LinkedIn Profile

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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Company Name Followers Employees on Linkedin Link Industry Date Added Date Updated Description Website Specialities Logo HQ.Street HQ.City HQ.State HQ.Country HQ.Postal Headcount change in past 24 months Company Name Sector Industry 1522922 May 29th, 2019 12:00AM National Depository Center of the Azerbaijan Republic 153 13.00 Open Capital Markets May 29th, 2019 06:13PM May 29th, 2019 06:13PM The concept of “National Depository System” was first introduced in 1995 within “State Program of Privatization of the State Ownership in Azerbaijan Republic in years of 1995- 1998”. In accordance with the State program, the main function of depository system is to organize safekeeping of securities, maintain their materialized and dematerialized turnover, registration of shareholders and transactions with securities, and other types of depository services for joint stock companies created during privatization process. In order to support the advancement and capacity building of depository system in the country the following decrees were adopted: on “Statute on National Depository System” (1997) and “Rules of registering shareholders of joint stock companies, created during the process of privatization of government entities and specialized check investment funds” (1997). According to the above mentioned regulations, NDC is a public organization, being the constituent part of the national depository system, directly engaged in depository activities and overseeing the activities of depositories that form the national depository system of the country. Since 2006, along with the privatized state entities securities, NDC started servicing newly established joint stock companies. In 2009 NDC started rendering custodial services for statutory investment funds. In 2010 a special project were launched to align the NDC systems to provide centralized service for state securities. Open Depository, Registry, Safekeeping Open 19 Bul Bul Avenue Baku Baku AZ Az1000 MDM.AZ 1522922 Nov 7th, 2017 12:00AM National Depository Center of the Azerbaijan Republic 128 10.00 Open Capital Markets Nov 7th, 2017 06:45PM Nov 7th, 2017 06:45PM The concept of “National Depository System” was first introduced in 1995 within “State Program of Privatization of the State Ownership in Azerbaijan Republic in years of 1995- 1998”. In accordance with the State program, the main function of depository system is to organize safekeeping of securities, maintain their materialized and dematerialized turnover, registration of shareholders and transactions with securities, and other types of depository services for joint stock companies created during privatization process. In order to support the advancement and capacity building of depository system in the country the following decrees were adopted: on “Statute on National Depository System” (1997) and “Rules of registering shareholders of joint stock companies, created during the process of privatization of government entities and specialized check investment funds” (1997). According to the above mentioned regulations, NDC is a public organization, being the constituent part of the national depository system, directly engaged in depository activities and overseeing the activities of depositories that form the national depository system of the country. Since 2006, along with the privatized state entities securities, NDC started servicing newly established joint stock companies. In 2009 NDC started rendering custodial services for statutory investment funds. In 2010 a special project were launched to align the NDC systems to provide centralized service for state securities. MDM.AZ 1522922 Nov 1st, 2017 12:00AM National Depository Center of the Azerbaijan Republic 127 10.00 Open Capital Markets Nov 1st, 2017 06:17AM Nov 1st, 2017 06:17AM The concept of “National Depository System” was first introduced in 1995 within “State Program of Privatization of the State Ownership in Azerbaijan Republic in years of 1995- 1998”. In accordance with the State program, the main function of depository system is to organize safekeeping of securities, maintain their materialized and dematerialized turnover, registration of shareholders and transactions with securities, and other types of depository services for joint stock companies created during privatization process. In order to support the advancement and capacity building of depository system in the country the following decrees were adopted: on “Statute on National Depository System” (1997) and “Rules of registering shareholders of joint stock companies, created during the process of privatization of government entities and specialized check investment funds” (1997). According to the above mentioned regulations, NDC is a public organization, being the constituent part of the national depository system, directly engaged in depository activities and overseeing the activities of depositories that form the national depository system of the country. Since 2006, along with the privatized state entities securities, NDC started servicing newly established joint stock companies. In 2009 NDC started rendering custodial services for statutory investment funds. In 2010 a special project were launched to align the NDC systems to provide centralized service for state securities. MDM.AZ

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