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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Review Url Logo Company Author Title Author Location Author Country Summary Description PROs CONs Recommends Value Recommends Description Outlook Value Outlook Description CEO Review Value CEO Review Description Helpful Count Rating: Overall Rating: Work/Life Balance Rating: Culture & Values Rating: Career Opportunities Rating: Comp & Benefits Rating: Senior Management Rating: Diversity & Inclusion Company Id Company URL Advice to Management Not Helpful Count Employer Responses Employer Status Is featured? Is current job? Job Ending Year Length of Employment Company Website Company Industry Id Company Sector Id Date Added Date Updated Company Name Sector Industry
private:goldenspecialtyinc.-2 Feb 28th, 2020 12:00AM Open Open Golden Specialty United States USA The Truth Shall Set You Free Watching this company crash and burn. Company buyouts and name changes doesn't change the fact top management knew what they were doing was wrong Not being able to see these people fined and or imprisoned for falsifying data, then "covering it up" All good comments were written by family members, wives and nieces, imagine that -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 DISAPPROVE 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 844653 Open When the Former President, tweets comments about another company falsifying data then promotes religion, please!! 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 4.0 Feb 24th, 2021 06:20PM Feb 24th, 2021 06:20PM Golden Specialty, Inc.
private:goldenspecialtyinc.-2 Feb 14th, 2019 12:00AM Open Open Golden Specialty Houston, TX Nice company Good benefits, nice people, challenging Small company without much promotion opportunities 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 844653 Open 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 2.0 Feb 24th, 2021 06:20PM Feb 24th, 2021 06:20PM Golden Specialty, Inc.
private:goldenspecialtyinc.-2 Dec 12th, 2017 12:00AM Open Open Golden Specialty United States USA Former associate I can think of nothing positive to say about the owner Narcissist. Blow hard. Micro-manager. Braggart. Used Car Salesman -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 DISAPPROVE 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 844653 Open If possible, fire the owner! 0.0 [{"countHelpful": 0, "languageId": "eng", "userJobTitle": "President", "__typename": "EmployerResponse", "originalLanguageId": null, "id": 1522482, "responseDateTime": "2018-01-11T08:00:00.397", "translationMethod": null, "response": "Hi this is Scott \u2013\r\nIf I truly offended you, I apologize. I am not sure how I hurt you, or the circumstance, or your life crisis, but it is probably real to you and I am here to help. \r\n\r\nWe do not usually hire contractors, but I do recall a former manager hiring a few contractors in 2013, and the entire project was chaotic, as well as his office. I had very little interaction with the contractors (measured in seconds or minutes, not hours), they worked for that one manager. The manager that hired you did not act professionally, and worked to create animosity in all of his staff, including you apparently, against Golden and me personally. Things aren\u2019t always what they seem. \r\n\r\nI learned a lot about people and myself through this time and I apologize to you for any discomfort you experienced being part of that or hard feelings that you may have 5 years later.", "responseOriginal": null, "countNotHelpful": 0}] CONTRACT No No 0.0 Feb 24th, 2021 06:20PM Feb 24th, 2021 06:20PM Golden Specialty, Inc.
private:goldenspecialtyinc.-2 Mar 13th, 2017 12:00AM Open Open Golden Specialty Deer Park, TX Great growth opportunity for someone new to the industry - Caring owners - Competitive benefits - Promotes teamwork - Opportunity for growth, including company paid trainings and continued education I have seen several people bad-mouth Golden on this forum. They could not be further from the truth. The owners look to their employees as family and are often taken advantage of. It is difficult to see when they only want what is best for those working for them. If promotions are not given, then they are most likely not earned. Safety has always been a #1 priority for Golden and should be viewed the same by employees. Management has never encouraged employees to work unsafely for the sake of money. Data falsification has never been "covered up" by Golden. They always bring it to light and offer to retest at no cost to the customer. I have seen the owners offer the use of personal items to several employees in the past, but never flaunt them in front of employees. I would recommend, and have recommended, this company to anyone that seeks a smaller, family-oriented company to grow with and gain valuable work experience. - High turnover (common in industry) - Ex-employees have deliberately tried to make a negative impact after departure, hurting other employees - Some managers need additional management training 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 APPROVE 2.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 844653 Open Don't allow ex-employees to dictate how you do business after their departure. Let go of how you could have done things differently. Everyone that quits Golden leaves for a reason, both positive and negative, but it is their reason. Improve training program to enhance employee's opportunity for advancement. They have a responsibility to learn and grow, but set a good foundation. 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 9.0 Feb 24th, 2021 06:20PM Feb 24th, 2021 06:20PM Golden Specialty, Inc.
private:goldenspecialtyinc.-2 Mar 2nd, 2017 12:00AM Open Open Golden Specialty Stack Tester Deer Park, TX Terrible Company to Work For -Managers are paid well - Nice facility - With a high turnover rate you meet a lot of new people - Owner promises things like raises and new equipment but doesn't deliver - Owner Micromanages all employees - Technicians aren't paid enough by industry standards - Owners attempt to force their religious views upon all employees including asking you to talk to the company chaplain on a weekly basis - Safety issues with over exposure to hazardous chemicals - Required to work overtime without pay - Employees were caught falsifying data - Constantly battling past employees creating uncomfortable drama in the work place - Houston office has a toxic environment between its employees, employees often gather in the break room to express how they all want to find new jobs - Owner rubs employees shoulders which can be very uncomfortable for both men and women - Owner flaunts his fortunes in front of his employees -1.0 NEGATIVE 0.0 NEUTRAL -1.0 DISAPPROVE 0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 844653 Open Be honest, take measures to keep employees safer, do not touch employees shoulders even if you think its comforting, pay technicians a fair wage by industry standards, do not discuss religious views with employees, do not discuss your anger with past employees with current employees, don't flaunt and discuss how much you paid for new cars, boats & gadgets with your employees, stop lying about the health insurance being "good" (its on the highest end of cost to employee) 0.0 [{"countHelpful": 0, "languageId": "eng", "userJobTitle": "President", "__typename": "EmployerResponse", "originalLanguageId": null, "id": 1201429, "responseDateTime": "2017-03-27T08:26:31.757", "translationMethod": null, "response": "I always appreciate criticism and feedback, thanks, but let\u2019s not mislead potential candidates that would join Golden. \r\n1)\tI DO have a green kayak (boat), my wife's is yellow (so boats...could be assumed). I cannot remember ever sharing that with an employee, but perhaps in passing conversation about an outing. Perhaps in making conversation, I shared this, but wouldn't consider it \"flaunting fortunes\", they don't have a motor! \r\n2)\tI haven't bought a \"new car\" since 1986 if I have shared, it was new to me, but it wasn\u2019t a \u201cnew car\u201d, it was two years old when I bought it. \r\n3)\tWe have had no issues of exposure to hazardous chemicals, we do use chemicals in our job, safety in chemical use is a must. \r\n4)\tAs an applicant, you should know, overtime is not a requirement by executive management, but often accompanies the type of work we do. Technicians are all non-exempt and are paid time and half for all hours they claim and double time for holidays. We have never had one complaint of a technician overtime issue in Houston. \r\n5)\tI have never had or witnessed a better group of employees than we have right now...everyone gets along well. \r\n6)\tWe have caught employee falsifying field data sheets, timesheets and changing gate logs and control room logs, that has always ended in termination. As an employee, you will be trained in ethics and documentation accuracy. There are no tricks to getting your documentation correct, you simply record what happens and you will be in good shape. \r\n7)\tI have never rubbed an employee\u2019s shoulders, that\u2019s just a creepy fabrication. I immediately think this individual is confusing me with Michael Scott of the sitcom Office. \r\n8)\tGolden has always paid 100% of the employee monthly insurance premium, Blue Cross/Blue Shield currently, beyond a list of other fringe benefits, and competitive pay. \r\n9)\tOur employees are not required to talk with our chaplains, but that is a service we provide. I spent 12 years in the USAF and experienced the chaplains caring and listening skills. As we move through life together we are guaranteed trial and tribulations, chaplains are very comforting in those times. Anyone that would criticize us for caring through chaplains and at the same time say, we are uncaring, is conflicted and dishonest. I have had our chaplains take fuel to an employee that was stranded because the employee could not find anyone else to help him. We have had chaplains visit our employee in the hospital when their mother passed away. I recall another instance when a family member of an employee was in the hospital in another state, and with the employee\u2019s request, a chaplain was sent to see his mom, give her comfort and pray with her, I later received a nice note from the mom. That might not be important to you, but your mom may find peace with it and give you praise for thinking of her, even when you can't be there. As a potential employee, you will not be \u201crequired\u201d to talk with Chaplains, but if you do, you will find them to be great listeners and caring.", "responseOriginal": null, "countNotHelpful": 0}] REGULAR No No 4.0 Feb 24th, 2021 06:20PM Feb 24th, 2021 06:20PM Golden Specialty, Inc.
private:goldenspecialtyinc.-2 Oct 1st, 2014 12:00AM Open Open Golden Specialty United States USA Golden Specialty has proven to be a very forward thinking organization that wants the right people in the right places. Golden tries to ensure that employees stay involved with the company and help make improvements to the system when they see something that can be done better. Golden has a very thorough management system, and prides itself on being a "best in industry" company. Some of the managers could use some management training to improve their organization and people skills, but all-in-all it has been a good experience. 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 APPROVE 1.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 844653 Open Make the managers responsible to manage, and ensure that employee involvement remains a priority. 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 2.0 Feb 24th, 2021 06:20PM Feb 24th, 2021 06:20PM Golden Specialty, Inc.
private:goldenspecialtyinc.-2 Jul 25th, 2014 12:00AM Open Open Golden Specialty Environmental Specialist Bellingham, WA Worst Stack testing company Had great co workers and in the beginning a highly knowledgeable project manager until he was fired over a dispute about overtime pay. Owner controls every aspect of the job from hiring staff to purchasing needed equipment. Making money was more important then employee safety. Owner promises things like pay raises then flat out denies saying it. shady and unethical business dealings. Owner does not care about the client, only cares about the money they pay him. Flaunts his earnings in front of employees but continues to pay well under what other stack testing companies pay. Had complaints with L&I over safety violations, was told to make corrections but refused to do so and after a 2nd reporting to L&I falsified data to show they were in compliance. Owner lacks trust in all his employees Claims to have the best health insurance plan, however he purchased and merged another stack testing company in which those employees had to pay more then double the cost from what they had before. High turn over rate for employees, does not pay competitively and has expressed that the employee should be grateful that he is able to work for Golden Specialty rather than try to make the employee want to stay with the company long term. -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE 7.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 844653 Open Owner needs to let management handle the hiring, promotion, and pay raises of their employees. Owner need to stop micro managing and driving good and knowledgeable employees out the door. 0.0 [{"countHelpful": 0, "languageId": null, "userJobTitle": "President", "__typename": "EmployerResponse", "originalLanguageId": null, "id": 555351, "responseDateTime": "2014-10-01T04:53:20.2", "translationMethod": null, "response": "Golden Specialty management cares for its employees. In fact, they have never had any layoffs - even through the recent recession. The owners took money from their personal savings and took a huge penalty to their personal 401k retirement fund so no ill effect of the economy was felt by their employees.\r\n \r\nThere has never been a time that Golden has been more interested in money over clients or safety. In fact, in the rare case when a project has gone astray, Golden has maintained a policy of repeating the work at no charge to the client. Golden\u2019s safety record further speaks for itself. We have had a period of 15 years without an injury. The only recordable injuries in recent history were in the Bellingham office under a manager who is no longer with the organization. \r\n \r\nRegarding compensation, Golden will never promise a new employee a pay raise without stating that in the offer letter. If you receive an offer letter and thought you heard of an unearned promotion coming\u2026stop and ask the question\u2026\u201ddid I misunderstand the offer?\u201d If a statement is made during the interview of how to earn more money, don\u2019t mistake that as a contract to pay more. Follow the advice on how it\u2019s done, and do a good job\u2026for whoever your supervisor may be. \r\n \r\nIt turns out the acquisition with the employees insurance concerns turned out to be a misunderstanding on their part. For most of them it resulted in a favorable outcome. Several called to apologize for their outburst and preference for the way things were headed.\r\n \r\nAlso regarding safety matters, several former employees made false statements to Washington Labor & Industry, which initially acted on those statements, but is now correcting those actions. Many of these allegations have already been discredited by the same employees\u2019 handwritten timesheets, field activity logs, project data sheets, client gate logs, Truck GPS data, chain of custody forms signed by employees, and several other records. Labor law has strict and explicit warnings against, and penalties for, making false or misleading statements. Employees in any circumstance should take care only to make assertions that are unambiguously true and are clearly documented.", "responseOriginal": null, "countNotHelpful": 0}] REGULAR No No 2.0 Feb 24th, 2021 06:20PM Feb 24th, 2021 06:20PM Golden Specialty, Inc.

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