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Ticker Symbol Entity Name As Of Date Company Name Followers Employees on Linkedin Link Industry Date Added Date Updated Description Website Specialities Logo HQ.Street HQ.City HQ.State HQ.Country HQ.Postal Headcount change in past 24 months Company Name Sector Industry
private:yfuestonia-2 1395344 Jun 4th, 2019 12:00AM YFU Estonia / YFU Eesti 96 17.00 Open Education Management Jun 4th, 2019 03:34PM Jun 4th, 2019 03:34PM Youth For Understanding (YFU) is one of the world’s oldest, largest, and most respected international exchange organizations. It all started for Estonia in 1992 when two Estonians went to Denmark as exchange students to discover the world. In 1993, YFU Estonia was formed and it was the beginning of regular student exchange programs between Estonia and other countries. The first exchange student came to Estonia in 1995 and since then more and more students have decided to spend their exchange year in Estonia. YFU programs offer Estonians a chance to go see and discover the world during their high school years. It also gives them the opportunity to invite the world to their home by hosting a student for a year. In the past students from New Zealand, South-Africa, Brazil, USA, Japan, Thailand and various countries in Europe have come to Estonia. For 2012/2013 we are expecting 36 exchange students from all over the world, including some from as far away as Chile, Thailand and Australia. Since 1995 we have hosted more than 200 students from around the globe. This exchange season we will enable around 80 Estonian students to discover the world with YFU. Open Student Exchange, Education Open Kevade 4a-1 Tallinn EE 10137 YFU Estonia
private:yfuestonia-2 1395344 Feb 17th, 2018 12:00AM YFU Estonia / YFU Eesti 68 14.00 Open Education Management Feb 17th, 2018 02:25PM Feb 17th, 2018 02:25PM Youth For Understanding (YFU) is one of the world’s oldest, largest, and most respected international exchange organizations. It all started for Estonia in 1992 when two Estonians went to Denmark as exchange students to discover the world. In 1993, YFU Estonia was formed and it was the beginning of regular student exchange programs between Estonia and other countries. The first exchange student came to Estonia in 1995 and since then more and more students have decided to spend their exchange year in Estonia. YFU programs offer Estonians a chance to go see and discover the world during their high school years. It also gives them the opportunity to invite the world to their home by hosting a student for a year. In the past students from New Zealand, South-Africa, Brazil, USA, Japan, Thailand and various countries in Europe have come to Estonia. For 2012/2013 we are expecting 36 exchange students from all over the world, including some from as far away as Chile, Thailand and Australia. Since 1995 we have hosted more than 200 students from around the globe. This exchange season we will enable around 80 Estonian students to discover the world with YFU. YFU Estonia
private:yfuestonia-2 1395344 Feb 16th, 2018 12:00AM YFU Estonia / YFU Eesti 68 14.00 Open Education Management Feb 16th, 2017 08:15AM Feb 16th, 2017 08:15AM Youth For Understanding (YFU) is one of the world’s oldest, largest, and most respected international exchange organizations. It all started for Estonia in 1992 when two Estonians went to Denmark as exchange students to discover the world. In 1993, YFU Estonia was formed and it was the beginning of regular student exchange programs between Estonia and other countries. The first exchange student came to Estonia in 1995 and since then more and more students have decided to spend their exchange year in Estonia. YFU programs offer Estonians a chance to go see and discover the world during their high school years. It also gives them the opportunity to invite the world to their home by hosting a student for a year. In the past students from New Zealand, South-Africa, Brazil, USA, Japan, Thailand and various countries in Europe have come to Estonia. For 2012/2013 we are expecting 36 exchange students from all over the world, including some from as far away as Chile, Thailand and Australia. Since 1995 we have hosted more than 200 students from around the globe. This exchange season we will enable around 80 Estonian students to discover the world with YFU. YFU Estonia
private:yfuestonia-2 1395344 Feb 15th, 2018 12:00AM YFU Estonia / YFU Eesti 68 14.00 Open Education Management Feb 15th, 2017 10:07AM Feb 15th, 2017 10:07AM Youth For Understanding (YFU) is one of the world’s oldest, largest, and most respected international exchange organizations. It all started for Estonia in 1992 when two Estonians went to Denmark as exchange students to discover the world. In 1993, YFU Estonia was formed and it was the beginning of regular student exchange programs between Estonia and other countries. The first exchange student came to Estonia in 1995 and since then more and more students have decided to spend their exchange year in Estonia. YFU programs offer Estonians a chance to go see and discover the world during their high school years. It also gives them the opportunity to invite the world to their home by hosting a student for a year. In the past students from New Zealand, South-Africa, Brazil, USA, Japan, Thailand and various countries in Europe have come to Estonia. For 2012/2013 we are expecting 36 exchange students from all over the world, including some from as far away as Chile, Thailand and Australia. Since 1995 we have hosted more than 200 students from around the globe. This exchange season we will enable around 80 Estonian students to discover the world with YFU. YFU Estonia
private:yfuestonia-2 1395344 Feb 14th, 2018 12:00AM YFU Estonia / YFU Eesti 68 14.00 Open Education Management Feb 14th, 2017 01:50PM Feb 14th, 2017 01:50PM Youth For Understanding (YFU) is one of the world’s oldest, largest, and most respected international exchange organizations. It all started for Estonia in 1992 when two Estonians went to Denmark as exchange students to discover the world. In 1993, YFU Estonia was formed and it was the beginning of regular student exchange programs between Estonia and other countries. The first exchange student came to Estonia in 1995 and since then more and more students have decided to spend their exchange year in Estonia. YFU programs offer Estonians a chance to go see and discover the world during their high school years. It also gives them the opportunity to invite the world to their home by hosting a student for a year. In the past students from New Zealand, South-Africa, Brazil, USA, Japan, Thailand and various countries in Europe have come to Estonia. For 2012/2013 we are expecting 36 exchange students from all over the world, including some from as far away as Chile, Thailand and Australia. Since 1995 we have hosted more than 200 students from around the globe. This exchange season we will enable around 80 Estonian students to discover the world with YFU. YFU Estonia
private:yfuestonia-2 1395344 Feb 13th, 2018 12:00AM YFU Estonia / YFU Eesti 68 14.00 Open Education Management Feb 13th, 2017 04:11PM Feb 13th, 2017 04:11PM Youth For Understanding (YFU) is one of the world’s oldest, largest, and most respected international exchange organizations. It all started for Estonia in 1992 when two Estonians went to Denmark as exchange students to discover the world. In 1993, YFU Estonia was formed and it was the beginning of regular student exchange programs between Estonia and other countries. The first exchange student came to Estonia in 1995 and since then more and more students have decided to spend their exchange year in Estonia. YFU programs offer Estonians a chance to go see and discover the world during their high school years. It also gives them the opportunity to invite the world to their home by hosting a student for a year. In the past students from New Zealand, South-Africa, Brazil, USA, Japan, Thailand and various countries in Europe have come to Estonia. For 2012/2013 we are expecting 36 exchange students from all over the world, including some from as far away as Chile, Thailand and Australia. Since 1995 we have hosted more than 200 students from around the globe. This exchange season we will enable around 80 Estonian students to discover the world with YFU. YFU Estonia
private:yfuestonia-2 1395344 Feb 12th, 2018 12:00AM YFU Estonia / YFU Eesti 68 14.00 Open Education Management Feb 12th, 2017 04:15AM Feb 12th, 2017 04:15AM Youth For Understanding (YFU) is one of the world’s oldest, largest, and most respected international exchange organizations. It all started for Estonia in 1992 when two Estonians went to Denmark as exchange students to discover the world. In 1993, YFU Estonia was formed and it was the beginning of regular student exchange programs between Estonia and other countries. The first exchange student came to Estonia in 1995 and since then more and more students have decided to spend their exchange year in Estonia. YFU programs offer Estonians a chance to go see and discover the world during their high school years. It also gives them the opportunity to invite the world to their home by hosting a student for a year. In the past students from New Zealand, South-Africa, Brazil, USA, Japan, Thailand and various countries in Europe have come to Estonia. For 2012/2013 we are expecting 36 exchange students from all over the world, including some from as far away as Chile, Thailand and Australia. Since 1995 we have hosted more than 200 students from around the globe. This exchange season we will enable around 80 Estonian students to discover the world with YFU. YFU Estonia
private:yfuestonia-2 1395344 Feb 11th, 2018 12:00AM YFU Estonia / YFU Eesti 68 14.00 Open Education Management Feb 11th, 2017 05:35AM Feb 11th, 2017 05:35AM Youth For Understanding (YFU) is one of the world’s oldest, largest, and most respected international exchange organizations. It all started for Estonia in 1992 when two Estonians went to Denmark as exchange students to discover the world. In 1993, YFU Estonia was formed and it was the beginning of regular student exchange programs between Estonia and other countries. The first exchange student came to Estonia in 1995 and since then more and more students have decided to spend their exchange year in Estonia. YFU programs offer Estonians a chance to go see and discover the world during their high school years. It also gives them the opportunity to invite the world to their home by hosting a student for a year. In the past students from New Zealand, South-Africa, Brazil, USA, Japan, Thailand and various countries in Europe have come to Estonia. For 2012/2013 we are expecting 36 exchange students from all over the world, including some from as far away as Chile, Thailand and Australia. Since 1995 we have hosted more than 200 students from around the globe. This exchange season we will enable around 80 Estonian students to discover the world with YFU. YFU Estonia
private:yfuestonia-2 1395344 Feb 10th, 2018 12:00AM YFU Estonia / YFU Eesti 68 14.00 Open Education Management Feb 10th, 2017 06:43AM Feb 10th, 2017 06:43AM Youth For Understanding (YFU) is one of the world’s oldest, largest, and most respected international exchange organizations. It all started for Estonia in 1992 when two Estonians went to Denmark as exchange students to discover the world. In 1993, YFU Estonia was formed and it was the beginning of regular student exchange programs between Estonia and other countries. The first exchange student came to Estonia in 1995 and since then more and more students have decided to spend their exchange year in Estonia. YFU programs offer Estonians a chance to go see and discover the world during their high school years. It also gives them the opportunity to invite the world to their home by hosting a student for a year. In the past students from New Zealand, South-Africa, Brazil, USA, Japan, Thailand and various countries in Europe have come to Estonia. For 2012/2013 we are expecting 36 exchange students from all over the world, including some from as far away as Chile, Thailand and Australia. Since 1995 we have hosted more than 200 students from around the globe. This exchange season we will enable around 80 Estonian students to discover the world with YFU. YFU Estonia
private:yfuestonia-2 1395344 Feb 9th, 2018 12:00AM YFU Estonia / YFU Eesti 68 14.00 Open Education Management Feb 9th, 2017 08:57AM Feb 9th, 2017 08:57AM Youth For Understanding (YFU) is one of the world’s oldest, largest, and most respected international exchange organizations. It all started for Estonia in 1992 when two Estonians went to Denmark as exchange students to discover the world. In 1993, YFU Estonia was formed and it was the beginning of regular student exchange programs between Estonia and other countries. The first exchange student came to Estonia in 1995 and since then more and more students have decided to spend their exchange year in Estonia. YFU programs offer Estonians a chance to go see and discover the world during their high school years. It also gives them the opportunity to invite the world to their home by hosting a student for a year. In the past students from New Zealand, South-Africa, Brazil, USA, Japan, Thailand and various countries in Europe have come to Estonia. For 2012/2013 we are expecting 36 exchange students from all over the world, including some from as far away as Chile, Thailand and Australia. Since 1995 we have hosted more than 200 students from around the globe. This exchange season we will enable around 80 Estonian students to discover the world with YFU. YFU Estonia

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