LinkedIn Profile

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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Company Name Followers Employees on Linkedin Link Industry Date Added Date Updated Description Website Specialities Logo HQ.Street HQ.City HQ.State HQ.Country HQ.Postal Headcount change in past 24 months Company Name Sector Industry
private:spotloss-2 2573851 Dec 3rd, 2020 12:00AM SpotLoss 11 0.00 Open Wireless Dec 3rd, 2020 01:15PM Dec 3rd, 2020 01:15PM We developed wireless applications and services using BlueSmart (a.k.a Bluetooth 4.0) and Bluetooth Low Energy to react to the proximity or lack of proximity of two objects. For example, a cell phone app can alert the owner when a key fob gets too far away (signaling to the user that they may have left their keys behind). Since the key fob uses Bluetooth Low Energy it can last over a year on a single coin cell battery. Open Bluetooth 4.0, Proximity, Wearable technology, Innovation Open 86 Aldrich Ave Binghamton NY US 13903 SpotLoss
private:spotloss-2 2573851 Dec 2nd, 2020 12:00AM SpotLoss 11 0.00 Open Wireless Dec 2nd, 2020 04:28PM Dec 2nd, 2020 04:28PM We developed wireless applications and services using BlueSmart (a.k.a Bluetooth 4.0) and Bluetooth Low Energy to react to the proximity or lack of proximity of two objects. For example, a cell phone app can alert the owner when a key fob gets too far away (signaling to the user that they may have left their keys behind). Since the key fob uses Bluetooth Low Energy it can last over a year on a single coin cell battery. Open Bluetooth 4.0, Proximity, Wearable technology, Innovation Open 86 Aldrich Ave Binghamton NY US 13903 SpotLoss
private:spotloss-2 2573851 Dec 1st, 2020 12:00AM SpotLoss 11 0.00 Open Wireless Dec 1st, 2020 02:56PM Dec 1st, 2020 02:56PM We developed wireless applications and services using BlueSmart (a.k.a Bluetooth 4.0) and Bluetooth Low Energy to react to the proximity or lack of proximity of two objects. For example, a cell phone app can alert the owner when a key fob gets too far away (signaling to the user that they may have left their keys behind). Since the key fob uses Bluetooth Low Energy it can last over a year on a single coin cell battery. Open Bluetooth 4.0, Proximity, Wearable technology, Innovation Open 86 Aldrich Ave Binghamton NY US 13903 SpotLoss
private:spotloss-2 2573851 Nov 30th, 2020 12:00AM SpotLoss 11 0.00 Open Wireless Nov 29th, 2020 08:57PM Nov 30th, 2020 03:47PM We developed wireless applications and services using BlueSmart (a.k.a Bluetooth 4.0) and Bluetooth Low Energy to react to the proximity or lack of proximity of two objects. For example, a cell phone app can alert the owner when a key fob gets too far away (signaling to the user that they may have left their keys behind). Since the key fob uses Bluetooth Low Energy it can last over a year on a single coin cell battery. Open Bluetooth 4.0, Proximity, Wearable technology, Innovation Open 86 Aldrich Ave Binghamton NY US 13903 SpotLoss
private:spotloss-2 2573851 Nov 28th, 2020 12:00AM SpotLoss 10 0.00 Open Wireless Nov 28th, 2020 04:33PM Nov 28th, 2020 04:33PM We developed wireless applications and services using BlueSmart (a.k.a Bluetooth 4.0) and Bluetooth Low Energy to react to the proximity or lack of proximity of two objects. For example, a cell phone app can alert the owner when a key fob gets too far away (signaling to the user that they may have left their keys behind). Since the key fob uses Bluetooth Low Energy it can last over a year on a single coin cell battery. Open Bluetooth 4.0, Proximity, Wearable technology, Innovation Open 86 Aldrich Ave Binghamton NY US 13903 SpotLoss
private:spotloss-2 2573851 Nov 27th, 2020 12:00AM SpotLoss 10 0.00 Open Wireless Nov 27th, 2020 12:59PM Nov 27th, 2020 12:59PM We developed wireless applications and services using BlueSmart (a.k.a Bluetooth 4.0) and Bluetooth Low Energy to react to the proximity or lack of proximity of two objects. For example, a cell phone app can alert the owner when a key fob gets too far away (signaling to the user that they may have left their keys behind). Since the key fob uses Bluetooth Low Energy it can last over a year on a single coin cell battery. Open Bluetooth 4.0, Proximity, Wearable technology, Innovation Open 86 Aldrich Ave Binghamton NY US 13903 SpotLoss
private:spotloss-2 2573851 Nov 26th, 2020 12:00AM SpotLoss 10 0.00 Open Wireless Nov 25th, 2020 07:52PM Nov 26th, 2020 01:57PM We developed wireless applications and services using BlueSmart (a.k.a Bluetooth 4.0) and Bluetooth Low Energy to react to the proximity or lack of proximity of two objects. For example, a cell phone app can alert the owner when a key fob gets too far away (signaling to the user that they may have left their keys behind). Since the key fob uses Bluetooth Low Energy it can last over a year on a single coin cell battery. Open Bluetooth 4.0, Proximity, Wearable technology, Innovation Open 86 Aldrich Ave Binghamton NY US 13903 SpotLoss
private:spotloss-2 2573851 Nov 24th, 2020 12:00AM SpotLoss 10 0.00 Open Wireless Nov 24th, 2020 03:16PM Nov 24th, 2020 03:16PM We developed wireless applications and services using BlueSmart (a.k.a Bluetooth 4.0) and Bluetooth Low Energy to react to the proximity or lack of proximity of two objects. For example, a cell phone app can alert the owner when a key fob gets too far away (signaling to the user that they may have left their keys behind). Since the key fob uses Bluetooth Low Energy it can last over a year on a single coin cell battery. Open Bluetooth 4.0, Proximity, Wearable technology, Innovation Open 86 Aldrich Ave Binghamton NY US 13903 SpotLoss
private:spotloss-2 2573851 Nov 23rd, 2020 12:00AM SpotLoss 10 0.00 Open Wireless Nov 23rd, 2020 05:13PM Nov 23rd, 2020 05:13PM We developed wireless applications and services using BlueSmart (a.k.a Bluetooth 4.0) and Bluetooth Low Energy to react to the proximity or lack of proximity of two objects. For example, a cell phone app can alert the owner when a key fob gets too far away (signaling to the user that they may have left their keys behind). Since the key fob uses Bluetooth Low Energy it can last over a year on a single coin cell battery. Open Bluetooth 4.0, Proximity, Wearable technology, Innovation Open 86 Aldrich Ave Binghamton NY US 13903 SpotLoss
private:spotloss-2 2573851 Nov 22nd, 2020 12:00AM SpotLoss 10 0.00 Open Wireless Nov 22nd, 2020 04:09PM Nov 22nd, 2020 04:09PM We developed wireless applications and services using BlueSmart (a.k.a Bluetooth 4.0) and Bluetooth Low Energy to react to the proximity or lack of proximity of two objects. For example, a cell phone app can alert the owner when a key fob gets too far away (signaling to the user that they may have left their keys behind). Since the key fob uses Bluetooth Low Energy it can last over a year on a single coin cell battery. Open Bluetooth 4.0, Proximity, Wearable technology, Innovation Open 86 Aldrich Ave Binghamton NY US 13903 SpotLoss

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