LinkedIn Profile

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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Company Name Followers Employees on Linkedin Link Industry Date Added Date Updated Description Website Specialities Logo HQ.Street HQ.City HQ.State HQ.Country HQ.Postal Headcount change in past 24 months Company Name Sector Industry 492673 Jun 1st, 2019 12:00AM 356 7.00 Open Internet Jun 1st, 2019 01:49AM Jun 1st, 2019 01:49AM is a technology platform that powers custom branded mobile apps and responsive design websites that feature ordering, payment, 1:1 marketing and loyalty for restaurants, hotels, airports, campuses and more. We work well with others. Our plug & play architecture makes it easy to integrate 3rd party partners for in store payment, stored value gift cards, POS and in-store loyalty. Our Apps or Yours Use our app platform or have your developer or agency integrate our ordering and payment API. Takeout, Delivery & Group Ordering provides multiple options for customers to order and pay through the mobile and web apps. Loyalty & Marketing offers a web and mobile loyalty module for earning, managing and redeeming points. In sync with our 1:1 Marketing tools, loyalty is very effective for increasing engagement, repeat visits and ticket size. If you already have loyalty partner, chance are we can integrate with your current loyalty system seamlessly. provides a variety of analytics to make data driven decisions and powerful tools to develop effective campaigns using push notifications, in-app promotions, emails and social media. Dedicated Account Managers Dedicated account managers will assist with easy setup, reporting and ongoing marketing support. Tier 1 Customer Support We provide 7-day/week support at the customer, franchise and corporate level. Robust Menuing & Controls Complex modifiers are not a problem. We offer enterprise level mobile POS for menuing with controls at the store and corporate level. Multiple Delivery Methods Orders can be delivered via POS integration for larger accounts, wifi/LAN/GPRS printers, email, fax, and WinApp Find out why leading restaurants such as Jersey Mike's, Moe's Southwest Grill and many more have selected to power their mobile and web commerce. Open Branded Mobile Apps, Online Ordering System, Restaurant Ordering Apps, iPhone Food Ordering, Mobile Ordering Platform, Android Food Ordering Open 1881 9th St, Suite 303 Boulder Colorado US 80302 Technology Food Producers 492673 Feb 17th, 2018 12:00AM 348 11.00 Open Internet Feb 17th, 2018 02:25PM Feb 17th, 2018 02:25PM is a technology platform that powers custom branded mobile apps and responsive design websites that feature ordering, payment, 1:1 marketing and loyalty for restaurants, hotels, airports, campuses and more. We work well with others. Our plug & play architecture makes it easy to integrate 3rd party partners for in store payment, stored value gift cards, POS and in-store loyalty. Our Apps or Yours Use our app platform or have your developer or agency integrate our ordering and payment API. Takeout, Delivery & Group Ordering provides multiple options for customers to order and pay through the mobile and web apps. Loyalty & Marketing offers a web and mobile loyalty module for earning, managing and redeeming points. In sync with our 1:1 Marketing tools, loyalty is very effective for increasing engagement, repeat visits and ticket size. If you already have loyalty partner, chance are we can integrate with your current loyalty system seamlessly. provides a variety of analytics to make data driven decisions and powerful tools to develop effective campaigns using push notifications, in-app promotions, emails and social media. Dedicated Account Managers Dedicated account managers will assist with easy setup, reporting and ongoing marketing support. Tier 1 Customer Support We provide 7-day/week support at the customer, franchise and corporate level. Robust Menuing & Controls Complex modifiers are not a problem. We offer enterprise level mobile POS for menuing with controls at the store and corporate level. Multiple Delivery Methods Orders can be delivered via POS integration for larger accounts, wifi/LAN/GPRS printers, email, fax, and WinApp Find out why leading restaurants such as Jersey Mike's, Moe's Southwest Grill and many more have selected to power their mobile and web commerce. Technology Food Producers 492673 Feb 16th, 2018 12:00AM 348 11.00 Open Internet Feb 16th, 2017 08:15AM Feb 16th, 2017 08:15AM is a technology platform that powers custom branded mobile apps and responsive design websites that feature ordering, payment, 1:1 marketing and loyalty for restaurants, hotels, airports, campuses and more. We work well with others. Our plug & play architecture makes it easy to integrate 3rd party partners for in store payment, stored value gift cards, POS and in-store loyalty. Our Apps or Yours Use our app platform or have your developer or agency integrate our ordering and payment API. Takeout, Delivery & Group Ordering provides multiple options for customers to order and pay through the mobile and web apps. Loyalty & Marketing offers a web and mobile loyalty module for earning, managing and redeeming points. In sync with our 1:1 Marketing tools, loyalty is very effective for increasing engagement, repeat visits and ticket size. If you already have loyalty partner, chance are we can integrate with your current loyalty system seamlessly. provides a variety of analytics to make data driven decisions and powerful tools to develop effective campaigns using push notifications, in-app promotions, emails and social media. Dedicated Account Managers Dedicated account managers will assist with easy setup, reporting and ongoing marketing support. Tier 1 Customer Support We provide 7-day/week support at the customer, franchise and corporate level. Robust Menuing & Controls Complex modifiers are not a problem. We offer enterprise level mobile POS for menuing with controls at the store and corporate level. Multiple Delivery Methods Orders can be delivered via POS integration for larger accounts, wifi/LAN/GPRS printers, email, fax, and WinApp Find out why leading restaurants such as Jersey Mike's, Moe's Southwest Grill and many more have selected to power their mobile and web commerce. Technology Food Producers 492673 Feb 15th, 2018 12:00AM 348 11.00 Open Internet Feb 15th, 2017 10:07AM Feb 15th, 2017 10:07AM is a technology platform that powers custom branded mobile apps and responsive design websites that feature ordering, payment, 1:1 marketing and loyalty for restaurants, hotels, airports, campuses and more. We work well with others. Our plug & play architecture makes it easy to integrate 3rd party partners for in store payment, stored value gift cards, POS and in-store loyalty. Our Apps or Yours Use our app platform or have your developer or agency integrate our ordering and payment API. Takeout, Delivery & Group Ordering provides multiple options for customers to order and pay through the mobile and web apps. Loyalty & Marketing offers a web and mobile loyalty module for earning, managing and redeeming points. In sync with our 1:1 Marketing tools, loyalty is very effective for increasing engagement, repeat visits and ticket size. If you already have loyalty partner, chance are we can integrate with your current loyalty system seamlessly. provides a variety of analytics to make data driven decisions and powerful tools to develop effective campaigns using push notifications, in-app promotions, emails and social media. Dedicated Account Managers Dedicated account managers will assist with easy setup, reporting and ongoing marketing support. Tier 1 Customer Support We provide 7-day/week support at the customer, franchise and corporate level. Robust Menuing & Controls Complex modifiers are not a problem. We offer enterprise level mobile POS for menuing with controls at the store and corporate level. Multiple Delivery Methods Orders can be delivered via POS integration for larger accounts, wifi/LAN/GPRS printers, email, fax, and WinApp Find out why leading restaurants such as Jersey Mike's, Moe's Southwest Grill and many more have selected to power their mobile and web commerce. Technology Food Producers 492673 Feb 14th, 2018 12:00AM 348 11.00 Open Internet Feb 14th, 2017 01:50PM Feb 14th, 2017 01:50PM is a technology platform that powers custom branded mobile apps and responsive design websites that feature ordering, payment, 1:1 marketing and loyalty for restaurants, hotels, airports, campuses and more. We work well with others. Our plug & play architecture makes it easy to integrate 3rd party partners for in store payment, stored value gift cards, POS and in-store loyalty. Our Apps or Yours Use our app platform or have your developer or agency integrate our ordering and payment API. Takeout, Delivery & Group Ordering provides multiple options for customers to order and pay through the mobile and web apps. Loyalty & Marketing offers a web and mobile loyalty module for earning, managing and redeeming points. In sync with our 1:1 Marketing tools, loyalty is very effective for increasing engagement, repeat visits and ticket size. If you already have loyalty partner, chance are we can integrate with your current loyalty system seamlessly. provides a variety of analytics to make data driven decisions and powerful tools to develop effective campaigns using push notifications, in-app promotions, emails and social media. Dedicated Account Managers Dedicated account managers will assist with easy setup, reporting and ongoing marketing support. Tier 1 Customer Support We provide 7-day/week support at the customer, franchise and corporate level. Robust Menuing & Controls Complex modifiers are not a problem. We offer enterprise level mobile POS for menuing with controls at the store and corporate level. Multiple Delivery Methods Orders can be delivered via POS integration for larger accounts, wifi/LAN/GPRS printers, email, fax, and WinApp Find out why leading restaurants such as Jersey Mike's, Moe's Southwest Grill and many more have selected to power their mobile and web commerce. Technology Food Producers 492673 Feb 13th, 2018 12:00AM 348 11.00 Open Internet Feb 13th, 2017 04:11PM Feb 13th, 2017 04:11PM is a technology platform that powers custom branded mobile apps and responsive design websites that feature ordering, payment, 1:1 marketing and loyalty for restaurants, hotels, airports, campuses and more. We work well with others. Our plug & play architecture makes it easy to integrate 3rd party partners for in store payment, stored value gift cards, POS and in-store loyalty. Our Apps or Yours Use our app platform or have your developer or agency integrate our ordering and payment API. Takeout, Delivery & Group Ordering provides multiple options for customers to order and pay through the mobile and web apps. Loyalty & Marketing offers a web and mobile loyalty module for earning, managing and redeeming points. In sync with our 1:1 Marketing tools, loyalty is very effective for increasing engagement, repeat visits and ticket size. If you already have loyalty partner, chance are we can integrate with your current loyalty system seamlessly. provides a variety of analytics to make data driven decisions and powerful tools to develop effective campaigns using push notifications, in-app promotions, emails and social media. Dedicated Account Managers Dedicated account managers will assist with easy setup, reporting and ongoing marketing support. Tier 1 Customer Support We provide 7-day/week support at the customer, franchise and corporate level. Robust Menuing & Controls Complex modifiers are not a problem. We offer enterprise level mobile POS for menuing with controls at the store and corporate level. Multiple Delivery Methods Orders can be delivered via POS integration for larger accounts, wifi/LAN/GPRS printers, email, fax, and WinApp Find out why leading restaurants such as Jersey Mike's, Moe's Southwest Grill and many more have selected to power their mobile and web commerce. Technology Food Producers 492673 Feb 12th, 2018 12:00AM 348 11.00 Open Internet Feb 12th, 2017 04:15AM Feb 12th, 2017 04:15AM is a technology platform that powers custom branded mobile apps and responsive design websites that feature ordering, payment, 1:1 marketing and loyalty for restaurants, hotels, airports, campuses and more. We work well with others. Our plug & play architecture makes it easy to integrate 3rd party partners for in store payment, stored value gift cards, POS and in-store loyalty. Our Apps or Yours Use our app platform or have your developer or agency integrate our ordering and payment API. Takeout, Delivery & Group Ordering provides multiple options for customers to order and pay through the mobile and web apps. Loyalty & Marketing offers a web and mobile loyalty module for earning, managing and redeeming points. In sync with our 1:1 Marketing tools, loyalty is very effective for increasing engagement, repeat visits and ticket size. If you already have loyalty partner, chance are we can integrate with your current loyalty system seamlessly. provides a variety of analytics to make data driven decisions and powerful tools to develop effective campaigns using push notifications, in-app promotions, emails and social media. Dedicated Account Managers Dedicated account managers will assist with easy setup, reporting and ongoing marketing support. Tier 1 Customer Support We provide 7-day/week support at the customer, franchise and corporate level. Robust Menuing & Controls Complex modifiers are not a problem. We offer enterprise level mobile POS for menuing with controls at the store and corporate level. Multiple Delivery Methods Orders can be delivered via POS integration for larger accounts, wifi/LAN/GPRS printers, email, fax, and WinApp Find out why leading restaurants such as Jersey Mike's, Moe's Southwest Grill and many more have selected to power their mobile and web commerce. Technology Food Producers 492673 Feb 11th, 2018 12:00AM 348 11.00 Open Internet Feb 11th, 2017 05:35AM Feb 11th, 2017 05:35AM is a technology platform that powers custom branded mobile apps and responsive design websites that feature ordering, payment, 1:1 marketing and loyalty for restaurants, hotels, airports, campuses and more. We work well with others. Our plug & play architecture makes it easy to integrate 3rd party partners for in store payment, stored value gift cards, POS and in-store loyalty. Our Apps or Yours Use our app platform or have your developer or agency integrate our ordering and payment API. Takeout, Delivery & Group Ordering provides multiple options for customers to order and pay through the mobile and web apps. Loyalty & Marketing offers a web and mobile loyalty module for earning, managing and redeeming points. In sync with our 1:1 Marketing tools, loyalty is very effective for increasing engagement, repeat visits and ticket size. If you already have loyalty partner, chance are we can integrate with your current loyalty system seamlessly. provides a variety of analytics to make data driven decisions and powerful tools to develop effective campaigns using push notifications, in-app promotions, emails and social media. Dedicated Account Managers Dedicated account managers will assist with easy setup, reporting and ongoing marketing support. Tier 1 Customer Support We provide 7-day/week support at the customer, franchise and corporate level. Robust Menuing & Controls Complex modifiers are not a problem. We offer enterprise level mobile POS for menuing with controls at the store and corporate level. Multiple Delivery Methods Orders can be delivered via POS integration for larger accounts, wifi/LAN/GPRS printers, email, fax, and WinApp Find out why leading restaurants such as Jersey Mike's, Moe's Southwest Grill and many more have selected to power their mobile and web commerce. Technology Food Producers 492673 Feb 10th, 2018 12:00AM 348 11.00 Open Internet Feb 10th, 2017 06:43AM Feb 10th, 2017 06:43AM is a technology platform that powers custom branded mobile apps and responsive design websites that feature ordering, payment, 1:1 marketing and loyalty for restaurants, hotels, airports, campuses and more. We work well with others. Our plug & play architecture makes it easy to integrate 3rd party partners for in store payment, stored value gift cards, POS and in-store loyalty. Our Apps or Yours Use our app platform or have your developer or agency integrate our ordering and payment API. Takeout, Delivery & Group Ordering provides multiple options for customers to order and pay through the mobile and web apps. Loyalty & Marketing offers a web and mobile loyalty module for earning, managing and redeeming points. In sync with our 1:1 Marketing tools, loyalty is very effective for increasing engagement, repeat visits and ticket size. If you already have loyalty partner, chance are we can integrate with your current loyalty system seamlessly. provides a variety of analytics to make data driven decisions and powerful tools to develop effective campaigns using push notifications, in-app promotions, emails and social media. Dedicated Account Managers Dedicated account managers will assist with easy setup, reporting and ongoing marketing support. Tier 1 Customer Support We provide 7-day/week support at the customer, franchise and corporate level. Robust Menuing & Controls Complex modifiers are not a problem. We offer enterprise level mobile POS for menuing with controls at the store and corporate level. Multiple Delivery Methods Orders can be delivered via POS integration for larger accounts, wifi/LAN/GPRS printers, email, fax, and WinApp Find out why leading restaurants such as Jersey Mike's, Moe's Southwest Grill and many more have selected to power their mobile and web commerce. Technology Food Producers 492673 Feb 9th, 2018 12:00AM 348 11.00 Open Internet Feb 9th, 2017 08:57AM Feb 9th, 2017 08:57AM is a technology platform that powers custom branded mobile apps and responsive design websites that feature ordering, payment, 1:1 marketing and loyalty for restaurants, hotels, airports, campuses and more. We work well with others. Our plug & play architecture makes it easy to integrate 3rd party partners for in store payment, stored value gift cards, POS and in-store loyalty. Our Apps or Yours Use our app platform or have your developer or agency integrate our ordering and payment API. Takeout, Delivery & Group Ordering provides multiple options for customers to order and pay through the mobile and web apps. Loyalty & Marketing offers a web and mobile loyalty module for earning, managing and redeeming points. In sync with our 1:1 Marketing tools, loyalty is very effective for increasing engagement, repeat visits and ticket size. If you already have loyalty partner, chance are we can integrate with your current loyalty system seamlessly. provides a variety of analytics to make data driven decisions and powerful tools to develop effective campaigns using push notifications, in-app promotions, emails and social media. Dedicated Account Managers Dedicated account managers will assist with easy setup, reporting and ongoing marketing support. Tier 1 Customer Support We provide 7-day/week support at the customer, franchise and corporate level. Robust Menuing & Controls Complex modifiers are not a problem. We offer enterprise level mobile POS for menuing with controls at the store and corporate level. Multiple Delivery Methods Orders can be delivered via POS integration for larger accounts, wifi/LAN/GPRS printers, email, fax, and WinApp Find out why leading restaurants such as Jersey Mike's, Moe's Southwest Grill and many more have selected to power their mobile and web commerce. Technology Food Producers

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