LinkedIn Profile

Access korl8 historical Linkedin company profile data on number of followers, employee headcount and more
Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Company Name Followers Employees on Linkedin Link Industry Date Added Date Updated Description Website Specialities Logo HQ.Street HQ.City HQ.State HQ.Country HQ.Postal Headcount change in past 24 months Company Name Sector Industry
private:korl8 2955096 Mar 23rd, 2018 12:00AM korl8 38 1.00 Open Computer Software Mar 23rd, 2017 10:51AM Mar 23rd, 2017 10:51AM Fabric for the connected world. korl8 provides the platform for connected ecosystems. We make the Internet of things work. korl8 provides a new Customer Experience Management (CEM) solution. CEM is the practice of capturing and analyzing what a company's customers are experiencing with a goal of improving experiences and loyalty. korl8’s CEM platform captures customer data from multiple touch points (point of sale, web sites, surveys, social media, mobile apps, etc.), and analyzes that data to gauge customer sentiment. We then make predictions that companies can use to influence customer behavior and, in turn, increase retention and monetization. korl8 shows companies where to invest to maximize customer loyalty, how to turn everyday customers into delighted customers, and even help recover unsatisfied customers. Our cloud based software product delivers amazing service and apps to help companies visualize and monetize their customers. Customer Experience Management is about defining the customer’s journey with your brand. The korl8 solution helps you bridge the online experience with the real world visit. We integrate touch points across all of your customer exchanges and interaction points. Mobile. Web. Wearable. In store. On premise. Transactional. Point of Sale. Our focus: retail, hospitality and venues. Whether it's recognizing a high value online shopper by name in your store, remembering your customers’ name and order preferences, or engaging them personally within a crowd. We provide the platform to personalize your interactions with your customers, enhance brand value through more intimate engagements, and enable you to make each customer and every guest, your best fan. korl8 Financial Services
private:korl8 2955096 Feb 17th, 2018 12:00AM korl8 38 1.00 Open Computer Software Feb 17th, 2018 02:25PM Feb 17th, 2018 02:25PM Fabric for the connected world. korl8 provides the platform for connected ecosystems. We make the Internet of things work. korl8 provides a new Customer Experience Management (CEM) solution. CEM is the practice of capturing and analyzing what a company's customers are experiencing with a goal of improving experiences and loyalty. korl8’s CEM platform captures customer data from multiple touch points (point of sale, web sites, surveys, social media, mobile apps, etc.), and analyzes that data to gauge customer sentiment. We then make predictions that companies can use to influence customer behavior and, in turn, increase retention and monetization. korl8 shows companies where to invest to maximize customer loyalty, how to turn everyday customers into delighted customers, and even help recover unsatisfied customers. Our cloud based software product delivers amazing service and apps to help companies visualize and monetize their customers. Customer Experience Management is about defining the customer’s journey with your brand. The korl8 solution helps you bridge the online experience with the real world visit. We integrate touch points across all of your customer exchanges and interaction points. Mobile. Web. Wearable. In store. On premise. Transactional. Point of Sale. Our focus: retail, hospitality and venues. Whether it's recognizing a high value online shopper by name in your store, remembering your customers’ name and order preferences, or engaging them personally within a crowd. We provide the platform to personalize your interactions with your customers, enhance brand value through more intimate engagements, and enable you to make each customer and every guest, your best fan. korl8 Financial Services
private:korl8 2955096 Feb 16th, 2018 12:00AM korl8 38 1.00 Open Computer Software Feb 16th, 2017 08:15AM Feb 16th, 2017 08:15AM Fabric for the connected world. korl8 provides the platform for connected ecosystems. We make the Internet of things work. korl8 provides a new Customer Experience Management (CEM) solution. CEM is the practice of capturing and analyzing what a company's customers are experiencing with a goal of improving experiences and loyalty. korl8’s CEM platform captures customer data from multiple touch points (point of sale, web sites, surveys, social media, mobile apps, etc.), and analyzes that data to gauge customer sentiment. We then make predictions that companies can use to influence customer behavior and, in turn, increase retention and monetization. korl8 shows companies where to invest to maximize customer loyalty, how to turn everyday customers into delighted customers, and even help recover unsatisfied customers. Our cloud based software product delivers amazing service and apps to help companies visualize and monetize their customers. Customer Experience Management is about defining the customer’s journey with your brand. The korl8 solution helps you bridge the online experience with the real world visit. We integrate touch points across all of your customer exchanges and interaction points. Mobile. Web. Wearable. In store. On premise. Transactional. Point of Sale. Our focus: retail, hospitality and venues. Whether it's recognizing a high value online shopper by name in your store, remembering your customers’ name and order preferences, or engaging them personally within a crowd. We provide the platform to personalize your interactions with your customers, enhance brand value through more intimate engagements, and enable you to make each customer and every guest, your best fan. korl8 Financial Services
private:korl8 2955096 Feb 15th, 2018 12:00AM korl8 38 1.00 Open Computer Software Feb 15th, 2017 10:07AM Feb 15th, 2017 10:07AM Fabric for the connected world. korl8 provides the platform for connected ecosystems. We make the Internet of things work. korl8 provides a new Customer Experience Management (CEM) solution. CEM is the practice of capturing and analyzing what a company's customers are experiencing with a goal of improving experiences and loyalty. korl8’s CEM platform captures customer data from multiple touch points (point of sale, web sites, surveys, social media, mobile apps, etc.), and analyzes that data to gauge customer sentiment. We then make predictions that companies can use to influence customer behavior and, in turn, increase retention and monetization. korl8 shows companies where to invest to maximize customer loyalty, how to turn everyday customers into delighted customers, and even help recover unsatisfied customers. Our cloud based software product delivers amazing service and apps to help companies visualize and monetize their customers. Customer Experience Management is about defining the customer’s journey with your brand. The korl8 solution helps you bridge the online experience with the real world visit. We integrate touch points across all of your customer exchanges and interaction points. Mobile. Web. Wearable. In store. On premise. Transactional. Point of Sale. Our focus: retail, hospitality and venues. Whether it's recognizing a high value online shopper by name in your store, remembering your customers’ name and order preferences, or engaging them personally within a crowd. We provide the platform to personalize your interactions with your customers, enhance brand value through more intimate engagements, and enable you to make each customer and every guest, your best fan. korl8 Financial Services
private:korl8 2955096 Feb 14th, 2018 12:00AM korl8 38 1.00 Open Computer Software Feb 14th, 2017 01:50PM Feb 14th, 2017 01:50PM Fabric for the connected world. korl8 provides the platform for connected ecosystems. We make the Internet of things work. korl8 provides a new Customer Experience Management (CEM) solution. CEM is the practice of capturing and analyzing what a company's customers are experiencing with a goal of improving experiences and loyalty. korl8’s CEM platform captures customer data from multiple touch points (point of sale, web sites, surveys, social media, mobile apps, etc.), and analyzes that data to gauge customer sentiment. We then make predictions that companies can use to influence customer behavior and, in turn, increase retention and monetization. korl8 shows companies where to invest to maximize customer loyalty, how to turn everyday customers into delighted customers, and even help recover unsatisfied customers. Our cloud based software product delivers amazing service and apps to help companies visualize and monetize their customers. Customer Experience Management is about defining the customer’s journey with your brand. The korl8 solution helps you bridge the online experience with the real world visit. We integrate touch points across all of your customer exchanges and interaction points. Mobile. Web. Wearable. In store. On premise. Transactional. Point of Sale. Our focus: retail, hospitality and venues. Whether it's recognizing a high value online shopper by name in your store, remembering your customers’ name and order preferences, or engaging them personally within a crowd. We provide the platform to personalize your interactions with your customers, enhance brand value through more intimate engagements, and enable you to make each customer and every guest, your best fan. korl8 Financial Services
private:korl8 2955096 Feb 13th, 2018 12:00AM korl8 38 1.00 Open Computer Software Feb 13th, 2017 04:11PM Feb 13th, 2017 04:11PM Fabric for the connected world. korl8 provides the platform for connected ecosystems. We make the Internet of things work. korl8 provides a new Customer Experience Management (CEM) solution. CEM is the practice of capturing and analyzing what a company's customers are experiencing with a goal of improving experiences and loyalty. korl8’s CEM platform captures customer data from multiple touch points (point of sale, web sites, surveys, social media, mobile apps, etc.), and analyzes that data to gauge customer sentiment. We then make predictions that companies can use to influence customer behavior and, in turn, increase retention and monetization. korl8 shows companies where to invest to maximize customer loyalty, how to turn everyday customers into delighted customers, and even help recover unsatisfied customers. Our cloud based software product delivers amazing service and apps to help companies visualize and monetize their customers. Customer Experience Management is about defining the customer’s journey with your brand. The korl8 solution helps you bridge the online experience with the real world visit. We integrate touch points across all of your customer exchanges and interaction points. Mobile. Web. Wearable. In store. On premise. Transactional. Point of Sale. Our focus: retail, hospitality and venues. Whether it's recognizing a high value online shopper by name in your store, remembering your customers’ name and order preferences, or engaging them personally within a crowd. We provide the platform to personalize your interactions with your customers, enhance brand value through more intimate engagements, and enable you to make each customer and every guest, your best fan. korl8 Financial Services
private:korl8 2955096 Feb 12th, 2018 12:00AM korl8 38 1.00 Open Computer Software Feb 12th, 2017 04:15AM Feb 12th, 2017 04:15AM Fabric for the connected world. korl8 provides the platform for connected ecosystems. We make the Internet of things work. korl8 provides a new Customer Experience Management (CEM) solution. CEM is the practice of capturing and analyzing what a company's customers are experiencing with a goal of improving experiences and loyalty. korl8’s CEM platform captures customer data from multiple touch points (point of sale, web sites, surveys, social media, mobile apps, etc.), and analyzes that data to gauge customer sentiment. We then make predictions that companies can use to influence customer behavior and, in turn, increase retention and monetization. korl8 shows companies where to invest to maximize customer loyalty, how to turn everyday customers into delighted customers, and even help recover unsatisfied customers. Our cloud based software product delivers amazing service and apps to help companies visualize and monetize their customers. Customer Experience Management is about defining the customer’s journey with your brand. The korl8 solution helps you bridge the online experience with the real world visit. We integrate touch points across all of your customer exchanges and interaction points. Mobile. Web. Wearable. In store. On premise. Transactional. Point of Sale. Our focus: retail, hospitality and venues. Whether it's recognizing a high value online shopper by name in your store, remembering your customers’ name and order preferences, or engaging them personally within a crowd. We provide the platform to personalize your interactions with your customers, enhance brand value through more intimate engagements, and enable you to make each customer and every guest, your best fan. korl8 Financial Services
private:korl8 2955096 Feb 11th, 2018 12:00AM korl8 38 1.00 Open Computer Software Feb 11th, 2017 05:35AM Feb 11th, 2017 05:35AM Fabric for the connected world. korl8 provides the platform for connected ecosystems. We make the Internet of things work. korl8 provides a new Customer Experience Management (CEM) solution. CEM is the practice of capturing and analyzing what a company's customers are experiencing with a goal of improving experiences and loyalty. korl8’s CEM platform captures customer data from multiple touch points (point of sale, web sites, surveys, social media, mobile apps, etc.), and analyzes that data to gauge customer sentiment. We then make predictions that companies can use to influence customer behavior and, in turn, increase retention and monetization. korl8 shows companies where to invest to maximize customer loyalty, how to turn everyday customers into delighted customers, and even help recover unsatisfied customers. Our cloud based software product delivers amazing service and apps to help companies visualize and monetize their customers. Customer Experience Management is about defining the customer’s journey with your brand. The korl8 solution helps you bridge the online experience with the real world visit. We integrate touch points across all of your customer exchanges and interaction points. Mobile. Web. Wearable. In store. On premise. Transactional. Point of Sale. Our focus: retail, hospitality and venues. Whether it's recognizing a high value online shopper by name in your store, remembering your customers’ name and order preferences, or engaging them personally within a crowd. We provide the platform to personalize your interactions with your customers, enhance brand value through more intimate engagements, and enable you to make each customer and every guest, your best fan. korl8 Financial Services
private:korl8 2955096 Feb 10th, 2018 12:00AM korl8 38 1.00 Open Computer Software Feb 10th, 2017 06:43AM Feb 10th, 2017 06:43AM Fabric for the connected world. korl8 provides the platform for connected ecosystems. We make the Internet of things work. korl8 provides a new Customer Experience Management (CEM) solution. CEM is the practice of capturing and analyzing what a company's customers are experiencing with a goal of improving experiences and loyalty. korl8’s CEM platform captures customer data from multiple touch points (point of sale, web sites, surveys, social media, mobile apps, etc.), and analyzes that data to gauge customer sentiment. We then make predictions that companies can use to influence customer behavior and, in turn, increase retention and monetization. korl8 shows companies where to invest to maximize customer loyalty, how to turn everyday customers into delighted customers, and even help recover unsatisfied customers. Our cloud based software product delivers amazing service and apps to help companies visualize and monetize their customers. Customer Experience Management is about defining the customer’s journey with your brand. The korl8 solution helps you bridge the online experience with the real world visit. We integrate touch points across all of your customer exchanges and interaction points. Mobile. Web. Wearable. In store. On premise. Transactional. Point of Sale. Our focus: retail, hospitality and venues. Whether it's recognizing a high value online shopper by name in your store, remembering your customers’ name and order preferences, or engaging them personally within a crowd. We provide the platform to personalize your interactions with your customers, enhance brand value through more intimate engagements, and enable you to make each customer and every guest, your best fan. korl8 Financial Services
private:korl8 2955096 Feb 9th, 2018 12:00AM korl8 38 1.00 Open Computer Software Feb 9th, 2017 08:57AM Feb 9th, 2017 08:57AM Fabric for the connected world. korl8 provides the platform for connected ecosystems. We make the Internet of things work. korl8 provides a new Customer Experience Management (CEM) solution. CEM is the practice of capturing and analyzing what a company's customers are experiencing with a goal of improving experiences and loyalty. korl8’s CEM platform captures customer data from multiple touch points (point of sale, web sites, surveys, social media, mobile apps, etc.), and analyzes that data to gauge customer sentiment. We then make predictions that companies can use to influence customer behavior and, in turn, increase retention and monetization. korl8 shows companies where to invest to maximize customer loyalty, how to turn everyday customers into delighted customers, and even help recover unsatisfied customers. Our cloud based software product delivers amazing service and apps to help companies visualize and monetize their customers. Customer Experience Management is about defining the customer’s journey with your brand. The korl8 solution helps you bridge the online experience with the real world visit. We integrate touch points across all of your customer exchanges and interaction points. Mobile. Web. Wearable. In store. On premise. Transactional. Point of Sale. Our focus: retail, hospitality and venues. Whether it's recognizing a high value online shopper by name in your store, remembering your customers’ name and order preferences, or engaging them personally within a crowd. We provide the platform to personalize your interactions with your customers, enhance brand value through more intimate engagements, and enable you to make each customer and every guest, your best fan. korl8 Financial Services

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