LinkedIn Profile

Access VoxyPAD historical Linkedin company profile data on number of followers, employee headcount and more
Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Company Name Followers Employees on Linkedin Link Industry Date Added Date Updated Description Website Specialities Logo HQ.Street HQ.City HQ.State HQ.Country HQ.Postal Headcount change in past 24 months Company Name Sector Industry
private:voxypad 3838487 Jun 4th, 2019 12:00AM VoxyPAD Inc 48 2.00 Open Telecommunications Jun 4th, 2019 10:32AM Jun 4th, 2019 10:32AM Over the past few years, we have noticed that voice chat and video calls, although connecting us to a certain extent, failed to help us express our ideas clearly when we worked in a remote manner. Apparently people had trouble keeping up with usual brainstorming process. The idea for VoxyPAD came about because we realized that ideas needed to be exchanged at the fundamental level - visual images, illustrating tools and access to useful content - wherever we were. Several ideas and prototypes were tried and failed. After months working tirelessly, we reached the consensus of building a product that recreates a conference room experience where everyone has a common brainstorming tool - the whiteboard. To emulate that, we decided to build a critical feature called "Notepad"​, which would be used as a virtual whiteboard for real-time interaction. We eventually added in features to allow access to websites and cloud storage. For all these functions to really make a change in our life, they are delivered on portable yet powerful devices: iPhones and iPads. We are thrilled to bring to market a platform that would make it possible for everyone to connect in highly engaged conversations. We strongly believe that the app will be useful not only in daily conversations but also in online education, business meetings, customer service, remote medical diagnosis, etc. There are many ways that VoxyPAD can benefit our life and we hope you will soon find yours. Open Sunnyvale California US CA 94085 VoxyPAD
private:voxypad 3838487 Mar 23rd, 2018 12:00AM VoxyPAD Inc 47 4.00 Open Telecommunications Mar 23rd, 2017 10:51AM Mar 23rd, 2017 10:51AM Over the past few years, we have noticed that voice chat and video calls, although connecting us to a certain extent, failed to help us express our ideas clearly when we worked in a remote manner. Apparently people had trouble keeping up with usual brainstorming process. The idea for VoxyPAD came about because we realized that ideas needed to be exchanged at the fundamental level - visual images, illustrating tools and access to useful content - wherever we were. Several ideas and prototypes were tried and failed. After months working tirelessly, we reached the consensus of building a product that recreates a conference room experience where everyone has a common brainstorming tool - the whiteboard. To emulate that, we decided to build a critical feature called "Notepad", which would be used as a virtual whiteboard for real-time interaction. We eventually added in features to allow access to websites and cloud storage. For all these functions to really make a change in our life, they are delivered on portable yet powerful devices: iPhones and iPads. We are thrilled to bring to market a platform that would make it possible for everyone to connect in highly engaged conversations. We strongly believe that the app will be useful not only in daily conversations but also in online education, business meetings, customer service, remote medical diagnosis, etc. There are many ways that VoxyPAD can benefit our life and we hope you will soon find yours. VoxyPAD
private:voxypad 3838487 Feb 17th, 2018 12:00AM VoxyPAD Inc 47 4.00 Open Telecommunications Feb 17th, 2018 02:25PM Feb 17th, 2018 02:25PM Over the past few years, we have noticed that voice chat and video calls, although connecting us to a certain extent, failed to help us express our ideas clearly when we worked in a remote manner. Apparently people had trouble keeping up with usual brainstorming process. The idea for VoxyPAD came about because we realized that ideas needed to be exchanged at the fundamental level - visual images, illustrating tools and access to useful content - wherever we were. Several ideas and prototypes were tried and failed. After months working tirelessly, we reached the consensus of building a product that recreates a conference room experience where everyone has a common brainstorming tool - the whiteboard. To emulate that, we decided to build a critical feature called "Notepad", which would be used as a virtual whiteboard for real-time interaction. We eventually added in features to allow access to websites and cloud storage. For all these functions to really make a change in our life, they are delivered on portable yet powerful devices: iPhones and iPads. We are thrilled to bring to market a platform that would make it possible for everyone to connect in highly engaged conversations. We strongly believe that the app will be useful not only in daily conversations but also in online education, business meetings, customer service, remote medical diagnosis, etc. There are many ways that VoxyPAD can benefit our life and we hope you will soon find yours. VoxyPAD
private:voxypad 3838487 Feb 16th, 2018 12:00AM VoxyPAD Inc 47 4.00 Open Telecommunications Feb 16th, 2017 08:15AM Feb 16th, 2017 08:15AM Over the past few years, we have noticed that voice chat and video calls, although connecting us to a certain extent, failed to help us express our ideas clearly when we worked in a remote manner. Apparently people had trouble keeping up with usual brainstorming process. The idea for VoxyPAD came about because we realized that ideas needed to be exchanged at the fundamental level - visual images, illustrating tools and access to useful content - wherever we were. Several ideas and prototypes were tried and failed. After months working tirelessly, we reached the consensus of building a product that recreates a conference room experience where everyone has a common brainstorming tool - the whiteboard. To emulate that, we decided to build a critical feature called "Notepad", which would be used as a virtual whiteboard for real-time interaction. We eventually added in features to allow access to websites and cloud storage. For all these functions to really make a change in our life, they are delivered on portable yet powerful devices: iPhones and iPads. We are thrilled to bring to market a platform that would make it possible for everyone to connect in highly engaged conversations. We strongly believe that the app will be useful not only in daily conversations but also in online education, business meetings, customer service, remote medical diagnosis, etc. There are many ways that VoxyPAD can benefit our life and we hope you will soon find yours. VoxyPAD
private:voxypad 3838487 Feb 15th, 2018 12:00AM VoxyPAD Inc 47 4.00 Open Telecommunications Feb 15th, 2017 10:07AM Feb 15th, 2017 10:07AM Over the past few years, we have noticed that voice chat and video calls, although connecting us to a certain extent, failed to help us express our ideas clearly when we worked in a remote manner. Apparently people had trouble keeping up with usual brainstorming process. The idea for VoxyPAD came about because we realized that ideas needed to be exchanged at the fundamental level - visual images, illustrating tools and access to useful content - wherever we were. Several ideas and prototypes were tried and failed. After months working tirelessly, we reached the consensus of building a product that recreates a conference room experience where everyone has a common brainstorming tool - the whiteboard. To emulate that, we decided to build a critical feature called "Notepad", which would be used as a virtual whiteboard for real-time interaction. We eventually added in features to allow access to websites and cloud storage. For all these functions to really make a change in our life, they are delivered on portable yet powerful devices: iPhones and iPads. We are thrilled to bring to market a platform that would make it possible for everyone to connect in highly engaged conversations. We strongly believe that the app will be useful not only in daily conversations but also in online education, business meetings, customer service, remote medical diagnosis, etc. There are many ways that VoxyPAD can benefit our life and we hope you will soon find yours. VoxyPAD
private:voxypad 3838487 Feb 14th, 2018 12:00AM VoxyPAD Inc 47 4.00 Open Telecommunications Feb 14th, 2017 01:50PM Feb 14th, 2017 01:50PM Over the past few years, we have noticed that voice chat and video calls, although connecting us to a certain extent, failed to help us express our ideas clearly when we worked in a remote manner. Apparently people had trouble keeping up with usual brainstorming process. The idea for VoxyPAD came about because we realized that ideas needed to be exchanged at the fundamental level - visual images, illustrating tools and access to useful content - wherever we were. Several ideas and prototypes were tried and failed. After months working tirelessly, we reached the consensus of building a product that recreates a conference room experience where everyone has a common brainstorming tool - the whiteboard. To emulate that, we decided to build a critical feature called "Notepad", which would be used as a virtual whiteboard for real-time interaction. We eventually added in features to allow access to websites and cloud storage. For all these functions to really make a change in our life, they are delivered on portable yet powerful devices: iPhones and iPads. We are thrilled to bring to market a platform that would make it possible for everyone to connect in highly engaged conversations. We strongly believe that the app will be useful not only in daily conversations but also in online education, business meetings, customer service, remote medical diagnosis, etc. There are many ways that VoxyPAD can benefit our life and we hope you will soon find yours. VoxyPAD
private:voxypad 3838487 Feb 13th, 2018 12:00AM VoxyPAD Inc 47 4.00 Open Telecommunications Feb 13th, 2017 04:11PM Feb 13th, 2017 04:11PM Over the past few years, we have noticed that voice chat and video calls, although connecting us to a certain extent, failed to help us express our ideas clearly when we worked in a remote manner. Apparently people had trouble keeping up with usual brainstorming process. The idea for VoxyPAD came about because we realized that ideas needed to be exchanged at the fundamental level - visual images, illustrating tools and access to useful content - wherever we were. Several ideas and prototypes were tried and failed. After months working tirelessly, we reached the consensus of building a product that recreates a conference room experience where everyone has a common brainstorming tool - the whiteboard. To emulate that, we decided to build a critical feature called "Notepad", which would be used as a virtual whiteboard for real-time interaction. We eventually added in features to allow access to websites and cloud storage. For all these functions to really make a change in our life, they are delivered on portable yet powerful devices: iPhones and iPads. We are thrilled to bring to market a platform that would make it possible for everyone to connect in highly engaged conversations. We strongly believe that the app will be useful not only in daily conversations but also in online education, business meetings, customer service, remote medical diagnosis, etc. There are many ways that VoxyPAD can benefit our life and we hope you will soon find yours. VoxyPAD
private:voxypad 3838487 Feb 12th, 2018 12:00AM VoxyPAD Inc 47 4.00 Open Telecommunications Feb 12th, 2017 04:15AM Feb 12th, 2017 04:15AM Over the past few years, we have noticed that voice chat and video calls, although connecting us to a certain extent, failed to help us express our ideas clearly when we worked in a remote manner. Apparently people had trouble keeping up with usual brainstorming process. The idea for VoxyPAD came about because we realized that ideas needed to be exchanged at the fundamental level - visual images, illustrating tools and access to useful content - wherever we were. Several ideas and prototypes were tried and failed. After months working tirelessly, we reached the consensus of building a product that recreates a conference room experience where everyone has a common brainstorming tool - the whiteboard. To emulate that, we decided to build a critical feature called "Notepad", which would be used as a virtual whiteboard for real-time interaction. We eventually added in features to allow access to websites and cloud storage. For all these functions to really make a change in our life, they are delivered on portable yet powerful devices: iPhones and iPads. We are thrilled to bring to market a platform that would make it possible for everyone to connect in highly engaged conversations. We strongly believe that the app will be useful not only in daily conversations but also in online education, business meetings, customer service, remote medical diagnosis, etc. There are many ways that VoxyPAD can benefit our life and we hope you will soon find yours. VoxyPAD
private:voxypad 3838487 Feb 11th, 2018 12:00AM VoxyPAD Inc 47 4.00 Open Telecommunications Feb 11th, 2017 05:35AM Feb 11th, 2017 05:35AM Over the past few years, we have noticed that voice chat and video calls, although connecting us to a certain extent, failed to help us express our ideas clearly when we worked in a remote manner. Apparently people had trouble keeping up with usual brainstorming process. The idea for VoxyPAD came about because we realized that ideas needed to be exchanged at the fundamental level - visual images, illustrating tools and access to useful content - wherever we were. Several ideas and prototypes were tried and failed. After months working tirelessly, we reached the consensus of building a product that recreates a conference room experience where everyone has a common brainstorming tool - the whiteboard. To emulate that, we decided to build a critical feature called "Notepad", which would be used as a virtual whiteboard for real-time interaction. We eventually added in features to allow access to websites and cloud storage. For all these functions to really make a change in our life, they are delivered on portable yet powerful devices: iPhones and iPads. We are thrilled to bring to market a platform that would make it possible for everyone to connect in highly engaged conversations. We strongly believe that the app will be useful not only in daily conversations but also in online education, business meetings, customer service, remote medical diagnosis, etc. There are many ways that VoxyPAD can benefit our life and we hope you will soon find yours. VoxyPAD
private:voxypad 3838487 Feb 10th, 2018 12:00AM VoxyPAD Inc 47 4.00 Open Telecommunications Feb 10th, 2017 06:43AM Feb 10th, 2017 06:43AM Over the past few years, we have noticed that voice chat and video calls, although connecting us to a certain extent, failed to help us express our ideas clearly when we worked in a remote manner. Apparently people had trouble keeping up with usual brainstorming process. The idea for VoxyPAD came about because we realized that ideas needed to be exchanged at the fundamental level - visual images, illustrating tools and access to useful content - wherever we were. Several ideas and prototypes were tried and failed. After months working tirelessly, we reached the consensus of building a product that recreates a conference room experience where everyone has a common brainstorming tool - the whiteboard. To emulate that, we decided to build a critical feature called "Notepad", which would be used as a virtual whiteboard for real-time interaction. We eventually added in features to allow access to websites and cloud storage. For all these functions to really make a change in our life, they are delivered on portable yet powerful devices: iPhones and iPads. We are thrilled to bring to market a platform that would make it possible for everyone to connect in highly engaged conversations. We strongly believe that the app will be useful not only in daily conversations but also in online education, business meetings, customer service, remote medical diagnosis, etc. There are many ways that VoxyPAD can benefit our life and we hope you will soon find yours. VoxyPAD

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