LinkedIn Profile

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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Company Name Followers Employees on Linkedin Link Industry Date Added Date Updated Description Website Specialities Logo HQ.Street HQ.City HQ.State HQ.Country HQ.Postal Headcount change in past 24 months Company Name Sector Industry
private:frogbox 261199 Nov 3rd, 2022 12:00AM FROGBOX MOVING BOXES 725 17.00 Open Consumer Services Nov 3rd, 2022 02:05PM Nov 3rd, 2022 02:05PM FROGBOX's Mission is to reduce the stress of moving on our customers and the Earth. Moving is one of life's most stressful events. FROGBOX fills a need for a convenient, cost effective and environmentally friendly alternative to using cardboard boxes for moving. FROGBOX rents reusable industrial strength plastic boxes for moving. We Drop Them Off, You Pack Them, You Move Them, We Pick Them Up. FROGBOX started in Vancouver, BC in 2008 and has grown to 21 locations in Canada and the US today. Eventually every large city in North America will have a the option to use FROGBOX. Here are some of the awards and recognition that FROGBOX has received: - BC’s “Best Green Business” 2011 - Featured on cover of PROFIT Magazine - Named as one of 10 ‘Hot Startups’ by Entrepreneur Magazine - Won $250,000 Marketing Prize from Leo Burnett If you're moving your home or office let FROGBOX make it more convenient Open FROGBOX helps minimize the environmental impact of moving. We drop off the boxes at your present location, you pack and move, we pick them up after your move, clean them and re-rent them. FROGBOXES are reused hundreds of times! Open 300-225 W8th Ave Vancouver BC CA V5Y 1N3 Frogbox
private:frogbox 261199 Nov 3rd, 2022 12:00AM FROGBOX MOVING BOXES 725 17.00 Open Consumer Services Nov 3rd, 2022 02:05PM Nov 3rd, 2022 02:05PM FROGBOX's Mission is to reduce the stress of moving on our customers and the Earth. Moving is one of life's most stressful events. FROGBOX fills a need for a convenient, cost effective and environmentally friendly alternative to using cardboard boxes for moving. FROGBOX rents reusable industrial strength plastic boxes for moving. We Drop Them Off, You Pack Them, You Move Them, We Pick Them Up. FROGBOX started in Vancouver, BC in 2008 and has grown to 21 locations in Canada and the US today. Eventually every large city in North America will have a the option to use FROGBOX. Here are some of the awards and recognition that FROGBOX has received: - BC’s “Best Green Business” 2011 - Featured on cover of PROFIT Magazine - Named as one of 10 ‘Hot Startups’ by Entrepreneur Magazine - Won $250,000 Marketing Prize from Leo Burnett If you're moving your home or office let FROGBOX make it more convenient Open FROGBOX helps minimize the environmental impact of moving. We drop off the boxes at your present location, you pack and move, we pick them up after your move, clean them and re-rent them. FROGBOXES are reused hundreds of times! Open 300-225 W8th Ave Vancouver BC CA V5Y 1N3 Frogbox

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