
Last Updated 2024-04-23

Job Listings

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Ticker Symbol Entity Name Domain As Of Date Title URL Brand Category Location Text City State Country Posted Date Number of Openings Description Salary Salary Currency Salary Description Coordinates Date Added Date Updated Company Name Sector Industry
xetra:sae Apr 4th, 2022 12:00AM Mitarbeiter Customer Service Italy (m/w/d) Open Shop Apotheke Europe Venlo, LI, NL Venlo LI NLD Jul 30th, 2021 12:00AM <p><strong>Willkommen bei SHOP APOTHEKE EUROPE</strong>, das mit am schnellsten wachsende E-Health Unternehmen und Online-Apotheke Europas. Mit unserem Service rund um das Thema Arznei- und Beautyprodukten, sowie unseren internationalen Webshops, wie in Italien, sorgen wir für die Gesundheit von Millionen Menschen. Das Kundenerlebnis steht dabei immer im Mittelpunkt für unseren Kundenservice, genau wie ein gesundes Arbeitsklima unserer Mitarbeiter:innen in unserem Office. <br /> <br /> <strong>Unser Rezept dahinter?</strong> Uns bei der Shop Apotheke ist deine kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung sehr wichtig, kurze Entscheidungswege und ein weltoffenes Team, das in enger Zusammenarbeit mit allen internen Abteilungen agiert. <br /> <br /> Zur Verstärkung unseres Serviceteams suchen wir kommunikative &amp; empathische Teamplayer:innen die fließend Italienisch sprechen. Wachse gemeinsam mit uns und setzte deine Passion für den Customer Service direkt bei uns um als: <strong>Mitarbeiter Customer Service Italy (m/w/d) am Standort Sevenum bei Venlo, NL. </strong><br /><strong><br /></strong><strong>DEINE AUFGABEN</strong></p> <ul><li>Du betreust und begleitest unsere italienischen Kunden sowie Partner telefonisch (In- und Outbound) als auch schriftlich und bist so wichtigster Kontaktpunkt in der Einhaltung unseres Serviceversprechens</li><li>Du stehst unseren Kunden mit Rat und Tat zur Seite und begegnest ihnen immer mit einem sicheren Gespür für ihre Wünsche und Bedürfnisse</li><li>Die Sicherstellung eines reibungslosen Bestell- und Versandprozesses ist grundlegender Bestandteil deiner Aufgaben </li><li>Der Umgang mit einem serviceorientierten Reklamations- und Beschwerdemanagement gehört zu deinem Tagesgeschäft. Du findest auf Grundlage unserer internen Vorgaben immer eine schnelle und kundenorientierte Lösung für alle Herausforderungen</li><li>Das Erkennen und Aufzeigen von Fehlern inklusive einer Ursachenanalyse bilden die Grundlage für kontinuierliche Optimierungsprozesse in deinem Bereich</li></ul><br /><p><strong>DEIN PROFIL</strong></p> <ul><li>Du hast eine abgeschlossene kaufmännische Ausbildung, im Einzelhandel oder anderen Serviceberufen – Quereinstieg möglich!</li><li>Du legst ein hohes Maß an Sorgfalt, Zuverlässigkeit und eine ausgeprägte Servicementalität an den Tag: eine freundliche Art und ein sicheres Gespür für den Umgang mit Menschen</li><li>Kommunikation ist ganz klar deine Stärke und Leidenschaft, sowohl mündlich, als auch schriftlich. Bei dir findet man immer eine Antwort auf Anfragen und eine passende Lösung. Was dich in allen Situationen auszeichnet, ist ein kühler Kopf und dein warmes Lächeln</li><li>Du hast eine schnelle Auffassungsgabe für Systeme, sowie Erfahrung im Umgang mit MS Office-Programmen </li><li>Du hast verhandlungssichere Italienisch- und Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift</li><li>Du bist ein/e Teamplayer:in, denn nur zusammen kommen wir weiter!</li></ul> <p><strong>WIR BIETEN DIR:</strong></p> <ul><li>Abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben in einem innovativen und stark <br /> wachsenden internationalen Unternehmen der E-Commerce Branche. Bei uns stehen dir vielfältige Karrierewege offen</li><li>Flache Hierarchien und ein junges Team mit Startup-Feeling und Mitgestaltungschancen in einem führenden Unternehmen der digitalen Medikamentenversorgung</li><li>Krisensicheres Unternehmen - starkes Wachstum trotz Corona</li><li>Für eine betriebliche Altersvorsorge ist gesorgt</li><li>·Individuelle Unterstützung rund um die Thematik “Grenzgänger” <br /> (Leben in Deutschland - Arbeiten in den Niederlanden) mit wesentlichen Steuervorteilen</li><li>Mitarbeiterrabatte für unseren Online-Shop</li><li>Du erhältst neben daneben eine zusätzliche Fahrkostenerstattung, sowie eine jährliche Urlaubsgeldauszahlung <br /> </li></ul> <p><strong>Haben wir dein Interesse geweckt?</strong> Dann bewirb dich gerne direkt und lerne uns kennen. Wir freuen uns auf Dich!<br /></p> Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Shop-Apotheke
xetra:sae Apr 4th, 2022 12:00AM IT Service Engineer (m/w/d) Open Shop Apotheke Europe Venlo, LI, NL Venlo LI NLD Sep 4th, 2021 12:00AM <p>SHOP APOTHEKE EUROPE ist ein internationales E-Commerce Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in den Niederlanden, Offices in Köln &amp; Berlin sowie weiteren Standorten in Europa. Wir sind ein junges und motiviertes Team von Informatiker*n und gewährleisten täglich den operativen IT-Betrieb der Shop Apotheke.</p> <p>Du hast Interesse an Themen <strong>wie IT-Support, IT-Service Desk, Client Management, User-Management oder Softwarepaketierung?</strong></p> <p>Dann haben wir hier genau die richtige Herausforderung für dich, als Mitarbeiter im<strong> IT-Service (m/w/d)</strong> für unseren Standort in <strong>Venlo</strong></p> <p><strong><br /></strong></p> <p><strong>DEINE AUFGABEN</strong><br /></p> <ul><li>Du analysierst und löst <strong>eigenständig</strong> anfallende IT-Anfragen per Telefon, E-Mail und Ticketsystem sowie via Fernwartung oder vor Ort (inkl. Bereitschaftsdienste)</li><li>Du übernimmst die Installation und Konfiguration von Hard- und Softwarekomponenten</li><li>Des Weiteren überwachst du das <strong>Client-/Updatemanagement </strong>der <strong>Windows-/macOS Clients, Mobile Devices (Android,iOS) </strong>sowie das <strong>User-/Berechtigungsmanagement</strong></li><li>Implementierung neuer Software/Hardware</li></ul><br /><p><strong>DEIN PROFIL</strong></p> <ul><li>Du hast eine <strong>abgeschlossene </strong>Ausbildung in der IT (z.b Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration oder vergleichbar)</li><li>Du verfügst über gute Kenntnisse in den Bereichen <strong>Microsoft-Betriebssysteme </strong>und Domänenverwaltung, <strong>macOS</strong> sowie Microsoft Office</li><li>Dich zeichnen Einsatzbereitschaft und <strong>Teamfähigkeit,</strong> <strong>analytisches </strong>sowie <strong>lösungsorientiertes Denken</strong> aus. Du hast Spaß und Interesse im Umgang mit Menschen und neuen Technologien</li><li>Für dich ist selbständiges, strukturiertes und <strong>serviceorientiertes Arbeiten</strong> kein Fremdwort</li><li>Du hast sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift</li><li>Vorteilhaft sind Kenntnisse im Bereich <strong>Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager</strong> <strong>(SCCM)</strong> oder anderen OS/Software Deployment Tools</li><li>Idealerweise hast du bereits Erfahrungen im IT-Support sowie im Umgang mit <strong>Ticketsystemen </strong>sowie Jira, Confluence und MS Dynamics AX</li></ul> Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Shop-Apotheke
xetra:sae Apr 4th, 2022 12:00AM Senior Manager (m/w/d) Einkauf Rx Open Shop Apotheke Europe Venlo, LI, NL Venlo LI NLD Jan 27th, 2022 12:00AM <p><strong><strong>Willkommen bei SHOP APOTHEKE EUROPE</strong></strong>, das mit am schnellsten wachsende E-Health Unternehmen und Online-Apotheke Europas. Mit unserem Service rund um das Thema Arznei- und Beautyprodukten, sowie unseren internationalen Webshops, sorgen wir für die Gesundheit von Millionen Menschen. Das Kundenerlebnis steht dabei immer im Mittelpunkt für unseren Kundenservice, genau wie ein gesundes Arbeitsklima unserer Mitarbeiter:innen in unserem Office.<br /><br /></p> <p>Bist du bereit für eine neue Herausforderung? Dann lass uns gemeinsam wachsen!</p> <p>Wir suchen zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen <strong>Senior Manager (m/w/d) Einkauf Rx.</strong><br /><br /></p> <p><strong>DEINE AUFGABEN</strong></p> <ul><li>Du bist verantwortlich für die Generierung von Einsparungen von pharmazeutischen Gütern bei gleichzeitiger Sicherstellung der erforderlichen Qualität und Verfügbarkeit.</li><li>Du baust langfristige Beziehungen zu Verkäufern und Lieferanten auf und stehst im kontinuierlichen Austausch. </li><li>Du bist für die Sicherstellung des eRx-Erfolgs durch Einsparungen bei der Rx-Versorgung verantwortlich.</li><li>Du überprüfst bestehende Verträge mit Lieferanten und Anbietern, um fortlaufende Durchführbarkeit zu gewährleisten.</li><li>Du überprüfst "Rabattverträge" von Krankenkassen, um immer die richtigen Produkte auf Lager zu haben.</li></ul><br /><p><strong>DEIN PROFIL</strong></p> <ul><li>Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung im national strategischen Pharma-Einkauf (Rx).</li><li>Strukturierte, analytische, präzise und selbständige Arbeitsweise.</li><li>Ausgezeichnetes Kommunikations- und Verhandlungsgeschick sowie Durchsetzungsvermögen.</li><li>Einsatzbereitschaft, Verantwortungsbewusstsein und Teamgeist.</li><li>Erfahrung mit "Rabattverträgen" und dessen Auswirkungen auf Beschaffungsstrategien.</li><li>Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift.</li><li>Solide Kenntnisse in MS Office.</li></ul> <p><br /></p> <p><strong>DEINE BENEFITS</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Flexible Arbeitszeiten:</strong> Wir unterstützen Dich bei der Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf oder bei mehr Flexibilität im Alltag.</li> <li><strong>Fahrtkostenzuschuss &amp; Urlaubsgeld:</strong> Zuzüglich zu Deinem Gehalt unterstützen wir Deinen täglichen Arbeitsweg mit einem Fahrtkostenzuschuss und du erhältst ein Urlaubsgeld.</li><li><strong>Sportangebote:</strong> Um Deine Gesundheit und Bewegung zu fördern, hast du neben unserem Fitnesscenter auch die Möglichkeit das Sportangebot von Rodan Vitaal zu nutzen.</li><li><strong>Team- &amp; Company Events:</strong> One team, one goal. Individuelle Teamevents und regelmäßige Firmenveranstaltungen stehen bei uns weit oben auf der Liste.</li><li><strong>Trainings- &amp; Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten:</strong> Wir fördern deine Entwicklung durch interne und externe Schulungen &amp; Workshops.</li><li><strong>Onboarding:</strong> Wir sorgen dafür, dass Du Dich vom ersten Tag an bei uns wohlfühlst.</li><li><strong>Mitarbeiterkantine:</strong> Für Dein leibliches Wohl sorgt unsere Mitarbeiterkantine. Zusätzlich stehen dir kostenlose Getränke zur Verfügung.</li> <li><strong>Mitarbeiterrabatt:</strong> Wir bieten Dir Vergünstigungen in unserem Online Shop an.</li></ul> <p><br /></p> <p><strong>Über uns</strong></p> <p>SHOP APOTHEKE EUROPE ist ein internationales ECommerce Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in den Niederlanden, Offices in Köln &amp; Berlin sowie weiteren Standorten in Europa. Als eine der führenden OnlineApotheken Europas mit Webshops in sieben Ländern sorgen wir jeden Tag dafür, dass sich Millionen Menschen in puncto Gesundheit auf uns verlassen können. Wir wachsen extrem dynamisch und sind auf der Suche nach weiteren Teamplayern, die diese spannende Entwicklung und das erfolgreiche Wachstum der letzten Jahre mit uns gemeinsam fortsetzen wollen!</p> Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Shop-Apotheke
xetra:sae Apr 4th, 2022 12:00AM Shift Manager (m/f/d) Open Shop Apotheke Europe Venlo, LI, NL Venlo LI NLD Jan 31st, 2022 12:00AM <p>Shop Apotheke Europe is one of the fastest growing companies in the Venlo region. Let's grow together!<br /></p> <p><br /></p> <p>For our logistics centre in Sevenum we are looking for a:</p> <p><strong>SHIFT MANAGER</strong></p> <p><em>Strong leadership in a dynamic environment!</em></p> <p><br /></p> <p><strong>About the role</strong></p> <p>In this role you will supervise, coordinate and train warehouse staff and you will make sure that production targets are met in the most efficient way with high quality standards. Also you will initiate and supervise process improvement projects. You will work closely with colleague Shift managers and you will report to the Department Manager logistics.</p> <p><strong><br /></strong></p> <p><strong>Your Tasks</strong></p> <ul><li>Planning, controlling and monitoring of daily operations</li><li>Manage production output, improving structure/processes and master challenges</li><li>Prepare personnel schedules in day-to-day business</li><li>Support department manager in personnel and holiday planning</li><li>Hire, train and motivate employees</li><li>Conduct appraisal and evaluation of team members (40-80fte)</li><li>Monitor KPI’s, tracking of daily targets</li><li>Clarification and evaluation of damages/errors to optimise quality indicators</li><li>Collaboration with other departments within the warehouse operation</li></ul><br /><p><strong>Your profile</strong></p> <p>We are looking for someone who has a strong sense of responsibility and who is a natural leader. You have a background in logistics and you are familiar with warehouse processes. You have a problem solving attitude, which means you can be flexible and adjust to any circumstances that may occur. You are able to work in a dynamic environment and you have the ability to work shifts.</p> <ul><li>Proven experience leading a group of warehouse staff</li><li>Knowledge of warehouse processes</li><li>High level of initiative</li><li>Strong problem solving skills, ability to organize and multi-task</li><li>Result oriented decision making ability</li><li>You have a strong personality and can communicate easily</li><li>German and English skills are required, Dutch would be an advantage</li></ul> <p><br /></p> <p><strong>Your Benefits</strong></p> <ul><li><strong>Flexibility: </strong>Whether you need to cater for your family needs or you are simply looking for more flexibility in everyday life, we support you with flexible working hours.</li><li><strong>Travel Allowance &amp; Holiday Pay: </strong>In addition to your salary, we support your daily way to work with a travel allowance and you get holiday pay as well.</li><li><strong>Company pension plan: </strong>Your future is important to us, which is why we support you with your pension plan. </li><li><strong>Sports Offers: </strong>To further boost your health, you can use our on-site fitness center as well as the external sports offer of Rodan Vitaal.</li><li><strong>Onboarding: </strong>We make sure that you feel comfortable with us from day one.</li><li><strong>Team- &amp; Company Events: </strong>One team, one goal. Individual team events and regular company events are high on our list.</li><li><strong>Training &amp; Development: </strong>We encourage constant learning and growth through internal and external training and workshops.</li><li><strong>Staff Canteen: </strong>Our staff canteen takes care of your culinary well-being. There are also free drinks available.</li><li><strong>Employee Discount: </strong>We offer you discounts in our online shop.</li></ul> <p><br /></p> <p><strong>About us<br /></strong>SHOP APOTHEKE EUROPE is an international e-commerce company with headquarters in the Netherlands, offices in Cologne &amp; Berlin and further locations in Europe. As one of Europe's leading e-pharmacies with web shops in seven countries, we ensure that millions of people can rely on us for their health every day. We are growing extremely dynamically and are looking for more team players who want to continue this exciting development and the successful growth of the past years together with us!<br /></p> Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Shop-Apotheke
xetra:sae Apr 4th, 2022 12:00AM Team Lead for our warehouse in Venlo (m/f/d) Fulltime Open Shop Apotheke Europe Venlo, LI, NL Venlo LI NLD Jan 31st, 2022 12:00AM <p>Shop Apotheke Europe is one of the fastest growing companies in the Venlo region. Let's grow together!<br /></p> <p><strong>For our logistics centre in Sevenum we are looking for a:</strong></p> <p><strong>Team Lead (m/f/d)</strong></p> <p><em>Would you like a responsible job in a dynamic environment? Then join us !</em></p> <p><em><br /></em></p> <p><strong>About the role</strong></p> <p>As a Team Lead in our brand new logistics centre, you will ensure the operational processes within your area. Together with your team you will make sure that quality and quantity standards are met so our customers stay satisfied with our services.</p> <p>In this role you will coach, train and motivate your team members (20-50) and coordinate daily tasks. You will work closely with colleague Team leads and you will report to the Shift Manager.</p> <p><strong><br /></strong></p> <p><strong>Your Tasks</strong></p> <ul><li>Coordinate and monitor daily operations.</li><li>First contact person for our logistics talents.</li><li>Boost new ideas and creativity in your team and implement new processes.</li><li>Train and motivate employees and stimulate personal development of team members.</li><li>Prepare personnel schedules in day-to-day business.</li><li>Checking presence, break times and working hours.</li><li>Prepare documentation for shift hand-overs.</li></ul><br /><p><strong>Your Profile</strong></p> <p>We are looking for someone who has a strong sense of responsibility and who is a natural leader. You have experience in logistics and you are familiar with warehouse processes. You are able to work in a dynamic environment and you have the ability to work shifts.</p> <ul><li>You have a positive influence on work ethics and atmosphere.</li><li>Knowledge of warehouse processes.</li><li>High level of initiative and decision making ability.</li><li>Strong problem solving skills.</li><li>Hands-on mentality.</li><li>You comprehend the needs of both internal and external customers.</li><li>You are honest and have an open personality and gain trust of your co-workers.</li><li>You are a team player and customer oriented.</li><li>You have a strong personality and can communicate easily.</li><li>German and English skills are required, Dutch would be an advantage.</li></ul> <p><br /></p> <p><strong>Your Benefits</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Flexibility: </strong>Whether you need to cater for your family needs or you are simply looking for more flexibility in everyday life, we support you with flexible working hours.</li> <li><strong>Travel Allowance &amp; Holiday Pay: </strong>In addition to your salary, we support your daily way to work with a travel allowance and you get holiday pay as well.</li><li><strong>Company pension plan: </strong>Your future is important to us, which is why we support you with your pension plan. </li> <li><strong>Sports Offers: </strong>To further boost your health, you can use our on-site fitness center as well as the external sports offer of Rodan Vitaal.</li> <li><strong>Onboarding: </strong>We make sure that you feel comfortable with us from day one.</li> <li><strong>Team- &amp; Company Events: </strong>One team, one goal. Individual team events and regular company events are high on our list.</li> <li><strong>Training &amp; Development: </strong>We encourage constant learning and growth through internal and external training and workshops.</li> <li><strong>Staff Canteen: </strong>Our staff canteen takes care of your culinary well-being. There are also free drinks available.</li> <li><strong>Employee Discount: </strong>We offer you discounts in our online shop.</li> </ul> <p><br /></p> <p><strong>About us<br /> </strong>SHOP APOTHEKE EUROPE is an international e-commerce company with headquarters in the Netherlands, offices in Cologne &amp; Berlin and further locations in Europe. As one of Europe's leading e-pharmacies with web shops in seven countries, we ensure that millions of people can rely on us for their health every day. We are growing extremely dynamically and are looking for more team players who want to continue this exciting development and the successful growth of the past years together with us!<br /></p> Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Shop-Apotheke
xetra:sae Apr 4th, 2022 12:00AM Learning & Training Specialist Logistics (m/f/d) Open Shop Apotheke Europe Venlo, LI, NL Venlo LI NLD Jan 31st, 2022 12:00AM <p>Shop Apotheke Europe is one of the fastest growing companies in the Venlo region. Let's grow together!<br /><br /></p> <p>For our logistics centre in Venlo we are looking for an enthusiastic:</p> <p><strong>Learning &amp; Training Specialist Logistics Fulltime (m/f/d)</strong></p> <p><em>An independent, challenging position in a fun team within an entrepreneurial and vibrant culture.</em></p> <p><em><br /></em></p> <p><strong>About the role</strong></p> <p>At SHOP APOTHEKE EUROPE we are currently looking for a Learning &amp; Development Expert that can help us improve our onboarding and employee training processes within our logistical department. Employee education on the shop floor is an extraordinary context and we are looking for a full-time member that can help us to develop learning programs on-site and online.</p> <p><strong><br /></strong></p> <p><strong>Your Tasks</strong></p> <ul><li>Analyse training needs on the shop floor.</li><li>Create standardised innovative logistic learning concepts.</li><li>Implement and monitor success of the learning &amp; training concepts.</li><li>Ensure end-to-end documentation of all logistic processes for training purposes according to our compliance guidelines.</li><li>Facilitate learning and development projects in our logistic department in close collaboration with HR and Quality.</li><li>Define and implement digital solutions based on newest innovation you can find on the market.</li><li>You are a sparring partner and support lower and middle management in identifying skills gaps on the shop floor while acting as an internal coach in terms of methodological support.</li></ul><br /><p><strong>Your Profile</strong></p> <p>You enjoy working in the logistic department and can communicate on all levels. </p> <ul><li>You have practical experience creating learning &amp; training concepts.</li><li>You are a people focused person with hands-on mentality.</li><li>Preferably you gained some work experience in a logistic environment.</li><li>You have the ability to drive structural change and have a passion for continuous improvement.</li><li>You enjoy dealing with different target groups and you are able to develop and implement suitable concepts in a tailor-made manner, creatively and in accordance with the corporate strategy.</li><li>Good communication skills in English and German are required, Dutch would be an advantage.</li><li>Bachelor or Master degree in areas such as Learning &amp; Development, Psychology, Change Management, Logistics or Business Administration.</li></ul> <p><br /></p> <p><strong>Your Benefits</strong><br /></p> <ul><li><strong>Flexibility:</strong> Whether you need to cater for your family needs or you are simply looking for more flexibility in everyday life, we support you with flexible working hours.</li><li><strong>Travel Allowance &amp; Holiday Pay:</strong> In addition to your salary, we support your daily way to work with a travel allowance and you get holiday pay as well.</li><li><strong>Company pension plan: </strong>Your future is important to us, which is why we support you with your pension plan. </li><li><strong>Sports Offers:</strong> To further boost your health, you can use our on-site fitness center as well as the external sports offer of Rodan Vitaal.</li><li><strong>Onboarding:</strong> We make sure that you feel comfortable with us from day one.</li><li><strong>Team- &amp; Company Events:</strong> One team, one goal. Individual team events and regular company events are high on our list.</li><li><strong>Training &amp; Development:</strong> We encourage constant learning and growth through internal and external training and workshops.</li><li><strong>Staff Canteen:</strong> Our staff canteen takes care of your culinary well-being. There are also free drinks available.</li><li><strong>Employee Discount:</strong> We offer you discounts in our online shop.<strong><br /></strong></li></ul> <p><br /></p> <p><strong>About us</strong><br />SHOP APOTHEKE EUROPE is an international e-commerce company with headquarters in the <br />Netherlands, offices in Cologne &amp; Berlin and further locations in Europe. As one of Europe's leading <br />e-pharmacies with web shops in seven countries, we ensure that millions of people can rely on us for <br />their health every day. We are growing extremely dynamically and are looking for more team players <br />who want to continue this exciting development and the successful growth of the past years <br />together with us!</p> Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Shop-Apotheke
xetra:sae Apr 4th, 2022 12:00AM PTA Kundenberatung in Venlo (m/w/d) (2) Open Shop Apotheke Europe Venlo, LI, NL Venlo LI NLD Feb 10th, 2022 12:00AM <p><strong>Willkommen bei Shop Apotheke Europe</strong>, die mit am schnellsten wachsende Online-Apotheke Europas. Unser Service richtet sich an die ganze Familie in mittlerweile sieben Ländern in den Bereichen OTC-, Schönheits- und Pflegeprodukte, sowie rezeptpflichtige Medikamente. Zudem wird das Sortiment durch hochwertige Naturkost- und Gesundheitsprodukte, Low-Carb-Produkte und Sportnahrung über die Marke nu3 ergänzt.</p> <p>Die Gesundheit der Kunden steht dabei immer im Mittelpunkt unseres täglichen Handelns, genau wie ein gesundes Arbeitsklima unserer Mitarbeiter. <strong>Das Rezept dahinter?</strong> Uns bei der Shop Apotheke ist deine kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung sehr wichtig, kurze Entscheidungswege und ein weltoffenes Team, das in enger Zusammenarbeit mit allen internen Abteilungen agiert. <br /> <br /> Wir suchen empathische, hilfsbereite &amp; verantwortungsbewusste Teamplayer:innen zur Verstärkung unseres Pharmaservice. Wachse gemeinsam mit uns und setzte deine Passion für deinen Beruf in der Pharmazie direkt bei uns um als ein/e <strong><br /></strong><strong>Pharmazeutisch-technischen Assistenten (PTA) (m/w/d) in Vollzeit oder Teilzeit am Standort Venlo</strong> <strong>in der Kundenberatung</strong><strong><br /></strong></p> <p><strong><br /> DEINE AUFGABEN</strong></p> <ul><li>Für die telefonische oder schriftliche Kundenberatung zur Arzneimittel-Anwendung und Selbstbehandlung bist du der Experte </li><li>Die genaue pharmazeutische Kontrolle der erfassten Kunden-Aufträge unter Berücksichtigung von Patientendaten, Interaktionen und Kontraindikationen gehören zu deinen täglichen Hauptaufgaben</li><li>Du führst regelmäßige Rücksprachen mit Ärzten und unseren Kunden</li><li>Verantwortungsvolle Beratung und Betreuung von chronisch kranken Patienten im Rahmen unserer Chronic-Care Programme sind Bestandteil unseres Services</li><li>Du erstellst Informationsmaterialien für Patienten</li><li>Die Datenerfassung und Dokumentation in unserem internen Verwaltungssystem ist wichtiger Bestandteil deiner Aufgabenbereiche</li><li>Du stehst im kontinuierlichen Austausch und Support mit anderen pharmazeutischen Abteilungen und bist so wichtiger Kontaktpunkt für die Einhaltung unseres Serviceversprechens</li><li>Du wirkst bei der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung unserer Arbeitsabläufe immer mit – denn nur gemeinsam können wir etwas bewegen! </li></ul><br /><p><strong>DEIN PROFIL</strong></p> <ul><li>Du hast eine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung zur/m PTA (w/m/d)<br /> (Pharmazeutisch-technische Assistenten)</li><li>Kommunikation ist ganz klar deine Stärke, die du mündlich, sowie schriftlich effizient einbringen kannst</li><li>Du lebst ein hohes Maß an Sorgfalt, Zuverlässigkeit, sowie eine ausgeprägte Servicementalität </li><li>Eine schnelle Auffassungsgabe &amp; Erfahrung im Umgang mit MS Office-Programmen legen die Grundlage deines Arbeitsalltages</li><li>Du hast verhandlungssichere Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift, andere Fremdsprachen sind hier absolut von Vorteil</li><li>Du arbeitest mit hoher Genauigkeit, Proaktivität &amp; Verantwortungsbewusstsein </li><li>Du bist ein/e Teamplayer:in, denn nur zusammen kommen wir weiter!</li></ul> <p><strong>WIR BIETEN DIR:</strong></p> <ul><li>Abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben in einem innovativen und stark <br /> wachsenden internationalen Unternehmen der E-Commerce Branche, mit mehr als 20 Jahren Markterfahrung</li><li>Startup-Feeling und Mitgestaltungschancen in einem etablierten und führenden Unternehmen der digitalen Medikamentenversorgung</li><li>Krisensicheres Unternehmen - starkes Wachstum trotz Corona<br /></li><li>Für eine betriebliche Altersvorsorge ist gesorgt</li><li>Kontinuierliche Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten </li><li>Individuelle Unterstützung rund um die Thematik “Grenzgänger” <br /> (Leben in Deutschland - Arbeiten in den Niederlanden)</li><li>Du erhältst neben daneben eine zusätzliche Fahrkostenerstattung, sowie eine jährliche Urlaubsgeldauszahlung</li></ul> <p><strong>Haben wir dein Interesse geweckt?</strong> Dann bewirb dich gerne direkt und lerne uns kennen. Wir freuen uns auf Dich!</p> Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Shop-Apotheke
xetra:sae Apr 4th, 2022 12:00AM Expert Product Release and Pharma Compliance Open Shop Apotheke Europe Venlo, LI, NL Venlo LI NLD Mar 15th, 2022 12:00AM <p>Shop Apotheke Europe is one of the fastest growing companies in the Venlo region. Let's grow together!</p> <p><br /></p> <p>For our location in Sevenum we are looking for an:</p> <p><strong>Expert Product Release and Pharma Compliance. </strong><br /></p> <p><i>Are you accurate and eager to learn? Then join our team!</i></p> <p><i><br /></i></p> <p><strong>About the role</strong></p> <p>SHOP APOTHEKE EUROPE is the pioneer in the online pharmacy market in which growth is driven by both the switch from many customers to online retailing and by the continuously increasing demand for prescription and over-the-counter medicines as well as for pharmacy-related beauty and care products.<br /></p> <p><strong>Your tasks</strong></p> <ul><li>Approve products that are added to broaden our assortment according to country specific legislation</li><li>Triggering the correct follow up of our recalls in accordance to health authority instructions</li><li>Contributing to the correct follow-up on notifications of adverse drug reactions</li><li>Contribute to the overall Quality and Compliance of our Pharmacy</li></ul><br /><p><strong>Your profile</strong></p> <ul><li>You have a pharmaceutical or medical background and several years of experience within this field</li><li>You have proven experience with regulatory requirements within the pharmaceutical system</li><li>You have a good sense of customer needs and act always in favor of patient safety</li><li>You are eager to learn more within the field of Pharma Compliance</li><li>Experience with Excel, Word and Ax is preferred</li></ul> <p><br /></p> <p><strong>Your Benefits</strong></p> <ul><li><strong>Flexibility: </strong>Whether you need to cater for your family needs or you are simply looking for more flexibility in everyday life, we support you with flexible working hours.</li><li><strong>Travel Allowance &amp; Holiday Pay: </strong>In addition to your salary, we support your daily way to work with a travel allowance and you get holiday pay as well.</li><li> <strong>Company pension plan: </strong>Your future is important to us, which is why we support you with your pension plan. </li><li><strong>Sports Offers: </strong>To further boost your health, you can use our on-site fitness center as well as the external sports offer of Rodan Vitaal.</li><li><strong>Onboarding: </strong>We make sure that you feel comfortable with us from day one.</li><li><strong>Team- &amp; Company Events: </strong>One team, one goal. Individual team events and regular company events are high on our list.</li><li><strong>Training &amp; Development: </strong>We encourage constant learning and growth through internal and external training and workshops.</li><li><strong>Staff Canteen: </strong>Our staff canteen takes care of your culinary well-being. There are also free drinks available.</li><li><strong>Employee Discount: </strong>We offer you discounts in our online shop.</li></ul> <p><br /></p> <p><strong>About us<br /></strong>SHOP APOTHEKE EUROPE is an international e-commerce company with headquarters in the Netherlands, offices in Cologne &amp; Berlin and further locations in Europe. As one of Europe's leading e-pharmacies with web shops in seven countries, we ensure that millions of people can rely on us for their health every day. We are growing extremely dynamically and are looking for more team players who want to continue this exciting development and the successful growth of the past years together with us!</p> Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Shop-Apotheke
xetra:sae Apr 4th, 2022 12:00AM Senior Backend / Fullstack Engineer (m/w/d) in Berlin or Remote (Germany) Open Shop Apotheke Europe Berlin, BE, DE Berlin BE DEU Aug 11th, 2021 12:00AM <p>At Shop Apotheke we are all about health! Our e-pharmacy serves close to 8M customers across Europe, and we welcome new users every week. We are growing the existing platform and adding entirely new services to it. Our goal is to enable our customers to live their healthiest lives possible.</p> <p><br /></p> <p>We are looking for a <strong>Backend / </strong><strong>Fullstack</strong> <strong>Engineer </strong>to come and build with us!</p> <p><strong><br /></strong></p> <p><strong>Our tech stack</strong><strong><br /></strong>TypeScript, ES6,  Node.js, Java, React.js, Next.js, Redux.js, Varnish, Docker, Google Cloud, Kubernetes, RabbitMQ, REST-APIs </p> <p><strong><br /></strong></p> <p><strong>Your profile</strong></p> <ul><li>You understand that seniority is not the number of years of experience but the <strong>a</strong><strong>bility to make a genuine impact,</strong> to be proactive and to take ownership.</li><li>You have built services at scale with Node.js and TypeScript.</li><li>You are open to <strong>working 80% on the backend and 20% on the frontend</strong>.</li><li>You have a cloud DevOps / infrastructure mindset (Docker, Kubernetes) and know how to set up a CI/CD pipeline.</li><li>You like to test your code before the QA engineers do it and you are experienced with unit and integration testing.</li><li>You enjoy designing and building new features from scratch.</li><li>You feel responsible for your code and actively check production logs/alerts to make sure it runs well as expected.</li></ul> <p><br /></p> <p><br /></p><br /><p><strong>Your tasks</strong></p> <ul><li>You will play an active role in our developer community, participating in tech decisions and influencing the tech vision of your peers.</li><li>You will <strong>add functionality to our API gateway</strong> that is the link between our customer-facing applications and our domain-driven services in the cloud.</li><li>You will <strong>extend and create new backend services</strong> in a variety of domains that interact with other internal and external applications.</li><li>You will <strong>create and consume API endpoints</strong> based on contracts that have been defined with your colleagues.</li><li>You will work with RabbitMQ to ensure <strong>scalable, asynchronous communication between services</strong></li><li>You will work on new features that are designed with <strong>high-performance and scalability in mind.</strong></li><li>You will work in a <strong>small, cross-functional team</strong> with other frontend and backend engineers, QA engineers, a Product Owner as well as an Agile Coach.</li><li>You will work with colleagues that love collaborating and achieving successes together. Our company embraces an<strong> open feedback culture, allowing for open communication within our teams.</strong></li><li>You will <strong>design, code and deploy features that are used by millions of people across Europe. </strong>Our current active customer base is 7.9M customers.</li></ul> <p><br /></p> <p><strong>Your benefits</strong></p> <ul><li>An <strong>agile and outcome-oriented organisation,</strong> where respect for talent and honest work are fundamental values. </li><li><strong>Direct communication, respect and collegial approach </strong>are vital points of our code of conduct. </li><li>We are a <strong>diverse, international team and English is our working language</strong>. </li><li><strong>Your growth helps our growth</strong>. We have a training budget dedicated to the engineering team, and it’s up to you to choose what conferences or workshops you spend it on. </li><li>In case you want to learn German, we support you with free German classes. </li><li><strong>You can devote 10% of your working time to personal development projects. </strong>Be it things that are close to your heart; frontend community tasks; or tackling a problem that you wouldn’t deal with otherwise. </li><li>For parents, we offer a monthly subsidy for kindergarten.</li><li>10% employee discount on all over the counter and beauty &amp; wellness products in our online store. </li></ul> <p><strong><br /></strong></p> <p><strong>Remote work</strong></p> <p>We offer the possibility to work from home on a voluntary basis: our offices remain open, but you chose if you work from home or from the office. If you do home-office this means you can work from anywhere within Germany.</p> <p>We have "anchor days" (team get-togethers) on which every team member is required to come to the office that they are assigned to, either Berlin or Cologne. We estimate one or two team get-togethers per month will be held in the future. Currently, due to the pandemic situations, teams do not have in-person anchor days.</p> <p><strong><br /></strong></p> <p><strong>About us</strong><br />SHOP APOTHEKE EUROPE is an international e-commerce company with headquarters in the Netherlands, offices in Cologne &amp; Berlin and further locations in Europe. As one of Europe's leading e-pharmacies with web shops in seven countries, we ensure that millions of people can rely on us for their health every day. We are growing extremely dynamically and are looking for more team players who want to continue this exciting development and the successful growth of the past years together with us!</p> Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Shop-Apotheke
xetra:sae Apr 4th, 2022 12:00AM Scrum Master / Agile Coach (m/f/d) in Cologne, Berlin or Remote (from Germany) Open Shop Apotheke Europe Köln, NW, DE Köln NW DEU Aug 11th, 2021 12:00AM <p>At Shop Apotheke we are all about health! Our e-pharmacy serves close to 7M customers across Europe, and we welcome new users every week. We are growing the existing platform and adding entirely new services to it. Our goal is to enable our customers to live their healthiest lives possible.<br /></p> <p></p> <p><strong>We are looking for a Scrum Master/Agile Coach (m/f/d) to join us!</strong></p> <p><br /></p> <p><strong>Your tasks</strong></p> <ul><li>As a Scrum Master/ Agile Coach you support max. 2 development teams to better their self-organization</li><li>You strive to develop and sustain high- performing teams</li><li>You facilitate Scrum meetings confidently and proactively</li><li>You ensure proper flow in your teams and focus on delivering value</li><li>You establish effective collaboration methods like pair-/mob-programming and swarming</li><li>You create transparency about activities and challenges in your team and foster close collaboration across the organization</li><li>You are part of our Agile Coaches community, and work closely together to overcome silos</li></ul><br /><p><strong>Your profile</strong></p> <ul><li>You have experience as a Scrum Master/ Agile Coach</li><li>You share our drive of being user-centric</li><li>You are able to build trust and resolve conflicts effectively</li><li>You give feedback with insight and candour to teams and individuals</li><li>You are solution-orientated, and focus on results and delivering customer value</li><li>You have excellent communication skills in English</li><li>You can work remotely (from Germany) most of the time, but you are open to come to the offices in Cologne and/ or Berlin regularly to meet for workshops or similar</li></ul> <p><strong><br /></strong></p> <p><strong>Your benefits</strong><br /></p> <ul><li><strong>Flexibility: </strong>Whether you need to cater for your family needs or you are simply looking for more flexibility in everyday life, we support you with flexible working hours.</li><li><strong>Job-Ticket: </strong>With the job ticket, you can get to work completely relaxed. We are financing this 100% for the VRS area.<br /></li><li><strong>Retirement: </strong>In order to prepare you for your future, we have various retirement options that are tailored to your current life situation.<br /></li><li><strong>Training &amp; Development: </strong>10% of our time budget is allocated to professional and personal growth. In addition to German and English courses, there are further internal and external training courses available.</li><li><strong>Sports Offers: </strong>To further boost your health, we offer you a membership at Urban Sports Club.</li><li><strong>Onboarding: </strong>We make sure that you feel comfortable with us from day one.</li><li><strong>Team- &amp; Company Events: </strong>One team, one goal. Individual team events and regular company events are high on our list.<br /></li><li><strong>Employee Discount: </strong>We offer you discounts in our online shop.<br /></li><li><strong>Kindergarten Subsidy: </strong>As an additional incentive for parents, we offer a monthly subsidy for kindergarten.</li></ul> <p><strong><br /></strong></p> <p><strong>Remote work</strong></p> <p>We offer the possibility to work from home on a voluntary basis: our offices remain open, but you chose if you work from home or from the office. If you do home-office this means you can work from anywhere <strong>within Germany.</strong></p> <p>We have "anchor days" (team get-togethers) on which every team member is required to come to the office that they are assigned to, either Berlin or Cologne. We estimate one or two team get-togethers per month will be held in the future. Currently, due to the pandemic situations, teams do not have in-person anchor days.</p> <p><br /></p> <p><strong>About us</strong></p> <p>SHOP APOTHEKE EUROPE is an international ecommerce company with headquarters in the Netherlands, offices in Cologne &amp; Berlin and further locations in Europe. As one of Europe's leading epharmacies with web shops in seven countries, we ensure that millions of people can rely on us for their health every day. We are growing extremely dynamically and are looking for more team players who want to continue this exciting development and the successful growth of the past years together with us!</p> Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Apr 4th, 2022 07:58PM Shop-Apotheke

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