Digital Elevation Models, Environmental consultancy Open Schloss Seefeld, Schlosshof 4 Seefeld DE 82229 EOMAP
private:eomap 10089300 Aug 25th, 2021 12:00AM EOMAP 1.4K 20.00 Open Environmental Services Aug 24th, 2021 08:43PM Aug 24th, 2021 08:43PM EOMAP is the world leading company for optical remote sensing of marine and freshwater aquatic environments. EOMAP has supported both industry and governments to successfully complete hundreds of projects requiring the practical management of coastal zones and wetland ecosystems. EOMAP is an expert in Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB), Seafloor Classification and Water Quality Monitoring. EOMAP understands that their clients value certainty. Today’s projects are commonly characterised by layers of inter-relating risk. The early identification, understanding and management of risk are priorities for a project manager. Experience shows that when key ecological issues are not adequately considered early in the project cycle, schedules are likely to be derailed and money wasted. No matter how large or small the project, or whether the risk is ‘real’ or perceived, neglecting appropriately scoped ecological investigation exposes the project to avoidable risk. EOMAP’s team provides expert advice across the spectrum of aquatic issues to help project managers identify and manage risk, instilling credibility and confidence, and smoothing the path through negotiations and approvals. With over ten years of experience in research and consultancy, EOMAP is widely respected for its ability to formulate practical and cost-effective strategies based on sound ecological and regulatory understanding. Founded in 2006 as a spin-off from the German Aerospace Center (DLR), EOMAP is a privately owned company, headquartered in Seefeld, near Munich, Germany. Before committing to your next project, talk to our experts at EOMAP! Open Coastal and benthic habitat mapping, Water Quality Monitoring, Geomatics, Environmental analysis, Satellite Derived Bathymetry, Mapping and Monitoring, Earth Observation, Digital Elevation Models, Environmental consultancy Open Schloss Seefeld, Schlosshof 4 Seefeld DE 82229 EOMAP
private:eomap 10089300 Aug 17th, 2021 12:00AM EOMAP 1.4K 20.00 Open Environmental Services Aug 17th, 2021 07:42PM Aug 17th, 2021 07:42PM EOMAP is the world leading company for optical remote sensing of marine and freshwater aquatic environments. EOMAP has supported both industry and governments to successfully complete hundreds of projects requiring the practical management of coastal zones and wetland ecosystems. EOMAP is an expert in Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB), Seafloor Classification and Water Quality Monitoring. EOMAP understands that their clients value certainty. Today’s projects are commonly characterised by layers of inter-relating risk. The early identification, understanding and management of risk are priorities for a project manager. Experience shows that when key ecological issues are not adequately considered early in the project cycle, schedules are likely to be derailed and money wasted. No matter how large or small the project, or whether the risk is ‘real’ or perceived, neglecting appropriately scoped ecological investigation exposes the project to avoidable risk. EOMAP’s team provides expert advice across the spectrum of aquatic issues to help project managers identify and manage risk, instilling credibility and confidence, and smoothing the path through negotiations and approvals. With over ten years of experience in research and consultancy, EOMAP is widely respected for its ability to formulate practical and cost-effective strategies based on sound ecological and regulatory understanding. Founded in 2006 as a spin-off from the German Aerospace Center (DLR), EOMAP is a privately owned company, headquartered in Seefeld, near Munich, Germany. Before committing to your next project, talk to our experts at EOMAP! Open Coastal and benthic habitat mapping, Water Quality Monitoring, Geomatics, Environmental analysis, Satellite Derived Bathymetry, Mapping and Monitoring, Earth Observation, Digital Elevation Models, Environmental consultancy Open Schloss Seefeld, Schlosshof 4 Seefeld DE 82229 EOMAP

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