LinkedIn Profile

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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Company Name Followers Employees on Linkedin Link Industry Date Added Date Updated Description Website Specialities Logo HQ.Street HQ.City HQ.State HQ.Country HQ.Postal Headcount change in past 24 months Company Name Sector Industry
private:paperwerk-2 3542740 Apr 16th, 2019 12:00AM Paperwerk 4 2.00 Open Entertainment Apr 16th, 2019 12:35AM Apr 16th, 2019 12:35AM Paperwerk innovates and creates websites and mobile apps. Our vision is to challenge conventional social mindsets and bring forth refreshing and new ideas to the masses. pending), a project by Paperwerk, is a social networking website which incentivizes individuals to socialize through an original game concept. The purpose of FinalSip is to address certain obstacles in socializing. 1) Agenda - Be it the opposite gender or similar gender, love interest or even making friends, most people tend to think that the other might have an agenda. It may be lust, power or money etc. FinalSip addresses an agenda in the form of luxury prizes so everyone will meet on mutual ground. 2) Meet ups - The Concept of FinalSip strongly encourages and enables users to actually physically meet up. How it works: Open Open Paperwerk
private:paperwerk-2 3542740 Apr 15th, 2019 12:00AM Paperwerk 4 2.00 Open Entertainment Apr 15th, 2019 02:57AM Apr 15th, 2019 02:57AM Paperwerk innovates and creates websites and mobile apps. Our vision is to challenge conventional social mindsets and bring forth refreshing and new ideas to the masses. pending), a project by Paperwerk, is a social networking website which incentivizes individuals to socialize through an original game concept. The purpose of FinalSip is to address certain obstacles in socializing. 1) Agenda - Be it the opposite gender or similar gender, love interest or even making friends, most people tend to think that the other might have an agenda. It may be lust, power or money etc. FinalSip addresses an agenda in the form of luxury prizes so everyone will meet on mutual ground. 2) Meet ups - The Concept of FinalSip strongly encourages and enables users to actually physically meet up. How it works: Open Open Paperwerk
private:paperwerk-2 3542740 Apr 14th, 2019 12:00AM Paperwerk 4 2.00 Open Entertainment Apr 14th, 2019 04:19PM Apr 14th, 2019 04:19PM Paperwerk innovates and creates websites and mobile apps. Our vision is to challenge conventional social mindsets and bring forth refreshing and new ideas to the masses. pending), a project by Paperwerk, is a social networking website which incentivizes individuals to socialize through an original game concept. The purpose of FinalSip is to address certain obstacles in socializing. 1) Agenda - Be it the opposite gender or similar gender, love interest or even making friends, most people tend to think that the other might have an agenda. It may be lust, power or money etc. FinalSip addresses an agenda in the form of luxury prizes so everyone will meet on mutual ground. 2) Meet ups - The Concept of FinalSip strongly encourages and enables users to actually physically meet up. How it works: Open Open Paperwerk
private:paperwerk-2 3542740 Apr 13th, 2019 12:00AM Paperwerk 4 2.00 Open Entertainment Apr 13th, 2019 05:20PM Apr 13th, 2019 05:20PM Paperwerk innovates and creates websites and mobile apps. Our vision is to challenge conventional social mindsets and bring forth refreshing and new ideas to the masses. pending), a project by Paperwerk, is a social networking website which incentivizes individuals to socialize through an original game concept. The purpose of FinalSip is to address certain obstacles in socializing. 1) Agenda - Be it the opposite gender or similar gender, love interest or even making friends, most people tend to think that the other might have an agenda. It may be lust, power or money etc. FinalSip addresses an agenda in the form of luxury prizes so everyone will meet on mutual ground. 2) Meet ups - The Concept of FinalSip strongly encourages and enables users to actually physically meet up. How it works: Open Open Paperwerk
private:paperwerk-2 3542740 Apr 12th, 2019 12:00AM Paperwerk 4 2.00 Open Entertainment Apr 12th, 2019 11:54AM Apr 12th, 2019 11:54AM Paperwerk innovates and creates websites and mobile apps. Our vision is to challenge conventional social mindsets and bring forth refreshing and new ideas to the masses. pending), a project by Paperwerk, is a social networking website which incentivizes individuals to socialize through an original game concept. The purpose of FinalSip is to address certain obstacles in socializing. 1) Agenda - Be it the opposite gender or similar gender, love interest or even making friends, most people tend to think that the other might have an agenda. It may be lust, power or money etc. FinalSip addresses an agenda in the form of luxury prizes so everyone will meet on mutual ground. 2) Meet ups - The Concept of FinalSip strongly encourages and enables users to actually physically meet up. How it works: Open Open Paperwerk
private:paperwerk-2 3542740 Apr 11th, 2019 12:00AM Paperwerk 4 2.00 Open Entertainment Apr 11th, 2019 01:37PM Apr 11th, 2019 01:37PM Paperwerk innovates and creates websites and mobile apps. Our vision is to challenge conventional social mindsets and bring forth refreshing and new ideas to the masses. pending), a project by Paperwerk, is a social networking website which incentivizes individuals to socialize through an original game concept. The purpose of FinalSip is to address certain obstacles in socializing. 1) Agenda - Be it the opposite gender or similar gender, love interest or even making friends, most people tend to think that the other might have an agenda. It may be lust, power or money etc. FinalSip addresses an agenda in the form of luxury prizes so everyone will meet on mutual ground. 2) Meet ups - The Concept of FinalSip strongly encourages and enables users to actually physically meet up. How it works: Open Open Paperwerk
private:paperwerk-2 3542740 Apr 10th, 2019 12:00AM Paperwerk 4 2.00 Open Entertainment Apr 10th, 2019 12:23PM Apr 10th, 2019 12:23PM Paperwerk innovates and creates websites and mobile apps. Our vision is to challenge conventional social mindsets and bring forth refreshing and new ideas to the masses. pending), a project by Paperwerk, is a social networking website which incentivizes individuals to socialize through an original game concept. The purpose of FinalSip is to address certain obstacles in socializing. 1) Agenda - Be it the opposite gender or similar gender, love interest or even making friends, most people tend to think that the other might have an agenda. It may be lust, power or money etc. FinalSip addresses an agenda in the form of luxury prizes so everyone will meet on mutual ground. 2) Meet ups - The Concept of FinalSip strongly encourages and enables users to actually physically meet up. How it works: Open Open Paperwerk
private:paperwerk-2 3542740 Apr 9th, 2019 12:00AM Paperwerk 4 2.00 Open Entertainment Apr 9th, 2019 02:43PM Apr 9th, 2019 02:43PM Paperwerk innovates and creates websites and mobile apps. Our vision is to challenge conventional social mindsets and bring forth refreshing and new ideas to the masses. pending), a project by Paperwerk, is a social networking website which incentivizes individuals to socialize through an original game concept. The purpose of FinalSip is to address certain obstacles in socializing. 1) Agenda - Be it the opposite gender or similar gender, love interest or even making friends, most people tend to think that the other might have an agenda. It may be lust, power or money etc. FinalSip addresses an agenda in the form of luxury prizes so everyone will meet on mutual ground. 2) Meet ups - The Concept of FinalSip strongly encourages and enables users to actually physically meet up. How it works: Open Open Paperwerk
private:paperwerk-2 3542740 Apr 8th, 2019 12:00AM Paperwerk 4 2.00 Open Entertainment Apr 8th, 2019 12:57PM Apr 8th, 2019 12:57PM Paperwerk innovates and creates websites and mobile apps. Our vision is to challenge conventional social mindsets and bring forth refreshing and new ideas to the masses. pending), a project by Paperwerk, is a social networking website which incentivizes individuals to socialize through an original game concept. The purpose of FinalSip is to address certain obstacles in socializing. 1) Agenda - Be it the opposite gender or similar gender, love interest or even making friends, most people tend to think that the other might have an agenda. It may be lust, power or money etc. FinalSip addresses an agenda in the form of luxury prizes so everyone will meet on mutual ground. 2) Meet ups - The Concept of FinalSip strongly encourages and enables users to actually physically meet up. How it works: Open Open Paperwerk
private:paperwerk-2 3542740 Apr 7th, 2019 12:00AM Paperwerk 4 2.00 Open Entertainment Apr 7th, 2019 04:53PM Apr 7th, 2019 04:53PM Paperwerk innovates and creates websites and mobile apps. Our vision is to challenge conventional social mindsets and bring forth refreshing and new ideas to the masses. pending), a project by Paperwerk, is a social networking website which incentivizes individuals to socialize through an original game concept. The purpose of FinalSip is to address certain obstacles in socializing. 1) Agenda - Be it the opposite gender or similar gender, love interest or even making friends, most people tend to think that the other might have an agenda. It may be lust, power or money etc. FinalSip addresses an agenda in the form of luxury prizes so everyone will meet on mutual ground. 2) Meet ups - The Concept of FinalSip strongly encourages and enables users to actually physically meet up. How it works: Open Open Paperwerk

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