Glassdoor Profile Reviews Data

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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Review Url Logo Company Author Title Author Location Author Country Summary Description PROs CONs Recommends Value Recommends Description Outlook Value Outlook Description CEO Review Value CEO Review Description Helpful Count Rating: Overall Rating: Work/Life Balance Rating: Culture & Values Rating: Career Opportunities Rating: Comp & Benefits Rating: Senior Management Rating: Diversity & Inclusion Company Id Company URL Advice to Management Not Helpful Count Employer Responses Employer Status Is featured? Is current job? Job Ending Year Length of Employment Company Website Company Industry Id Company Sector Id Date Added Date Updated Company Name Sector Industry
private:fathom-5 Sep 2nd, 2020 12:00AM Open Open Fathom Strategist United States USA Great place I enjoy it at Fathom Agency comes with big opportunity but sometimes a lot of work 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 APPROVE 0.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 424381 Open 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 4.0 Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Fathom Industrials Support Services
private:fathom-5 Jul 14th, 2020 12:00AM Open Open Fathom Senior Account Executive United States USA Great place Learned a lot from smart people None come to mind right now 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 424381 Open 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 4.0 Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Fathom Industrials Support Services
private:fathom-5 Jun 11th, 2020 12:00AM Open Open Fathom Content Strategist Cleveland, OH Keep on looking! You will make some friends. Please read through the reviews of this company. Leadership posted a while back that for every 3 negatives there are 10 positives or some nonsense, but that's just simply not true. Your best day here will be your last. I won't drone on and repeat what my fellow peeps have already said. But seriously... keep looking. You don't need a job THAT bad to work here. -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 DISAPPROVE 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 424381 Open Start fresh with new management 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 4.0 Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Fathom Industrials Support Services
private:fathom-5 Mar 30th, 2020 12:00AM Open Open Fathom United States USA Where unchecked white male privilege and toxic masculinity lives and breathe I've heard a lot of people say Fathom is a good first job for recent college graduates. To a degree, since many of the employees are young, Fathom can feel like college 2.0 and that is probably a comforting environment for some. However, Fathom's general chaos, egotistical leadership, passive aggressive delivery teams, and general overcompensation to show transparency that doesn't exist doesn't set up recent college graduates up for long-term career success. Fathom is a study in how an organization and professional services firm SHOULD NOT be run. If anything, Fathom can serve as a baseline of things to AVOID at all costs in future jobs and organizations. Due to sheer inability to organize and deliver professional services, Fathom creates a top-down culture that is run by toxic masculinity, unchecked white male privilege, and mean girl politics. Not one person in leadership is capable of empathy or authenticity. Everything is a show. Every data point or success metric is skewed. Nothing is real. And if should an employee ever question the sheer degree of nonsense that infects every single part of the Fathom business, that employee immediately is deemed a threat. Employees that are deemed as threats then carry a target on their back, will be denied promotions, and will be repeatedly be forced to drink the kool-aid to prove their allegiance to Fathom's non-stop stream of nonsense. Eventually these employees leave as quickly as they can or are pushed out. Fun fact! They are especially treated poorly and receive harsher punishments if they're female. Fathom is run by a bunch of inexperienced email specialists that collectively got together and read "How to Do Business Like a Bunch of Dummies." No one in leadership has any experience outside of Fathom. In fact, many of Fathom leaders actually failed in other positions and organizations, yet find themselves rewarded at Fathom for their ineffectiveness, poor organizational roadmapping, and total lack of execution skills and ability. The organization completely changed its business model from being a SEO-focused professional services agency to reinventing itself as a digital marketing consultancy. While Fathom 2.0 looks like a world-class consulting agency, at its core Fathom is a bunch of inexperienced, channel-specific specialists pretending to talk about aligning to business goals when no one there has ever worked at a real business EVER. All the solutions Fathom puts forth are specific to Fathom's internal teams specialties and skills. Fathom is a Marketo shop with a bunch of people that can put ads on Google and Facebook. They are execution ONLY. There is no actual digital marketing strategy occurring. If you want to send some emails or put an ad online, by all means talk to Fathom. Or save yourself a whole lotta $$$ and just google it then do it yourself. -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 DISAPPROVE 9.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 424381 Open Stop being the digital marketing agency equivalent of the Fyre Festival. 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 2.0 Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Fathom Industrials Support Services
private:fathom-5 Mar 19th, 2020 12:00AM Open Open Fathom United States USA Amazing Company. Cannot Recommend Enough The company culture is unmatched with amazing opportunities for growth. Can be hard to find a work/life balance but direct supports are always willing to help prioritize. 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 APPROVE 2.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 424381 Open 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 0.0 Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Fathom Industrials Support Services
private:fathom-5 Jan 6th, 2020 12:00AM Open Open Fathom Senior Strategist Valley View, OH Terrible Free coffee and snacks. Very political. Felt like very senior people were more interested in telling nice stories to clients that don't know better, than doing great work. I could never recommend someone I care about to work at Fathom, or pay for their services. -1.0 NEGATIVE 0.0 NEUTRAL 0.0 NO_OPINION 10.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 424381 Open 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 0.0 Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Fathom Industrials Support Services
private:fathom-5 Jan 29th, 2019 12:00AM Open Open Fathom Digital Strategist Cleveland, OH Don’t let the rebranding fool you Some of the good people are still here Same crappy company with same crappy leadership. I have been here for over 3 years. I am about to leave, because enough is enough. I have seen this company continually go down the drain. What is worse is that I have seen everything good of this company get stripped from it. Now, we are stuck with a leadership team full of back stabbers who believe in politics over performance. That is the only way some of the individuals could be promoted into the spots they are in. What’s more, is that they continually diminish those that work hard and put the company first. If you aren’t in the inner circle and drink the kool-aid then you “aren’t on the bus” and are treated horribly (even if your performance is good). They just rebranded as an attempt to save this failing company. Don’t let it fool you, don’t waste your time. Go to one of the many other agencies in Cleveland – they are growing fast and filled with good people (aka all the top digital marketers that left Fathom for greener pastures!) -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 DISAPPROVE 27.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 424381 Open It's time to sell. 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 4.0 Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Fathom Industrials Support Services
private:fathom-5 Dec 28th, 2018 12:00AM Open Open Fathom Specialist Cleveland, OH hire young, pay little... churn and burn - "culture" - the people - good place to learn and then leave for reasonable pay - low, low pay - management only pretends to care about people; they care about the money and business first -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE 0.0 NO_OPINION 17.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 424381 Open Management changed recently which gives me hope. Treat your employees better. Giving out monthly "awards" and title changes mean nothing if they are not backed by a raise. 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 2.0 Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Fathom Industrials Support Services
private:fathom-5 Jul 24th, 2018 12:00AM Open Open Fathom United States USA The Grass Really is Greener Elsewhere Flexibility to work from home Dogs (they really need pet therapy in that place) It's not a terrible place to start, but best to get a year or so under your belt and then head for greener pastures The specialists and strategists you work with day in and day out are wonderful. At least, they were until much of the talent left. The majority of these negative reviews are absolutely spot on. The sad part is none of this is on the people actually doing the day-to-day work. The biggest problem leading to Fathom's impressively swift downfall is management. Not a single person at the top is qualified for the position they have. Many make their own hours - some show up at 10am and leave by 3pm, some decide that a 2-day week in the office is sufficient. They preach accountability but then throw people under the bus instead of holding themselves responsible (hypocrisy, anyone?). A few have been promoted and survived layoffs even though they were the ones responsible for the strategy that failed on their largest client that cancelled. And to top it all off, they're all completely out of touch with what is happening within the marketing industry. Before I left, I was told it's hard to find as good a place as Fathom. You've probably heard similar things about companies as well. So here's a quick comparison of my job now compared to Fathom: • The place I'm at now actually invests in your professional development. Fathom has completely failed to actually develop its people and promote learning and knowledge (Pro tip: having internal "trainings" taught by employees there isn't actual professional development). • I get positive instruction from my boss and others I report to on a weekly basis. I'm not put in situations where I'm set up to fail. At Fathom, you can work yourself like a dog day and night, but management will still throw you under the bus and will continue to not pay you what you're worth no matter what you do. • There have been a couple instances where there's been disagreements between members of management and other employees. Instead of just siding with management, leadership stepped in to help work through the situation and resolve the issue. If you have a problem with a leadership member at Fathom or someone in management doesn't like you, that's a mark held against you until you leave or until they find a reason to let you go. Being supportive, promoting employee growth, helping each other. None of that sounds out of the ordinary. It's common sense, right? Well, don't expect any of that at Fathom. No one there looks out for your interests, passions, or growth, and you'll spend stressful months trying to impress a group of people who really couldn't care less about you. -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 DISAPPROVE 26.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 424381 Open How many times do you have to hear it? You guys are completely out of touch with reality. Talented, loyal employees didn't leave because of a "victim mentality" or because they wanted to. They left because you guys literally repel people with your narcissism, manipulation, and complete lack of morals, self-awareness, and the ability to treat people with dignity and respect. Advice to ownership: Fathom isn't respected around the marketing scene in Cleveland and it's pretty well-known at this point that it's not run by good people. It's time to clean house and/or sell. You really should've done it a year ago, but better late than never. 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 6.0 Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Fathom Industrials Support Services
private:fathom-5 Jul 21st, 2018 12:00AM Open Open Fathom United States USA Let me tell you what it’s really like to work at Fathom... I’d like to take a moment to let you know how it really is to work for this company. If you peruse this page, I’m sure you’ll see more than a few negative, pretty terrible reviews. I’d ask you that you take time to reflect and realize that these have all been left by people who are no longer Fathom employees. They have parted ways for one reason or another and no longer have insight to what day-to-day is like at the company. There’s also some clear feelings that they’ve been slighted by the company and if “the grass is greener” on the other side, I’m so happy for you. Truly. I care about all people and wish for everyone to have a fulfilling role at a place they love where they can grow and flourish. Fathom has been just that for me, so I want to share my perspective. I’ve worked at Fathom for a few years now. In my 8 year professional career have I ever worked somewhere that has been through so much change so frequently? No. But I don’t view that as a bad thing. Fathom is an agency, which means life there is pretty fast-paced. In the digital marketing industry, everything is pretty much ever-evolving. Client needs are changing frequently and so are what employees are looking for from a company. Fathom has leaned in to this every-changing world and has made changes in an effort to better service their clients and their employees. They also admit when a plan hasn’t gone the way they envisioned and instead of rolling with it because they don’t want to enter more change into the organization, they pivot based on feedback and experiences. I’ve never worked anywhere that looks to its employees from the ground up for feedback on business issues or is as transparent as Fathom is into results. Speaking of employees, Fathom treats their employees very well. We have a 401k plan that cannot be matched by most companies that I’ve worked for or interviewed with. They contribute a very generous amount to employee HSA plans each month. They also contribute $250 a year to Fathomers health by reimbursing things like gym memberships, yoga classes, marathon registrations, etc. The flexible schedule at Fathom is pretty unrivaled as well. There’s no standard 8-5 in the office. You can work from home if you need to, you can structure your schedule early or later as fits your lifestyle. Granted, you need to be available for meetings that are sometimes outside of that, but this flexibility is hard to find. Fathomers are given 14 PTO days off the bat, a floating holiday, 8 holidays, and the week off between Christmas and New Years. The company allows for PTO rollover, which is unheard of in a lot of companies. And get this, on top of that time off, they reward long-standing employees with a 2 week sabbatical at 5 years and a month sabbatical at 10 years. Fathom cares about families and parents which is showcased through their generous parental leave policies. New mothers get 3 months paid in full and new fathers get 2 weeks paid in full. In addition to all of this, they invest 1.5 hours each week into growing and developing Fathomers through client management, solution-level, and business acumen trainings all to better serve our clients and to grow Fathomers into the best digital marketing experts they can be. Fathom also cares greatly about their community. They contribute a lot back through their Fathom Gives program. They organize company-wide service days, match up to $150 in donations that Fathomers make each year into causes they care about, as well as working with a variety of pro-bono clients. Their open office environment is fun and provides a lot of collaboration between team members. It’s energetic and always buzzing. It also makes it easy to find who you are looking for quickly when you need help or to solve a problem. Fathom balances this by having a quiet zone that you can go work in if you need it. They also are building a community room to house games, lounge areas, and possibly some support for Cold Cruiser Fridays. If that wasn’t enough to convince you that Fathom is a great place to work, let me tell you a little bit about my experience with the work that I do every day. My role has changed greatly over the few years I’ve been at Fathom. I came in at the strategist level and have worked hard to be promoted throughout my time here. I couldn’t have done a lot of it though without the ever-changing, challenging, and complex problems from my fantastic group of clients. They’ve helped push me from a technical and strategic perspective that I was not getting out of my corporate side jobs prior. In addition, Fathom’s leadership team (GPS as it’s often referred to) has allowed me to grow by giving me a great balance of freedom to try things on my own, but is always available for advice, feedback, and guidance when I need it. Through their empowering leadership style I’ve grown significantly in terms of my management and business acumen skills. If you’ve made it this far in my review, bravo! I know I was a little long winded. However, I felt it was important to stick up for a place that has brought me so much growth and a positive impact on my life outside of work. Have their been bumpy rides along the road? FOR SURE. Has it been worth it to ride it out? ABSOLUTELY. Let me start this off by stating that you are going to have cons wherever you work. For me, the benefits greatly outweigh the cons (which is why I still work at Fathom). The workload at Fathom can be overwhelming at times. I’ve work more 40+ hour weeks than I’d like to admit. Management has been more recently receptive to make changes in this area, but I can relate to the other reviews that mention this. The pay at Fathom could be better, but it’s not terrible by any means. I’ve been approached for jobs that I would have to take a title down-grade that pay more than what I make currently. I know a lot of Fathomers who can also empathize here. It’s not to say I don’t make a decent living, I do realize I could be making more though. The open office environment. While I listed it as a pro as well, the open office feel can be distracting and make it hard to be productive at times. While the quiet room is available, I haven’t found myself adopting it. 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 APPROVE 7.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 424381 Open I’d encourage you to keep doing what your doing to grow Fathom’s business and its employees. We’re headed on a great path and I truly believe in the strategic changes we are making. Fathom feels like such a different place and that’s a good thing. People are energized, they’re collaborating, it doesn’t feel cliquey, and I love it! Consider further investigating ways to better forecast and manage team member utilization. This will help further the strides you’ve made to address overwhelming work loads. Revisit the industry pay grades and not just from an agency level. With the trend of more and more companies bringing services in-house, you need to be more competitive with brand-side and platform-side roles. 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 0.0 Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Feb 7th, 2021 11:26PM Fathom Industrials Support Services

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