LinkedIn Profile

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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Company Name Followers Employees on Linkedin Link Industry Date Added Date Updated Description Website Specialities Logo HQ.Street HQ.City HQ.State HQ.Country HQ.Postal Headcount change in past 24 months Company Name Sector Industry
private:fifthwisdomtechnologyltd.-2 1370624 May 24th, 2019 12:00AM FifthWisdom Technology Ltd. 32 3.00 Open Computer Games May 24th, 2019 06:52PM May 24th, 2019 06:52PM Our company background: We are an award winning independent game developer specializing in educational game design and development in Hong Kong. We are a pioneer in the educational game development in the region. Established in 2003, we have over 10 years of experience working with different local and overseas industry partners, educators and educational institutes to create the perfect digital game-based learning solutions and products to meet their needs. Our mission is to empower teachers a new way to teach and engage learners at all ages to make learning more meaningful. Our games and service: We provide Digital Game-Based Learning solutions to education institutions and other relevant organizations. Our educational learning games platform delivers effective learning methodologies and techniques using the latest interactive game technology and optimum design principles. Our games engage learners with deep and rewarding learning in a highly motivating context. Open Educational and learning game design and development, E-learning, Computer Science Education Open Unit A, 8/F, Surson Commercial Building, 140 Austin Road Tsim Sha Tsui HK 852 FifthWisdom Technology Ltd.
private:fifthwisdomtechnologyltd.-2 1370624 Nov 7th, 2017 12:00AM FifthWisdom Technology Ltd. 29 5.00 Open Computer Games Nov 7th, 2017 04:32PM Nov 7th, 2017 04:32PM Our company background: We are an award winning independent game developer specializing in educational game design and development in Hong Kong. We are a pioneer in the educational game development in the region. Established in 2003, we have over 10 years of experience working with different local and overseas industry partners, educators and educational institutes to create the perfect digital game-based learning solutions and products to meet their needs. Our mission is to empower teachers a new way to teach and engage learners at all ages to make learning more meaningful. Our games and service: We provide Digital Game-Based Learning solutions to education institutions and other relevant organizations. Our educational learning games platform delivers effective learning methodologies and techniques using the latest interactive game technology and optimum design principles. Our games engage learners with deep and rewarding learning in a highly motivating context. FifthWisdom Technology Ltd.
private:fifthwisdomtechnologyltd.-2 1370624 Nov 1st, 2017 12:00AM FifthWisdom Technology Ltd. 29 5.00 Open Computer Games Nov 1st, 2017 04:15AM Nov 1st, 2017 04:15AM Our company background: We are an award winning independent game developer specializing in educational game design and development in Hong Kong. We are a pioneer in the educational game development in the region. Established in 2003, we have over 10 years of experience working with different local and overseas industry partners, educators and educational institutes to create the perfect digital game-based learning solutions and products to meet their needs. Our mission is to empower teachers a new way to teach and engage learners at all ages to make learning more meaningful. Our games and service: We provide Digital Game-Based Learning solutions to education institutions and other relevant organizations. Our educational learning games platform delivers effective learning methodologies and techniques using the latest interactive game technology and optimum design principles. Our games engage learners with deep and rewarding learning in a highly motivating context. FifthWisdom Technology Ltd.

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