Glassdoor Profile Reviews Data

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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Review Url Logo Company Author Title Author Location Author Country Summary Description PROs CONs Recommends Value Recommends Description Outlook Value Outlook Description CEO Review Value CEO Review Description Helpful Count Rating: Overall Rating: Work/Life Balance Rating: Culture & Values Rating: Career Opportunities Rating: Comp & Benefits Rating: Senior Management Rating: Diversity & Inclusion Company Id Company URL Advice to Management Not Helpful Count Employer Responses Employer Status Is featured? Is current job? Job Ending Year Length of Employment Company Website Company Industry Id Company Sector Id Date Added Date Updated Company Name Sector Industry
private:signetinteractive Mar 26th, 2018 12:00AM Open Open Signet Interactive Marketing Houston, TX fun in the office great office location & great team environment Not enough confidence in customers as to need of updates 1.0 POSITIVE 0.0 NEUTRAL 1.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 605770 Open 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 4.0 Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Signet Interactive Industrials Support Services
private:signetinteractive Oct 30th, 2017 12:00AM Open Open Signet Interactive Undisclosed Extensive training was provided. Some of the staff was friendly. Unethucal and never paid me for money they owed me when I left. I have written proof from them admitting they owed me. Stay clear of those that worked in management if you ever run across them in another venture. The owner was arrogant and made you feel like he was better than you, when in reality it turns out in the end when you see the big picture, I was better than him as a good person. 3.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 605770 Open 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 0.0 Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Signet Interactive Industrials Support Services
private:signetinteractive Mar 12th, 2017 12:00AM Open Open Signet Interactive Signet Interactive: Ruined by Bad Leadership - The volume and variety of work is good for resume-building - Some great people on the production teams - Some fun clients - Low pay, long hours - Dishonest, disingenuous, disrespectful leadership - No HR - Emotionally volatile workplace - Raises are not rewards; they are manipulative devices used to suck as much extra work as possible out of the employees bold enough to make a case for a raise The chairman is slimy and delusional. The CEO has no moral compass, nor does he want one. Both are grossly self-engrossed. A lot of employees make in the 30s-40s and working 50-60 hour weeks, and they’re seen as underperformers for not working more. To the younger workers: Please don’t think this is what it’s like at all agencies, and don’t think the executive team’s behavior is the norm. -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 DISAPPROVE 8.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 605770 Open Instead of investing your energy into making Signet Interactive look good to outsiders, how about investing it into identifying and correcting the problems that lead to these bad reviews in the first place? Your turnover is sky-high, your employees are burnt out, and no one respects you personally or professionally. Stop getting angry at your teams for having natural reactions to your leadership style, and instead do something to grow yourselves as leaders and, more importantly, as human beings. 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 0.0 Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Signet Interactive Industrials Support Services
private:signetinteractive Feb 14th, 2017 12:00AM Open Open Signet Interactive Avoid This Place! You've been warned The majority of the people there are nice, except for a few exceptions Horrendous Management. Immoral business practices. Untrustworthy leadership. Unrealistic work expectations. Very Disorganized. No real structure. Bad work Moral. Generally unprofessional. Very high turnover rate. Unprofessional office space. Sometimes we didn't get paid on time, there appears to be financial issue. They have a "leader" whose ego will not let him step back and let the people that work for him do their thing. He feels that he has to have his finger print on EVERYTHING, making working for him unbearable and frustrating. Management cannot be trusted! The main person in particular is duplicitous and will outright lie on any given day. He once mentioned suing a dissatisfied client that no longer wanted the services offered. The client was frustrated because they made payments for 8 months for services that were not rendered by Signet. Signet was happy to get monthly payments, but ignored their service obligation. When the client wanted to pull out of the deal, suing the client was the first thing mentioned, instead of admitting that the ball was dropped. The main person in management has absolutely No morals and should never be trusted. -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE 7.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 605770 Open When you've got an organization with very few people working there for over a year, it's a sign that something is grossly wrong. There's a certain level of disconnect with management due to arrogance and ego that doesn't allow them to see the need for changes. They'd rather blame their workers than admit that they continually put us in losing situations. If things don't change fast this company is going under. 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 0.0 Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Signet Interactive Industrials Support Services
private:signetinteractive Feb 12th, 2017 12:00AM Open Open Signet Interactive Interactive Consultant Houston, TX So Many Better Places to Be Than Here The staff is still friendly even though worked to death Owners treat everyone like oxen at a plow. Produce, produce, produce. What do I care if you have an emergency? -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 605770 Open Like your employees as much or more than you like yourselves. You don't care and it shows. 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 2.0 Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Signet Interactive Industrials Support Services
private:signetinteractive Dec 17th, 2016 12:00AM Open Open Signet Interactive Employees Are Treated Like Recyclable Waste by Owners 1. Fellow employees are great, creative people who are a pleasure to work and collaborate with. 2. The boss directly above me was one of the best I ever had and very understanding. Tried to fight for a more collaborative, creative work environment, but can only assume they were shutdown every step of the way. 3. Many of the BMs were cool to work with, but a few had issues with communication and acted like anything remotely subordinating was a huge issue and would address anyone but you about it. 4. Pretty much everyone except the owners had at least some way you could work with them and make progress. 1. Was casually laid off without any notice or severance pay right before the holidays. No time given to look for another job. 2. Don't truly believe in growth. They are satisfied festering as one of the lower regarded marketing agencies in Houston. Constantly fire employees or cause them to quit, so that at least half the staff at any given time is fresh in the office and has no idea what's going on. A wise agency would keep even somewhat problematic employees so that at least they had knowledgeable workers. Believe every employee will magically gel with their horrid work flow process. During my interview with one of the owners, I asked what their work flow was like and he genuinely had no idea. 3. Collaboration is intrinsically not part of their process. Tasks and projects are expected to be pumped out like factory products. There is rarely ever a direct line of contact between creative departments and the client. Information is always second-hand or even third-hand. As a result, projects were often turned down by clients for being so off-base. 4. No onboarding process, no training program, no designated trainers. They just drop you into their mess and hope you can sort everything out before they fire you or you get tired of it and quit. 5. Harbors some mild white supremacists. One of the owners is an outspoken Trump supporter on Twitter. Not a very progressive company in ownership or in clientele. 6. Have only one or two interesting clients that are open to creativity. The rest you have to force yourself to create boring content for and somehow twist it to be engaging, while meeting their unrealistic deadlines and vague task requirements. 7. Could count the number of conversations I had with either owner on one hand, yet they act like they have the knowledge to determine who's a valuable employee or not. 8. Several employees are underpaid. 9. Believe that one or even no editor is good enough to create polished content. Instead of hiring more editors because they were unsatisfied with content errors, they decided their one editor wasn't worth the cost. 10. Owners will say, "Feel free to talk to us about anything" and cap it with, "and we'll help you find another place to work," as if that's somehow conducive to a creative, open work environment given their ridiculously high turnover rate. -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 DISAPPROVE 9.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 605770 Open 1. Stop firing people like they are recyclable waste and treat them with respect. If anything, hire MORE people. Hire more copywriters, more editors, trainers, more BMs, more everything. With more employees, there is more "possible." Creatives have time to meet with clients through BM facilitation instead of tackling task after task like factory workers. Thought it would be obvious that if you want to be a big agency, you NEED MORE PEOPLE. 2. Let creatives be a part of communication with the client, as a requirement. BMs might think their jobs depend on hoarding all the information about a client, but really they would be better simply as meeting facilitators between the client and creatives. This would take work off them trying to communicate all this information between the two after the fact and give them more time to vet potential clients, i.e. GROWTH. 3. The owners need to take a huge step back and trust the people who are getting their hands dirty with work and have a better idea of what's going on to collaborate and create great finished products. 4. Vet interesting clients, not just easy ones. 5. GIVE PEOPLE A TWO WEEKS NOTICE IF YOU INTEND TO LAY THEM OFF. The pure inconsideration of laying someone off without a single thought about how the hell they're gonna pay their bills next month is indication enough of the shameful amount of respect they have for employees. 6. Work with tough employees to come to compromises in creative direction. More than likely, employees are pushing back because the above advice is already not in place. But tough employees are usually among your most talented, which is why they are pushing back at all. 7. Reward your employees with raises and bonuses, not free lunch and beer. We couldn't care less about the "mandatory fun" gatherings in which you shove your #inspo motivational propaganda down our throats. Give people fair pay and watch their work improve in no time. 8. Come up with actual content marketing strategies for each client and follow through on them. 0.0 [] REGULAR No No 0.0 Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Signet Interactive Industrials Support Services
private:signetinteractive Oct 14th, 2016 12:00AM Open Open Signet Interactive Intern Houston, TX Intern Cool culture, awesome people, kitchen and lots of creative minds. I learned a lot. No real projects to work on. You have to be hungry and ask for things to do, otherwise you won't learn anything. 1.0 POSITIVE 0.0 NEUTRAL 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 605770 Open Go the extra mile to hold onto your good employees and not burn bridges. 0.0 [] PART_TIME No No 1.0 Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Signet Interactive Industrials Support Services
private:signetinteractive May 25th, 2016 12:00AM Open Open Signet Interactive Houston, TX Great People - Terrible Leadership at the top 1. The employees are generally good and fun people. Everyone means well. Even including management. 2. Good sense of camaraderie with the staff. Everyone gets along. 3. Lots of talented colleagues who know their stuff. The really good ones don't stick around due to the 2 clueless owners that think they know everything. 1.The 2 primary owners get involved in everything instead of letting people do their jobs. When advice is given that the owners don't agree with it is an uphill battle getting them to see good advice. It is not even worth it most of the time because you just get shutdown anyways. A couple of the minor stakeholders and founders listen well and try to collaborate. The other senior staff hears their teams out but are ultimately figureheads because the 2 primary owners always have the final say. It is usually their way or the highway. Except their way doesn't work and when it doesn't they blame their employees instead of looking at themselves. 2. Most employees start bright eyed and bushy tailed and are quickly beat down with the amount of work stacked on them and the unrealistic turnaround times. Most of the employees that intend to stay in the company's good graces will end up working 60-80 hours a week just to stay on top of things. The others don't because they just stopped caring and most will admit that when asked. This is not something the leadership intends but a problem caused by their lack of planning or organization. 3. Most employees are underpaid versus the industry standard for their fields. 4. Management frowns on anyone not working overtime like they do. Everyone would be working less if the internal processes worked. 5. Projects are under quoted. I am talking about what is being billed to the client and what type of internal time is set aside for a given project. We are told not to worry about that and to just do a good job regardless. Clients are consistently unhappy and not paying the company because the unrealistic promises weren't kept which effects us employees directly when we are laid off because there's not enough money. 6. Projects will be 90% of the way done and then a particular someone from senior management wants to completely overhaul major parts of a project and gets irritated when that can't be done in a matter of days. 7. All the creativity is done by the management team. Employees are little more than skilled workers to make management's ideas come to life. Rarely does an employee get to express themselves creatively. They are just told what to do and exactly how to do it. It takes a pretty significant idea to get any sort of creative input on the team because management thinks they know best and will often plan an entire project out before any team member gets input. When something is successful the 2 owners take all the credit and never publicly thank their teams. sometimes we will get internal pat on the backs but not publicly and never with a bonus or something. 8. "Because I said so" or "Because I asked you to" is said to employees a lot. Not a great way to foster creativity in the office. 9. Senior Management has no real idea of the time involved to do quality work for a given project in design, development or content creation. And then they get irritated with their employees when the quality is subpar yet they only gave half of the time they should have to get the work done. 10. We had a company meeting not long ago where one of the senior managers and owners told people to come to his office if they were unhappy and he would 'help' them find a new job. I bet he would. 11. We are called "Signeteers" in the office. Like the Mickey Mouse club. We all love being treated like we are part of a children's fan club. 12. No performance plans or growth plans for employees. No raises except for when they are randomly given out based on subjective criteria. Some people never got a raise after working there for 3 years or more but others got a raise in 6 months. 13. The 2 primary owners never ask how they are doing as leaders or managers. They don't take feedback or criticism well either. Everyone is afraid of them and that they will get fired if they speak up too much. 14. We were asked on occasion to break copyright law and use trademarked imagery that we didn't have access to for designs. -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE 13.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 605770 Open 1. We don't care about perks like free lunches, dinners, happy hours. Those are nice to have but not important to us. We want fair and better pay, true time off as many of us end up working on our vacations, better benefits and realistic work hours and project turnaround times. 2. Stop trying to control everything. If you'd take three steps back and let your employees do their job and have the realistic time to do their job you would be a lot better off. 3. Take better care of your employees. 4. Rebooting the company every year and a half isn't going to work when you are the common denominator. Consider finding experts to run the company for you and just take a vacation or something. The company was better off when the 2 primary owners weren't involved fulltime and the original three employee founders ran the company for them. 5. Pay people what they are worth not the minimum you can get them into your office. 6. Stop over promising new clients you can do the job in half the time and charge them half of what other agencies do. 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 4.0 Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Signet Interactive Industrials Support Services
private:signetinteractive May 20th, 2016 12:00AM Open Open Signet Interactive Front End Web Developer Houston, TX Was fun before everyone quit or got fired It's fun until you realize you won't get a raise and everyone hates it here then the whole place is just stressful after that. -There is no respect and certain departments treat other departments poorly. The business doesn't work as a team and everyone blames everyone else for their mistakes. -I was promised a raise I never got. -Everyone is scared they're going to get fired. We've lost a lot of people in the past few months. -We are asked to write fake Google reviews. They are all written by signet employees. The 'Growth opportunity if you're willing to work hard' review here is written by a owner. He wrote that you can be "rewarded handsomely", as if you receive golden nuggets or something. -The owners don't treat the staff fairly and even though they mention there's an open door policy, it's a lie. The owners don't care about anything we have to say and we have to deal with the consequences. They have lost many clients because of the owners lack of skills. -All the clients are small businesses in Houston. They can't handle anything larger. And when they get larger clients the client is unhappy the whole time. I've been here awhile and the company has never grown. -Good people are discarded like trash. While the real problems continue to run the company. Now that they're doing a re-structuring. They got rid of people who were loyal staff and replaced them with people who they say are more experienced. They won't stick around long after they realize how terrible the owners really are, has happened before. They got rid of multiple loyal staff members to replace them with one new person. They pull the wool over their eyes and give them a bigger wage, while everyone else who has worked here for years still gets paid pennies. Everyone is replaceable. It's sad to watch. I'm already looking for a new job. I can't work here anymore. -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 NEGATIVE -1.0 DISAPPROVE 13.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 605770 Open Tell everyone to go somewhere else and get better jobs. Especially if you don't like them and think they aren't smart. Maybe if the managers worked harder you would have a highly successful business. Instead of one you have to re-structure every year because of the money you keep losing. We also don't want sponsored breakfast, lunch, dinner and happy hours. We want a fair pay and to be treated respectfully. Also if someone is in danger of losing their job, let them know early, people have families. It's so rude and unfair to fire good loyal people just to replace them with new job hoppers with fancy resumes. 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 4.0 Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Signet Interactive Industrials Support Services
private:signetinteractive Apr 11th, 2016 12:00AM Open Open Signet Interactive Growth Opportunity If You're Willing To Work Hard The company has invested in leaders to help grow all departments. There is a lot of talent and knowledge here, employees just need to be willing to grow, which in most cases we are. If you do want to grow personally and professionally, Signet is the one place I've worked at that actually cares about your future, even if it's not with them. But like anything, if you're not willing to put in the effort, you'll never succeed. I've noticed frustration from other reviewers and all I can say is be accountable, work hard and be a team player and you'll thrive here... and be rewarded handsomely. The team and client projects makes Signet a fun place to work and grow! - Need more conference rooms and space as we continue to grow - Need an IT person, even if part time, to help with minor IT issues - More company sponsored breakfasts, lunches and happy hours would be nice, but not 100% needed 1.0 POSITIVE 1.0 POSITIVE 2.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 605770 Open Continue on the management/leadership hiring path to allow Signet to grow further. As team members step to the plate showing leadership, embrace and reward that to help inspire team members to further grow. Share these success stories more often so employees are more aware of the positive environment we work in. 0.0 [] REGULAR No Yes 4.0 Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Apr 19th, 2021 06:46PM Signet Interactive Industrials Support Services

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