LinkedIn Profile

Access Robin Mobile historical Linkedin company profile data on number of followers, employee headcount and more
Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Company Name Followers Employees on Linkedin Link Industry Date Added Date Updated Description Website Specialities Logo HQ.Street HQ.City HQ.State HQ.Country HQ.Postal Headcount change in past 24 months Company Name Sector Industry
private:robinmobile 2988646 Jan 15th, 2020 12:00AM Robin Mobile 203 11.00 Open Telecommunications Jan 15th, 2020 12:13PM Jan 15th, 2020 12:13PM Robin Mobile is a Dutch Mobile Virtual Network Operator introducing the first and only unlimited mobile plan in the Netherlands on June 1st, 2013. The reference to Robin Hood is no coincidence: Robin Mobile was founded to take on the established mobile providers and the non-transparent system of the mobile market to provide fairness and transparency to the people. And that's exactly what we've done, what we're still doing, and what we'll continue to do. With a flat rate of € 19.95 per month, customers can enjoy unlimited use of MB's, SMS and MINUTES within the Netherlands. As of February 2014, Robin Mobile also offers a business solution for SME's and SoHo customers. In addition, our customers are not tied to a contract or subscription and there are no credit checks or hidden fees. Since the introduction, a lot has changed in the Dutch mobile market. Robin Mobile has set a new standard for transparency, fairness and unlimited plans. So, is our mission completed? Not by a long shot. We feel there's still a lot to be won, by pushing for even more transparency, demanding the abolition of contracts altogether and moving forward with our mission for an open and honest telecommunications market. That's why we'll continue to serve our ever growing customer base with truly unlimited, truly transparent and truly secure offers. In addition, we will continue to put our customers first. Due to this commitment it's no wonder that we're highly rated by several independent consumer organizations such as Consumentenbond with an average rating of 9,2 for the outstanding products we offer. Never before has a mobile provider been able to get this high of a rating for more than 9 consecutive months! At the same time we're valued for our outstanding customer service, which is independently measured from customer experiences & reviews. As a SIM-only provider, Robin Mobile is available online through our website and at retail outlets of Primera. Open Mobile Telecommunications, ONBEPERKT aantal MB'S, SMS & MINUTEN Open Scheepvaartkwartier Rotterdam NL Robin Mobile Telecommunications
private:robinmobile 2988646 Jan 14th, 2020 12:00AM Robin Mobile 203 11.00 Open Telecommunications Jan 14th, 2020 12:10PM Jan 14th, 2020 12:10PM Robin Mobile is a Dutch Mobile Virtual Network Operator introducing the first and only unlimited mobile plan in the Netherlands on June 1st, 2013. The reference to Robin Hood is no coincidence: Robin Mobile was founded to take on the established mobile providers and the non-transparent system of the mobile market to provide fairness and transparency to the people. And that's exactly what we've done, what we're still doing, and what we'll continue to do. With a flat rate of € 19.95 per month, customers can enjoy unlimited use of MB's, SMS and MINUTES within the Netherlands. As of February 2014, Robin Mobile also offers a business solution for SME's and SoHo customers. In addition, our customers are not tied to a contract or subscription and there are no credit checks or hidden fees. Since the introduction, a lot has changed in the Dutch mobile market. Robin Mobile has set a new standard for transparency, fairness and unlimited plans. So, is our mission completed? Not by a long shot. We feel there's still a lot to be won, by pushing for even more transparency, demanding the abolition of contracts altogether and moving forward with our mission for an open and honest telecommunications market. That's why we'll continue to serve our ever growing customer base with truly unlimited, truly transparent and truly secure offers. In addition, we will continue to put our customers first. Due to this commitment it's no wonder that we're highly rated by several independent consumer organizations such as Consumentenbond with an average rating of 9,2 for the outstanding products we offer. Never before has a mobile provider been able to get this high of a rating for more than 9 consecutive months! At the same time we're valued for our outstanding customer service, which is independently measured from customer experiences & reviews. As a SIM-only provider, Robin Mobile is available online through our website and at retail outlets of Primera. Open Mobile Telecommunications, ONBEPERKT aantal MB'S, SMS & MINUTEN Open Scheepvaartkwartier Rotterdam NL Robin Mobile Telecommunications
private:robinmobile 2988646 Jan 13th, 2020 12:00AM Robin Mobile 203 11.00 Open Telecommunications Jan 13th, 2020 12:05PM Jan 13th, 2020 12:05PM Robin Mobile is a Dutch Mobile Virtual Network Operator introducing the first and only unlimited mobile plan in the Netherlands on June 1st, 2013. The reference to Robin Hood is no coincidence: Robin Mobile was founded to take on the established mobile providers and the non-transparent system of the mobile market to provide fairness and transparency to the people. And that's exactly what we've done, what we're still doing, and what we'll continue to do. With a flat rate of € 19.95 per month, customers can enjoy unlimited use of MB's, SMS and MINUTES within the Netherlands. As of February 2014, Robin Mobile also offers a business solution for SME's and SoHo customers. In addition, our customers are not tied to a contract or subscription and there are no credit checks or hidden fees. Since the introduction, a lot has changed in the Dutch mobile market. Robin Mobile has set a new standard for transparency, fairness and unlimited plans. So, is our mission completed? Not by a long shot. We feel there's still a lot to be won, by pushing for even more transparency, demanding the abolition of contracts altogether and moving forward with our mission for an open and honest telecommunications market. That's why we'll continue to serve our ever growing customer base with truly unlimited, truly transparent and truly secure offers. In addition, we will continue to put our customers first. Due to this commitment it's no wonder that we're highly rated by several independent consumer organizations such as Consumentenbond with an average rating of 9,2 for the outstanding products we offer. Never before has a mobile provider been able to get this high of a rating for more than 9 consecutive months! At the same time we're valued for our outstanding customer service, which is independently measured from customer experiences & reviews. As a SIM-only provider, Robin Mobile is available online through our website and at retail outlets of Primera. Open Mobile Telecommunications, ONBEPERKT aantal MB'S, SMS & MINUTEN Open Scheepvaartkwartier Rotterdam NL Robin Mobile Telecommunications
private:robinmobile 2988646 Jan 12th, 2020 12:00AM Robin Mobile 202 11.00 Open Telecommunications Jan 12th, 2020 04:56PM Jan 12th, 2020 04:56PM Robin Mobile is a Dutch Mobile Virtual Network Operator introducing the first and only unlimited mobile plan in the Netherlands on June 1st, 2013. The reference to Robin Hood is no coincidence: Robin Mobile was founded to take on the established mobile providers and the non-transparent system of the mobile market to provide fairness and transparency to the people. And that's exactly what we've done, what we're still doing, and what we'll continue to do. With a flat rate of € 19.95 per month, customers can enjoy unlimited use of MB's, SMS and MINUTES within the Netherlands. As of February 2014, Robin Mobile also offers a business solution for SME's and SoHo customers. In addition, our customers are not tied to a contract or subscription and there are no credit checks or hidden fees. Since the introduction, a lot has changed in the Dutch mobile market. Robin Mobile has set a new standard for transparency, fairness and unlimited plans. So, is our mission completed? Not by a long shot. We feel there's still a lot to be won, by pushing for even more transparency, demanding the abolition of contracts altogether and moving forward with our mission for an open and honest telecommunications market. That's why we'll continue to serve our ever growing customer base with truly unlimited, truly transparent and truly secure offers. In addition, we will continue to put our customers first. Due to this commitment it's no wonder that we're highly rated by several independent consumer organizations such as Consumentenbond with an average rating of 9,2 for the outstanding products we offer. Never before has a mobile provider been able to get this high of a rating for more than 9 consecutive months! At the same time we're valued for our outstanding customer service, which is independently measured from customer experiences & reviews. As a SIM-only provider, Robin Mobile is available online through our website and at retail outlets of Primera. Open Mobile Telecommunications, ONBEPERKT aantal MB'S, SMS & MINUTEN Open Scheepvaartkwartier Rotterdam NL Robin Mobile Telecommunications
private:robinmobile 2988646 Jan 11th, 2020 12:00AM Robin Mobile 202 11.00 Open Telecommunications Jan 11th, 2020 06:04PM Jan 11th, 2020 06:04PM Robin Mobile is a Dutch Mobile Virtual Network Operator introducing the first and only unlimited mobile plan in the Netherlands on June 1st, 2013. The reference to Robin Hood is no coincidence: Robin Mobile was founded to take on the established mobile providers and the non-transparent system of the mobile market to provide fairness and transparency to the people. And that's exactly what we've done, what we're still doing, and what we'll continue to do. With a flat rate of € 19.95 per month, customers can enjoy unlimited use of MB's, SMS and MINUTES within the Netherlands. As of February 2014, Robin Mobile also offers a business solution for SME's and SoHo customers. In addition, our customers are not tied to a contract or subscription and there are no credit checks or hidden fees. Since the introduction, a lot has changed in the Dutch mobile market. Robin Mobile has set a new standard for transparency, fairness and unlimited plans. So, is our mission completed? Not by a long shot. We feel there's still a lot to be won, by pushing for even more transparency, demanding the abolition of contracts altogether and moving forward with our mission for an open and honest telecommunications market. That's why we'll continue to serve our ever growing customer base with truly unlimited, truly transparent and truly secure offers. In addition, we will continue to put our customers first. Due to this commitment it's no wonder that we're highly rated by several independent consumer organizations such as Consumentenbond with an average rating of 9,2 for the outstanding products we offer. Never before has a mobile provider been able to get this high of a rating for more than 9 consecutive months! At the same time we're valued for our outstanding customer service, which is independently measured from customer experiences & reviews. As a SIM-only provider, Robin Mobile is available online through our website and at retail outlets of Primera. Open Mobile Telecommunications, ONBEPERKT aantal MB'S, SMS & MINUTEN Open Scheepvaartkwartier Rotterdam NL Robin Mobile Telecommunications
private:robinmobile 2988646 Jan 10th, 2020 12:00AM Robin Mobile 202 11.00 Open Telecommunications Jan 10th, 2020 01:13PM Jan 10th, 2020 01:13PM Robin Mobile is a Dutch Mobile Virtual Network Operator introducing the first and only unlimited mobile plan in the Netherlands on June 1st, 2013. The reference to Robin Hood is no coincidence: Robin Mobile was founded to take on the established mobile providers and the non-transparent system of the mobile market to provide fairness and transparency to the people. And that's exactly what we've done, what we're still doing, and what we'll continue to do. With a flat rate of € 19.95 per month, customers can enjoy unlimited use of MB's, SMS and MINUTES within the Netherlands. As of February 2014, Robin Mobile also offers a business solution for SME's and SoHo customers. In addition, our customers are not tied to a contract or subscription and there are no credit checks or hidden fees. Since the introduction, a lot has changed in the Dutch mobile market. Robin Mobile has set a new standard for transparency, fairness and unlimited plans. So, is our mission completed? Not by a long shot. We feel there's still a lot to be won, by pushing for even more transparency, demanding the abolition of contracts altogether and moving forward with our mission for an open and honest telecommunications market. That's why we'll continue to serve our ever growing customer base with truly unlimited, truly transparent and truly secure offers. In addition, we will continue to put our customers first. Due to this commitment it's no wonder that we're highly rated by several independent consumer organizations such as Consumentenbond with an average rating of 9,2 for the outstanding products we offer. Never before has a mobile provider been able to get this high of a rating for more than 9 consecutive months! At the same time we're valued for our outstanding customer service, which is independently measured from customer experiences & reviews. As a SIM-only provider, Robin Mobile is available online through our website and at retail outlets of Primera. Open Mobile Telecommunications, ONBEPERKT aantal MB'S, SMS & MINUTEN Open Scheepvaartkwartier Rotterdam NL Robin Mobile Telecommunications
private:robinmobile 2988646 Jan 9th, 2020 12:00AM Robin Mobile 202 11.00 Open Telecommunications Jan 9th, 2020 03:18PM Jan 9th, 2020 03:18PM Robin Mobile is a Dutch Mobile Virtual Network Operator introducing the first and only unlimited mobile plan in the Netherlands on June 1st, 2013. The reference to Robin Hood is no coincidence: Robin Mobile was founded to take on the established mobile providers and the non-transparent system of the mobile market to provide fairness and transparency to the people. And that's exactly what we've done, what we're still doing, and what we'll continue to do. With a flat rate of € 19.95 per month, customers can enjoy unlimited use of MB's, SMS and MINUTES within the Netherlands. As of February 2014, Robin Mobile also offers a business solution for SME's and SoHo customers. In addition, our customers are not tied to a contract or subscription and there are no credit checks or hidden fees. Since the introduction, a lot has changed in the Dutch mobile market. Robin Mobile has set a new standard for transparency, fairness and unlimited plans. So, is our mission completed? Not by a long shot. We feel there's still a lot to be won, by pushing for even more transparency, demanding the abolition of contracts altogether and moving forward with our mission for an open and honest telecommunications market. That's why we'll continue to serve our ever growing customer base with truly unlimited, truly transparent and truly secure offers. In addition, we will continue to put our customers first. Due to this commitment it's no wonder that we're highly rated by several independent consumer organizations such as Consumentenbond with an average rating of 9,2 for the outstanding products we offer. Never before has a mobile provider been able to get this high of a rating for more than 9 consecutive months! At the same time we're valued for our outstanding customer service, which is independently measured from customer experiences & reviews. As a SIM-only provider, Robin Mobile is available online through our website and at retail outlets of Primera. Open Mobile Telecommunications, ONBEPERKT aantal MB'S, SMS & MINUTEN Open Scheepvaartkwartier Rotterdam NL Robin Mobile Telecommunications
private:robinmobile 2988646 Jan 8th, 2020 12:00AM Robin Mobile 202 11.00 Open Telecommunications Jan 8th, 2020 01:03PM Jan 8th, 2020 01:03PM Robin Mobile is a Dutch Mobile Virtual Network Operator introducing the first and only unlimited mobile plan in the Netherlands on June 1st, 2013. The reference to Robin Hood is no coincidence: Robin Mobile was founded to take on the established mobile providers and the non-transparent system of the mobile market to provide fairness and transparency to the people. And that's exactly what we've done, what we're still doing, and what we'll continue to do. With a flat rate of € 19.95 per month, customers can enjoy unlimited use of MB's, SMS and MINUTES within the Netherlands. As of February 2014, Robin Mobile also offers a business solution for SME's and SoHo customers. In addition, our customers are not tied to a contract or subscription and there are no credit checks or hidden fees. Since the introduction, a lot has changed in the Dutch mobile market. Robin Mobile has set a new standard for transparency, fairness and unlimited plans. So, is our mission completed? Not by a long shot. We feel there's still a lot to be won, by pushing for even more transparency, demanding the abolition of contracts altogether and moving forward with our mission for an open and honest telecommunications market. That's why we'll continue to serve our ever growing customer base with truly unlimited, truly transparent and truly secure offers. In addition, we will continue to put our customers first. Due to this commitment it's no wonder that we're highly rated by several independent consumer organizations such as Consumentenbond with an average rating of 9,2 for the outstanding products we offer. Never before has a mobile provider been able to get this high of a rating for more than 9 consecutive months! At the same time we're valued for our outstanding customer service, which is independently measured from customer experiences & reviews. As a SIM-only provider, Robin Mobile is available online through our website and at retail outlets of Primera. Open Mobile Telecommunications, ONBEPERKT aantal MB'S, SMS & MINUTEN Open Scheepvaartkwartier Rotterdam NL Robin Mobile Telecommunications
private:robinmobile 2988646 Jan 7th, 2020 12:00AM Robin Mobile 202 11.00 Open Telecommunications Jan 7th, 2020 12:04PM Jan 7th, 2020 12:04PM Robin Mobile is a Dutch Mobile Virtual Network Operator introducing the first and only unlimited mobile plan in the Netherlands on June 1st, 2013. The reference to Robin Hood is no coincidence: Robin Mobile was founded to take on the established mobile providers and the non-transparent system of the mobile market to provide fairness and transparency to the people. And that's exactly what we've done, what we're still doing, and what we'll continue to do. With a flat rate of € 19.95 per month, customers can enjoy unlimited use of MB's, SMS and MINUTES within the Netherlands. As of February 2014, Robin Mobile also offers a business solution for SME's and SoHo customers. In addition, our customers are not tied to a contract or subscription and there are no credit checks or hidden fees. Since the introduction, a lot has changed in the Dutch mobile market. Robin Mobile has set a new standard for transparency, fairness and unlimited plans. So, is our mission completed? Not by a long shot. We feel there's still a lot to be won, by pushing for even more transparency, demanding the abolition of contracts altogether and moving forward with our mission for an open and honest telecommunications market. That's why we'll continue to serve our ever growing customer base with truly unlimited, truly transparent and truly secure offers. In addition, we will continue to put our customers first. Due to this commitment it's no wonder that we're highly rated by several independent consumer organizations such as Consumentenbond with an average rating of 9,2 for the outstanding products we offer. Never before has a mobile provider been able to get this high of a rating for more than 9 consecutive months! At the same time we're valued for our outstanding customer service, which is independently measured from customer experiences & reviews. As a SIM-only provider, Robin Mobile is available online through our website and at retail outlets of Primera. Open Mobile Telecommunications, ONBEPERKT aantal MB'S, SMS & MINUTEN Open Scheepvaartkwartier Rotterdam NL Robin Mobile Telecommunications
private:robinmobile 2988646 Jan 6th, 2020 12:00AM Robin Mobile 202 12.00 Open Telecommunications Jan 5th, 2020 07:20PM Jan 6th, 2020 02:09PM Robin Mobile is a Dutch Mobile Virtual Network Operator introducing the first and only unlimited mobile plan in the Netherlands on June 1st, 2013. The reference to Robin Hood is no coincidence: Robin Mobile was founded to take on the established mobile providers and the non-transparent system of the mobile market to provide fairness and transparency to the people. And that's exactly what we've done, what we're still doing, and what we'll continue to do. With a flat rate of € 19.95 per month, customers can enjoy unlimited use of MB's, SMS and MINUTES within the Netherlands. As of February 2014, Robin Mobile also offers a business solution for SME's and SoHo customers. In addition, our customers are not tied to a contract or subscription and there are no credit checks or hidden fees. Since the introduction, a lot has changed in the Dutch mobile market. Robin Mobile has set a new standard for transparency, fairness and unlimited plans. So, is our mission completed? Not by a long shot. We feel there's still a lot to be won, by pushing for even more transparency, demanding the abolition of contracts altogether and moving forward with our mission for an open and honest telecommunications market. That's why we'll continue to serve our ever growing customer base with truly unlimited, truly transparent and truly secure offers. In addition, we will continue to put our customers first. Due to this commitment it's no wonder that we're highly rated by several independent consumer organizations such as Consumentenbond with an average rating of 9,2 for the outstanding products we offer. Never before has a mobile provider been able to get this high of a rating for more than 9 consecutive months! At the same time we're valued for our outstanding customer service, which is independently measured from customer experiences & reviews. As a SIM-only provider, Robin Mobile is available online through our website and at retail outlets of Primera. Open Mobile Telecommunications, ONBEPERKT aantal MB'S, SMS & MINUTEN Open Scheepvaartkwartier Rotterdam NL Robin Mobile Telecommunications

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