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private:thevo-96acousticsynthesizer-2 3296968 Jun 4th, 2019 12:00AM Vo Inventions 31 1.00 Open Music Jun 3rd, 2019 10:04PM Jun 3rd, 2019 10:04PM Paul Vo is the inventor of the Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer, and the technology that powers the Moog Guitar and the Moog Lap Steel. All these instruments are examples of a new form of music synthesis: Acoustic Synthesis™. Paul has worked as a design consultant, (freelance), a product developer and lab manager, (Yorkville Sound Ltd. of Canada), a director of research and development, (QSC Audio Products ), and now as a professional inventor. He is also a guitarist and composer. “I believe that character of musical expression is strongly tied to the physical form of an instrument. A saxophone is not a theremin is not a violin – but why not? It’s not just the different timbre and range, it’s that each different shape of instrument is a different framework for emotional expression. A different feeling is suggested by the act of blowing breath into a sax than by bowing a string. A violin wants to be played like a violin, a guitar like a guitar, a sax like a sax, a flute like a flute – different physical shapes and the various methods of playing them reveal to us different categories of expression and bring us naturally into different regions of musical emotion. Musical personality is defined by both the sound and the shape of an instrument.” - Paul Vo Open Musical Instrument Technology, Advanced Vibration Control, Guitar Technology Open The Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer
private:thevo-96acousticsynthesizer-2 3296968 Mar 23rd, 2018 12:00AM Vo Inventions 31 1.00 Open Music Mar 23rd, 2017 10:51AM Mar 23rd, 2017 10:51AM Paul Vo is the inventor of the Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer, and the technology that powers the Moog Guitar and the Moog Lap Steel. All these instruments are examples of a new form of music synthesis: Acoustic Synthesis™. Paul has worked as a design consultant, (freelance), a product developer and lab manager, (Yorkville Sound Ltd. of Canada), a director of research and development, (QSC Audio Products ), and now as a professional inventor. He is also a guitarist and composer. “I believe that character of musical expression is strongly tied to the physical form of an instrument. A saxophone is not a theremin is not a violin – but why not? It’s not just the different timbre and range, it’s that each different shape of instrument is a different framework for emotional expression. A different feeling is suggested by the act of blowing breath into a sax than by bowing a string. A violin wants to be played like a violin, a guitar like a guitar, a sax like a sax, a flute like a flute – different physical shapes and the various methods of playing them reveal to us different categories of expression and bring us naturally into different regions of musical emotion. Musical personality is defined by both the sound and the shape of an instrument.” - Paul Vo The Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer
private:thevo-96acousticsynthesizer-2 3296968 Feb 17th, 2018 12:00AM Vo Inventions 31 1.00 Open Music Feb 17th, 2018 02:25PM Feb 17th, 2018 02:25PM Paul Vo is the inventor of the Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer, and the technology that powers the Moog Guitar and the Moog Lap Steel. All these instruments are examples of a new form of music synthesis: Acoustic Synthesis™. Paul has worked as a design consultant, (freelance), a product developer and lab manager, (Yorkville Sound Ltd. of Canada), a director of research and development, (QSC Audio Products ), and now as a professional inventor. He is also a guitarist and composer. “I believe that character of musical expression is strongly tied to the physical form of an instrument. A saxophone is not a theremin is not a violin – but why not? It’s not just the different timbre and range, it’s that each different shape of instrument is a different framework for emotional expression. A different feeling is suggested by the act of blowing breath into a sax than by bowing a string. A violin wants to be played like a violin, a guitar like a guitar, a sax like a sax, a flute like a flute – different physical shapes and the various methods of playing them reveal to us different categories of expression and bring us naturally into different regions of musical emotion. Musical personality is defined by both the sound and the shape of an instrument.” - Paul Vo The Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer
private:thevo-96acousticsynthesizer-2 3296968 Feb 16th, 2018 12:00AM Vo Inventions 31 1.00 Open Music Feb 16th, 2017 08:15AM Feb 16th, 2017 08:15AM Paul Vo is the inventor of the Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer, and the technology that powers the Moog Guitar and the Moog Lap Steel. All these instruments are examples of a new form of music synthesis: Acoustic Synthesis™. Paul has worked as a design consultant, (freelance), a product developer and lab manager, (Yorkville Sound Ltd. of Canada), a director of research and development, (QSC Audio Products ), and now as a professional inventor. He is also a guitarist and composer. “I believe that character of musical expression is strongly tied to the physical form of an instrument. A saxophone is not a theremin is not a violin – but why not? It’s not just the different timbre and range, it’s that each different shape of instrument is a different framework for emotional expression. A different feeling is suggested by the act of blowing breath into a sax than by bowing a string. A violin wants to be played like a violin, a guitar like a guitar, a sax like a sax, a flute like a flute – different physical shapes and the various methods of playing them reveal to us different categories of expression and bring us naturally into different regions of musical emotion. Musical personality is defined by both the sound and the shape of an instrument.” - Paul Vo The Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer
private:thevo-96acousticsynthesizer-2 3296968 Feb 15th, 2018 12:00AM Vo Inventions 31 1.00 Open Music Feb 15th, 2017 10:07AM Feb 15th, 2017 10:07AM Paul Vo is the inventor of the Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer, and the technology that powers the Moog Guitar and the Moog Lap Steel. All these instruments are examples of a new form of music synthesis: Acoustic Synthesis™. Paul has worked as a design consultant, (freelance), a product developer and lab manager, (Yorkville Sound Ltd. of Canada), a director of research and development, (QSC Audio Products ), and now as a professional inventor. He is also a guitarist and composer. “I believe that character of musical expression is strongly tied to the physical form of an instrument. A saxophone is not a theremin is not a violin – but why not? It’s not just the different timbre and range, it’s that each different shape of instrument is a different framework for emotional expression. A different feeling is suggested by the act of blowing breath into a sax than by bowing a string. A violin wants to be played like a violin, a guitar like a guitar, a sax like a sax, a flute like a flute – different physical shapes and the various methods of playing them reveal to us different categories of expression and bring us naturally into different regions of musical emotion. Musical personality is defined by both the sound and the shape of an instrument.” - Paul Vo The Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer
private:thevo-96acousticsynthesizer-2 3296968 Feb 14th, 2018 12:00AM Vo Inventions 31 1.00 Open Music Feb 14th, 2017 01:50PM Feb 14th, 2017 01:50PM Paul Vo is the inventor of the Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer, and the technology that powers the Moog Guitar and the Moog Lap Steel. All these instruments are examples of a new form of music synthesis: Acoustic Synthesis™. Paul has worked as a design consultant, (freelance), a product developer and lab manager, (Yorkville Sound Ltd. of Canada), a director of research and development, (QSC Audio Products ), and now as a professional inventor. He is also a guitarist and composer. “I believe that character of musical expression is strongly tied to the physical form of an instrument. A saxophone is not a theremin is not a violin – but why not? It’s not just the different timbre and range, it’s that each different shape of instrument is a different framework for emotional expression. A different feeling is suggested by the act of blowing breath into a sax than by bowing a string. A violin wants to be played like a violin, a guitar like a guitar, a sax like a sax, a flute like a flute – different physical shapes and the various methods of playing them reveal to us different categories of expression and bring us naturally into different regions of musical emotion. Musical personality is defined by both the sound and the shape of an instrument.” - Paul Vo The Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer
private:thevo-96acousticsynthesizer-2 3296968 Feb 13th, 2018 12:00AM Vo Inventions 31 1.00 Open Music Feb 13th, 2017 04:11PM Feb 13th, 2017 04:11PM Paul Vo is the inventor of the Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer, and the technology that powers the Moog Guitar and the Moog Lap Steel. All these instruments are examples of a new form of music synthesis: Acoustic Synthesis™. Paul has worked as a design consultant, (freelance), a product developer and lab manager, (Yorkville Sound Ltd. of Canada), a director of research and development, (QSC Audio Products ), and now as a professional inventor. He is also a guitarist and composer. “I believe that character of musical expression is strongly tied to the physical form of an instrument. A saxophone is not a theremin is not a violin – but why not? It’s not just the different timbre and range, it’s that each different shape of instrument is a different framework for emotional expression. A different feeling is suggested by the act of blowing breath into a sax than by bowing a string. A violin wants to be played like a violin, a guitar like a guitar, a sax like a sax, a flute like a flute – different physical shapes and the various methods of playing them reveal to us different categories of expression and bring us naturally into different regions of musical emotion. Musical personality is defined by both the sound and the shape of an instrument.” - Paul Vo The Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer
private:thevo-96acousticsynthesizer-2 3296968 Feb 12th, 2018 12:00AM Vo Inventions 31 1.00 Open Music Feb 12th, 2017 04:15AM Feb 12th, 2017 04:15AM Paul Vo is the inventor of the Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer, and the technology that powers the Moog Guitar and the Moog Lap Steel. All these instruments are examples of a new form of music synthesis: Acoustic Synthesis™. Paul has worked as a design consultant, (freelance), a product developer and lab manager, (Yorkville Sound Ltd. of Canada), a director of research and development, (QSC Audio Products ), and now as a professional inventor. He is also a guitarist and composer. “I believe that character of musical expression is strongly tied to the physical form of an instrument. A saxophone is not a theremin is not a violin – but why not? It’s not just the different timbre and range, it’s that each different shape of instrument is a different framework for emotional expression. A different feeling is suggested by the act of blowing breath into a sax than by bowing a string. A violin wants to be played like a violin, a guitar like a guitar, a sax like a sax, a flute like a flute – different physical shapes and the various methods of playing them reveal to us different categories of expression and bring us naturally into different regions of musical emotion. Musical personality is defined by both the sound and the shape of an instrument.” - Paul Vo The Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer
private:thevo-96acousticsynthesizer-2 3296968 Feb 11th, 2018 12:00AM Vo Inventions 31 1.00 Open Music Feb 11th, 2017 05:35AM Feb 11th, 2017 05:35AM Paul Vo is the inventor of the Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer, and the technology that powers the Moog Guitar and the Moog Lap Steel. All these instruments are examples of a new form of music synthesis: Acoustic Synthesis™. Paul has worked as a design consultant, (freelance), a product developer and lab manager, (Yorkville Sound Ltd. of Canada), a director of research and development, (QSC Audio Products ), and now as a professional inventor. He is also a guitarist and composer. “I believe that character of musical expression is strongly tied to the physical form of an instrument. A saxophone is not a theremin is not a violin – but why not? It’s not just the different timbre and range, it’s that each different shape of instrument is a different framework for emotional expression. A different feeling is suggested by the act of blowing breath into a sax than by bowing a string. A violin wants to be played like a violin, a guitar like a guitar, a sax like a sax, a flute like a flute – different physical shapes and the various methods of playing them reveal to us different categories of expression and bring us naturally into different regions of musical emotion. Musical personality is defined by both the sound and the shape of an instrument.” - Paul Vo The Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer
private:thevo-96acousticsynthesizer-2 3296968 Feb 10th, 2018 12:00AM Vo Inventions 31 1.00 Open Music Feb 10th, 2017 06:43AM Feb 10th, 2017 06:43AM Paul Vo is the inventor of the Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer, and the technology that powers the Moog Guitar and the Moog Lap Steel. All these instruments are examples of a new form of music synthesis: Acoustic Synthesis™. Paul has worked as a design consultant, (freelance), a product developer and lab manager, (Yorkville Sound Ltd. of Canada), a director of research and development, (QSC Audio Products ), and now as a professional inventor. He is also a guitarist and composer. “I believe that character of musical expression is strongly tied to the physical form of an instrument. A saxophone is not a theremin is not a violin – but why not? It’s not just the different timbre and range, it’s that each different shape of instrument is a different framework for emotional expression. A different feeling is suggested by the act of blowing breath into a sax than by bowing a string. A violin wants to be played like a violin, a guitar like a guitar, a sax like a sax, a flute like a flute – different physical shapes and the various methods of playing them reveal to us different categories of expression and bring us naturally into different regions of musical emotion. Musical personality is defined by both the sound and the shape of an instrument.” - Paul Vo The Vo-96 Acoustic Synthesizer

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