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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Company Name Followers Employees on Linkedin Link Industry Date Added Date Updated Description Website Specialities Logo HQ.Street HQ.City HQ.State HQ.Country HQ.Postal Headcount change in past 24 months Company Name Sector Industry
private:tradtests&radiation-2 1513561 Jun 4th, 2019 12:00AM TRAD, Tests & Radiation 832 95.00 Open Defense & Space Jun 4th, 2019 12:08AM Jun 4th, 2019 12:08AM TRAD, Tests & Radiation - Leader in radiation assurance for harsh environment 20 years of excellence: For the past 20 years, TRAD Test & Radiations has been recognized as a leading and innovative company providing high reliability electronic services for space, defence, nuclear and other harsh environment applications. TRAD Tests & Radiations provides advanced services and a unique expertise to assist companies in predicting and minimizing radiation effects on their products and systems. We offer a large and complementary panel of services including - Electronic components radiation testing, materials characterization, component expertise (EEE) - Test bench development for TID and SEE on complex integrated circuits, memories, ASICs, FPGAs - Technical assistance to radiations, facilities rental incl. Co60 and Vacuum Electron irradiation facilities - A wide range of industry-specific software : Fastrad® & OMERE (Spatial), RayXpert® (Nuclear & Medical) - On-site training courses for dose calculation, radiation space environment, radiation effects, etc. In order to continuously offer better services to our clients we heavily invest in our new 800m² state-of-the-art facilities in Toulouse . We proudly own a cobalt-60 source and a pulsed laser. Our team of PhDs, engineers and technicians is dedicated to meet our client’s high expectations. We take pride in hiring and retaining the most qualified staff in electronics, physics and IT. Open Test, radiation, Radiation Assurance, Harsh environment, Space, Nuclear,, Electronic components Testing, TID, SEE, dose, Heavy ion,, FASTRAD, OMERE, RayXpert, Material Qualification & Characterization, Engineering Activities, Advanced Simulation Softwares Open 907 Voie l'Occitane LABEGE Haute-Garonne FR 31670 TRAD, Tests & Radiation
private:tradtests&radiation-2 1513561 Nov 7th, 2017 12:00AM TRAD, Tests & Radiation 651 74.00 Open Defense & Space Nov 7th, 2017 04:58PM Nov 7th, 2017 04:58PM TRAD, Tests & Radiation - Leader in radiation assurance for harsh environment 20 years of excellence: For the past 20 years, TRAD Test & Radiations has been recognized as a leading and innovative company providing high reliability electronic services for space, defence, nuclear and other harsh environment applications. TRAD Tests & Radiations provides advanced services and a unique expertise to assist companies in predicting and minimizing radiation effects on their products and systems. We offer a large and complementary panel of services including - Electronic components radiation testing, materials characterization, component expertise (EEE) - Test bench development for TID and SEE on complex integrated circuits, memories, ASICs, FPGAs - Technical assistance to radiations, facilities rental incl. Co60 and Vacuum Electron irradiation facilities - A wide range of industry-specific software : Fastrad® & OMERE (Spatial), RayXpert® (Nuclear & Medical) - On-site training courses for dose calculation, radiation space environment, radiation effects, etc. In order to continuously offer better services to our clients we heavily invest in our new 800m² state-of-the-art facilities in Toulouse . We proudly own a cobalt-60 source and a pulsed laser. Our team of PhDs, engineers and technicians is dedicated to meet our client’s high expectations. We take pride in hiring and retaining the most qualified staff in electronics, physics and IT. TRAD, Tests & Radiation
private:tradtests&radiation-2 1513561 Nov 1st, 2017 12:00AM TRAD, Tests & Radiation 646 74.00 Open Defense & Space Nov 1st, 2017 04:40AM Nov 1st, 2017 04:40AM TRAD, Tests & Radiation - Leader in radiation assurance for harsh environment 20 years of excellence: For the past 20 years, TRAD Test & Radiations has been recognized as a leading and innovative company providing high reliability electronic services for space, defence, nuclear and other harsh environment applications. TRAD Tests & Radiations provides advanced services and a unique expertise to assist companies in predicting and minimizing radiation effects on their products and systems. We offer a large and complementary panel of services including - Electronic components radiation testing, materials characterization, component expertise (EEE) - Test bench development for TID and SEE on complex integrated circuits, memories, ASICs, FPGAs - Technical assistance to radiations, facilities rental incl. Co60 and Vacuum Electron irradiation facilities - A wide range of industry-specific software : Fastrad® & OMERE (Spatial), RayXpert® (Nuclear & Medical) - On-site training courses for dose calculation, radiation space environment, radiation effects, etc. In order to continuously offer better services to our clients we heavily invest in our new 800m² state-of-the-art facilities in Toulouse . We proudly own a cobalt-60 source and a pulsed laser. Our team of PhDs, engineers and technicians is dedicated to meet our client’s high expectations. We take pride in hiring and retaining the most qualified staff in electronics, physics and IT. TRAD, Tests & Radiation

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