LinkedIn Profile

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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Company Name Followers Employees on Linkedin Link Industry Date Added Date Updated Description Website Specialities Logo HQ.Street HQ.City HQ.State HQ.Country HQ.Postal Headcount change in past 24 months Company Name Sector Industry
private:swmfilms-2 1477436 Jun 3rd, 2019 12:00AM SWM Films 4 1.00 Open Marketing and Advertising Jun 3rd, 2019 04:58PM Jun 3rd, 2019 04:58PM Welcome to SWM Films. We are a full service film & video production company specializing in commercial, short and long form films, music videos & internet based media. Our mission: To provide our clients with creative solutions for their productions that won’t break the bank. Our pledge to clients: To maximize opportunities, to minimize waste and to exhaust our directors making every job count. We are firm believers in being as pro active as possible and in developing a positive team environment where the need for urgency does not lose sight of or sacrifice the creative or brand integrity. We know there is always a way to get the job done, it takes imagination, a willingness to succeed, a ton of passion, the ability to rethink an idea at the drop of a hat - AND - a great sense of humor. We have that passion, we love a challenge and just try not to have fun when you’re working with us. We’re SWM Films. Open Open SWM Films
private:swmfilms-2 1477436 Nov 7th, 2017 12:00AM SWM Films 4 1.00 Open Marketing and Advertising Nov 7th, 2017 06:45PM Nov 7th, 2017 06:45PM Welcome to SWM Films. We are a full service film & video production company specializing in commercial, short and long form films, music videos & internet based media. Our mission: To provide our clients with creative solutions for their productions that won’t break the bank. Our pledge to clients: To maximize opportunities, to minimize waste and to exhaust our directors making every job count. We are firm believers in being as pro active as possible and in developing a positive team environment where the need for urgency does not lose sight of or sacrifice the creative or brand integrity. We know there is always a way to get the job done, it takes imagination, a willingness to succeed, a ton of passion, the ability to rethink an idea at the drop of a hat - AND - a great sense of humor. We have that passion, we love a challenge and just try not to have fun when you’re working with us. We’re SWM Films. SWM Films
private:swmfilms-2 1477436 Nov 1st, 2017 12:00AM SWM Films 4 1.00 Open Marketing and Advertising Nov 1st, 2017 06:17AM Nov 1st, 2017 06:17AM Welcome to SWM Films. We are a full service film & video production company specializing in commercial, short and long form films, music videos & internet based media. Our mission: To provide our clients with creative solutions for their productions that won’t break the bank. Our pledge to clients: To maximize opportunities, to minimize waste and to exhaust our directors making every job count. We are firm believers in being as pro active as possible and in developing a positive team environment where the need for urgency does not lose sight of or sacrifice the creative or brand integrity. We know there is always a way to get the job done, it takes imagination, a willingness to succeed, a ton of passion, the ability to rethink an idea at the drop of a hat - AND - a great sense of humor. We have that passion, we love a challenge and just try not to have fun when you’re working with us. We’re SWM Films. SWM Films

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