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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Review Url Logo Company Author Title Author Location Author Country Summary Description PROs CONs Recommends Value Recommends Description Outlook Value Outlook Description CEO Review Value CEO Review Description Helpful Count Rating: Overall Rating: Work/Life Balance Rating: Culture & Values Rating: Career Opportunities Rating: Comp & Benefits Rating: Senior Management Rating: Diversity & Inclusion Company Id Company URL Advice to Management Not Helpful Count Employer Responses Employer Status Is featured? Is current job? Job Ending Year Length of Employment Company Website Company Industry Id Company Sector Id Date Added Date Updated Company Name Sector Industry
private:filevine Jan 27th, 2021 12:00AM Open Open Filevine Sales Development Representative United States USA Treated like dirt I like my co-workers. (The ones that are left) since I started 7 people have quit - management (they are trying to fix it, kind of.) -compensation -quota is way too high - recruitment lies to your face about what you’ll make here -only people who are friends with Managers will move up - many other things -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE 0.0 NO_OPINION 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1633935 Open I honestly don’t know. Fix everything basically. It’s a sh*t show and you’ll keep losing people until you figure it out. 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 1.0 Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Filevine Financial Services
private:filevine Jan 15th, 2021 12:00AM Open Open Filevine Sales Development Representative (SDR) United States USA Great balance unlimited time off; challenging work; start-up culture; lots of driven individuals; lots of projects that need fine tuning so there will always be work; flexible and receptive to new/innovative ideas. Sometimes hard to work together between departments because of the amount of projects being worked on and your question/concern being put to the bottom of the priority list. 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 APPROVE 0.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 1633935 Open 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 2.0 Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Filevine Financial Services
private:filevine Jan 14th, 2021 12:00AM Open Open Filevine Implementation Consultant Salt Lake City, UT Great Company I worked as an implementation consultant at Filevine. Filevine has a beautiful new office in the Sugarhouse are of Salt Lake City with an open desk type of seating. The company is only 6 years old and has been growing at a crazy pace due to the COVID pandemic and need to update for law firms to go paper-less. Employees have an awesome opportunity to grow quickly within the company and make decisions that will shape the future of the company. My favorite part about working at Filevine was the fact that I felt valued by the company with the benefits, vacation policy and work load. In addition, Filevine co-workers are some of the most fun, hard-working, and helpful team members. Would absolutely recommend this company if you are excited about helping out an awesome company and software. I can't think of any Cons. 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 APPROVE 1.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 1633935 Open 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 1.0 Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Filevine Financial Services
private:filevine Jan 13th, 2021 12:00AM Open Open Filevine Enterprise Account Executive Salt Lake City, UT Huge Opportunity Pay, growth opportunity, expansion opportunity. There is a huge need for this product in the project management space. The company is growing very fast which leads to lots of development internally and space for employees to grow and expand into new roles. The company encourages internal feedback and creativity to constantly better the product as well as the company as a whole. Frequently promotes from within. High expectation for producing. Not a job you can take lightly and just collect paychecks from. I see this as a positive in reality. 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 APPROVE 0.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 1633935 Open 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 2.0 Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Filevine Financial Services
private:filevine Dec 13th, 2020 12:00AM Open Open Filevine Medical Assistant Provo, UT Great staff Lots of amazing people and great bosses. none that I can think of! 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1633935 Open 0.0 [] PART_TIME No No 0.0 Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Filevine Financial Services
private:filevine Nov 30th, 2020 12:00AM Open Open Filevine Operations Salt Lake City, UT Profits over People Unlimited PTO, work from home. If you aren't kissing butt you aren't being recognized, they do not listen to people who they do not know and it creates a very cliquey environment. They pretend to be inclusive and then turn around and make many comments on their own religion as if everyone is a part of it but it makes us all super uncomfortable (they are mormon). Those at the bottom of the totem pole are completely ignored, there are good people with good ideas that go completely unnoticed because the company would rather make money than make improvements. Many parts of the software are broken, but instead of fixing them they continue to release new features. They then encourage us to cover up all those mistakes and pretend as if the new stuff is somehow making up for the broken stuff and that is how we are told to approach it with our clients. Clients are allowed to walk all over us because management cares more about money than our mental/emotional health. I have felt intimidated to keep my mouth shut about issues so the company can keep putting on a good face for bigger clients. The sales group gets way more credit for their jobs than any of the supporting roles within the company, who put in MANY more hours. Sales is also encouraged to promise more than we can give, which then falls on every single other department to make up for those broken promises. This mean sales is not held accountable for their mistakes and the rest of us are thrown under the bus - and even though management knows this they still get after us for it! You do not get credit for the work you do, many times others will take credit for it, and most often you will NOT be compensated via salary, or compensated for the extra hours your are pressured to put in. Our own CEO has told us that work from home isn't efficient and that we shouldn't slack off and instead of encouraging our growth, has allowed people to go into the office and get covid. We are an IT company, if there isn't encouragement to work from home and do it while balancing life then people burn out which is whats happening. His vision for his company is centered around making money, which leaves out all of the very important people that do the work for him and their needs and values. Work life balance is a joke, we get messages weekly even daily to put in more time and not 'slack off' (this was mentioned after the holidays, which many of us couldn't enjoy because we had so much work to do still) when many of us are spread thin and DO NOT GET PAID for overtime. They will then 'reward' us with what they consider funny videos or swag, instead of looking at the root of the issue within the company. They prefer to cover up issues instead of address them. They have amazing people in the company who could really create improvements, but instead give promotions to those people they know personally or people that bring the attention to themselves, often stepping over much more qualified and valuable employees. They don't care how you feel, they only care about how much money you'll make them even if its at the expense of your own mental health. The benefits are horrible, we pay a ridiculous amount for prescriptions and doctor visits. I hear comments from pharmacy technicians every single time i go in that they are shocked at how little my company insurance covers. They pressure us to push additional features on clients so they can hit their numbers, even if the features are not useful for them. Those that are pushy get bonuses and those of us too busy to even add that to our packed schedule are seen as not doing enough for the company. It is demoralizing and incredibly disappointing. The company turnover rate after a year of working is incredibly high and there is no question in my mind that they do not care. They cover up reasons for people leaving and even lie about why people get fired so they can look good to their investors. They often push changes in process, policies, and especially in our software without consulting the very people it will affect. This means many times we are left out of the loop of MAJOR changes within the company and then scrambling to pick up the pieces. The worst part of all of this, is i have submitted this feedback anonymously to our CEO multiple times, informed HR, and even gone so far as to get management to bring my ideas themselves so they are actually listed to and still here we are. They will try to bury this review in fake ones, and its just a shame. This company only cares about money, not their people and working here has been frustrating, disappointing, stressful, and damaging to my career growth. -1.0 NEGATIVE 0.0 NEUTRAL -1.0 DISAPPROVE 4.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1633935 Open Listen to your employees that are new, lower on the totem pole, and not up your butt. You will hit a wall where your software is not meeting with the expectations of your clients because you promised too much, and your employees are so burnt out they cannot give you what you need. 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 2.0 Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Filevine Financial Services
private:filevine Nov 20th, 2020 12:00AM Open Open Filevine Former Employee Provo, UT Empty Promises and people always steal your reserved room. Filevine has a really cool idea that really can help the extremely limited target market they have. The people that make up Filevine really are top-notch. I still look back at the relationships I made, and still have, and miss that aspect. Admittedly, the Sugar House office is pretty legit. Kind of a weird location though. Probably the best part of Filevine is Raj at 7-11 nextdoor. Where to begin. Along with what has been said in other reviews, Filevine does NOT care about the health or wellbeing of its employees. Pandemic, the death of a loved one, sickness, marriage, honeymoon, having a baby, is not important. They want your butt in a seat in the office. Filevine does a GREAT job at indoctrinating its employees to think "if it's good for Filevine, it's good for me". You then are thrown around like a ragdoll to the whims of what management wants. All the while you are reciting over and over in your head whilst simultaneously slowly dying inside "if it's good for Filevine, it's good for me". Cult-like mentality. Employees are disposable. Filevine underpays for the amount of work they expect. They will literally work you day and night and expect you to be happy with a salary that is roughly 30% lower than what the next company will pay you. They try to hype up their culture of work-life balance but that's a farce. Don't expect any real training or onboarding. Don't expect a ramp if you are in sales. Just don't go in with any expectations really. Ryan (CEO) always talks about how the "culture" is rough and gritty and how we work hard and we don't need a fancy building or whatever. On multiple occasions, he has said "We could go to Lehi and build a brand new building with all the cool things and perks and stuff, but we aren't like that..." (We aren't?!?! maybe you arent....I would be all about a building a Lehi). I think it's just because he's cheap and doesn't want to pay for that for his employees. He will however build a fancy office that is close to HIS home. They fill your ears with empty promises. Whether it's promotions, growth of the company, money, they will string you along and keep telling you that you're "on their radar". They might even tell you "as far as I am concerned, this position is yours" then the next time you go into the office someone else actually was given the position. It seems like all the company cares about is sales. Meanwhile, other departments like data migration, implementation, business development are all lagging so far behind. Filevine looks great on the outside, but inside there are serious flaws. Like buying a brand new Mercedez only to find out they swapped the engine out for that of a 1994 Geo Metro, there are no seats, and there is only half a steering wheel. -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 DISAPPROVE 8.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1633935 Open Take a step back and really reevaluate how you treat employees. You say that we are a "Filevine Family" yet treat your employees no better than the hobos that sleep right outside the building. It seems like Filevine goes through these ebbs and flows of doing good and then really bad (2 other "bad" times have led to mass firings). Consistency would be better. Get some realistic expectations of how far Filevine can go. You have an extremely limited target market. Even in that realm, you have some ground to make up. 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 4.0 Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Filevine Financial Services
private:filevine Oct 22nd, 2020 12:00AM Open Open Filevine Account Executive Provo, UT Embarrassing and Unethical COVID Response Product is good, coworkers are good Today our CEO spent 15 minutes telling us we won’t be successful if we work remote. How embarrassing. We are a tech company! We sell cloud based software. Despite the fact that we’ve now had about half of our team test positive for COVID, they’re forcing us back into the office. Utah is seeing a huge spike in Covid cases. Our leaders have zero regard for our health and safety. How incredibly embarrassing to be a tech CEO and announce that you just can’t figure out how to run a company remotely so you’d rather endanger people’s lives. -1.0 NEGATIVE 0.0 NEUTRAL -1.0 DISAPPROVE 7.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 1633935 Open Please, we’re begging you, think about us and our families. It’s dangerous to force people to work in the office. 0.0 [{"countHelpful": 0, "languageId": "eng", "userJobTitle": null, "__typename": "EmployerResponse", "originalLanguageId": null, "id": 2856716, "responseDateTime": "2020-11-13T14:37:45.703", "translationMethod": null, "response": "The health of each employee is our top priority as we begin our phased approach in returning to our offices. Following guidance from local and national health authorities, we have implemented several practices and resources including training, processes, and communications that will allow our phased \u201creturn to normal\u201d approach to be conducted with the highest attention to each employees\u2019 health and safety. While this does include some employee populations continuing to work from home; we do see tremendous value in some teams collaborating onsite \u2013 we provide strict standards and protocols for those employees working in the office; this includes maintaining social distancing as much as possible and utilizing providing personal protective equipment, which Filevine does provide for their onsite employees. \n\nAs we return to work and begin this \u201cnew normal\u201d in our workplaces, we understand that many employees will continue to be concerned about the pandemic, and curious about the changes to company policies and procedures that we have implemented. Rest assured, that we are taking your concerns and the well-being of our employees seriously. With that being said, we welcome you to schedule a time to meet with Human Resources to discuss this further if you have additional questions or thoughts.", "responseOriginal": null, "countNotHelpful": 0}] REGULAR No Yes 2.0 Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Filevine Financial Services
private:filevine Sep 24th, 2020 12:00AM Open Open Filevine Employee Development Manager Provo, UT Great Peers and Collaboration Great people, great health benefits, lots of growth Physical work environment, missing communication/opportunities -1.0 NEGATIVE 0.0 NEUTRAL 0.0 NO_OPINION 0.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 1633935 Open Leadership could better advertiseme growth opportunities across departments. Some people want to grow internally, and I know my department often misses those opportunities 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 2.0 Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Filevine Financial Services
private:filevine Sep 11th, 2020 12:00AM Open Open Filevine Sales Development Representative (SDR) Provo, UT Excellent Company Excellent culture, lots of opportunities Nothing yet, fantastic company. Would recommend to anyone! 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 APPROVE 0.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 1633935 Open 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 0.0 Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Feb 8th, 2021 07:03PM Filevine Financial Services

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