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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Company Name Followers Employees on Linkedin Link Industry Date Added Date Updated Description Website Specialities Logo HQ.Street HQ.City HQ.State HQ.Country HQ.Postal Headcount change in past 24 months Company Name Sector Industry
private:mikepireddu-2 1312812 May 30th, 2019 12:00AM Mike Pireddu 23 2.00 Open Management Consulting May 29th, 2019 08:07PM May 29th, 2019 08:07PM Mike Pireddu is a management consultant with a strong marketing & management background, experience on field with an a deep love for action sports. "​ Repeatable products and services have never been so widely spread and frequent on the market as they are now! A similar situation offers two alternatives: either we opt for the conventional path, easy and secure in terms of completion times and minimal risks, or we trust our instinct, our team’s and our own’s skills, and venture into the unknown, taking an uncharted path, with no guarantee of success. This path will be peculiar to us only. It is a winning combination of culture, education and training, skills, and personal experiences, along with the desire to be successful which makes a professional and his/her services stand out from the standard offer. The succession of experiences I gained kicked off my decision to start my adventure as a consultant when I was still very young: I aimed to get a first-hand and on-the-job professional experience in different sectors in order to add value, my own value, to businesses. A global vision of the world deriving from a wide range of experiences, along with great enthusiasm and real motivation, solid professional ethics, and the courage to face challenges are the identifying mark of a competent management consultant. No man is an island but is part of a whole: only a team which is able to pool different expertise and background can achieve the goals that business management and a company mission require. I want to contribute to making these goals a reality "​ Mike Pireddu Mike Pireddu works in Europe, Usa and Canada since 2006, with success. Services: Marketing and Management Luxury Brand Management Social Media Management Strategic Marketing Action sports specialist Open Marketing Management, Management Consulting, Luxury Brand Management, Digital & Social Media Management, Action Sport Specialist Open Mike Pireddu
private:mikepireddu-2 1312812 Nov 7th, 2017 12:00AM Mike Pireddu 21 2.00 Open Management Consulting Nov 7th, 2017 06:53PM Nov 7th, 2017 06:53PM Mike Pireddu is a management consultant with a strong marketing & management background, experience on field with an a deep love for action sports. " Repeatable products and services have never been so widely spread and frequent on the market as they are now! A similar situation offers two alternatives: either we opt for the conventional path, easy and secure in terms of completion times and minimal risks, or we trust our instinct, our team’s and our own’s skills, and venture into the unknown, taking an uncharted path, with no guarantee of success. This path will be peculiar to us only. It is a winning combination of culture, education and training, skills, and personal experiences, along with the desire to be successful which makes a professional and his/her services stand out from the standard offer. The succession of experiences I gained kicked off my decision to start my adventure as a consultant when I was still very young: I aimed to get a first-hand and on-the-job professional experience in different sectors in order to add value, my own value, to businesses. A global vision of the world deriving from a wide range of experiences, along with great enthusiasm and real motivation, solid professional ethics, and the courage to face challenges are the identifying mark of a competent management consultant. No man is an island but is part of a whole: only a team which is able to pool different expertise and background can achieve the goals that business management and a company mission require. I want to contribute to making these goals a reality " Mike Pireddu Mike Pireddu works in Europe, Usa and Canada since 2006, with success. Services: Marketing and Management Luxury Brand Management Social Media Management Strategic Marketing Action sports specialist Mike Pireddu
private:mikepireddu-2 1312812 Nov 1st, 2017 12:00AM Mike Pireddu 21 2.00 Open Management Consulting Nov 1st, 2017 06:27AM Nov 1st, 2017 06:27AM Mike Pireddu is a management consultant with a strong marketing & management background, experience on field with an a deep love for action sports. " Repeatable products and services have never been so widely spread and frequent on the market as they are now! A similar situation offers two alternatives: either we opt for the conventional path, easy and secure in terms of completion times and minimal risks, or we trust our instinct, our team’s and our own’s skills, and venture into the unknown, taking an uncharted path, with no guarantee of success. This path will be peculiar to us only. It is a winning combination of culture, education and training, skills, and personal experiences, along with the desire to be successful which makes a professional and his/her services stand out from the standard offer. The succession of experiences I gained kicked off my decision to start my adventure as a consultant when I was still very young: I aimed to get a first-hand and on-the-job professional experience in different sectors in order to add value, my own value, to businesses. A global vision of the world deriving from a wide range of experiences, along with great enthusiasm and real motivation, solid professional ethics, and the courage to face challenges are the identifying mark of a competent management consultant. No man is an island but is part of a whole: only a team which is able to pool different expertise and background can achieve the goals that business management and a company mission require. I want to contribute to making these goals a reality " Mike Pireddu Mike Pireddu works in Europe, Usa and Canada since 2006, with success. Services: Marketing and Management Luxury Brand Management Social Media Management Strategic Marketing Action sports specialist Mike Pireddu

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