LinkedIn Profile

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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Company Name Followers Employees on Linkedin Link Industry Date Added Date Updated Description Website Specialities Logo HQ.Street HQ.City HQ.State HQ.Country HQ.Postal Headcount change in past 24 months Company Name Sector Industry
private:kowalskitv-2 1432258 May 29th, 2019 12:00AM Kowalski TV 39 0.00 Open Media Production May 29th, 2019 09:43AM May 29th, 2019 09:43AM Kowalski TV are based in Glasgow and London. We opened for business in spring 2009 and we are busy, but never too busy. Our development slate is always growing and at present we are developing projects across a diverse range of subjects ranging from conservation in Kenya to the streets of Detroit. Kowalski Television is currently developing projects for the BBC, Channel 4. Five, Virgin, SKY and MTV in the UK as well as Discovery, National Geographic, SPIKE, VH1, History, Sundance, MSNBC, Tru TV and A&E, ESPN, in the US. Kowalski is also developing a series of live 3D events. Kowalski is represented by Freemantle, and have recognised production partners in the US and Canada. Kowalski TV’s aim is to produce popular, compelling and quality documentary and factual entertainment programming for the UK and USA. Open Kowalski TV
private:kowalskitv-2 1432258 Nov 7th, 2017 12:00AM Kowalski TV 38 2.00 Open Media Production Nov 7th, 2017 04:45PM Nov 7th, 2017 04:45PM Kowalski TV are based in Glasgow and London. We opened for business in spring 2009 and we are busy, but never too busy. Our development slate is always growing and at present we are developing projects across a diverse range of subjects ranging from conservation in Kenya to the streets of Detroit. Kowalski Television is currently developing projects for the BBC, Channel 4. Five, Virgin, SKY and MTV in the UK as well as Discovery, National Geographic, SPIKE, VH1, History, Sundance, MSNBC, Tru TV and A&E, ESPN, in the US. Kowalski is also developing a series of live 3D events. Kowalski is represented by Freemantle, and have recognised production partners in the US and Canada. Kowalski TV’s aim is to produce popular, compelling and quality documentary and factual entertainment programming for the UK and USA. Kowalski TV
private:kowalskitv-2 1432258 Nov 1st, 2017 12:00AM Kowalski TV 38 2.00 Open Media Production Nov 1st, 2017 04:29AM Nov 1st, 2017 04:29AM Kowalski TV are based in Glasgow and London. We opened for business in spring 2009 and we are busy, but never too busy. Our development slate is always growing and at present we are developing projects across a diverse range of subjects ranging from conservation in Kenya to the streets of Detroit. Kowalski Television is currently developing projects for the BBC, Channel 4. Five, Virgin, SKY and MTV in the UK as well as Discovery, National Geographic, SPIKE, VH1, History, Sundance, MSNBC, Tru TV and A&E, ESPN, in the US. Kowalski is also developing a series of live 3D events. Kowalski is represented by Freemantle, and have recognised production partners in the US and Canada. Kowalski TV’s aim is to produce popular, compelling and quality documentary and factual entertainment programming for the UK and USA. Kowalski TV

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